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Rudrama Devi:

The role of gender in the historiography of Rudrama Devi is a significant and complex aspect of her
historical portrayal. Scholars have debated how her gender as a female ruler influenced her historical
narrative and how her accomplishments have been perceived. Here is a more in-depth exploration of
the gender-related debates within the historiography of Rudrama Devi:

According to historian Cynthia talbot, she was referred as Maharaja or king. This gives a clear
meaning that the public and his father too used to call her as Maharaja. In some of her sculptures,
she had worn the male costume magnificently. But these things were wrongly interpreted by some
historians by saying that Ganpati Dev had concealed The Identity of Rudramadevi as female.
According to them she was introduced to the public as a male, not as a female. One must have to
understand the Controversy that “how is it possible for a king to hide the identity (gender) of his
child from the public since birth? “And without introducing the background of his successor, do you
think the public will accept her as the protector of the kingdom? Traveller Marco Polo who came
here during the reign of Rudramadevi didn’t mention anything like that. He had written many
praiseworthy documents for her which indicates Rudramadevi’s great power and compassion of
running the Kingdom.

Historians such as Uma Chakravarti and Romila Thapar have criticized the historiography of Rudrama
Devi for its patriarchal bias. They argue that her gender has led to the marginalization and
undermining of her achievements, with some attributing her success to male advisors or rulers.
Scholars like Cynthia Talbot acknowledge the gender bias but argue that it is essential to consider
Rudrama Devi within the broader context of medieval India. While her gender may have influenced
her portrayal, it is crucial to analyse her accomplishments on their own merits. They emphasize that
her reign's significance should not be solely determined by gender dynamics. The succession of
Rudrama Devi by her grandson Prataparudra II has been a point of debate. Some historians view
Prataparudra II as an inept ruler, leading to the decline of the Kakatiya dynasty, while others contend
that he continued her legacy. Historians like B. N. Sastry emphasize that the decline of the Kakatiya
dynasty was influenced by various factors, including external threats and changing political dynamics.
They argue that attributing the decline solely to the identity of the ruler oversimplifies the complex
historical context. The assessment of Prataparudra II's rule should be based on a comprehensive
evaluation of his reign, rather than as a direct consequence of Rudrama Devi's legacy. The evaluation
of Rudrama Devi's governance and administration has been a point of discussion. Some historians
argue that her administrative accomplishments have been overshadowed by her portrayal as a
warrior queen. Scholars like G. V. Subrahmanyam emphasize the need to recognize both her military
and administrative achievements. Her governance played a pivotal role in the stability of the Kakatiya
kingdom, and a balanced perspective is crucial for a more accurate assessment of her reign. Some
historians, like Susan Bayly, explore how the historical narrative of Rudrama Devi challenges
traditional gender norms and stereotypes. They argue that her story can inspire discussions about
gender roles and power dynamics in history. Scholars who examine the impact on gender norms
emphasize that her reign serves as a compelling case study to explore how female authority was
perceived and received in a specific historical and cultural context. Her story can contribute to a
more nuanced understanding of gender dynamics in the past.

These controversies continue to shape the way historian’s views on Rudrama devi and Razia Sultan's
rule, and her legacy remains a subject of ongoing debate. Different historians interpret the available
historical sources and accounts differently, leading to varying perspectives on her reign and the
controversies surrounding her life.

They both made significant efforts to overcome these challenges and prove their capabilities as
rulers. Both left a legacy of being trailblazing women rulers in the history of India. Razia Sultan and
Rudrama Devi were both exceptional women rulers who defied societal norms of their times. They
ruled in different regions, faced different challenges, and left distinct legacies, but their stories
continue to inspire people as symbols of women's empowerment in history.

Razia sultan historiography:

Her rule was a subject of interest for historians, and various historians have offered their views on
her reign. Here are some historians and their perspectives on Razia Sultan. Her reign is marked by
several controversies, and historians have debated various aspects of her life and rule. Here are some
of the key controversies and the views of different historians:

Historians like Minhaj-i-Siraj, Satish Chandra and Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta praises her
administrative abilities and her commitment to justice. According to them she was a just and capable
ruler who was widely respected by her subjects. They also praised her for her governance and her
efforts to ensure justice and the welfare of her subjects. they admired her for her wisdom and
courage. Satish Chandra emphasizes her challenge to patriarchal norms of her time by ascending to
the throne as a female ruler. He acknowledges the difficulties she faced but also recognizes her
accomplishments in governance.

Her rule marked a departure from traditional norms as she was a female ruler in a predominantly
patriarchal society. Historians like Minhaj-i-Siraj and Ziauddin Barani have lauded her as a capable
ruler, emphasizing her qualifications and skills. However, some historians like Shams Siraj Afif
believed her gender was a significant impediment to her rule, and they criticized her for it. Razia's
relationship with Altunia, a former governor, has been a subject of debate. Some historians, like Sir
Syed Ahmed Khan, argue that their love story is a romantic and tragic tale that reflects the human
side of her reign.

Some other historians mentioned that Razia's relationship with Altunia as a distraction that
weakened her rule and led to her downfall. believe that the rebellion of powerful Turkish nobles was
the primary reason for her eventual removal from power.

These controversies continue to shape the way historian’s views on Rudrama devi and Razia Sultan's
rule, and her legacy remains a subject of ongoing debate. Different historians interpret the available
historical sources and accounts differently, leading to varying perspectives on her reign and the
controversies surrounding her life.
They both made significant efforts to overcome these challenges and prove their capabilities as
rulers. Both left a legacy of being trailblazing women rulers in the history of India. Razia Sultan and
Rudrama Devi were both exceptional women rulers who defied societal norms of their times. They
ruled in different regions, faced different challenges, and left distinct legacies, but their stories
continue to inspire people as symbols of women's empowerment in history.

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