Urban To Rural

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As we progress with time, the richness of our country's culture and diversity is gradually fading
away due to urbanization and modernization. When rural areas undergo urban development or
when individuals migrate to urban areas, they often leave behind their previous way of life,
including their social ties, cultural practices, and architectural heritage, as they embrace urban

In light of this situation, my aim is to establish a space that can serve as a sanctuary for preserving
and promoting diverse cultures while fostering collaboration with urban and modern lifestyles.
This space would be designed to provide a sense of belonging for both urban and rural residents,
creating an environment where people can freely express and share their own cultures, products,
skills, and belongings. Individuals would have the opportunity to showcase, advertise, and
exchange their cultural assets while feeling a strong connection to the space.

Moreover, this envisioned place would serve as a meeting point for people from urban and rural
backgrounds to come together, fostering the exchange of ideas, highlighting traditional practices,
and celebrating the beauty of cultural diversity. The architecture of this space would ingeniously
blend elements inspired by both urban and rural aesthetics, resulting in a unique ambiance that
harmoniously represents the coexistence of these two settings.

Strategically located between different cultural territories, this space would serve as a magnet,
attracting people from various backgrounds and encouraging them to explore beyond their
territorial boundaries. By creating such a space, we can aspire to preserve our cultural heritage
while embracing progress and facilitating meaningful interactions between different


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