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Newly Diagnosed HIV Cases in the Philippines

In May 2012, there were 273 new HIV Ab sero-positive Table 1. Quick Facts
individuals confirmed by the STD/AIDS Cooperative Demographic Data May 2012
Central Laboratory (SACCL) and reported to the HIV Total Reported Cases 9,669
273 1,305
and AIDS Registry (Table 1). This was 48% higher Asymptomatic Cases 8,627
261 1.243
compared to the same period last year (n=184 in
AIDS Cases 12 62 1,042
2011) [Figure 1].
Males 261 1,243 8,133*
Philippine HIV and AIDS Registry

Most of the cases (96%) were males. The median age Females 12 62 1,525*
was 27 years (age range: 9-52 years). The 20-29 year Youth 15-24yo 76 365 2,282
(63%) age-group had the most number of cases. Children <15yo 1 4 62
Fifty-one percent (138) of the reported cases were Reported Deaths due to AIDS 2 9 352
from the National Capital Region (NCR). *Note: No data available on sex for (11) cases.

Reported mode of transmission were sexual contact

Figure 1. Number of New HIV Cases per Month (2010-2012)
(268), needle sharing among injecting drug users (4)
and mother–to-child transmission (1). [Table 2, page

Number of New Cases


3]. Males having sex with other males (87%) were the 250

predominant type of sexual transmission [Figure 2]. 200

Most (96%) of the cases were still asymptomatic at the 150

time of reporting [Figure 3]. 100


AIDS Cases 0
Jan Feb M ar A pr M ay Jun Jul A ug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2010 143 130 120 154 153 109 131 108 153 104 112 174

Of the 273 HIV positive cases, twelve were reported as 2011 152 159 172 171 184 178 204 196 253 200 212 268

AIDS cases, 9 males and 3 female. The median age is

2012 212 274 313 233 273

41 years (age range: 9-52 years). Eleven acquired the

infection through sexual contact (8 homosexual,
2 heterosexual contact and 1 bisexual). One acquired Figure 2. Comparison of the Proportion of Types of Sexual
Transmission in 2012, 2011 & Cumulative Data (1984-2012)
through mother-to-child transmission. Of the AIDS
cases, there were two reported deaths for this month;
both were males, ages 27 and 42 years old. Heterosexual

37 29 Bisexual
Proportion of Cases

3,037 Homosexual
Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) 75%
Twenty-five of the 273 (9%) reported cases were 50%
OFWs [Figure 11, page 4]. There were 23 males and
2 females. The median age was 31 years 25% 145
(age range: 22-48 years). All acquired the infection 3,513
through sexual contact (7 heterosexual,
12 homosexual, and 6 bisexual).

M ay 2 0 12 M ay 2 0 11 C umulat ive

Figure 3. Number of HIV/AIDS Cases Reported in the Philippines by Year, Jan 1984 to May 2012 (N=9,669)









'84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12

T OT A L 2 10 29 38 32 39 66 85 72 102 118 116 154 117 189 158 123 174 184 193 199 210 309 342 528 835 1591 2, 349 1, 305

A sympt omat i c 0 6 18 25 21 29 48 68 51 64 61 65 104 94 144 80 83 117 140 139 160 171 273 311 506 804 1563 2, 241 1, 243

A I DS 2 4 11 13 11 10 18 17 21 38 57 51 50 23 45 78 40 57 44 54 39 39 36 31 22 31 28 108 62

Deat h 2 4 10 12 9 8 15 13 13 11 19 24 27 10 16 17 9 20 11 11 8 16 18 10 7 1 3 *19 9
*Nine initially asymptomatic cases reported in 2011, died due to AIDS that same year.
Philippine HIV/AIDS Registry May 2012

AIDS Cases (1984-2012)

Of the 1,305 HIV positive cases in 2012, sixty-two were Figure 4. Proportion of Modes of Transmission of AIDS Cases by Year,
reported as AIDS cases. Of these, 57 were males and 5 were Jan 1984—May 2012
females. Ages ranged from 7-81 years (median 33 years). 100%

Ninety-seven percent (60) acquired the infection through

sexual contact (33 homosexual, 17 bisexual and 10
heterosexual), and 3% (2) mother-to-child transmission. 75%

Proportion of Cases
From 1984 to 2012, there were 1,042 AIDS cases reported.
Seventy-five percent (777) were males. Median age is 35 50%

years (age range: 1-81 years). Of the reported AIDS cases,

352 (34%) had already died at the time of reporting. Sexual
contact was the most common mode of HIV transmission, 25%

accounting for 94% (976) of all reported AIDS cases. Half

(484) of sexual transmission was through heterosexual 0%

contact, followed by homosexual contact (359) then bisexual 1984-2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

contact (133). Needl e P r i c k 2





B l ood T r ans f us i on

16 1 0 1 2

Other modes of transmission include: mother-to-child


I DU 4 0 0 2 0

transmission (20), blood transfusion (10), injecting drug use B i s ex ual Cont ac t 64 8 7 37 17

(6), and needle prick injuries (2) [Figure 4]. Three percent Homos ex ual Cont ac t

Het er os ex ual Cont ac t







(28) of the AIDS cases did not report mode of HIV

transmission. *Note: 28 did not report mode of transmission

Demographic Characteristics (1984-2012)

In 2012, there were a total of 1,305 cases reported. 95% of Figure 5. Proportion of Sex & Age-Groups in May 2012 & Jan-May 2012
the cases reported were males (1,243). Ages ranged from 100%

2-81 years old (median 28 years). The 20-29 year old age
group (59%) had the most number of cases for 2012. For the
Proportion of Cases


male age group, the most number of cases were found among
the 20-24 years old (26%), 25-29 years old (33%), and 30-34
years old (19%) [Figure 6]. 50%

From 1984 to 2012, there were 9,669 HIV Ab sero-positive 25%

cases reported (Table 1), of which 8,627 (89%) were

asymptomatic and 1,042 (11%) were AIDS cases. As shown in
Figure 6, there is a significant difference in the number of 0%
M ay 2012 (M ) M ay 2012 (F) 2012 (M al e) 2012 (Femal e)

male and female cases reported. Eighty-four percent (8,133) 50 & ol der 1 0 17 2

were males. Ages ranged from 1-81 years (median 29 years). 35-49yo 38 1 209 17

The age groups with the most number of cases were: 20-24
25-34yo 148 8 658 33

15-24yo 74 2 356 9

years (21%), 25-29 (28%), and 30-34 years (19%) [Figure 6]. 1-14yo 0 1 3 1

Figure 6. Comparison of the Distribution of Male and Female HIV Cases by Age-Group and Certain Highlighted Years

50 & o lder 1984-2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012







Number of Male Cases <15yo Number of Female Cases
2500 2250 2000 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500 250 0 0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500

<15yo 15-19yo 20-24yo 25-29yo 30-34yo 35-39yo 40-44yo 45-49yo 50 & ol der <15yo 15-19yo 20-24yo 25-29yo 30-34yo 35-39yo 40-44yo 45-49yo 50 & ol der

2012 3 30 326 416 242 107 68 34 17 2012 1 1 8 22 11 8 5 4 2

2011 1 76 589 739 378 193 117 51 49 2011 2 3 36 44 23 21 10 8 9

2010 1 50 405 455 256 128 81 42 48 2010 2 5 28 21 34 15 9 7 4

2009 1 22 179 227 124 90 41 18 29 2009 1 4 13 19 21 20 14 7 5

2008 2 11 92 140 90 59 36 23 20 2008 0 0 8 14 8 10 9 3 3

1984-2007 27 15 157 374 414 364 279 185 176 1984-2007 21 33 191 225 202 154 90 35 44

*Note: 74 did not report age, 11 did not report sex, 10 did not report age and sex 2
Philippine HIV/AIDS Registry May 2012

Geographic Distribution

Region % of Cases In May 2012, bulk of the new HIV cases came Fig 8. Comparison of Proportion of HIV Cases by Region & Year
I 2% from NCR, Region 4A, Region 11, Region 3,
II <1% and Region 7 [Fig 7]. The three highest
III 8% reporting regions were NCR, Region 4A, and 75%

Proportion of Cases
IVA 15%
Region 11.
IVB 0%
Figure 7. New HIV Cases by Region, May 2012 50%
V 1%

VI 3% R eg 3
VII 4% 14 % 25%

VIII 1% R eg 4 A
IX 1% 15%
X 2% 2012 2007-2011 1984-2012

XI 8% R eg 7 Reg1 2% 2% 2%

4% 7% 6% 9%
XII 1% Reg3

Reg4A 13% 12% 12%

CAR 1% R eg 11
Reg6 3% 3% 3%
CARAGA 1% Reg7 11% 9% 9%

7% 7% 6%

NCR 50% 54% 51%

NCR 51% 51%
ROT C* 7% 7% 7%
*ROTC: Rest of the Country

Modes of Transmission (1984-2012)

In 2012, 92% (1,201) were infected through sexual contact, Table 2. Reported Mode of HIV Transmission
8% (100) through needle sharing among injecting drug users, May 2012 Jan-May Cumulative
Mode of Transmission 2012
and <1% (4) through mother-to-child transmission (Table 2). n=273 n=1,305 N=9,669
There were 1,149 males and 52 females infected through Sexual Contact 268 1,201 8,847
sexual transmission. The age range of those infected through
Heterosexual contact 37(14%) 161(13%) 3,037(34%)
sexual transmission was 15-81 years old (median 27 years).
Homosexual contact 145(54%) 625(52%) 3,513(40%)
Of the 9,669 HIV positive cases reported from 1984 to 2012, Bisexual contact 86(32%) 415(35%) 2,297(26%)
92% (8,847) were infected through sexual contact, 4% (365) Blood/Blood Products 0 0 20
through needle sharing among injecting drug users, 1% (59) Injecting Drug Use 4 100 365
through mother-to-child transmission, <1% (20) through blood
Needle Prick Injury 0 0 3
transfusion and needle prick injury <1% (3) [Table 2]. No data
is available for 4% (375) of the cases. Mother-to-Child 1 4 59
No Data Available 0 0 375

Cumulative data shows 34% (3,037) were infected through heterosexual contact, 40% (3,513) through homosexual
contact, and 26% (2,297) through bisexual contact. From 2007 there has been a shift in the predominant trend of
sexual transmission from heterosexual contact (21%) to males having sex with other males (79%) [Figure 9].

Figure 9. Proportion of Types of Sexual Transmission, Jan 1984—May 2012 Figure 10. HIV Transmission by Age-Group, 2012 (n=1,305)

100% 675

Number of Cases

Proportion of Cases

70% 375


40% 75

30% 0
<7yo 7-14yo 15-17yo 18-24yo 25-34yo 35-49yo 50&ol der

20% B l ood T r ansf usi on - Femal e - - - - - - -

M at er nal t o Chi l d 1 3 - - - - -

10% I nj ect i ng Dr ug Use - Femal e - - - 2 6 1 -

I nj ect i ng Dr ug Use - M al e - - 2 28 34 26 1
'84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 Het er osexual Cont act - Femal e - - - 7 27 16 2

Het er osexual Cont act - M al e - - - 10 62 30 7

Het er osexual 1 7 24 24 16 19 35 30 41 47 58 56 81 82 138 114 93 128 129 129 123 131 193 139 160 216 274 388 161

B i sexual Cont act - - 1 111 239 63 1

B i sexual 0 2 0 4 2 2 4 4 5 2 3 8 7 7 9 10 8 5 8 14 12 14 26 74 127 252 467 806 415

Homosexual Cont act - - 1 203 323 90 8

Homosexual 0 1 4 3 4 6 8 15 5 16 20 21 30 25 36 30 17 32 46 40 27 47 81 107 215 336 680 1036 625

Philippine HIV/AIDS Registry May 2012

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW)

In 2012, there were 133 HIV positive OFWs, comprising 10% of cases reported for the year [Figure 11]. Of these, 118
(89%) were males and 15 (11%) were females. All were infected through sexual contact.
There were 1,921 HIV positive OFWs since 1984, comprising 20% of all reported cases [Figure 11]. Seventy-seven
percent (1,488) were males. Ages ranged from 18 to 69 years (median 35 years). Sexual contact (97%) was the
predominant mode of transmission (Table 3). Eighty-five percent (1,631) were asymptomatic while 15% (290) were
AIDS cases.
Table 3. Mode of HIV Transmission Among OFWs Figure 11. Number of OFWs Compared to Non-OFWs by Year (1984-2012)
May 2012 Jan-May Cumulative
Mode of Transmission n=25 2012 n=133 N=1,921 2200
Sexual Transmission 25 133 1,859

Number of Cases
Heterosexual contact 7(28%) 36(27%) 1,134(61%) 1600
Homosexual contact 12(48%) 53(40%) 408(22%) 1200

Bisexual contact 6(24%) 44(33%) 317(17%) 1000

Blood/Blood Products 0 0 10 600
Injecting Drug Use 0 0 1
Needle Prick Injury 0 0 3 0
'84 '85 '86 '87 '88 '89 '90 '91 '92 '93 '94 '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 '00 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12

No Data Available 0 0 48 OFW 1 2 0 3 9 5 10 7 14 29 31 24 35 27 51 67 60 79 96 93 86 92 130 106 122 164 174 271 133

Non-OFW 1 8 29 35 23 34 56 78 58 73 87 92 119 90 138 91 63 95 88 100 113 118 179 236 406 671 1417 20781172

% of OFW 50% 20% 0% 8% 28% 13% 15% 8% 19% 28% 26% 21% 23% 23% 27% 42% 49% 45% 52% 48% 43% 44% 42% 31% 23% 20% 11% 12% 10%

Blood Units Confirmed for HIV PLHIV on Anti-Retroviral Therapy

As of May 2012, 111 blood units Table 4. Number of Confirmed HIV As of March 2012, there are 2,278* People Living
Positive Blood Units
were confirmed positive for HIV with HIV presently on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART).
by RITM. There is no available Month 2012 2011 Data for April and May is not yet available.
data yet on the total number of January 17 11
Table 5. Number of PLHIV on ART
blood units donated. February 18 15 Treatment Hubs in the Philippines
M Month 2012
1. Baguio General Hospital and Medical Center
March 34 14
These are confirmed positive January 2,087 2. Ilocos Training and Regional Medical Center
3. Cagayan Valley Medical Center
blood units, not blood donors. April 21 20 February 2,169 4. Jose B. Lingad Medical Center

One donor can donate more May 21 10 March 2,278

5. San Lazaro Hospital
6. Philippine General Hospital
than one blood unit. HIV April Data not yet 7. Research Institute for Tropical Medicine
June 32 available 8. Makati Medical Center
positive blood donors may not Data not yet 9. The Medical City
be in the HIV & AIDS Registry July 22 available 10. Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital
11. Western Visayas Medical Center
unless they underwent August 18 12. Corazon Locsin Montelibano Memorial Regional Hospital
13. Vicente Sotto Memorial Medical Center
voluntary counseling and September *18
July 14. Gov. Celestino Gallares Memorial Hospital
15. Zamboanga City Medical Center
testing as individuals. August 16. Southern Philippines Medical Center
October 22
November 17
December 18 * This is not a cumulative number. It does not
*Update: Number of confirmed HIV Positive Units November include those who already have died, left the
for March 2010 data was changed from 15 to 24. Total 111 209 country, or decided to stop taking ART.
October 2010 data was changed from 20 to 27 and December
September 2011 was changed from 10 to 18.

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