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Lesson 9



Upon the completion of this lesson the participant
will be able to:

 identify tasks (segments of work) , that have high potential for loss if not carried out in a
specific manner and in a special sequence.
 reduce accidental losses by identifying and controlling the hazards presented in each
step of each task.
 develop written job safe practices (JSP’s) for critical tasks to be followed that will.
identify and control hazards that might not otherwise have been identified or
highlighted. Which will improve the safety, productivity and quality of tasks and minimize
the possibility of injury occurrence
Severity Description Points Rating

Fatality, and or Multiple Fatalities. Catastrophic damage to buildings, plant,

Very High equipment, leading to the complete, and total shutdown of the facility .Major 5
pollution with long-term implication and very high restitution costs

Major injury, or major occupational disease or illness that will require professional
and surgical treatment in addition to prolonged physiotherapy, or residential Points Rating
Likelihoodcare. Damage to equipment resulting in production shutdown and significant 4
production loss. Severe pollution with short-term localised implications incurring
It is restitution costsan injury, illness or damage will occur
inevitable that 5

Event leading to a lost

Will happen moretime injury
often or not.
than minor occupational
Additional disease
hazardous or illness may
conditions that be
Likely require professional medical and or surgical treatment. Localised damage to
relevant but it is still likely to happen even without these additional hazardous 4
Moderate 3
equipment requiring
conditions extensive
being presentrepair, significant loss of production or moderate
pollution incurring some restitution costs
Injury, illness, or damage may occur if additional hazardous conditions are
Possible 3
relevant but it is unlikely to happen without them
Minor injury requiring first-aid treatment. Damage to equipment requiring minor
Slight 2
remedial repair,
Injury, someorloss
illness, of production
damage or impact
might occur toprobability
but the the environment
of this happening is
Unlikely 2

Only under unusual or unique conditions could there be any possibility of any
ExtremelyNegligible injury or health implications, no absence from work. Negligible loss of
Negligible injury, illness, or damage occurring. All reasonable precautions have been 11
Unlikelyproduction with no damage to equipment or the environment
taken. This should be the normal state of the workplace

Likelihood and Severity Matrix (5 x 5):

Hazard Severity

1– 2– 3– 4– 5–
Likelihood X Severity
Negligible Slight Moderate High Very High

1 2 3 4 5
Extremely Unlikely

Likelihood of Occurrence
2 4 6 8 10

3 6 9 12 15

4 8 12 16 20

5 10 15 20 25
Extremely Likely

It will be acceptable for work to proceed however continually review the work activity once it
1 to 6
has begun to identify if the risk can be reduced further
Work may proceed but where possible the work activity should be redefined to take account of
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the hazards involved or the risk should be reduced further prior to the work activity taking place
The work activity should not proceed. It should be redefined or further control measures put in
15 to 25 place to reduce the risk further. The risk control measures should be re-assessed for adequacy
prior to and throughout the work activity taking place

Work Assessments
Critical task ,Work plan and Job observation

Job Safe Practices (JSPs ) are required in order to reduce

the possibility of risk to employees and damage to
equipment while performing work task, specifically
critical task , written procedures, properly used, serve as
a base form which tasks can be continually modified to
improve work methods, employee and contractor safety
‫ممارسات العمل اآلمنة مطلوبة للحد من إمكانية‬
‫الخطر للموظفين وتلف المعدات أثناء أداء مهام‬
‫ وإجراءات العمل يجب أن‬،‫ المهام الحرجة‬،‫العمل‬
‫ ويتم‬،‫ وتستخدم بالشكل الصحيح‬،‫تكون مكتوبة‬
‫ ورفع‬،‫تعديلها باستمرار لتحسين أساليب العمل‬
.‫اإلنتاجية والسالمة للموظف والمقاول‬
Critical Task Identification

Critical Task Inventory

Jop Safe Practices

Jop Safe Practices
Toolbox Meeting
A Toolbox Talk is an informal group discussion
that focuses on a particular safety issue.
These tools can be used daily to promote
your departments safety culture. Toolbox
talks are also intended to facilitate health and
safety discussions on the job site.

‫اجتماع السالمة القصير هو مناقشة جماعية تركز على مسألة معينة تخص‬
‫ هذه األدوات يمكن أن تستخدم يوميا لتعزيز ثقافة السالمة في‬.‫السالمة‬
‫ وتهدف أيضا لتسهيل مناقشات الصحة والسالمة‬.‫القسم الخاص بك‬/‫الدائرة‬
.‫في موقع العمل‬
Toolbox Meeting


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