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Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the honourable judges, teachers

and my fellow friends. Today, on this fine day, I would like to talk about the
‘Advantages and disadvantages of bringing handphones to school’.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Handphones, mobile phones, and tablets are becoming common in almost

everywhere in our society, even now, small children have it too. Today, It has
become a must have item to everyone. Even now, If I ask the audience, whether
they have a handphone, probably almost all will say yes, isn't? Well, as for now
this question exclude the students, because students are still prohibited to bring
handphone to school, but if students are allow to bring handphone, most
probably, all the audience in this hall, will say yes.

But then, is it a good idea to allow students to bring handphone to school ? In

every story, there are two sides of contracting ideas, therefore, I would like to
take this opportunity, to let the audiences know the advantages and
disadvantages of allowing students to bring handphone to school.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me start my speech by stating the first advantages of student bring phone to
school that is, to make communication easier, especially between parents and
their children. It will allow them to communicate with each other at any time. In
the past, parents often never knew where their children were until they came
home. With handphone, parents can check up on their kids and arrange
transportation or relay important information if necessary at any time they want.
Like for example, the children can tell their parents what are their activities and
thus make the parents less worry about their children whereabouts.

Secondly,handphones can be an invaluable tool in emergency situations. For

instance, if a student is severely injured, sick or there is a crisis situation, the
phones can allow students to contact authorities or anyone for help.
Thirdly, with the technology available, it can help the students to learn more.
More easy access to internet, students can search information on the internet
easily. But it could also be the other way around. Students use the internet to find
fun instead of studying.

Now, I will focus on the disadvantages of student bring handphone to school.

Firstly is about theft issue. With more and more attractive phones available, there
are good chances of phone being snatch or theft. This happen because some
pupils might not be able to afford it, thus, the only way for them to have it, is by
steal it. Students also can make extra money too by stealing the handphone and
sell it.
Moreover, students can at times be clumsy when keeping their things. We all
know that once the item is gone, it will be gone forever. The price of handphone
is not cheap, and when the theft issue arise, it can cause a lot of other trouble.

Secondly, the phone can may cause distraction in lessons. Some students that did
not shut off their phone and suddenly get a phone call, will disturb the lesson in
the class. They can also play games in hiding during the lesson. With so many
students in the class, teacher could overlooked these students. This is one of the
instances of students misuse the purpose of handphone.
Ladies and Gentleman,
I have line out the pros and cons of allowing students to bring handphone to
school. Now, it is up to us to decide and choose what is the best decision on this
issue. Well then, I arrived at the end of my speech, and thus I would like to thank
all for lending your ears. Therefore, I end my speech with thank you very much
and good bye. Thank you.

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