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66 E a Previous Years’ CBSE Board Questions _/ 3.3 Electric Currents in Conductors RS 1 marty et 1. How does the random motion of free electrons in a conductor get affected when apotential difference is applied across its ends? (Delhi 2014C) 3.4 Ohm's Law Ee — _— 2. Apotential difference of 200 V is maintained across ‘a conductor of resistance 100 2. The number of electrons passing through itin 1 sis (a) 125% 10" (b) 25x10" (©) 125«10% (a) 25x10" (erm 1 2021-22) 3, Theratio of current density and electric ieldiscalled (a) resistivity (b) conductivity {c). driftvelocity (@) mobility (2020) OR In a current carrying conductor , the ratio of the electric field and the current density at a point is called (@) resistivity (0) resistance (mark) ‘A copper wire of non-uniform area of cross-section is connected to a dc. battery. The physical quantity which remains constant along. the wire is __.. {b) conductivity (a) mobil (2020) (2020) (R) | 5. Define the term ‘electrical conductivity’ of a metallic wire,WriteitsS..unit. (Al 2017C, Delhi 2014) (R) EM eamarks) a 6. Ametal rod of square cross-sectional area A having length | has current | flowing through it when a potential difference of Vvoltis appliedacrossits ends (figure I). Now the rod is cut parallel to its length into two identical pieces and joined as shown in figure Il. What potentialdifference must bemaintainedacross | 14. the length of 2!so that thecurrentin the rodis still? —I—w + — +S z va! T Tree se o w s (Foreign 2016) (Bp), BMI Garis) 7. Differentiate between electrical resistance and > _Tesistivity ofa conductor. (1/3, 2020) (R}) - (GEIEICASE Champion Physics Cass ty Jectric circuits shown in the figure, ee ideal ammeter (A) and the, determine the readings of ideal voltmeter (V). (Delhi 2015C) (i) 3.5 Drift of Electrons and the Origin of Resistivity 9. Ifn.e,t and m have their usual meanings, then the “ of length I and cross-sectional resistance of a wir area Ais given by ne?A ml @ FF 0 a neta om (fer 12021-22) (U} EES 1 maria 10. Howis the drift velocity in a conductor ‘affected with the rise in temperature? (Delhi 2019) 41. Define the term drift velocity of charge carriers in a conductor and write its relationship with the current flowing throughit. (Delhi 2014) 12. Write the expression for the drift velocity of charge carriers in a conductor of length ‘’ across which a potential difference'V isapplied. (Al 2024C) (Bt) HEN e2maris) 13. Define the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a current carrying conductor. Obtain the relationship between the current density and the drift velocity of electrons. (2020) Define the term ‘mobility’ of charge carriers in 2 current carrying conductor. Obtain the relation for mobility interms of relaxation time. (2020) (U) OR Define mobility ofa charge carrier. Write the relation expressing mobility in terms of relaxation time. Give itsSlunit. (a120130) O) . Using the concept of drift velocity of charge carriers jn a conductor, deduce the relationship between current density and resistivity of the conductot (Delhi 2015¢) (A) Current Electricity 46. Estimate the average drift speed of conduction electrons in,a copper wire of cross-sectional area 1.0 10°” m? carrying a current of 1.5 A. Assume the density of conduction electrons to be 9% 10" ms. (al2014) 17, Explain the term ‘drift velocity’ of electrons in a conductor. Hence obtain the expression for the current through a conductor in terms of ‘drift velocity: (A12013) (Ap) Write arelation between current and drift velocity of electrons in a conductor. Use this relation to explain how the resistance of a conductor changes with the rise in temperature. (Delhi 2013¢) (ERM (3 marks) __ see (a). Define the term ‘conductivity’ of a metallic: c Writeits St unit. (b) Using the concept of free electrons in a conductor, derive the expression for the conductivity of a wire in terms of number density and relaxation time. Hence obtain the relation between current density and the applied electric field E. (2018) Find the relation between drift velocity and relaxation time of charge carriers ina conductor. (b) A conductor of length L is connected to a d.c. source of em£. V. IF the length of the conductor it, keeping V constant. Explain how drift velocity would be affected. (a12015) 21. Asteady current flows ina metallic conductor of non- uniform cross-section. Which of these quantities is constant along the conductor : current, current 20. (a) density, electric field, drift speed ? (1/3, Delhi 2025) _ in between current I flowing, 22. (a) Deduce the relat through aconductor and drift velocity V4 ofthe | electrons. (b) Figure shows plot of current'l' flowing through the cross-section of a wire versus the time ‘t. Use the plot to find the charge flowing in 10 sec through the wire. Way 10. 10 & GEER s marks) __ = ay) Derive an expression for it Gelocity of electrons in a cor ‘Ohm's law. GRAM mark) = | 5 19)((A1 20150) (AB) inductor. Hence deduce | ‘Awire whose cross-sectional area is increasing | linearly from its one end to the other, is: 67 connected across a battery of V volts. Which of the following quantities remain constant in the (0) drift speed {b) current density (2 electriccurrent _(¢)_electric field Justify your answer. (Delhi 2017) (Ev) 24. Define the term ‘drift velocity’ of charge carriers in a conductor. Obtain the expression for the current density in terms of relaxation time. (2/5, Foreign 2014) 3.6 Limitations of Ohm’s Law (1mark) se \Graph showing the variation of current versus voltage for a material S| GaAs is shown in the figure. Identify 5 the region of i Voragev—> (negative resistance where Ohm's law is obeyed. 3.7. Resistivity of Various Materials 26. The resistance of a metal wire increasing temperature on account of, (a) decrease in free electron density (b) decrease in relaxation time (©) increase in mean free path (d)_ increase in the mass of electron. 27. Resistivity of a given conductor depends upon (a) temperature (b) length of conductor (©) areaof cross-section (d)_ shape of the conductor. 3.8 Temperature Dependence of Resistivity een = 28. Which of the following has negative temperature coefficient of resistivity? (2) Metal (b) Metal and semiconductor () Semiconductor (d)_ Metal and alloy. (betni2025) creases with (2020) (2020) (Term! 2021-22) (R) 29. LV graph for a metallic wire at two different temperatures, T; and Tz is as shown in the figure. Which of the two temperatures is lower and why? Ty aearf n = (al 2015) (ia) 68 30. Plot a graph showing the variation of resistivity of a ‘conductor with temperature. (Foreign 2015) Show variation of resistivity of copper as a function of temperature in a graph. (Delhi 2014) Plot a graph showing variation of current versus voltage for the material GaAs. (Delhi 2014) 33. How does one explain increase in resistivity of a metal with increase of temperature? (Al 2014C) 34. Plot a graph showing the variation of resistance of a conducting wire as a function of its radius. Keeping the length of the wire and its temperature as constant, (Foreign 2013) (U) 35. Two materials Si and Cu, are cooled from: 300 K to 60 K. What will be the effect on their resistivity? (Foreign 2013) SM (2 marks) : 36. Draw a graph showing variation of resistivity with temperature for nichrome. Which property of nichrome is used to make standard resistance coils ? 31, 32. (A12013¢) (88) HEN (a marts) Soe nee! 37. (i) The graph between resistance (R) and temperature (T) for Hg is shown in the figure. Explain the behaviour of Hg near 4 K. 74 6 8 TW is the resistance negative and why? i | Current: Voltage VV (2/3,A12019) 3.9 Electrical Energy, Power 38. The electric power consumed by a 220 V~ 100W | bulb when operated at 110 Vis (a) 25W (b) 30W (©) 35W (d) 45W {Term | 2021-22) (tmark) ie 39. Nichrome and copper: °s of same length and same radius are connected in series. Current | is passed through them. Which wire gets heated up more? | Justify your answer. (412017) &) In which region of the graph shown in the figure | a (HEE CBSE Champion Physics Classy GEM (2 marks) 40. Two bulbs are rated (P,, V) and (Pa, V). If they are connected (i) in series and (i) in parallel acros: a supply V, find the power dissipated in the combinationsin terms of Pyand Pa, (Delhi2019 3.11 Cells, Emf, Internal Resistance ee 41. Ina de circuit the direction of current inside the battery and outside the battery respectively are — (2) positive to negative terminal and negative to positive terminal (b) positive to negative terminal and positive to negative terminal (c)_ negative to positive terminal and positive to negative terminal (4) negative to positive terminal and negative to positive terminal. (Term | 2021-22) (R) 42. A cell of internal resistance r connected across an external resistance R can supply maximum current when fa) R (b) Ror () R=1/2 (d) R=0 (2020) MBM mag) 43. The plot of the variation of potential difference across a combination of three identical cells in series versus current is shown in the figure. What is the emf and internal resistance of — o each cell? <2 TAS (A12016) (ia) 44. The emf of a cell is always greater than its terminal voltage. Why? Give reason. (Delhi 2013) OR Why is the terminal voltage of a cell less than its emf? {Al 2013C) HMM 2 marks) 45. Acellof emf'E’ and internal resistance’r is connected across a variable resistor 'R: Plot a graph showing variation of terminal voltage V’ of the cell versus the current ‘T. Using the plot, show how the emf of the cell and its internal resistance can be determined. (ai2014) ish between emf (e) and terminal voltage (V) of acell having internal resistance’?: (b) Draw a plot showing the variation of terminal voltage (V) vs the current (1) drawn from the cll Using this plot, how does one determine the internal resistance of thecell? (al 20140) | 47. A battery of emf E and.internal resistance r when | connected across an external resistance of 12 2 Current Electricity produces a current of 0.5 A. When connected across a resistance of 25 Q, it produces a current of 0.25 A. Determine (i) the emf and (i) the internal resistance ofthe cell. (A12013¢) (Rp) | (3 marks) = 48. Drawa graph showing the variation of current versus voltage in an electrolyte when an external resistance is alsoconnected. (1/3, 12019) (R) 49. (a) The potential difference applied across a given resistor is altered so that the heat produced per second increases by a factor of 9. By what factor does the applied potential difference change? (0) Inthe figure shown, an ammeter A anda resistor of 4 Q are connected to the terminals of the source. The emf of the source is 12 V having an internal resistance of 2 Q. Calculate the voltmeter and ammeter readings. Pe: R40, (a12017) &) 50, Acellofemf'E’ and internal resistance'r’is connected across avariable load resistor R. Draw the plots of the terminal voltage V versus (i) R and (ii) the current I Itis found that when R = 4, the current is 1 A and when R is increased to 9 , the current reduces to 0.5 A. Find the values of the emf E and internal resistancer. (Delhi 2015) 3.12 Cells in Series and in Parallel ps 51. Two sources of equal emf are connected in series. This combination is, in turn connected to an external resistance R. The internal resistance of two sources arer,and ra (rz> r)). Ifthe potential difference across the source of internal resistance ra is zero, then R equals to — tn @ 12 nn © 22 @ +> » moh if (Term | 2021-22) HRS (1 mark 52. Under what condition will the current in a wire be the same when connected in series and in parallel of nidentical cells each having internal resistance rand; external resistance R? (al 2015) (i) 53. Two identical cells, each of émf E, having negligible fernal resistance, are connected in’ parallel with | each other across an external resistance’. What is | the current through this resistance? ~ (Al2013) i 69 (EME (2 marks) ati Se 54, A 10 V cell of negligible internal resistance iS connected in parallel across @ battery of emf 200 V and internal resistance 38 2 as shown in the figure. Find the value of current in the circuit. 10v — L_ ‘200V (2018) 55. Two cells of emfs 1.5 V and 2.0 V having internal resistances 0.2 2 and 0.3 Q respectively are Connected in parallel. Calculate the emf and internal resistance of the equivalent cell. (Delhi 2016) (An) GSM smarks) 56. (a) Two cells of emf E; and E, have their ifernal resistances r, and rp, respectively. Deduce an ‘expression for the equivalent ‘emf and internal resistance of their parallel combination when connected across an external resistance R Assume that the two cells are supporting each other. (b) Incase the two cells are identical, each of emf E=5V and internal resistance r= 2.9, calculate voltage across the external resistance R= 10.2. (2020) 382 3.13 Kirchhoff’s Rules fea 57. Kirchhoff's first rule 1 = O and second rule EIR = 2E (where the symbols have their usual meanings) are respectively based on (a) conservation of momentum and conservation of charge (b) conservation of energy, conservation of charge (2) conservation of charge, conservation of momentum (@)_ conservation of charge, conservation of energy. (Term | 2021-22) Case Study: ‘An experiment was set up with the circuit diagram | shown in figure. Given that Ry = 2,1=02 andé =5V A g f 58. The points with the same potential are — @ bod () thi ( def @) obj al CBSE Champion Physics Clg 59. Thecurrent through branch bgis, peepee 1 @) 4 7 @ 1A) 5A 8 ol 92 A 60. The power dissipated in Ry is Wm, (a) 2W (b) 25W () 3W (ad) 45W ee (Oe. 2015) 3) 61. The potential difference across R3is (a) 15V (b) 2V. () 25V_ (a) 3V (Term 1 2021-22) State the two Kirchhoff’s laws. Explain brie, how these rules are justified. 62. Kirchhoff's first rule at a junction in an electrical es fi network, deals with conservation of (ii) The current is drawn (a) energy (b) charge fromacellofemfEand A lb (©) momentum internal _ resistance (d) both energy and charge (2020) | r eed to ane a network of resist ma ts each of resistance ras 63. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to determine the potential | shown in the figure. Obtain the expression for ference between the points A and D when no (2) the current drawn from the cell and (b) the current flows in the BE of the electric network shown power consumed in the network. (Delhi 2017 inthe figure. : E | 3.14 Wheatstone Bridge F D “ $2, » ESM 2 marks) 69. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to obtain the case for the nin a Wheatstone bridge. R | balance cond 20 sav | (2020, Deihi 2015) 1 | | 70. Calculate the current drawn from the battery by the c network of resistors shown in the figure. | | ev Bay (a12015) (©) A 64. State Kirchhoff’s rules. Explains briefly how these _ [eee rules are justified, (Delhi 2014) | 59 p 49 65. In the electric network shown in the figure, use _ ¢ Kirchhoff's rules to calculate the power consumed by the resistance R= 4.Q. 4 : . av (12015) (i) ima Calculate the value of current drawn form a 5 V a-40 | battery in the circuit as shown. B > AW |D ih i 100 1c iF I al_ 50 p 102 | 200 p En6v (Delhi 2014C) (Hp) 66. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to determine the value of the Se current I; flowing in the circuit shown inthe figure. | i tye goa 4 : - [eee Seeeeeall oy (Foreign 2013) y [(Smarks) [as Derive an expression of balance for Wheatstone bridge. (14/3, 2020) t > soy Te (Delhi2013¢) | uence (73. 2). State Kirchhof’s rules for an electric network. ENB om: Se (6). Using. Kirchhoff's rules, obtain the balance a Using Kiretosuls aklatethe current trough | condition in terms of the resistances of four nd 200 resistorsinthefollowingcircuit’ | ~-armsof Wheastone bridge. (3/5, Delhi 2013) ere ‘current Electricity 2 Electric Current = : "a battery is connected to the conductor of non- uniform cross section area. The quantities or quantity which remains constan {@) electric eld only (b) driftspeed and electric field (Q)_electric field and current (¢)_ current only. (Term 1 2021-22) (R} 3.4 Ohm's law 2. ifthe ammeter inthe 29 z given circuit shown in the diagram reads 2 A, theresistanceRis E@)t fread (a) 12 (b) 22 () 32 (d) 42 (2019-20) (0) - 3.5. Drift of Electrons and the Origin of Resistivity If the potential difference V applied across a conductor is increased to 2V with its temperature kept constant, the drift velocity of the free electrons inaconductor will (a) remain the same. {b) become half of its previous value. (2) bedoubled of ts initial value. (a) becomezero. (Term (2021-22) (0) (Bmarks)_—_ EAGER sos 4. Derive the expression for drift) velocity of free | electron in terms of relaxation time and electric field applied across a conductor. (2019-20) 37 Resistivity of Various Materials containing two wires of same material, connected In parallel. If the lengths and rac of the wires arein the ratio of 3: passing through the wire will be (a) 2:3 (b) 3:2. © 8:27_.(d),,2 mm | 10. ‘and 2:3, then the ratio of the current 3.8 Temperature dependence of Resistivity 6. Weuse alloys for making standard resistors because they have (2) low temperature coefficient of resistivity and high specific resistance (b) high temperature coefficient of resistivity and low specific resistance (0) low temperature coefficient of resistivity and low specific resistance (d) high temperature coefficient of resistivity and highspecificresistance. (Term! 2021-22) (U) 3.9 Electrical Energy and Power 7. Aconstant voltage is applied between the two ends of a uniform metallic wire, heat ‘H’ is developed in it. If another wire of the same material, double the radius and twice the length as compared to original wire is used then the heat developed in it will be @ H2 (0) Ho () 2H (d) 4H (Term 2021-22) (Bp) 8 Three resistors having values Ri, Rp and Rs are connected in series to a battery. Suppose Ry carries a current of 2.0 A, Ra has a resistance of 3.0 ohms, and Ry dissipates 6.0 watts of power. Then the voltage across Rsis (a) 1Vv (@) 4Vv (Term 12021 -22) 9. The heat produced by 100 W heater in 2 minutes is (be) 2V. () 3V equal to (a) 105K) (b) 16.310 () 120k) (@) 14.2k) (2019-20) (0) 3.14 Cells, Emf, Internal Resistance A. straight line plot showing the terminal _ 54 potential difference (V) of a cell as a function of current (I) drawn from 4 28 schownin the igure. | a The internal resistance of the cell would be then 05 10 15-20 e —>1(Ampere) 2 (a) 280hms (0) 1.4 0hms (©) 1.20hms (a) zero (Term!2021-22) FEM 6 marks) 11. Avariable resistor Ris connected across a cell of emf Eand internal resistance r. (a) Draw the circuit diagram. (b) Plot the graph showing variation of potential drop across R as function of R. (©) At what value of R current in circuit will be (2020-21) (Bn) maximum, Yr CBSE Champion Physics Class 12 12, Astorage battery is of emf 8 V andinternal resistance 0.5 ohmis being charged by d.c supply of 120V using a resistor of 15.5 ohm. @ (0) Draw the circuit diagram. Calculate the potential difference across the battery. ‘What is the purpose of having series resistance (2020-21) (ip) cc) in this circuit? Detailed BMT a Recent, a) i 1. Conductors contain free electrons. In the absence of any externalelectric eld, the freeelectronsareinrandom ‘motion just lke the molecules of gas ina container andthe net current through wire s zero. If the ends of the wire are connected to a battery, an electric field (E) will setup at every point within the wire. Due to electric effect of the battery, the electrons will experience a force in the direction opposite toE. 2. (a):Here, V=200V; R= 1009;t= 1s Let the current is | and the number of electrons are n. 3 (b): Current density is microscopic form of Ohm's law. J= cE. ‘6, conductivity of the material. pnb a ai } = 7 i. | @ Resist | [Topper’s Answer, 2020) | 4. The physical quantity that remains constant along the wire is electric current. : 5. The electrical. conductivity of a metallic wire is defined as the ratio of the current density to the electric field it creates. Itis the reciprocal of resistivity (p), e) Electrical conductivity, (o)=4=4 PoE» S.l.unit = mho m“ or (ohm m)* or Sm-4- 6. From Ohm's law, we have - I V=IR = V=lp— = Vals When the rod is cut parallel, and rejoined by length, the length of the conductor becomes 21, whereas the area decreases to 4. if the current remains the same the potential changes as 4xIp—=4V [Using ()] a vepe PAZ The new potential applied across the metal rod will be four times the original potential (V) 7. Electrical Resistance : (i) The electrical ‘resistance of a conductor is the | obstruction posed by the conductor to the flow of current through it and is denoted by R. Its Sl unit is ohm (Q). )) The resistance of a conductor depends on the length of the conductor, its area of cross-section and nature of the material. : of pall A Resistivity : (i) The specific resistance offered by the conductor of unit length and unit cross sectional area is known as resistivity. It is denoted by p. ) It Slunitis ohm meter (2 m). Resistivity does not depend on the length of the Conductor or its area of cross-section but it depends on temperature and nature of the material. RA pa 8. Infirstcircuit: Reading of ideal voltmeter = 6 V Net potential difference =9+6=15V Total resistance =1+1=20 Current in ammeter {8 7.58 Insecond circuit: Reading of ideal voltmeter = 6 V ! Net potential difference =9-6=3V. current Electricity Total resistance=1+1=20 Current in ammeter 9, (b}: The resistivity pis given by m a Resistanceisgiven by 1 __ ml Repel PA neA ‘Cominoniy| ao ‘> Resistivity depends only on the nature of material and directly proportional to resistance. 40, Drift velocity, v,= "= ie, vy m By increasing temperature relaxation time decreases, therefore we can say that the drift velocity decreases with the rise in temperature. 44, Mobility of a charge carrier is defined as the drift velocity of the charge carrier per ul itis generally denote by p. 73 411. When an electric field is applied across 2 conductor thon the charge carriers inside the conductor move With pn average velocity which is independent of time. This velocity is known as drift velocity (v4) Was Relationship between current (i) and drift velocity T= neAvg Where, ne = amount of charge inside the conductor ‘and A =area of cross-section of conductor 12. = neAvg a {using A= ai} inepl R 419. When an electric field is applied across a conductor then the charge earriers inside the conductor move with tn average velocity which is independent of time. This velocity is known as drift velocity (vd) Current flowingina conductor is given by I= neAvs ey, Current density J=nevg electric field. yaa 74 15. Asweknow that I= neAvy Also current density Jis given by - ii ll ee isparallelto E, ‘2 Acurrent density and an electric field are established in a conductor whenever a potential difference is ale 15 A 9x1 XL6x10 LOX ms 07 = 1042x 10° mst=1mmst 17. When an electric field is applied across a conductor then the charge carriers inside the conductor move with an average velocity which is independent of time. This velocity is known as drift velocity (v,). ‘Total number of free electrons in a conductor PQof length J, cross-sectional area A having n free electrons per unit volume is N=nx volume of conductor PQ or N=nAl P Q —T t Time't’in which an electron moves from P to Q all N free _ electrons pass through cross section Q. tet Va where vgis the drift velocity of electrons in the conductor. Soelectric current flowing through conductor is given by @_Ne_ nAle eo Tag IPA This gives the relation between electric current aid drift | veloci 18. Drift velocit where E is electric m field strength. And the relation between current and drift velocity is |= neAvg. | 19. (a) The electrical conductivity of a metallic vi | fieldit creates. Itis reciprocal of resist | Hence average drift speed, Va Ss (CBSE Champion Physics Clas. 2 o= With rise of temperature, the rate of collision of electrons withions of lattice increases, sorelaxation time decrease, As a result resistivity of the material increases with th, rise of temperature, hence the resistance. res defined as the ratio of the current density RR the electric (0 4 1) Electrical conductivity, (0) pe S..unit = mho m™ or (ohm m)" or S m7? (b) The electric field E exerts an electrostatic force. Ee, ~eE ™ Acceleration of each electron, @ where, m= "mass of an electron charge on an electron +i, 4. (Gi, +0t,)+ (0, +04). n Va where, di, ~ thermal velocities of the electrons &t,,dt, — velocities acquired by electrons ‘TT time elapsed after the collision G40) alegre + li) is the average time Substituting the value of a in equation (i) from ti) eE Electric current flowing through the conductor -Ne_-nAle t Wy ne At pat (22t root m A m GEG. 's the flow of free charges such as electrons. "Vg is the average speed at which charge ERNE etree, os! current Electricity a 20. fo The electric field E exerts an electrostatics Pp Q force -Ee. a ‘celeration ofeach electron, &=—2E n B as oe ed where, A | jn=massof anelectron Uytly tm tn L144] | Time't’in which an electron moves from P to Q.all N free n _ electrons pass through cross section Q. % Fi tet Nava where, where vis the drift velocity of electrons in the conductor. 44,8, > thermal velocities of the electrons So electric current flowing through conductor is given by dx, dt, ->velocities acquired by electrons 6 pee NE. Male Oy nea +4 time elapsed after the coll Pee ey is gives the relation between electric ‘current and drift wu G40, +0,) , aly +t, 4+) velocity. i esr ane " | (b)_ Area under Pt curve on time*axis is charge flowing since Ut +4 0, we get rough the conductor v=o x5x54(10+5)x5=37.5C where, r=22t2*tst——-*% is the average time | 23. (i) The electric field E exerts an electrostatics n force -Ee. elapsed. Substituting the value_of, a tn. equation, (from | Aamleration ofeach electron, Fu equation (i), we have we, ali) ™ Hence average drift speed, where, (0) Interms of potential difference, vy where, So,tripling the length of the conductor L’=3Land keeping |g, ,j, -» thermal velocities of the electrons V constant. the aft velocity will reduce to one third of Ge, — velocities acquired by electrons Initial value. ‘ty t%— time elapsed after the collision Me a gjitha tt =) 7 21. Current is constant in non-uniform cross-section. since 2*% +t 0, we get GEO. a Da ween a7) > Students might be thinking that, cha Tytty tty tet t, uy AT Hatem te o i at thin cross-section of a wire. However, to. maintain: al is the average time constant current electrons move faster at this Cross: where, 1: elapsed. Substituting the value of a in equation (ii) from : 2 = equation (i), we have 22. (@) When an electric field is applied across 2; | _—eE Conductor then the charge carriers inside the conduct Cara re move with an average velocity which is independent t if te : time. This velocity is known as drift velocity (ve). : Uppes sues eri speed t Total number of free electrons in a conductor PQ of | sincel==neAvs length cross-sectional areaA having freeelectrons per | [=neAcV/ml ‘nit volumes je emit [ T neat A” N=nx volume of conductor PQ or N=nAl % Here, we can see that all the variable side are constant for conductor. Hence, les on the right hand @ particular temperature of a tek or Ler 2 VEIR where R= neat (ii) Electric current : The rate Of flow of charge through (a non- uniform conductor) a conductor is same, hence current remains constant, A area of cross-section of the conductor is varying so Current density through wire and drift velocity ofelectron willnot besame. 24. Drift velocity is defined as the average velocity with which the free electrons get drifted towards the positive {end ofthe conductor under the influence ofan external electric field applied Its given by Haney vam meal \herem = mass ofelectron,e= charge of electron E= electric field applied Further |= neg 2 and J=4=5 ney, MEE m 25, {l)_ Region DE has negative resistance property because current decreases with increase in vltage of slope of DE is negative. Ai) Region BC obeys Ohm's law because current varies linearly withthe voltage. Gax=HG. : © The variation between potential ifference (V) and ‘current () through a conductor is represented by a straight line passing through the origin and having a. Constant slope. The reciprocal of slope of line gives resistance, it 26. (b): As resistivity, p: a nett 1 pa Re 27. (a) t 28, (c):Thenegative temperaturecoefficientofresstivty Shows that when temperature. increases, resistivity decreases, Thsis the property of semiconductor. ‘Commonly Made Mistake > Sometimes students may think, all having. identical depe materials have different dependence For example, materials like nic constantan are less likely to with temperature. ws (HE case Champion Physics Cla 2 9. As Rat coh soin!-Vgraph, Ret (Slope of -V gre wv RyV=-Irt+e m+ Comparing (i) and (i) we can say a the graph between V and I is a straight line with a negative slope, as shown in figure. wy For point A, !=0 sol Vase = Intercept on the y-axis. mg... 2 Voltage and current are directly pr a M1 resistance sa constant. 49. (a) ul ne Hoy ot SS EEE CHsE Champion Physics ry H Given heat produce per second Ft, increases by a fact, of 9. Hence, applied potential difference Vincreased by fata, [or E12 b) aE a 32 12 R+r 442 6 2 = E-§a12-202=8V 50. Givensituationisshown fe figure ipegen tne in, = ra (i) Vversus R, Terminal voltage, THR’ T+ Vversus I, vee Rehm —>. WhenR=49, 4A £ 1 +4 2 m0) 2 1 Hempere}—>. WhenR=99,thenI=05A= + a, 1_eE i Soap {Using eqn. (i) F+9=2r+8,r210 From eqn. i) | emfE=1+4=5V 51. (b) ries combination n IR + ror, (n- Ar= (n= 1)R or r=R whichis the required condition, E == i E 53. E t RB - current Electricity E so, current I== 54, As cells are connected in parallel so. potential difference across terminals of each cell is same. 10v 200-38/= 10 3g1=200- 10= 190 215A Hass A 02x03 a" 92+03 56. (a) Here, (i) LetV= Potential difference between A and B For cell Ey, Veep => I= Similarly, for cell Ep b= fav f Putting these values in equation (i) 1282V 6 -V tok or 1-(Be& -v(t.2 ia) we or ya (Em +Eh \_ (hh ath +h : Comparing the above equation with the equi lent circuit ofemf'E,,’ and internal resistance ‘rey’ thet 79 andry=r=r=20, and R= 109 é, SS Th eee eee A encurrent =e Foe474 It +. Voltage across the external resistance, 5 50 2x10=20=4.55V na v=. 57. (d) 58. (b):Here,R, = 109, Asthereis no resistance between ,h,jsothey are at same potential. 59, (c):Ryand Rg in se Now, R,and Ry E 5 R, 5 Currentin bg, 5+5=102 10x10 parallel, Ry =F545 Ry 5a So, I= 1A, 60. (b):Power P= PRy=4x 10 =25w 641. (€):Currentin Rs, V3=2.5V. | 62, (b): Kirchhoft’s first rule or Kirchhoff’ deals with the conservation of charge. | EIEN 2 Total incoming charges to a junction is equal to the total outgoing charges from that junction. By Kirchhoff’ law, BI+RI+21=144+6 3 SI+R1=11 ol) ‘Also, in loop (1), (ii) | 2R=1or R=052 we 80 Now to determine the potential 2 difference between A and D, we cose can assume a cell of required potential Vapbetween two points. 1220 ‘On applying Kirchhoff's law, Vyp-6-4 = -2* 0.5 tt Vgo-10= -1 Vgo= 9 volt na ame eam ‘2 When applying Kirchl identify a closed loop and decide in whic! {go around it, clockwise or anticlockwise. hoff’s second rule, you must hdirection to 64, Kirchhoff first rule : The algebraic sum of all the current passing through 2 junction of an electric circuit is zero. Here, Ii. fa fo. Iq and Is are current in different branches of acircuit which meet atajunction. Itle-lytlenIs This rule is based on the principle of conservation of charge. ikirchhoff’s second rule The algebraic sum of the applied ‘emf's of an electrical circuit is equal to the algebraic sur of potential drops across the resistors of the loop. Mathematically, fr x IR Thisis basedonenergyconservation 2 principle. Using this rule, e, - €2= IR + IRp 65. Inclosed mesh ABDC lars + (+1) R= 12 2iy+4(hy+1,)= 12 y+ 4ly + 4p = 12 6h + 4ly= 12 3I;+2l=6 Inclosed mesh BDFE (y+) R= 6; +h) 21, +2h,=3 On solving equations (i) and (i, we get the value of I, in equation Bi + 2n=6 3x3+2I,=6; 15 Now, ly +1p=3+(-1.5)=15A, Pe (Iy+ I)? R= (1.5)** 4=225x4=9 watt. 66. g 302 bh is ¥ hh 209 20V q re aLjj—_—+— 2 ev za h m (IEIED CBSE Champion Physics Class 19 ‘Applying Kirchhoff's 1" law, Ign ly+ falat Applying Kirchhoff's loop rule t = 301, +20- 2015 = 0 BI, + 2I3= 2 For loop ABFEA = 301, +20! - 80=0 “i 0 CDFEC ' oti) = 31+ 2-8 a iy From eq. (i) put the value of fy ineq. (il) Bi, + 2h + 2ln=2 51, +2ln=2 vy 31+ 2lp Put; inea. (iv) = 5x 3/44 2lp=2 23 b= Ba she F From eq. (i) 323 _-6+23 Fizsecer ee) Gime eee y > Sometimes on applying Kirchhoft's loop rule, students not identify a closed loop and not decide the direction of the loop. On applying Kirchhoff's loop rule you must, identify a closed loop and decide in which direction to g0 around it, clockwise or anticlockwise. 67. Applying KVL in 30 closed loop ABCDA A 80+ 201, + 4011, 201; + 401; ~ 401, 601; 401, = 80 3I,-2,=4 Ai) ‘Applying KVL in closed loop DCFED ~40(I, Ip) +101,-40=0 e-—J- aA ~40!, + 401, + 101, - 40= ~401, + 50!,= 40 (or ~4h, +51, | From (i) and (i | n= 4Aandl=4A Current flowing through 400 = |, - Current flowing through 20.9 = 4. ammg | (2 lf direction of current through a resistance is the | ‘same along which the loop is being traversed, then the Product of resistance and current is taken as positive and vice-versa. oY, 200 f 8 I)=0 i, 80 hy 499 current Electricity gg. () Kirchhoff’s first rule : The sigebraic sum of all the current passing through a junction of an electric circuit iszero. Here, ly fy la fa and Is are current in different branches of a circuit wi meet at junction. [th-htl-ls=0 This rule is based on the principle of conservation of charge. Kirchhoff’s second rule : The algebraic sum of the applied emfs of an electrical circuit is equal to the algebraic sum ‘of potential drops across the resistors of the loop. Mathematically, é, Ee=EIR 4 Thisisbasedonenergyconservation p, 7 principle. F Using this rule, ey IR + Re us (i) Circuit can be redrawn as — —— toe oe! For net resistance between point A and B. Here, 2r,2rand rare in parallel. ii 2 4 18 r so, Aad tt, 1-3 oF py=f Rg rir ar er Rg re 8 Netresistance ofthe circuit, 1_4r RereRygert & TeRgert 525 (2) Current drawn from the cell £36 R (@r73) ar () Power consumed in network, P= 7Rea Consider loop ABDA LR +126 ~ (1-15) R3=0 HR, + Ry) + 1G IR =0 Consider loop BCDB 81 (ly = 1e)Ry = (I= Ty + Hedy = ba . 1 Rp + Ry) ~ (Rp + Rg + G) ~ IR. ) When bridge is balanced, B and Dare at same potential ie. I= 0. From equations (i) and (ii), we get Ry+Ry_ Ry RAR, R, RyRa + RaRg = Raq + RoR 3 RyRa = RaRo R esi RyRy 70. Since the condition © —® is satisfied, itis balanced bridge. oes. The equivalent Wheatstone bridge for the given combination is shown in igure. The resistance of arm ABC, Rs Also, the resistance of arm ADC, 2 BS 20 A +1=32 sa aa 30 v lav Equivalent resistance Ra XRy _3x6_18 54 RR, 346 9 Current drawn from the battery V4 je20 71. In case of balanced Wheatstone bridge, no current | flows through the resistor 10 © between points B and C. The resistance of arm ACD, Rs, = 10+ 20 = 30.2 | The resistance of arm ABD, Rs, Ry XR, Equivalent resistance R,, = Ry #Rey i 30x15 _ 30x15 | = = 109 i 20415 45 Current drawn from the source, Vie5 tp 058 2, 10-2 100 sa_ 100 | 200 p A c woo. ~___] Vv 3 CBSE Champion Physics Cag 1 G2 Osman tae 30-8) Br Ra : > oe DR) 73. (a) Kirchhoft’s first rule: The algebraic sum of all the current passing through a junction of an electric circuit is zero. Here, ylo,l,!,and!sarecurrentin different branches of a circuit which meet at a junction. I+ I~ I+ lq~Ig=0 This rule is based on the principle of conservation of | charge. | Kirchhoff’s second rule? The emf’s of an electrical of potential drops: Mathematically, Ze= is based on energy conservation principle. Using this rule, 81-2 = IR, + IR Consider loop ABDA current Electricity 83 pst hG- WR: iP Ro) + 2G IR | Consider loop BCDB ti) = hp h# hlRq~ bG=0 (yell Ra= Ufa # Fal ~ bt 28 a ta #Ra~ Ra #Ra +6) ~IRq=0 1 oP) ot re Whenbridgeis balanced, Band Dare at same potentiali ae ; |,=0.From equations (i) and (i), we get * | 6 (a) : Alloys have low temperature coefficient of Rt Ry Be resistivity (a) and high specific resistance. If « = low, the RaR, Re whe of R with temperature will not change much and specific resistance is high the tired Ie th of the wire: Aye RaRe= Rae * RoR RyRy = RoR willbe ess Sere eye te (O77) i Ri 7. (0): Heel; Heed, (077) f ae 8B (0.77) 9. (c): Heat produced = Px t = 100x260 = 12000J= 12k) (a) 4. (@):Samechargeflows through each cross-sectionin 1°» {@)'Fromalven figureye=5.6¥,1=204 the given time. (0.77 2 56, : ) a r=ba3S-280 (077 -— R or2= aR oF 11. (a) (@ Re19 (c)) 4. (0): Weknow, Vj=—2Et = =2Vt mal (b) If temperature is kept constant, relaxation time + will remain constant, and e, mare also constants. Vyoe Vand Vgex 2V. (0.77) 4, When electric field E is applied across a conductor, a force acting on free electrons s-eE mi=—e8 (where @ © a 112. (@) ‘Average thermal velocity of electron in conductor is zero. (ay= 0. | ‘Average velocity of electron in conductors is hh] ‘(relaxation time) = v4 (drift velocity) i 4559 120V @ Va= Uday + at | (b)Given:r=0.50,R= 15.52 veo 728 | When the storage battery emf 8 Vis charged witha de. rate ta | Supply of 120 V the net emf of the circuit. (3) E£=120-8=112V i ‘Therefore the current in the circuit during charging, | £12 7a | R+r 15.4+0: | Potential difference across its internal resistance ie | terminal voltage =8+0.5x7=115V a ) (c) Thepurpose of havingaseriesresistorinthecharging | circuit is to limit the current drawn by the storage battery (ii) | from the supply, In it's absence, the current during the | charging will be dangerously high. (a) re) Dividing eqn. (by (i, we get a |

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