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PURPOSIVE MIDTERM sensitive to each other's messages.

People from low-context cultures have

to pay attention to the body language
STUDY NAA SA PPT and gestures of those from high
contextcultures. They might need to ask
Cultural Dimensions in for clarifications for vague messages.
Communication People from high- context cultures need
not be offended if they receive direct
First Dimension messages and assertions from people
with low-context cultures
 Individualistic culture - Puts premium
on the self and personal fulfillment.
Individualistic cultural background
Third Dimension
Chronemics -pertains to the concept
tend to be more assertive,
of time among cultures.
confrontational, and direct to get
 Monochronic culture- It advocates
things done at their own pace
punctuality, timely completion of tasks,
 Collectivist culture- It values teamwork
and accomplishment of one task at a
and collaboration
 while people with a collectivist
 . Since monochronic culture views
cultural background work more
time as something very important,
harmoniously in groups and
people from this culture might be
cooperate with others to avoid
annoyed with a person with a
polychronic cultural background
who arrives late.
 Cultures in First World Countries such
as the USA, Canada, Northern and
 Polychronic culture- It has a more fluid
Western European countries are highly
and flexible concept of time. In this
individualistic while most of the cultures
culture, task interruption and multi-
in Latin America, East and Southeast
tasking are acceptable practices and
Asia, and Africa are collectivist
maintaining relationships is more
important than strictly following a
Second Dimension schedule
 polychronic culture has a more fluid
Two categories of context
and flexible concept of time. In this
 Low-context culture It views explicit
culture, task interruption and multi-
words as a way to convey messages
 High-context culture- It uses subtle tasking are acceptable practices and
non-verbal behaviors and implicit maintaining relationships is more
information to convey meaning. important than strictly following a
When people who have low-context
cultures interact with people from high- Fourth Dimension
context cultures, they have to be Uncertainty Avoidance
 Low-uncertainty avoidance Fifth Dimension
culture It is tolerant of Power distance- to an extent to
unpredictable and how equality or inequality of power is
uncontrollable situations. It expected or accepted
usually maintains few rules as  Low-power distance culture- It
possible and al lows for the values equal distribution of
spontaneity of responses to power. This is observed in the
situations cultures of Austria, Finland,
 low-uncertainty avoidance Denmark, Norway, and USA.
culture, meeting strangers or Though power exists, people
initiating new relationships from this culture value
are fun and exciting. democracy and egalitarian
 people from low-uncertainty behavior
avoidance cultures might  Low-power distance culture
find the imposition of too values equal distribution of
much rules and systems power. This is observed in
quite upsetting and asking a the cultures of Austria,
lot of questions too Finland, Denmark, Norway,
demanding. and USA
 High-power distance culture It
 High-uncertainty avoidance recognizes that unequal
culture It values precision and distribution of power is normal .
always attempts to anticipate This type of culture is evident in
risks to possibly reduce them. countries in the Middle East,
Having high- uncertainty and in Malaysia, Guatemala,
avoidance culture use Venezuela, and Singapore
precise language and ask a
lot of questions Sixth Dimension
 high uncertainty avoidance Gender (masculinity or femininity)
culture. having high-  Masculine culture It advocate for
uncertainty avoidance strict adherence to
culture use precise language conventional gender roles and
behaviors. In this culture,
and ask a lot of questions.
masculine roles are more
They are particular about
valued than feminine roles
rules and systems.
 Mexico, Italy, and Japan have
 high-uncertainty avoidance
highly masculine cultures in
culture would rather date or
which the role of males is
meet with family and friends
highly valued than the role
of females.
 Feminine culture It is based on Russia, Canada, Norway, and
the premise that men and the United Kingdom.
women assume varieties of  Long-term orientation culture It
roles and thus, are both valued is more laid back that it has
regardless of their sex and more patience in waiting for the
gender. outcomes of an action. It values
 Women tend to be more perseverance towards the
silent and for men and achievement of goals
women in feminine cultures,  An understanding of these
they are able to empathize, cultural dimensions is integral
sympathize, argue, and to becoming an effective
assert themselves without intercultural communicator
necessarily being abhorred who is competent in interacting
by society. and dealing with people and
situations in multicultural and
 Driven by a high standard of
diverse settings. A competent
performance, assertiveness, a
intercultural communicator
competitiveness, men having a
interprets and shares meanings
high masculine cultural
with individuals from different
background are not to
cultures with accuracy, respect,
empathize well with others and
and a high level of sensitivity
exhibit compassion.
 If you go to Sweden,  Failing to develop insights about
Denmark, and Norway, there cultural nuances and
seems to be no male differences can be costly.
supremacy because males Recognizing and responding to
and females are viewed differences among cultures
equally in terms of their role allow for more meaningful
in society. relationships. At the same time,
Seventh Dimension there is a need to be mindful of
the fact that not everyone from
Long-term or Short-term
a particular culture exhibits the
 Short-term orientation culture It
same characteristics and
is characterized by being very
communication traits.
performance-driven. It
emphasizes quick results,
fulfilment of social obligations, GOD BLESS <3
and efficient revenue
 It values perseverance
towards the achievement of
goals, Countries with short-
term orientation culture
include USA, Pakistan,

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