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Reflection 2

Course Title: Introduction to Psychology

Course ID: PSY101
Semester: Spring 23
Section: 07

Submitted to

Shami Suhrid
School of General Education

Submitted By
Nazmus Sakib

Date of Submission: 15th April,2023

My strengths:
When I think my strength, perseverance, and compassion, I think of my ability to navigate challenging
situations with grace and poise, and my unwavering commitment to making the world a better place.
One of my key strengths is my leadership skills and excellent capability of team co-ordination.Whether I
am leading a team for any group work assigned or for club activities , I have a natural ability to motivate
others and bring people together towards a common goal. I've the ability to successfully navigate
complex group dynamics and make tough decisions with confidence and compassion, always prioritizing
the needs of the team.Another strength of mine is my resilience. Despite facing numerous personal and
academic challenges over the years, I have never lost my optimism or my ability to find joy in even the
most difficult situations. I am always quick to offer a listening ear or a shoulder to cry on, and I know
that everyone can always count on me to provide a source of strength and support when they need it
Areas of Improvements:
Although I have mentioned that I am available for any kind of support to anyone who needs it but that
doesn’t necessarily mean I am an extrovert.More or less I always find myself being reticent.Keeping
myself isolated has become kind of my life objective as I have found people to be selfish.That is I need to
be more social by improving my communication skill so that no one can ever point finger at me by saying
“ He talks less” .Also, I need to be more assertive as I have always felt that to be more open to help
everyone I have neglected my personal career now and often.That is I have to adopt the skill of saying
“NO”. Lastly, I want to improve my anger management a bit since most of the people especially the
female I have met has opined that I have been rude to them.I think saying “No” or ignoring anyone can be
done in a sweet manner which I need to improve.
Dominant Intelligence:
The most dominant intelligence that I posses is the interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence. I have a
natural inclination towards understanding and relating to other people, while there is also influence of
participation in sports and group works from the school level.Also,I have developed interpersonal
dominance through reading books from my early age and this has get polished since my involvement
with Communication&Language Club where I used to take sessions on presentation skills.It's worth
noting that possessing interpersonal intelligence does not necessarily mean that someone is always
outgoing or socially adept as I have said that I am kind of reticent. Rather, my heightened ability to read
social cues, understand others' emotions and motivations, and work effectively in group settings has
helped me to achieve interpersonal dominance .
Similiarly, another dominant intelligence that I possess is the intrapersonal intelligence since I am
introspective and enjoy spending time alone to reflect on my own thoughts and feelings.Even for
reflecting on my own thoughts I have shifted my home which was adjacent to university to a distant
area.Moreover, I have a good understanding of my own strengths and weaknesses and am able to set
realistic goals and priorities for myself as I have been following a daily chart for years which is changed
daily based on my priorities.Also, I maintain a journal named “স্বাধীনতা-যেমন ইচ্ছে লেখার আমার কবিতার
খাতা” as well as a personal blog where I write for myself.

However, I have always believed that not every person is capable of doing every task.The same way it
can go for developing any particular intelligence.Despite this, I have found that I have passion towards
creating visual content in the form of TV fiction which requires developing verbal intelligence.Thus, I
want to develop this intelligence since I want to see my own creation in the screen of any OTT platform.
Personality Traits:
Openness to experience: I always like to be innovative and hence I welcome new ideas which may be
challenging in terms of making it to reality but I think which needs to be done must be done .
Conscientiousness: I like to introduce myself as self-disciplined as I want to keep myself ahead of time
while shouldering any responsibility ,the responsibility to accomplish particular objective becomes my
sole priority.
Agreeableness: I tend to be cooperative and willing to compromise in order to avoid conflict which helps
me to place a high value on maintaining positive relationships with others.Also,I tend to be empathetic
and sensitive to others' feelings since I consider to be patient and understanding with others, even when
they make mistakes.

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