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STRENGTH OF MATERIALS. jl ee "Th nua are tightened lightly home on the project parts of the vod. Ifthe temperature ofthe ttvemly i raised by 60°C, eaulate the elreasesdoveloped in coppor and steel. Take FE for sta find copper as 200 GN/i® and 100 GN/a? and a for staal and cepper as 12% 10° per °C aud 15 10° per °C. (Uns. 16.28, 28.4 Nima) 28, vertical bar fixed atthe upper end and of uniform streagth caries an axil tensile laa of 500 LEN. The barf 18m long and having weight por uait volume as 0.00008 Nimm*. Ith area of the bar atthe lower end Is 600 mn? find the area ofthe barat the upper end. fAns. 50.72 min") 24, Astrlght circular rod tapering from diameter’? at one and toa diameter at the other ens ‘ubjcted to an anil oad 'P- Obtsin an expression for the elongation ofthe ro. 4PL Ane Dd 2 Elastic Constants eee See 21. INTRODUCTION ‘When a body i subjected to an axial tensile iad, there is an inerease in the length of the body. But at the same time there is 2 decrease in other dimensions of the ody at right angles to the line of action of the applied load. Thus the bedy is having axial deformation and also deformation at right angles to the lne of action of the applied load (ke, lateral deformation). ‘This chapter deals with these deformations, Poisson's ratio, volumetric strains, bulk modulus, relation between Young’s modulus and modulus of rigidity and relation between Young's modu- | tas and bulk modulus. 2.2, LONGITUDINAL STRAIN Whea a body is subjected to an axial tensile or compressive load, there is sn axial defor mation in the length of the body. ‘The ratio of axial deformation to the original length of the body is known as longitudinal (or linear) strain. The longitudinal strain is also defined as the Aefarmation of the body per unit length in the direction of the applied load. Let b= Length of the body, P ="Vonstle force acting on the body, {SL = Increase in the length of the body in the direction of P. aL ‘Then, longitudinal strain = 2.8. LATERAL STRAIN ‘Tho strain at right angles to the direction of applied load is known as lateral strain. Let ‘a rectangular bar of length L., breadth b and depth dia subjected to an axial tonsilo oad Pas fom in Big, 24. The length ofthe har wi increase whe the breadth and depch wit Lat 81, = Increase in length, ‘8 = Decrease in breadth, end Sd = Decrease in depth. ‘Then longitudinal strain = i (21) z 8. bd and lateral strain poe (2.2) 59 eo STRENGTH OF MATERIALS: Koy Fig 2 Note. (If longitudinal strain is tensil, the latoral strains willbe coraprossive {Ge Wongitadinal steain is compressive then lateral strain willbe tonal \ié) Hence every longitudinal strain in the dizection cf load is accompanied by ltatal strains of the opposite kind in al directions perpendiculer tothe load 24. POISSON'S RATIO. ‘The ratio of lateral strain to the longitudinal strain is a enstant for a given material, hen the material i stressed within the elastic limit, This ratio is called Poisson's ratio and iis generally denoted by pt. Hence mathematically, Lateral strain, Tongitudinal strain or Lateral strain = yx longitudinal strain As lateral strain is opposite in sign to longitudinal strain, hence algebraically, the lat- eral strain is written as Lateral strain = ~ 4 x longitudinal strain 423A ‘The value of Poisson's ratio varies from 0.25 to 0,88, For rubber, it value ranges froin 0.45 to 0.50. Problem 2.1. Determine the changes in length, breadth and thickness of a vtec! bar which is 47 long, 30 mm wide and 20 mm thick and is subjected to en axial pull of 30 BN in the direction of its length. Take B = 2 x 10° Ninn and Poisson's ratio ~ 0.3. Sol. Given Length of the bar, Breadth of the ber, ‘Thiekness of the bar, ‘Area of crose-section, Axial pall Young's modulus Poisson's ratio, Poisson's ratio, 2 23) L=4m= 4000 mm 30 x 20 P=30 KN = 30000N B=2x 10° Ninn? ELASTIC CONSTANTS ‘bar of length 20 em, compressive load of 400 RN. The decrease in ler Bot nina sein «SE % oon 8 or cang ning = 0.0005 ‘Using equation (2.3), Latoraletrain * Tongitudinal strain Lateral strain 03 o00%5 Lateral sain = 0.8» 6.00026 ~ 0.000076. We know that Poisson's ratio & M(t taertsean = 2 oe Sfmt) “te tain Tiers = ez am. Ane steal sin 2 O00 D015 mm. Ane Similarly, 6 er 00025 x 4000 = 1.0mm, Ans. Problem 2.2. Determine the value of Young's modulus and Poisson's ratio of a metallic is 0.003 em, Length, L = 30 em ; Breadth, 5 = 4 em ; and Depth, Area ofeross-section, | A=dxd =4x4 breadth 4 om and depth 4 em when the bar is subjected to an axial ingth is given as 0.075 cm and increase in breadth ‘Axial compressive load, P= 400 KN = 400 « 1000 N Decreaso i. length, 8L = 0.075 em Increase in breadth, 98 = 0.008 om Longitudinal strain 0018 _ 9.0095 8) _ 0.003 Lateral strain BPS ~ ooo. Using equation (2.3), Pa __Lateral stain 0.00075, Pee Longitudinal strain ” 0.0025 Stress P Longitudinal strain FUE 400000 ‘0.0025 ~ 490000. 5 600« B 400000 = 6 110 Nimm’, 600 = 0.0095 03, Ans. Load _P (Seow jaa 3) Ans. 62 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 25, VOLUMETRIC STRAIN ‘The ratio of change in volume to the original volume af body (when the body is sub- jected to singe force ora system of forces) is called volumetric strain. Tt is denoted by ¢, ‘Mathematically, vlumetrie strain is given by vi aed where 6Y = Change in volume, and V = Original volume. 2.6.1. Volumetric Strain of a Rectan- gular Bar which is Subjected to an Axial Load P in the Dixection of its Length. Con- sider a rectangular bar of length L, width b and depth ol which is subjected to an axial load P in the direction of its length as shown in Fig. 2.2 Let {L = Change in length, bb = Change in width, and 4d = Change in depth. Final length of the bar =L-+5L inal width of the bar =b+b Final depth of the bar 48d [Now originel volume of the bar, V= Lib ‘Final volume (L + ALMb+ be + bd) [.bd. + bdbL + LbBd + La. 8b Ugnoring products of small quantitios) Change in volume, SV = Pinal volume - Original volume = (Lod + bdSL + Lbdd + Ld) — Lod = bdBL + LbBd + Lib Volumetric strain, ov, v babL + Lbdd + Lab Tod 8d, % a8 Ay & i tu «tng stain nd or a ara stein Sutsing ise asin he aire ain ge «Stange 9 ser ein ® From etn 2.0) wee Tatra sts Lng tn Sunitig ho eral sin gation, wo «yeti ein 2 gal Sin e1asmic ConsTaNTS 63 BLASTS CONTA = Longitudinal strain (1 ~ 20) ML = Fa-20 (2.8) Problem 2.3. For the problem 2.1, determine the volumetric strain and final volume of the given steel bar. Sol. Given ‘The following data is given in problem 2.2. L = 4000 mam, 6 = 30 mm, ford = 20 mmm, 1 = 0.3. Original volume, ¥'= Lb = 4000 x 80 x 20 = 2400000 rm? rhea gail sin (:e,) npn 21 ce a os © cosous ow aig euatin we ave Vaunetiestin, «y= 20-19 on -2«05)= 0001, Ans » 7 soe . 0000 ( = 0.0001 x 2400000 = 240 mam? Final volume = Original volume + 8 = 2400000 + 240 mm 2400240 mum’. Ans. Problem 24. A steel bar 300 mm long, 50 mm wide ond 40 mm thick is suhjected to a pull of 300 AN in the direction of ite length. Determine the change in volume. Take B= 2x 10 Ninn? and y= 0.25. Sol, Given Length, Wieth, ‘Thickness, Paull, Value of B 2x10 Nimm* Value of =025 Original volume, V=Lxbxt ‘300 x 50 « 40 mam? = 600000 man? ‘The longitudinal strain (ce, the etrain in the direction of load) is given by L,_ Stroas in the direction of load See ee ‘But stress in the direction of load PP = Koa bxt 6 “STRENGTH OF MATERIALS e1asro consTaNTS 85 200107 65 steam? ‘Substituting these valucs in equation (2.6), we get 50%40 in di __150 Fn 3, 0.00075 Now volumetric strain is given by equation (2.5) as a2) = 0.00075 (1 - 2% 0.25) oust Let 7 = changin vue. Then represent lee sein aw & 0.000875 or dV = 0.000875 xV = 0.000375 x 600000 = 225 mm’. Ans. 2.62, Volumetric Strain of a Ree- tangular Bar Subjected to Three Forces z which are Mutually Perpendicular. Con- sider a rectangular block of dimensions x, y andz subjected tothree direct tensile stresses ¢_f along three mutually perpendicular axis as shown in Fig. 2.3, ‘Then volume of block, V=xy2. ¥ ‘Taking logarithm to both sides, we have og V =log-x + log.y + log 2 Differentiating the shove equation, we get at eaeaits Ve ae We te aye (2.8) 2Y _ Chango of volume at Yl sin V Original volume ccmmeiadars 1 ala este + Sigal dieanee tirninin tn nun Boag eo dl ctcdmt a a Set taste Now, Let = Toosile stress in y-y direction, and fens stress in 2-2 direction, foang’s modulus w= Poiseon’s ratio. Now o, wl paduce ten strin equal o Sin the destin af and eempresive strain equal fo 1% inthe direction of y ads. Sn, o, wil reduce a tenis strain aus to En he dvcton oy anda compres strain egal to 2 nthe drcton os and Similary o, wll produce a tensile tin equal to Sin the direction oz and sompe ressive stain equal to H*S" in the deetion of = and 3. Henge oan, ill provace ‘compressive strains equal to and nets in the direction of x. [Not tensile strain along x-direction is given by Similarly, and ‘ ‘Adding all the strains, wo 1 (a, 40, +0)- 2 (a, +0, +0, a 46,0e,= EG, +0,+0)- Z l0,49,+0) 4 (a,+5,+0,X1~ 20). wv But e,e, +0, =Volumetri strain = S7-. aia W 2 a 40, 40,K1-29) Qn FB et OF OMA 20) Equation (2-1) gives the volumetric strain. In this equation the stresses o, .¢, and_ are all tensila. If any ofthe stresses is compressive, it may be regarded as negative, and the above ccuaton will goth valet tn epee in he wecs w. negative value of “Y ropresents a decrease in volume, the negative value of SF rep 66 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Problem 2.5. A metallic bar 200 mm x 100 min x 40 mam is eubjected toa foree of § EN (onsite, GEN (tensile) and 4 AN (tensile) along x,y and 2 directions respectively. Determine the ‘change in the volume of the block. Take E = 2 10! Nimm? and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Sol. Given : Dimensions of bar "= 800 ram » 100 mm < 40 mam = 200 mm, y= 100 mm and 2 = 40 mm Volume, Varxy x2= 800 x 100% 40 1200000 mm? Load in the direction of = 5 KN = 5000N Load in the direction ofy = 6 KN = 6000.N Load in the direction of2 = 4 KN = 4000.N Value of E 22 10° Nim? Poisson's ratio, 420.95 ‘Stress in the s-direction, Load in x-direction : yee Et a p 300 mm — 0 = 0000 21.25 Nine? oN D040 ‘Similarly the stress in y-direction is given by, = Load in y-direction 6000 300 40 __ Load in adiroction xy 4000 ** 300 «100 ©0183 Ninm? Using equation (2.9), we get av Deke, +0,+0K1- 20 = 0.5 Nim? And strass in z-direction 1 geqgr (1254 05+ 0.119) ~2 «0.259 1.869 ELASTIC CONSTANTS Problem 28 A tale bar 250 mn yan 4.100 ram x 60 moni leaded os shun reas { Find the change in solume, Toke M1eNInmt nd Porat O35. or Alo find the change that should be madd in the 4 MN load, in order that there = y should be no change in the volume of the" Jfaigq 2 ber Rig. 25 Sol. Given Length, = 250:mm, y = 100 mm end 2 = 50 mm Volume, ¥ = ye = 250 x 100 x 50.» 1250000 mm? Load in a-direetion = 400 KN = 400000 N (tensile) ‘Load in y-direction 2MN = 2. 108 N (tensile) Lead in 2-diretion 4 MN = 4 x 108 N (compressive) Modulus of elasticity, =2 10° Nimt Poisson's ratio, = 0.25, Now 9, = Stress in direction Load indirection ‘Area of eress-sestion 400000 _ 400000 . cee anes «29 Nimm? Uension ila oe Lmdinasction 2x10 “ = BA = 100 Nin 160 Niine? (compression). Using equation (2:7) and taking tensile stresses positive and compressive stresses neg tive, we get aS E 1 Fe qor (00+ 160 160K1 - 2x0.25) (+0, 4X1 = 2) a v on or y 0.5 = 0.0002, Change in volume, dV = 0.0002 ¥ 10.0002 x 1250000 250 mm?. Ans. ea STRENGTH OF MATERIALS ‘Change in the 4 MN load when there is no change in volume of Bar avid aing equation (2.7), ©. (0, +0, o,K1~ Using equation (2.7, SF 2 (a, +0, +0344 20) tien age inane hen 0 Leraroxt-a0<0 Sui foros of mata the va of es between 025 and 0.39 an ene he em aaa 'Sncrer tae The ssts and a a oe change, Only She sen cosspending oh a Ann dese net to cena. 20a) =~ 240 Neamt compre) ed Area zxy 7 issast 250 x 100 fatashs tanked tna ose But seadyscompenve ado 4 MN arn Addin ned tht mare oad SON AHN 2 MIN (oomprossve. Ans But 2.6, VOLUMETRIC STRAIN OF A CYLINDRICAL ROD. Consider a cylindrical rod which is subjected to an axial tensile load P. Let = diameter of the rod L = Iongth of tho roa ‘Due to tensile load P, there will be an incroase in the length oftho vod, but the diametor ofthe rod will decrease as shown in Fig. 2.6. ‘ 7 Final length Final diameter ‘Now original volume of the rod, Fatet Final volume ce tdt-tdebouh +80) eLASTiC CONSTANTS: 68 SEL eA xh Bax baad xb bd L204 81) ote b tbat bbe dst) Neglecting the products and higher powers of two small quantitis. Change in volume, V = Final volume ~ Original volume = FC ah dd bx bd 4d x 81) F dtc = J @ x 6b- Bax x bd) thangs in volume _ 3. Original volume ~ V id? xab-2deLx8d) ee 2.8) Px whore Mets thant test acter Volum ain = Sin gh th nn of arto Problem 2.7.A steel rod 5 m long and 30 mm in diameter is subjected to an axial tensile load of 50 RN. Determine the change in length, diameter and volume ofthe rad. Take K = 2 x 10° ‘Nim? and Poiseon’s ratio = 0.25, So. Given Length, LeSm=5%10?mm Dimes, ddan Volume, Ya Bata te E0810" 88940 210" Tensile a, Boen = 8010 Vain ot rte Nine Peinontrato, wr 025 ie 827 Changi meter {8L = Change in length 8V = Change in volume Now strain of longth Load) Ege EB gg? “Dn 7 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS = 0.0003536 But strain of length. aL TT = 9.0008586 8, = 0.000538 x 5 x 10° =1.768 mm. Ans. Lateral strain Tongitudinal strain Lateral strain » Poisson's ratio x Longitudinal strain Now Poisson's ratio = 0.25 x 0.000856 & Lanta aan) = 0,0000884 Bit Later ain» ca SF = 0.000884 4d = 0.000884 x d = 0.0000884 x 3 Now using equation (2.8), we get BY ab 2d Volumetric stain, SF ~ 38 0008586 2 x 0.000884 = 0.001768 ¥ x 0.001768 35.848 x 10° x 0.001768, = 624.86 mm, Ans. 2.7. BULK MODULUS ‘When a body is subjected to the mutually perpendicular like and equal direct stressee, the ratio of direct stress to the corresponding volumetric strain is found to be constant for a ‘sven material when the deformation is within a eertain limit, This ratio is known a5 bulle ‘modulus and is usually denoted by K. Mathematically bulk modulus is given by Divect stress ‘Volumetic strain ~ [a7 ames v 2.8. EXPRESSION FOR YOUNG’S MODULUS IN TERMS OF BULK MODULUS Fig. 2. howa acube ABCD F GH whichis subjected to three matutly perpondica- lar tensile stresses of equal intensity. ae Tat = Lough of ube b= Change in length of the cube eLASTiC constanrs n = Young's modulus of the material ofthe eube = Tensile stroas acting on the faces = Poisson's ratio ‘Then volume of cube, Vm= L* Now let us consider the strain of one of the sides of | $f the cube (say AB) under the action of the three mutually perpendicular stressos. This side will sufler the following, three strains Z 1. Strain of AB due to stresses on the faces AEHD and BGC: This tran tensile andi equal to P27 2, Stron of AB dueto stresses onthe fates ABP and DHGC. This is compressive lateral strain snd i equal tow 28 Senin of ABP du ostresce on the faces ABCD and BFGH. Thine aleo compressive iu sninanis quo -n 2 Hionce the total strain of AB is given by [Now original volume of cube, V- IfdL. is the change In length, then dV is the change in volume. Difforontiating equation (7), with respect to L, dV = 82x dL iit) Dividing equation (i) by equation (i), we get aV_aibedl sdb Fee Eee sxtating th in nm gt nese in, wa aw 30 BB aap From qution (2), bull modus i given by o o a _ 30 i} Regn ae » © .8a-a] v) E z pee 20 1-50 maa 7 B-3KG-20 gap i From equation 2:10), the expression for Poiseo's rato (wis obtained as w = 2 STRENGTH OF MATERIAL'S Problem 2.8. Fora material, Young’s modulus is givens 1.2 x 10 N/mm! and Poisson's ratio 4. Caloulate the Bulk modulus Sol. Given : Young's modulus, E Poisson's ratio, Let Using equation (2.10), BARBI gg aot Nmt Ans Drblem 28 bar of 0mm detected nlf BN The mee conor onto lg te mn isO nm and sings dame’ 00M¢nm. Cll @)Yeangs modula Gi Poot ato Gi Bat mtn Sa. Gnon Disa, d= 0m ‘Area of bar, A= F (20) = 295 mm? Pull, P= 60 KN © 60 « 1000 N Gauge length, 00 mm. Extension, ab= 0.1mm ‘Change in dia, &d = 0.004 min (Youngs modulus (2) he P 60000 ‘Tensile stress, an F . $0000 fam? 5 SO «ener wh ab 04 Longitudinal strain Peas it = Se = 0.0005 ‘Tensile stroas Longitudinal stain 84.87 ‘2.0005 {6975 * 105 Nimm®. Ans Young's modulus, 2 = 16,075 » 10 Nima? Gi) Poisson's ratio Cw) Poisson's ratio is given by equation (2.8) as Lateral strain Poisson's ratio = taerol seein (© Tngitudinal strain e.asric CONSTANTS 73 (Gi Bute modulus (K) ‘Using equation 2.10), we get E1697, 10° BG 2a) ” HI- 0.2682) = 1.209 x 10° Nimm#, Ans. x 2.9, PRINCIPLE OF COMPLEMENTARY SHEAR STRESSES It states that set of shear stresses across a plane is al ways accompanied hy a set of balancing shear stresses (ce, of the same intensity) arose the plane and normal to it Proof, Fig. 28 shows a rectangular block ABCD, sub- jected to a set of shear streases of intaneity « on the faces AB fend OD. Let the thickneas of the block normal to the plane of the paper is unity ‘The force acting on face AB = Stress x Area =1xABx1=tAB ‘Similarly foree acting on face CD =x CD «1="0D AB (: CD= AB) "The forces acting on the faces AB and CD are equal and opposite and henes these forces, will form a couple ‘The moment of this couple = Foree x Perpendicular distance = AB x AD i) If the block isin equilibrium, there must be a restoring couple whose moment must be ‘equal to the moment given by equation (), Lat the shear stress of intensity x is sot up on the faces AD and CB. ‘The fora aeting on face AD =v" x AD x 1 "Tho force acting on face BC = v x BO x1 (= BG= AD) ‘Aa the force acting on faces AD and BC are equal and opposite these fores also forms a couple ‘Moment of this couple = Force x Distance =v AD x AB «iy For the equilibrium of the block, the moments of couples given by equations (@) and (i) should be equal GAB x AD =¥ADx AB or t=7 ‘The above equation proves thata set of shear strosses is always accompanied by a trans verse set of shear stresses of the same intensity. "The stress’ is known as complementary shear and the iwo stresses («and «) at right angles together constitute a state af simple shear. The direction of the shear stresses on the block are either both towards or both away ftom s comer. | ” STRENGTH OF MATERIALS In Fig. 28, asa result of two ecuples, formed by the shesr forces, the diagonal BD will be subjected to tension and the diagonal AB will be subjected to compression. 2.10, STRESSES ON INCLINED SECTIONS WHEN THE ELEMENT IS SUBJECTED ‘TO SIMPLE SHEAR STRESSES Fig. 2.9 shows a rectangular block ABCD which is in « state of simple shear and hence subjected to a sot of shear 0 stresses of intensity + on the faces AB, CD and the faces AD and CB. Let the thickneis of the block normal to the plane of the paper is unity q | Tt is raquired to find the normal and tangential stresses ‘cross an nelined plane CB, which is having inclination @ with the face CB. Consider the equilibrium of the triangular pleeo CEB of thiclnoae unity. The forces acting on triangular piecs CRB are shown in Fig. 2.10 and they are ce (Shear force on face CB, Pr ey Q, = Shear stress « area of face CB =exBCx1 = vx BC acting along OB (di) Shear fores on face EB, @,= Shear stress x area offaco HB 3 ex EB x Lax EB acting along BB 1xEB=Oy (idl) force P,, normal to the plane EC Fe. 210 (Gu) A fore P, tangential wo the plane BC ‘The force Qi acting along the face CB as shown in Pig. 2.11. Tia frees resolved into ‘ono components, fe, Q, on @ and Q, sin @ along the plane CH and normal tothe plane C2 respectively, The force Qs acting along the face ZB This force is alo resolved into bve components, 4, Qn 0 and Q, 0080 along the plane BC and normal to Uh plane EC respectively or equilibrium, the not force normal to the plane CE should be zero P,—@, sin 0- Qyens 020 Qysin + Qos 0 3% BC x ain 6+ +3 ED x coe 0 (2 Qa txBC ond @,=%x2B) 59 se cect Stl, the net foree along the plane CE should FOR e P,Q, 0050+ Q,sin Q,c08 8 Q, sin 8 ve sign is takon due to opposite direction) BO x cos 01% EB x sin 8 eUASTIC CONSTANTS 78 Let 6, = Normal stross on plane CE’ 6, = Tangential stress on plane CH ‘Normal foree on plane CE ‘Area of aection CE B,__ x BC xsin 0+4x EBX c088 Gest CExt 2008 0 sin 0+ ein 0 x cos 0 Be En + Tn triangle 2BC, BS ~ cos # and 2 « sin (+ tesco nn 35 «evant FF =n) 2.12) ‘Tangent ‘Area of plane CE ExBCx0o8 01x EB xsind eae and 4, EB xeos0~ ex EB xin =v Shear stress = =) 5 Bquating the two tensile strain along diagonal BD, wo got o Easwe (Canclng «to both sides E2006) 236) = 2. - Baw ead Problem 2.10, Determine the Poisson's ratio and bulh modulus of a material, for which Young's modulus is 12 x 10° Nimm? and modulus of rigidity ie 4.8 x 10° NI min? Sol. Given Young's modulus, = 1.2% 108 Nimm* Modulus of rigidity, C= 4.8 x 10¢ Nim? Let the Poisson's ratio= Using equation (2.16), we get B22 ew) or 48x 10°C +0) 12x 10% or (awe ee 125 or 100.25, Ans. Ay = ERIC = 125 25-10 = 0.25. Ar [Bulk modulus is given by equation (2.10) as zB 10° : 1.210 io 80-20 ~ 310982 = 8% 106 Nim. Ans. Problem 2.11. A bar of eress-section 8 mm x & mm is eubjected to an axial pull of 7000 N. The lateral dimension ofthe bar is found to be changed t0 7.9985 myn x 7.9985 min. If the modulus of rigidity ofthe material is 0.8 x 108 N/mm?, determine the Poisson's ratio and ‘modulus of elasticity. Sol. Given ‘Area of section = 8 » ‘Axial pull, P = 7000 N Lateral dimensions = 7.9985 mm x 7.9985 mm. Volume of © =0.8 x 10° N/mm? 4 mam? a 80 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS Poigcon's ratio and E = Modulus of elasticity. ‘Chango in lateral dlmension ‘Original lateral dimension STOO 00018 goons ‘To find the value of Poisson's ratio, wo must know the value of longitudinal strain, But in this problem, the length of bar and the axial extension is not given. Hence longitudinal strain cannot be ealeilated, But sxil stress ean be celculated. Then longitudinal, strain will bo ogual to axial stress divided by B. P__ 7000 Brea ~ 64 But letra strain = jx longitadinal strain = eS Now lateral stra * Axial stress, 100.875 N/mm? and longitudinal stral bala « oases = #2109378 « E_ 109375, AOE, « s0ss05.98 or B= 583988.350 0 Using equation (2.17), we get B ma =2x 08% L049) & C=08% 109) 0.8% 105(1 +9) B= 588383.33,) 569393.5. ~ BEE = 2.6408 1 = 8.6458, — 0001875) cK + w) or ite 6458 Poisson's ati +0878, Ans. 4 eas Modulus of elasticity (B) is obtained by cubstituting the value of yin equation (i). = 583898.23, 158339333, Be = 2.2067 108 Nimmt, Ans. 2648 Problem 2.12. Calculate the modulus of rigidity and bulk modulus of « cylindrical bar of diameter 30 mm and of length 1.5 m ifthe longitudinal stain in a bar during a tensile stress is four times the lateral strain. Find the change in volume, when the bar is subjected to a Jdrostatic pressure of 100 Ninn, Take B= 1x 10° Nim’. Sol. Given Dia. of bar, Length of bar, ‘Volume of bar, eLASTIC CONSTANTS: et parish Longitudinel strain =4 x Lateral strain “Hydrostatic pressure, p = 100 Nimam* Lateral strain 0.25 Longitudinal sain or Poisson's ratio, = w= 0.25 Let (C= Modulus of rigidity Using equation (2.16), we get B= 200+) or 1x 105= 2011 +025) Ax 10° erst For bulle modulus, using equation (2.11), we get x 104 Nimm®, Ans. « beawean 20028) 25) 1x 108 2 PIO ger 105 Ninmt, Ans. 13 691 308m Now asing quan 28) wee 2 . =‘ jumetriostrain ” (dV" sre p= 100 Nn? 67x10!» A 7) a1 : 7 a gilt g 1se0 dV = Vx 15 10 = 1060287.52 % 15 « = 1590.49 mm®, Ans. HIGHTIGHTS Poisson's ratio isthe rato of lateral strain to langitudinal strain. Ibis generally denoted by 1. 2. The tensile longitadinal stress produces compressive lateral stra. # a loa acts inthe direction of length of a rectangular bar, then longitudinal stealn = F and 85, Be Lateral strain = or where 8! = Change in length, ‘8h = Change in width, ‘bd = Change in dopth i a2 STRENGTH OF MATERIALS 44 The rato of change in volume to original volume is known as volumetric strain 5. Volumetric stain, foe a rectangular bar subjocted to an axial ed P, is given by saan 6. Vln: in fr ang er ited tre mal perpen Pee Hh alias there a, 0, and 6, are strestes in x,y and z direction respectively Principle of complementary shear siraasos states that a set of shear tresses across plan iz always accompanied by a et of balancing shear strestes (Le, of the same intensity] across the plane and normal to 8. Volumetri strain of elindrical rod subjocted to an axial tensile load is given by, ¢, Longitudinal train ~2 x strain of diameter rare 5 td 8, Bulk modulus Kis given by, Keo. r GF) 10, Tho celn beeen Ton’ dl nd balk mds gen by, Sana ap 11, When an elomet naj ple ber ssn {O'Th dane af sin taal te ar pepo en oe. (i) The flares of sion somal sane ee led sonal of 45 othe plane o pe me (un Ono th maxima normal set i nl whl th othr mais normal ees i comes (oy Tenia normal sts ar fhe same magi and are ou the sat sess meen ope hese 1a, The ran tween hl of lay and modus gy sen by : E arcasw o cope EXERCISE 2 (A) Theoretieal Questions 3, Define and explain the terms: Longitudinal strain, lateral strain and Poiston's ratio. Prove that the volumetric tran ofa cylindrical rod which is eubjeted to an axial vensie load is equal o strain inthe length minus tee the strain of diameter 3. What isa bulk modulus 7 Derive an expression for Young’e modulus in terms of ball modulus ud Polssou's rato 4. Define volumetric stain. Prove that the volumetre strain for a rectangular bar subjected to an sviallood P ia the direction of ite length is given by SL «= ta-a a Poissons ratio and % = Longitudinal stain ‘easnic CONSTANTS 83 5. (a) Derive an expression for volumetric strain fora rectangular ar whichis subjected to three mutually perpendicular tonsile stresses. (@) A tost clement is eubjected to three mutually perpendicular unequal stresses. Find the change in volume ofthe clement, ithe aljabraic cum of those street a aqua ta 2er0, Bzplainbrifly the term ‘choarstrece’ and "complimentary staat with proper iustrations, State tho princpla of shear stress. ‘What do you understand by ‘in element ina state of simp shear? ‘When an element is ina state of simple shear then prove thatthe planes of maximum normal stresses are perpendicular to each other and those planes are inclined at an ungle of 45" to the planes of pure shear 10. Derive an expression between modulus of elasticity and modulus of rigidity. (B) Numerical Problems 4, Determine the changes in longth, breadth and thcknes of soe! bar which i 6 m log, 40 mm wide and 30 mm thick and is subjeated to an andal pull of 95 KN in the diesen aft long, ‘Take B= 2 x 10° Niaya® and Polston's ratio = 0.32 {Ans 0.0129 cm, 0.000186 em, 0.000139 ern} 2 For tho above problem, dotarmine the volumetrie strain and the final volume ofthe given steal Der {ams 0.000025, 6000817 ma) ‘8. Detormine the value of Young’s medulus and Poicsons ratio of a mole bar of length 25 em, bronéti 3 cm and depth 2 em when tha bar ie subjected to an axial compeestve loa of 240 RN. "The decreate in length is given as 0.05 em and ineresco in breadth ia 0.002, [Ang 2510 Nina? and 0.98) 4. A.stoel bar 890 mm long, 40 mm wide and 30 mai thick Is subjected tom pul f 260 IN in she Aireston of its longth, Detarmin the change In volume. Take E = 2 x 10" Nike® ane m4 (Ans. 200 man? ‘A metallic bar 250 mim x 89 om x 20 mum is subjected to @ ore of 20 XN (teil, 30 IN tensile) ‘and 16 EN (toncilo) long x,y and = diretions respectively, Detrmsine the change in the volume ofthe block. Take E = 2c 10° Nin! and Poisson’ rato = 025. (Ans. 13.62 mam 8. A metallic bor 300 mim x 120 mm x 50 mm is loaded ar shown in Fig. 218. Find the change in volume, Take B= 2 « 10 Nin? and Poisson's ratio = 00. epae 7 45K Fig. 235 “Also find the change tht shouldbe made in 4.5 MN las, in ender that there abould be nochange in the volume of the bar. [Ans 450 mmé, 45241 7. A stoel rod 4 m long and 20 mam dismotor is subjected to an axial tensile load of 40 IN. Deter imine the chango in length, diameter and volume ofthe tod. Take =2% 10° Ninn! and Poisson's ratio = 0.25. IAns. 2.5464, 005092, 5598 mm]

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