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Jessica Sandvig

October 25, 2023

SIOP Language Analysis Template: Name: Jessica Sandvig

Along with the revised peer reviewed visual literacy activity, I want you to now fill out the SIOP
Language Analysis Template. You will need to think about this activity more in depth and
answer all the questions listed in the template to be able to finish the assignment with a fully
thought out plan in place for a visual literacy activity that also meets the needs of your ELLs
students. See the template details for more information on how to complete it, please feel free
to alter or add anything that you see fit to your original plan into this template based on our
discussion and peer review today. This is meant to be a progressive assignment that continues
to build upon itself to allow you to consider new aspects of integrating visual literacy into your

Visual Literacy Assignment Rubric Total:________/50 points

SIOP Language Analysis Template:________/25 points

Final Grade:__________/75points
Jessica Sandvig
October 25, 2023

SIOP Language Analysis Template

Instructions: Think about your visual literacy lesson and its corresponding content objectives.
Come up with at least one language objective that you feel your students are practicing in
this lesson. Next analyze your lesson for how well the interactive activities practice each
language domain. Think about the group configurations that would be best for this kind of
language practice. Also consider the academic and content vocabulary. Lastly think about
how students will practice each piece of vocabulary by coming up with sentence stems and
ways they could use each one in a sentence.

Lesson Language Objective: (Add at least 1 language objective for this project. Pick one or
more of the language domains that you think could be practiced during this activity and
create an objective for it. It must relate to your visual literacy lesson.) 5 points

Language Arts
Grade: 4th
Knowledge of Language
3. Use knowledge of language and its conventions when writing, speaking, reading, or listening.
a. Choose words and phrases to convey ideas precisely.*

The four language domains are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this lesson plan
students will use all of the four domains.
Language Arts Objective 1: Students will utilize all four language domains as they
create a Word Wall display, working in small groups on their assigned word.

Language Arts Objective 2: Students will reference their Word Wall, Elements of Art, and
Principles of Art displays as they Think-Pair-Share and use sentence frames/stems to convey
their thinking and to support artistic foundations with evidence.

Domain Practice: (For this section think about the procedure in your lesson plan so far, now
analyze it for how well it used the four language domains. Tell me where/how you built in
practice of each domain, and if one is missing tell me how you could alter the lesson to
incorporate that domain. All four domains need to be described.) 5 points
Jessica Sandvig
October 25, 2023

I built in student practice for all of the four language domains. Students will practice listening
when they hear the teacher’s instructions, listen to friend’s share their thinking in regards to
Hokusai’s painting, listen to the teachers visual literacy questions, create their classroom Word
Wall display, hear their peers share elements and principles of art, use Think-Pair-share learning
strategies, share sentence frames/stems with partners, listen to the artist’s biography, timeline,
and statement, and listen to their visual literacy lesson’s rubric.

Students will practice speaking when they create their classroom Word Wall display, voice
examples of elements and principles of art found in Hokusai’s painting, answer the teacher’s
visual literacy questions, use Think-Pair-share learning strategies, share sentence frames/stems
with partners, and discuss Hokusai’s quote.

Students will practice reading when they share what they wrote with partners, research
vocabulary for their classroom Word Wall display, reference our classroom Word Wall,
Elements of Art, and Principles of Art displays, read the Think-Pair-Share sentence frames they
use, read along in their heads when the teacher presents the biography, Katsushika Hokusai
facts for kids, and the timeline, Katsushika Hokusai Paintings, Bio, and Ideas,

Students will practice writing when they pretend that they are the person/boy in Hokusai’s
painting and write their thinking/thoughts and describe what they see using their five senses.
Additionally, students will practice writing as they define vocabulary words for their classroom
Word Wall display, write one principle and element they found in Hokusai’s painting, and write
their own artist statement that aligns with their visual literacy lesson rubric’s guidelines.

Group Configuration: (Think about the best ways you could group students to help practice
these domains. Would this be whole group discussions, small groups discussions at their
tables, sharing with partners, etc. How might you help your language learners by partnering
them with certain students? Why did you pick this group configuration?) 5 points

Students will engage in visual literacy discussions as a whole group on the floor near the
smartboard/Apple TV. Having my students sit closer to Hokusai’s painting will help my visually
impaired students and the rest of the class have a closer look. Additionally, they will be able to
hear the discussion easier as they share their ideas, prior knowledge, and curiosities.

Students will work in a small group setting as they use all four language domains to create their
Word Wall display. Throughout the lesson, to support students thinking and provide all
students with opportunities to share, students will work with partners and use Think-Pair-Share
strategies and sentence frames/stems. Working in small groups and with partners will help my
language learners practice their English language skills. Additionally, monolingual students will
also benefit from hearing from their multilingual peers.
Jessica Sandvig
October 25, 2023

I picked this configuration to help support my student’s needs, offer opportunities where
everyone can share their ideas, and to create a classroom community of learners where
students support each other in the learning process.

Content and Academic Language Vocabulary: (Look at the lesson you made so far. What
content vocabulary will be taught? Also, what academic vocabulary and language skills the
students will practice. Break it up into two parts, the vocabulary and the language skills.
Think nouns and verbs. Make sure it is a complete list of any new vocabulary you’d use.) 5

To support my students with learning content and academic language vocabulary, I will have
them work in small groups creating a Word Wall display that they can use to reference
throughout our lesson. Students will be divided into five groups, each group will be assigned
one of the following Word Wall words; Mount Fuji, landscape, gaze, habit, or tranquil, to
research and create a definition on a Post-it-note. Then they will add their Post-it note
definition to our Word Wall.

Students will draw from the Word Wall, Principles of Art, and Elements of Art displays to use
academic language as they practice language skills using sentence frames/stems when sharing
with partners.

The Word Wall Words :

 Mount Fuji: Mount Fuji Facts for Kids (
(Proper noun/ concrete noun)
Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain/volcano in Japan with a height of 12,388 ft.
 Landscape: Landscape Facts for Kids (
Landscape means how one sees an area of land such as the type of natural and
human elements. Natural elements include landforms, flora, and fauna, while the
human elements include human activity or human-built objects such as building.
 Gaze: gaze | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's Dictionary;
WILD dictionary K-2 | Wordsmyth
Gaze means to look steadily.
 Habit: habit | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's
Dictionary; WILD dictionary K-2 | Wordsmyth
(abstract noun)
Habit means a regular action; routine.
Jessica Sandvig
October 25, 2023

 Tranquil: tranquil | definition for kids | Wordsmyth Word Explorer Children's

Dictionary; WILD dictionary K-2 | Wordsmyth
Tranquil means without noise or excitement; calm; steady; peaceful.

Vocabulary and Academic Language Usage: (Give possible sentence stems or ways each new
vocabulary term can be used in a sentence. This will model to students how they will use the
vocabulary and language skills they are being taught. Give possible sentence stems and ways of
modeling the potential ways students will use the vocabulary and language skills they are being
taught. See the example for ideas. There needs to be one for every vocabulary term you listed
above.) 5 points

To support my learners I provided them with an Observation Activity handout that included the
following sentence frames/stems as they Think-Pair-Shared their initial observations.

1. I think the boy is thinking _______________________________


2. I think the boy sees_________________________________________


3. I think the boy hears_________________________________________


Additionally, to support my learners I provided them with the following sentence frames/stems
as they use Word Wall vocabulary to describe the painting with a partner.

1. Instruct students to use the proper noun, Mount Fuji, with a sentence frame and share
something they notice with a partner. Write the following sentence frame for students
to use:
“I noticed that Mount Fuji is ___________.”
2. Have students use the verb, gaze, with a sentence frame and describe the boy’s actions.
Write the following sentence frame for students to use: “The boy is gazing at
Jessica Sandvig
October 25, 2023

3. Ask students to use the adjective, tranquil, with a sentence frame and describe the
painting. Write the following sentence for students to use: “I think the boy feels tranquil
as he gazes at Mount Fuji because _______.”

Students use the Word Wall vocabulary word, habit, and the following sentence frame/stem
when they write and explain what they think the artist means when he said, “I had the habit of
sketching the shapes of things.”

“The artist means __________ when he uses the word habit.”

To support learners I provided them with the following sentence frame/stem as they use the
Word Wall vocabulary word, landscape, to describe the painting with a partner.
“I notice the landscape in Katsushika Hokusai’s painting Boy Viewing Mount Fuji, is

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