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Guriga - Barnaamijyada - Master of International

Relations (MS)

Master of
Dugsiga Barashada Bulshada iyo

Dugsiga Barashada
Bulshada iyo Aadanaha
Jaamacadda Caalamiga ah
ee Atlantic
The Master of International Relations (MS)
program objective is to allow students to
address both research and policy issues
between theory, research creating a
foundation in high level decision making
responsibilities and critical thinking skills
that can result in greater Anancial beneAts.
The Master of International Relations (MS)
program is offered online via distance
learning. After evaluating both academic
record and life experience, AIU staff
working in conjunction with Faculty and
Academic Advisors will assist students in
setting up a custom-made program,
designed on an individual basis. This
Hexibility to meet student needs is seldom
found in other distance learning programs.
Our online program does not require all
students to take the same subjects/courses,
use the same books, or learning materials.
Instead, the online Master of International
Relations (MS) curriculum is designed
individually by the student and academic

Waxay si gaar ah wax uga qabanaysaa

meelaha ay ku wanaagsan tahay iyo
meelaha ay ku liidato marka la eego
fursadaha suuqa ee qaybta ugu weyn ee
ardayga iyo shaqada loogu talagalay.
Fahamka in warshadaha iyo qodobbada
juqraaAyeed ay tahay inay saameyn ku
yeeshaan nuxurka manhajka halkii ay ka
ahaan lahaayeen naqshad hal-ku-habboon-
dhammaan leh waa astaanta AIU habka
gaarka ah ee waxbarashada dadka
waaweyn. Falsafaddani waxay wax ka
qabanaysaa jawiga ArArcoon ee is-beddelka
joogtada ah ee xirfadlayaasha shaqada
iyadoo ka caawinaysa ardayda qaan-gaarka
ah si ay u gaadhaan hadafkooda xirfadeed
iyo kuwa shakhsi ahaaneed ee baaxadda
barnaamijka shahaadada.

Muhiim: Hoos waxaa ah tusaale

mawduucyada ama meelaha laga yaabo
inaad horumariso oo aad ka shaqeyso inta
lagu jiro waxbarashadaada. Macnaheedu
maaha liis dhammaystiran ama loo baahan
yahay maadaama barnaamijyada AIU aysan
raacin manhaj heersare ah. Waxa loola
jeedaa oo keliya tixraac iyo tusaale. Ma
rabtaa inaad wax badan ka barato
naqshadaynta manhajka AIU? (Koorso iyo

Koorsooyinka Muhiimka
ah iyo Mawduucyada
Xiriirka Caalamiga ah:
Siyaasadda Isbarbardhigga
Go'aanka Siyaasadda Dibadda
Xiriirka Caalamiga ah Aragtida
Caalamiga ah Ururada iyo Maamulka
Isbarbardhigga Maamulka
Dadweynaha ee
iyo Daraasaadka Istiraatiijiyadeed ee
Caalamiga ah Arrimaha Caalamiga ah
ee dhinacyada ugu waaweyn
khilaafka iyo xallinta khilaafaadka

Arimaha Caalamiga ah iyo

Horumarinta Yurub iyo Eurasia
Arimaha Dhaqaalaha Caalamiga ah ee
Latin America iyo Hemisphere
Sharciga Caalamiga ah iyo Ururada
Bariga Dhexe
Caalamiga ah ee Daraasaadka Amniga
Caalamiga ah
Siyaasadda Tignoolajiyada iyo Arimaha
Caalamiga ah ee
Maraykanka Siyaasadda Arimaha

Koorsooyinka Hanuuninta:
Isgaadhsiinta & Baadhitaanka (Resume
Aragtida Ururka (Portfolio)
Barashada Khibrada ah (Autobiography)
Qiimaynta akadeemiyadeed (Su'aalaha)
Aasaaska Aqoonta (Jaantuska Isdhexgalka)
Mabaadi'da Asaasiga
ah I (Falsafadda Waxbarashada ) Qiimaynta
Xirfadlaha ee Shahaadada Waxbarashada)

Mashruuca Cilmi-baarista
ee Xiriirka Caalamiga ah:
Mashruuca Thesis Masters
MBM300 Soo jeedinta Thesis
MBM302 Master Thesis (ereyada 7,500)
Daabacaadda: Master kasta oo ka qalin
jebiyay Xidhiidhka Caalamiga ah waxaa
lagu dhiirigelinayaa inay daabacaan
waraaqahooda cilmi-baarista khadka
tooska ah ee dadweynaha ama
joornaalada xirfadlayaasha ah iyo
joornaalada adduunka oo dhan.

Baro waayo-aragnimada

Maanta nala soo xidhiidh!

We understand how busy adults do not
have time to go back to school. Now, it’s
possible to earn your degree in the comfort
of your own home and still have time for
yourself and your family. The Admissions
ofAce is here to help you, for additional
information or to see if you qualify for
admissions please contact us. If you are
ready to apply please submit your Online
Application and paste your resume and any
additional comments/questions in the area

Pioneer Plaza
900 Fort Street Mall 905
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
808-947-2488 (Fax)

Ka raadi AIU... 

About AIU

Programs Offered

Distance Learning


Career Center

Online Library



Traditional schools are I

useless because they do sh
not teach problem- bir
solving and focus only
on teaching about the
tools needed to solve a

Elon Musk

Contact Us Today!
We understand how busy adults do not
have time to go back to school. Now, it’s
possible to earn your degree in the comfort
of your own home and still have time for
yourself and your family. The Admissions
office is here to help you, for additional
information or to see if you qualify for
admissions please contact us. If you are
ready to apply please submit your Online
Application and paste your resume and any
additional comments/questions in the area

Pioneer Plaza
900 Fort Street Mall 905
Honolulu, HI 96813
800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)
808-924-9567 (Internationally)
808-947-2488 (Fax)

 Request Information!



Post Doctorates




 

Bachelor in Educational Technology

More Details

Contact Us
Atlantic International University

800-993-0066 (Toll Free in US)

808-924-9567 (Internationally)

808-947-2488 (Fax)

Pioneer Plaza

900 Fort Street Mall 905

Honolulu, HI 96813

Contact Us

   

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| Accreditation | Areas of Study | Bachelor
Degree Programs | Masters Degree Programs
| Doctoral Degree Programs | Course &
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| Representations | Student Publication |
Sponsors | General Information | Mission &
Vision | School of Business and Economics |
School of Science and Engineering | School of
Social an Human Studies | Media Center
| Admission Requirements | Apply Online
| Tuition | Faculty & Staff | Distance Learning
Overview | Student Testimonials | Frequently
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Soo dhawoow, sideenAtlantic International
ku caawin
University. All rights reserved.

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