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1. Calculate the entropy change of the system for the reaction: BI 2Ca(S) + 2 (g) —+ 2CaQ(S) ‘The standard entropy values are: S® [Cals] =41.40JK mol S® (Ogi) =205.0J4-? mol S® [CaO(s)) =39.70)K* mot Sint Goof Sines) Bboy = (2439-2) = (C2x41) +205) = 2064 Theol 2. Calculate the total entropy chaiige fot the reaction: (3) 2Cals) + O,(g) —> 262019) 25% item 208.4)" mot! S85 Soundings = 442624 JK mot? Aste NE tent Asfotoundig == 20641 442629 = 4054 JK bol LO [Parver Sir] Topic-6} [A2 Levels} (6) 2NalICOMS) —+ NayCOMS) + CO(R) + 100) The relevant Gibbs five energy values are: anoiico, tee NagtO,+ Cog+ BO t AG PINAHCO\(s)) = -851.0kI mot bh, AGP INA,CO,S)] = -1044.SkI mol AGPICOLe = 394.4 mol Nar, tiys OO AGFIH,O0) = -237.2kI mol dG = PR = ({ov4- 5) (2304)! (2 $Y) sii, ooh + Ne ~ (24 C65) = - bh 25 qia WkTmal' 1 oy > ORD a one’ 54 (3944) +(- 2378) - ~(-9510%2) Q4.The spontaneity (feasibility) of ‘chemical reaction depends on the standard Gibbs free energy change, AG*. This is related {6 the standard enthalpy and entropy changes by the equation shown, AG*= AH*-Tas® a) State and explain whether the following processes will lead to an increase or decrease in entropy. (i) the reaction of magnesium with hydrochloric acid entropy change .. Treveases... _ + MU Mol! ", 1) (Parver Sir] Topics) (A2 Levels} (ii) sod potassium chloride dissolving in water entropy change...... ‘Tarveases, ae exsanaton .. Aayeave. so hub... Fated soll (iii) steam condensing to water entropy change ... VECASES... mont. sf-9a, deleuse explanation ...... cel (b) Magnesium carbonate can be decomposed. MgCO,(s) + MgO(s) + CO,(g) AH*= +117kJmot-" Standard entropies are shown in the table. substance | MgCO,(s) MgO(s) | COx(9) | S°/Jmol'K* +65.7 426.9 +214 | m0) Cait ‘AG*Tor this reaction at 298 K. ‘include a relevant ‘sign and give your answer to three significant figures. ASP PR = (26.9 -21')-C57) ie ce URED va a J Bees BITES? A Sete (25% oo) i = 64-S% 65 10% PD kSmol[3} [Parvez Sir] Topic-6} (42 Levels} (ii) Explain, with reference to AG*, why this reaction becomes more feasible at higher Ne biher. benpeselvte.y FAS, becomes. nte.oyatve... <0. AG" hecanes me. ee {c) On heating, sodium hydrogencarbonale decomposes into sodium carbonate as shown. 2NaHCO,(s) -» Na,CO,(s) + CO,(g) + H,0(9) 4H? = +130kJmol* AS* = +316Jmor'K 0 . Calculate the ima wag at which this reaction becomes spontaneous (easbi) Ate Bee TS ‘Show your working. >> B Oz Onle-T AS, => Ths die =ST= bie £ 130x100 - 44 as 3 HM Oe temperature =o AQ ne KI (d) The solubility of Group 2 sulfates decreases down the Group. Explain this trend, “Diy .0d..Dhatane..devenses. down the, gtup. but Re oes iS Be ti {Parver Sir) [Topic-6] (2 Levels} 4.{a) Describe and explain the variation in the solublities of the hydroxides of the Group 2 elements, wdown, the , pfopssolvbaltt . Wydtontdes Tnekensees, 5. beth. took. size. feseases,.50. bath My-d.09d. Mette decteases...bvb.. Mhattye-declenses..mte. so.\ Meo). betores ‘The table lists the standard enthalpy changes of formation, “Ms, for some compounds {and aqueous ions. species | AHf/kJmor Ba™(aq) =538 OH (eq) =230 cox) 304 | Baco,(s) =1216 H,00) | (©) () Reaction 1 occurs when CO2(q) is bubbled through an aqueous solution of Ba(OH)2. {Parver Sir) Mopic6) (A2 Levels} Use the data in the table to calculate the standard enthalpy change for reaction 1, AH, Ba(OH),(aq) + CO,(g) -» BaCO,(s) + H,0() reaction 1 brics FER §¢ 1216+ -266) - Jeanie sage (2-299) | = -\l0 8, mee Oa amor 1 Wf COx(g) is bubbled through an aqueous solution of, Ba(OH): for a long time, the precipitated BaCO,(s) dissolves, as shown in reaction 2) BaCO,(s) + CO,(g) + H,0() > Ba(HCO,),(aq) reaction 2 ‘The standard enthalpy change for reaction 2, AM?,, = -26kJ mor" (ii) Use this information and the data in the table to calculate the ‘standard enthalpy change of formation of the HCOs(aq) ion. ant= PR 2g Pe onceR $24 (2536) = 26+ (“1216 + C-394) + (-22e)) us 62 a AH HCO¥(aQ) = 64 2, Annee 2 (Parver Sir] Mopie-6) (4-2 Levels) Bale, CO, —* Balser yd - ; ye Ctl 2 palldoD, --@® 2 Balin, + 212, —> Badilon, by reaction 3, (il) The overall process is sh Use your answer to Il), and the data given in the tabfé, to calculate the standard enthalpy change for reaction 3, AH, Ea: # bit PR = (8 -b36+(2-692)) — (2-29) (538) | ise siete Hi = ~136 (lv) How would the value of 4H?, compare with the value of AM?, for the simi Ca(OH),(aq) as shown in reaction 4? Explain your an: a Bali, py + acai Balilon, GA(OHN,{@9) + 20,19) -» Ca(HCO,),(aq) Teaction 4 Th. sll ei ale tons...femain..fn.selubton « (€) The standard entropy change for reaction 1 is AS¢, Segeest wih a teason, how the standard entropy change for reaction 3 might compare with ast, LL will be... mote. ale. as .0t0(¢. res. ls be 7. =e i : el < a Total 13) (A2tevels} [Parver Sir) MTopic-c) 544) ()) Complete the equations to show the two types of polymerisation, Draw one repeat Unit for each polymer. Include any other products. wo? “sstesereaig ough gal CH= a not ACHCH 9) wom att ian) aFoorenong> {WHooe Lege » x (Suggest no sign ofthe entropy changes, AS", fr each ofthe two types of polymerisation preted C keene 2 IG. * AS* for addition polymerisation Mega ltve 9 an *AS*for condensation polymerisation > males of _festtives,.as.,.wabet.j% (2) {Parver Sir] Topic-6) (A-2 Levels] ° A Oo 4 v i: . u _ —R’—s RC ye ” : ‘ep 4 : H>04 b (b) An amide bond forms when a carboxylic acid reacts with an amine. (i) Complete the equation by writing the products in the box. fone Qu | roonsnnr | R-C-— nk ! + 4,0 ‘ \ N R-(C-OK EAR fae ia 4 on oe m {ii) Use your answer to (i) to work out the bonds that are broken and the bonds that are formed during the reaction between a carboxylic acid and an amine. ‘bonds that are broken (2) Ei, Use bond energy values from the Data Bookéet to calculate the enthalpy change, AH», when one mole of amide bonds is formed in the reaction in (i). Bonds, ‘broken = 3604390= 250 Bonds, Folned = B05 aigd= MS Bre = R-P = 250 265 =- Wt (Parvez Sir] [Topic-6) [A-2 Levels} n (c) Amide bonds can also be formed by reacting acyl chlorides with amines. ‘The enthalpy change for this process, AH*, is -6.00 kJ mol, =) O- pit - -TAS kM y SAS = bie = 6090 “¥ Tae Mant ee \ JK-Imob(2] The repeat unit ofthe polyamid (Kesisr 9 snow -s benzene, can be n (d) The monomers of Kevlar, benzene-1,4-dioic acid and 1,4-diar synthesised as follows. weC)-om on—C)-W0, reocéon 1 | rosin | woo )-con nC) benzene-1 4-dioic acid 1,4-diaminobenzene Iraver i {Topleg} w2tevel State the reagents and conditions needed for: {i) reaction 1 (ii) reaction 2 SNe oe Heat +.lons.». then .add..NaO (e) Keviaris both strong and rigid. vw (2) Complete the table to identify two intermolecular forces and the groups involved which are responsible for these properties of Keviar. ee ee Tydlajen Bondy Net Canin] Van cer Waal’s tore Benzene. sfog | a, . ro 7 (28. Graphite and diamond are both forms of carbon. Their standard molar entropies are: 152 ute =STOSK MOL, ASS ugg ® 240K -EmOl a. i. Suggest why the standard molar entropy of graphite is greater than that of diamond. [2] To, qllokopes.» hatder..mabertils, have. lover. eaktaptes Ms. of wid eo less, Sardar aap bes gfeater enkfop Py (Parver Sir] Mopie-6] 12 Levels} B ii, Calculate the entropy change of the proces wot Po Re 24-5 P. Wt Explain why you would be untikely to make diamonds from graphite at atmospheric temperature and pressure, BL Teiless, Mel, t.. OCU. (Parver Se] (Topics) 1-2 Levels) 4 A group of students use a nunber of diferent acids to investigate How the enthalpy change of neutralisation, AMsetansatian: Varies Whon tha acids aro noi d with aguoous soi gy aH eee ‘You may use the following information in anaworing the question The enthalpy chango of neutralisation is the enthalpy charge when t mo! of water, HO. s formed in the neutralisation of an acid and base Hi(aq) + OH-(aq) > H,0(aq) 6. na ut o- dssocniadinioiensinsiiten, | 75) avo y SP poy ~ dissociated into ions in solution Strong acids are 100°: Weak acids are not 1 Breaking of bonds is an endothermic process O 42 %y opt soy 2- Formation of bonds is an exothermic process, (a) Hydrochloric acid. nitic acid and sulfunc acid are ail strong euids. = 57> KY gPredet how AFpeuratsanon Values for those acide would compare with cach other Hneut..CH $Qp).%..fHveut Casa) "y. Del rent Came) Comtort Strum C4 preset and expla hon tho expected SHyeurpensr fOr @ weak seid, such as ethanoic \ acid er ethaneciote acid, compares with hat Sblaliad for rycrochioné acd < (t....S... ponbially i606 0. 86.00 t OM CAS 0 % less Buo DH Heh A ARM tp GOB Es AO ACM. Brdt Ht Oe 2 —2p0 81 th POLO oo SM Hemant Ge owt 22. A8..[e produed. (b) In a series of experiments to determine the enthalay change of neutralisation for each acid with 2.0moldm-? sodium hydroxide, NaOH. the following aqueous acids are evalable hydrochloric acd, HCI ‘sulfuric acid, ioe nitric acid, HNo,, ethanoic acie CH.CO,H Ethanecioic acid, (CO,H),.2H,0, Is also avcilable as a hydrated crystalline solic. When determining tho onthalpy change of neutralisaton using the ccids listed evouein reaction wih sodium hydroxide, the independent variable is... Ph @oo. tye OP. Oeid.....use da entha| Y the dependent variable is. .......2 Fonda... remhalisobion | [Parver Sir} [Topic-6) 1A2 Levels) {e) Draw and labala diagram of the apparatus you would uso to determine the tomporature change. XT. when each of the acids rezets with 9.0m, of 2.0rnoldm? sodium NPUTONe. Any experimental method that is yormallly carr laboratory nay be d eee ied out iarsenoor th college See trent —» led. wad Al > ther no reler Color : 2 pls he ep a hen gooum beaker oh xo TH Wash . go.oem 3, 2-0 nef am > noon + ed of fixed core (20 noletm=>) od elope» vol CD00 3) a Cueid or Ox uss Identify taree aspects of the experimental method or its use that must be kept the same fren to ensure comparable results. x ia should be lal eo. foe bo Co beefing Consted: id weed boul been Ibid | o ns - : - 7 0d PIE ce MBCA oo MAO ae Geer Mon GALL: naod i lined od renp — chery fieed meott +26 shovel otwr far ow reop en prely 7 [Parver Sir] Mopic-6] [A2 Levels} 1 : e Y. 1 4 = thy Sy farm oH 7 Na 1 Sv WMO» aN 8 Beaey —) pe tho ad uel 4 No oll noc 4 AHySm, PewlaoH , ‘ sot 3 Boe" 2m (2) troach experiment 30.0.err! of 2.0 moter! NAOH Is to he used Afecl +A Nladh Syn ist ho an pags oF som pronto, NOH] = anak ‘Suggest appropriate volumes and concentrations for each of the acids to be used. the vraividua! experiments seeninet the experiments are equivalent, the total final volumes should be the some | 1m cach experiment ake a cont “lume! joncentration | a om® mol dm * Vhydrochloc | HOt [store HS, | nitric HNO, 20:0 ethanais (CH,CO,H pa 20.0 thane Com | 0 2uol {e) _Evanedicic acd is hydrated erystaline solif(CO,H),2H,0, WF CD utino, ctep by stop, how yeti would proparo, jn a gracuato f st emnanodioe acid wth exactly the conconiraion yeu have fa [a2 C, 12.0; H.1.0; ©, v Tale. = of. ine... SONA pHa? Elton d.gfoi'c..cer'd. on dl a at \\ yoke BES sto le ..Bolid p52 Of... Ellen. adios nle@e. ond... Orel 2 [0° ASHLL.....t0FE. Shire... Trl tee S0I% oi PO. nla uO. of Del reer. te... G01 ww b : wef Famel. _ ows ‘ lunch bed wilh vader ef AEE than fn He...Folerebe iC eS boro strobes ou tO. ABE. Heels 5-764 im fs. ea 2..motes..Shelte..he Pls k s vol” paste) PIB Oreos oy nt POF as? 7 sohh 2 of 28003 —(Eflane diipie ood: ree ad cma et 4 eZ base igo 2 shale propa'y\ 722 ~0 0 eas 7 1000 . Konen make 2°00" hays 2 Cagpmie) C26) Fa my addin tore BD" z 000 “ 3h v (1) Show the mathomatical expression for the enthalpy change of neutralisation of sodium tydroxicie with hydrachlovie acid, using the vattine-and concentration from (a) an AT to represent the tomperature change. Te % ® vel™ 1) (Bide AY! [4.SJ of heat energy raise the temperature of tem? of any solution by 1°C.) Sa MCAT. n (atid) Gain + At oh=> Crel ef NooH + of cid reacted )x Get AT rel Pf ceid- 5 4000 “/ ttl Lo geet. (9) Hysreehlone acids labelled harmful as tis aniitant. i Aqueous socium hydroxide is labelled corrosive. Suggest a suitable precaution that should be taken when carrying out the experiment using thass Iwo solutions. Fo OMG oo A PIPES re AO nonsense Sprang Pho PE Fo MOH. os OMe EAN: {1 {Parver Sir} [Topic-6) [a2 Levels}

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