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Part 1- Needs Analysis

A.Needs Assessment Plan

NA Objectives Focus of Needed Data and Data Collection Responsible

NA Data Sources Method Person
Indicate here the Indicate Ways or strategies
overall goal and at here the in employing the
least 3 specific scope of needs
objectives of
your needs assessment
conducting this
needs assessment assessment

GOAL: The project In order for The strategies that The identified
To asses the teams’ the project the project team responsible
current problem focus is team to use in employing person’s are
and identify the successfully the needs the:
pressing concerns have their assessment and the
the recent
of the community needed data methods use in the  SK
then formulate the condition of and data collection of data chairperson
suitable the sources, the are:  Barangay
intervention for it. Barangay project team Councilor
Ising, needs the  Individual and
OBJECTIVES: Carmen, following: intake and chairperson
 To interview  KK Leader
Davao Del
effectively  Barangay with the  Project
understand Norte Development participants. Team:
the current through Plan –  Focus group - Mejias
situation of identifying source is the discussion - Ejina
Brgy. Ising, their socio- Brgy. with key - Lupiba
Carmen, economic Secretaries informants. - Lupian
Davao Del conditions Office.  In-depth - Gorgonio
Norte. interview - Dagondon
and needs.
 To identify with key
the pressing
problem that
is currently  Applying and
experience using the
by the assessment
community. tools in
 To facilitate identifying
the problems.
in identifying
available analysis,
resources in Force field
their analysis, and
 To provide Stakeholders
appropriate analysis)
services that
are tailored
fit to their

NA Tools: (Attached here are the tools that were utilized, either the questionnaire or
the assessment tools)

B.Needs Analysis Report

I. Rationale (Brief Background of the community, Reason why conduct

this needs assessment, goal and objectives of the Needs assessment)

Barangay Ising is formerly called Población, it is the largest barangay in the

municipality of Carmen, in the province of Davao del Norte. This represented 17.32%
of the total population of Carmen and it has a total of 22 purok. Also, it is where
the Battle of Ising is located and remembered with a monument built on the same spot
where the battle took place. Furthermore, the project team needs to conduct this needs
assessment in order to know what the most emerging problem there is, and with
regards to our chosen sector we will identify their pressing concerns, as well as use
different methods and assessment tools in order to collect data. Besides among the
20 barangays’ in the Municipality of Carmen, it has been observed that the barangay
Ising exhibits the highest degree of concern due to a significant rise in the number of
out-of-school youth. More importantly, the purpose of having this needs assessment
for the out-of-school youth in the said barangay is to determine and respond to the
concerns about the well-being of the out-of-school youths, who, at such a young age,
have already worked in some jobs that are not yet suitable for their overall well-being
as they are still vulnerable, like construction, driving, vendors (Paglalako) in the busy
street and more high risk works. Moreover, other than this the project team can find
more emerging and common problems that the out-of-school youth may determine
other than what the key stakeholders or the BDP had given us. Since, the problem
was raised by one of the key stakeholders in the barangay, which was the former
chairperson. Additionally, he expressed that the alarming increase in out-of-school
youth and early pregnancy is indeed prevalent in the area. The former chairperson
and other key stakeholders had suggested that the project team should focus on the
out-of-school youth in the barangay. The project team wants to conduct this needs
assessment in order to achieve their goal, which is to asses the current problem and
identify the pressing concerns of the community then formulate the suitable
intervention for it. Aside from that, they also want to obtain their objectives which is to
help the community identify its needs, help the stakeholders enhance their capabilities
in determining their available resources, and formulate interventions that are tailored
fit for their needs and concerns.

II. Scope of the Needs Analysis

The focus of this need’s analysis is the out-of-school youth’s well-being and
socio-economic status, and their needs. Moreover, the project team had also asked
for BDP of the barangay and had focused on determining what problems are most
prevalent on our chosen sector, which are the out-of-school youth in Brgy. Ising,
Carmen, Davao del Norte. With the help of the BDP the project team had discovered
the there is a loophole regarding the youth empowerment of the community. Moreover,
they already had an in-depth interview to some key informants, also involved a focus
group discussion regarding it. With this, the focus of the project team is the out-of-
school youth of Brgy. Ising, Carmen, Davao Del Norte.

III. Methodology (Identify the steps you undertake in conducting this

needs assessment)

1. The approval and consent letters will be given and consulted by our
group work and project development instructors.
2. Mitigating approval and consent letters to public officials.
3. Mitigating approval letters to private sectors.
4. Mitigating informed consent letters to parents.
5. Talk to barangay officials and stakeholders about the project.
6. Talk to the Barangay Health Workers.
7. Conduct home visitation to the qualified OSY, then inform and
encourage them to join.
8. In-depth interview with the key stakeholders regarding their Barangay
Development Plan.
9. Gathering identifying information through intake interview to
10. Conducted the first session with the participants for needs
11. Focused group discussion with the key stakeholders and the
12. Partialization and prioritization of the identified common problems of
the participants.
13. Conducted the needs assessment through activities and with the use
of assessment tools such as community resource mapping, SWOT
analysis, Force field analysis, and stakeholder’s analysis.

IV. Analysis (Comprehensively discussed all the gathered information)

As the project team conducted the case assessment, they have gone to various
key stakeholders having an in-depth interview about the Barangay Development Plan.
They discovered a lot of loopholes especially with regards to youth empowerment of
the Barangay. The SK officials are the ones that they had interviewed about it and the
officials had spoken about the difficulties of doing the task, in terms of having the youth
into a group, as the youths are particularly hardheaded. Somehow, the project team
had their focus on the well-being, as well as the socio-economic status of the out-of-
school youth in the barangay. Although, forming the group has been a challenge, the
stakeholders in the barangay had helped on finding the prospect participants that are
aligned to the project teams’ criteria. Furthermore, the three (3) Purok of Barangay
Ising, namely Prk. 6, 7, and 21, where the officials had determined to be prevalent
when it comes to out-of-school youth with high risk jobs or hazardous work sites, is
where the project team had got their participants. However, they have chosen to
conduct the group formation, as well as intake interviews, and needs assessment of
the participants on the Purok 21, as it is where the participants and officials had
advised the project team to do so. The needs assessment had been assessed by the
project team through employing various activities such as partialization and
prioritization using ranking strategy with the participants as the ones to vote, with a KK
leader as a volunteer to help oversee our needs assessment on their youth residents,
as well as sharing what they have observe as well.
While, we had used the partialization and prioritization, we also employed the
SWOT analysis, Force field analysis, Stakeholder analysis, and lastly have the
participants to explore and have them to make a community resource mapping on their
barangay. On the SWOT analysis, the strengths’ that they have is that they can cook,
they are good at gardening, they have skills in sports, they’re strategic in finding means
of income, some of them are good at singing, some are good at dancing, and more.
However, they had expressed that their weaknesses are their laziness sometimes,
easily discourage, they are unconfident when it comes to school, because of their
financial problem (utang, only have a single parent, rise in their basic needs expenses,
etc.), they are particularly not participative to the Brgy. activities, and more. While on
the other hand, the opportunity that they express they have is the support of their
parents or parent to them, the school that is free, in order for them to learn, and lastly,
the Brgy. that they are in, can help them. Unfortunately, there’s also threat to them,
which are their exposure to some vices (smoking and alcohol drinking) especially the
boys, some of them is their family problem, lack of motivations and empowerment from
their surrounding environment to go back to school, some of their peers are
encouraging them to work on more high risk jobs and more. The force field analysis is
that their driving forces are their awareness as a youth about their job, their
surroundings, their conditions in financial aspect, the stakeholders’ support, the
identified risk, youth acknowledging their weaknesses, them recognizing their
strengths, and the opportunity that they may acquire. Nonetheless, they also have
their restraining forces which are their resistance or hard-headedness as youth, their
disinterestedness on school, as well as Brgy. activities, their family problems, limited
resources, them sometimes succumbing to their weaknesses, some are their
environment, like those who are surrounded with some bad influence, like vices, and
lastly, their financial instability. We also have the stakeholders analysis, of which most
of them are in favor of our intentions, and we have high resource availability in the
Brgy. as well, and we can tap a lot of stakeholders that are interested in helping us
achieve our goal for the out-of-school youth.
Moreover, the project team ensures that there’s an interactive engagement and
that the out-of-school youth are welcome to express their problems and needs,
although most of them express that they are not that interested to go to school
anymore, however they are all aware of the danger that their work might exposed them
to. With the result of our assessment tools as well as the prioritization and
partialization, the most emerging concern and problem of the out-of-school youth was
their financial instability. Moreover, they had expressed that they wanted us to impart
them some knowledge about business and so they can consider on stopping their high
risk works, and atleast have a small business with some knowledge and skills. Finally,
with some more inquiries and questions from both parties, the needs assessment and
analysis had been successful.
V.Recommendation (Indicate here your recommended project)

As a result, to the needs assessment and analysis, the project team

recommends for a project that is in regard to the best interest, capabilities, and best fit
to answer the needs/concerns of the out-of-school youth of barangay Ising.
The project that we recommend is to conduct a seminar about entrepreneurship skills
for the out-of-school youth to have a knowledge about starting a humble business, and
have a workshop at the end of the seminar, in order to have the OSY have an applied
experience about the seminar. With this we can help the out-of-school youth in various
ways, such as helping them consider their well-being and minimize the risk that they
may face, as well as add knowledge about entrepreneurship skills, lastly help them
apply it.

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