Poet and Pancake

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Q1. Describe the makeup room of Gemini studio.

Ans_the makeup room of Gemini studio looked more like a hair cutting salon with incandescent
light at all angles and half a dozen large mirrors. The light made the room so hot the those
subjected to make a head to put up with its 'fiery misery.'

Q2. How was strict hierarchy maintained in the makeup room?

Ans_Each makeup man was allotted his task according to his designation. The chief makeup
man put makeup on the chief actor and actresses, his senior assistant attended to the "second
"hero and heroines and the junior assistant handle the main comedian the actor who played the
crowd were the responsibility of the office boy.

Q3. Why did the office boy go to the author? Why was the author playing for crowd shooting?

Ans_the author work in a cubical and since his job included tearing newspaper up ,to everyone
else is seemed like he had nothing to do all day. The office boy frequently barse into enlighten
him on how Germany studio was align his great literary talent to go waste in a department fit for
the barbers and pervert.

Q4_Subbu was charitable and generous…why did he still have enemies?

Ans _Subbus closeness to the boss and his desire. to please him made him appear to be a
sycophant. His readiness to say nice things about everyone was misconcected as cunning so
Subu had enemies like the office boy who wished the direst things for him.

Q5. What did the khadi clad poet believe about communism.

Ans _Though none of them had any abiding political ideology, they worshipped Gandhiji and
were averse to communism. To them a communist was a man with no conjugal love could
easily kill his parents and children and was always out to spread violence.

Q6_why did Stephen spender visit Germini studios?

Staphen Splendor was a disillusioned communist. He had been invited to talk on his journey
into communism and his dis illusion return to the people of Gemini studios who too were anti

Q7. What kind of affect does Ashoka mitran's style of writing have on the readers?

Ans_Ashokamitran's style of writing had a great impact on the readers were impressed by the
authors use of gentle humour foibles. Ashokamitran bring up a lot of topics pertaining to film
industry in a particular and India in general and provide the readers a glimpse of independent
India in its fantacy.

Long question
Q1What political significance does Gemini Studios’ invitation to Moral Re-Armament army and
Stephen Spender show?


The Moral Re-Armament army was a kind of counter movement to Communism and the people
at the Gemini Studios had a natural aversion towards Communists and Communism. They
considered that the aim of Communists was to spread unrest and violence. So by being a ‘warm
host’ to the Moral Re¬Armament army the people at the Gemini Studios actually displayed a
counter movement to the ideas of Communism. By inviting Stephen Spender, once again the
purpose of the Gemini Studios was to highlight how a renowned English poet, who was once
attracted to Communism, was later completely disillusioned by it. This further strengthened
their aversion to Communism and they were able to publicly display this aversion.

Q2.Kothamangalam Subbu was a ‘many-sided genius’. Elaborate.


It is through the character of Kothamangalam Subbu, that the author depicts a caricature of the
so-called ‘go-getters’ who are not really talented but manage to create an aura of talent around
themselves. Though officially on the rolls of the Story Department at Gemini Studios, he was
always with the boss. Subbu directs all his energies and creativity to his boss’ advantage. He
delves into the various spheres of film-making successfully giving the impression of being a
brilliant story-writer, a talented actor and a man who is always ready with many solutions for any
problem. He makes the art of film-making appear rather easy for his boss. Thus Subbu with his
scheming nature takes advantage of his boss’ gullibility and passes off himself as a multi-sided
genius with multi-faceted abilities.

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