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(12) United States Patent

Gallagher et al .
( 10 ) Patent No .: US 11,044,704 B2
(45 ) Date of Patent : * Jun . 22 , 2021
( 54 ) METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR WIFI ACCESS ( 58 ) Field of Classification Search
CAPTURE (FSC) See application file for complete search history.
( 71 ) Applicant: Maxlinear, Inc. , Carlsbad , CA (US ) (56) References Cited
( 72 ) Inventors: Timothy Gallagher , Encinitas , CA U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS
(US ) ; Curtis Ling , Carlsbad , CA (US ) ; 6,772,437 B1 8/2004 Cooper et al .
Alan Trerise, Las Gatos , CA (US ); 8,401,546 B2 * 3/2013 Landry, Jr. GO1S 19/24
Kishore Seendripu , Carlsbad , CA (US ) 342 /357.2
( Continued )
( 73 ) Assignee : Maxlinear, Inc. , Carlsbad , CA (US )
( * ) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 Int'l Search Report and the Written Opinion Appln . No. PCT /
U.S.C. 154 ( b ) by 0 days. US2013 /036379 , dated Jun . 17 , 2013. 13 pages .
This patent is subject to a terminal dis Primary Examiner Willie J Daniel, Jr.
claimer .
(74 ) Attorney, Agent, or Firm – McAndrews, Held &
( 21 ) Appl. No .: 15 / 964,580 Malloy, Ltd.
(22 ) Filed : Apr. 27, 2018 (57 ) ABSTRACT
A WiFi access point (AP ) includes a receive radio frequency
( 65 ) Prior Publication Data (RF ) front end and a baseband processor that controls
US 2018/0249445 A1 Aug. 30 , 2018 operation of the receive RF front end. The RF front end
captures signals over a wide spectrum that includes a
Related U.S. Application Data plurality of WiFi frequency bands (2.4 GHz and 5 GHz ) and
( 63 ) Continuation of application No. 14/ 839,201 , filed on channelizes one or more WiFi channels from the captured
Aug. 28 , 2015 , now Pat . No. 9,980,250 , which is a signals. The baseband processor combines a plurality of
(Continued )
blocks of WiFi channels to create one or more aggregated
WiFi channels. The receive RF front end may be integrated
(51 ) Int. Cl. on a first integrated circuit and the baseband processor may
H04W 4/00 ( 2018.01 ) be integrated on a second integrated circuit. The first and
H04W 72/04 ( 2009.01 ) second integrated circuits may be integrated on a single
(Continued )
package . The RF front end and the baseband processor may
be integrated on a single integrated circuit . The WiFi access
( 52 ) U.S. CI. point comprises a routing module that is communicatively
CPC H04W 72/04 (2013.01 ) ; H04W 16/02 coupled to the baseband processor.
(2013.01 ) ; H04W 84/12 ( 2013.01 ) ; H04W
88/08 ( 2013.01) 20 Claims , 12 Drawing Sheets

Internet 124n 124a

Antenna Interface
108 110
Internet Service Provider WAN
eg Cellular Network
FSC Receiver Front End

1110 144b
106a Transmitter Front End 144
106 Smart 111b Tablet 111a
WiFi Hotspot phone FSC Receiver
WLAN Transmitter Front End
PO Home Network 112
Laptop WiFi Hotspot 1130 N Channels
107c Laptop 142
Laptop Baseband Processor
Smart 115b Tablet 115a 140
Sman 107b Tablet 107a
phone Full Spectrum Capture (FSC)
Smart 113b Tablet 113a
US 11,044,704 B2
Page 2

Related U.S. Application Data 2001/0055319 Al 12/2001 Quigley et al .

2007/0060158 A1 3/2007 Medepalli et al.
continuation of application No. 13 / 862,345 , filed on 2008/0064356 A1 * 3/2008 Khayrallah H04B 7/082
Apr. 12 , 2013 , now Pat . No. 9,125,185 . 2009/0098844 A1 4/2009 Anandakumar et al .
455 /277.1
( 60 ) Provisional application No. 61 / 623,248 , filed on Apr. 2010/0085921 A1 4/2010 Wu et al .
12 , 2012 2011/0109811 A1 5/2011 Brandsma et al .
2011/0149768 A1 6/2011 Kang et al .
(51 ) Int. Ci. 2011/0158156 A1 * 6/2011 Ma HO4L 5/0007
H04W 16/02 ( 2009.01 ) 2011/0188544 Al 8/2011 Ponnuswamy
H04W 84/12 ( 2009.01 ) 2011/0242984 Al 10/2011 Ponnuswamy
H046 88/08 ( 2009.01 ) 2011/0310948 A1 * 12/2011 Ramesh HO4B 7/0857
(56 ) References Cited 2013/0109325 A1 * 5/2013 Afsahi HO4B 7/0689
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2013/0136211 A1 * 5/2013 Jussila H04B 1/0075
8,977,277 B2 * 3/2015 Vrzic HO4W 72/08 2013/0195073 A1 8/2013 Chen et al .
370/229 2014/0076016 Al 3/2014 Dai et al .
9,125,185 B2 * 9/2015 Gallagher H04W 16/02 2015/0089549 A1 * 3/2015 Trerise H01Q 21/28
9,320,019 B2 * 4/2016 Gallagher H04W 16/02 725/68
9,634,821 B2 * 4/2017 Seok HO4L 5/0062
9,980,250 B2 * 5/2018 Gallagher H04W 16/02 * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 1 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

1 3C

1 1a
Laptop 1 3a
110 Tablet
Tablet 1 3b
1 1b
Smart phone
WAN NCegeltwuolrak Smart phone 1 5a
1 1c
116 Tablet
Laptop WHoitFspiot 1 5b
1 5c Smart phone 1A
Inter t 114
108 106
WLAN NHegetowmrek
107c ??
U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 2 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

146 14 a 14 b 144 142

Nh a n e ls FullSC(FSC)paectur me
IAnterfanc EFRercnSoivdCetr EFTransomitder R/FSCeciver FTEransomintder BParsoecbndr Transceiv 1B

U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 3 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2


PerUSpsecetralMap 164 UPerCQoSosnefirg166 Proces rSynchoizat Superviso

160 PBB1roces or 160-1 BBPN.roces or 160
BParsoecbndr 1C

158 Chanelizr Module C(Nhanel


FSC Chain
MTFroandSscueilCvr )

156 157

152n NWiFi
Chanels 152a
U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 4 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2



Basebnd Proces r Circutry

CISnitrecguailted 1D
RFFSCWiFi EndTX/RXFront Circutry
U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 5 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2



Basebnd ICProcesor

U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 6 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2



Basebnd PICrocesor

U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 7 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

Proces r 2214

212 BParoscebndr

10a Chanelizr 209
Chanelizr 210b


208a Proces ing Procesing

2002 Rx
( chains Rx
( chains 208b MRFeocdSiuvlCer
206a Mux Mux
Ante a Interfac 2204204
202a :

U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 8 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

300 ToChanelizr

3131 3130
3121 3120
.3111 311031 0
TX 3
PMPCI/QRFRxSroihcdneausgilneg nI/QRFRxrohmcpaerisnsg
C ?? ?
3101 3091 310 309Q 3062 I/QRFRxPChainroces ing 306n ChainI/QRFRxProces ing

3081 308

3021 302 302n

From Multipexr 206aeg

U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 9 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

Memory 426
1 1 424
412 Decodr Encoder

408 MIMO Proces r MIMO -418 PBraoscebndr FIG


406 Beamforing Beamforing 416 L

402 MRC

Channelizer From /To

U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 10 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

502 504 506 508 510

WinoneormstocrFSCCopeanifctrFguveimr FSC
F e
v l
t n
bfraeqnudscy cWapsrFofolhaemuiSnctrFlsevCiutnmryg snon-WanddinthecpaiegsctnFuarliesdm theWc,wtoofapAohlgruianesFlgpciaotnhsdye WchianFeil cWtheaofaptoatluoneormAghoseiarntgFriasegoitlnd
U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 11 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

604 606 608 610 612

cWpofasChloaumiernctFlusirnyemg snon-WdandkcFipaeglctnFuarelipsdm stotheWcofapAohlgiruaenspFoalgeidtnsyg
cWaofpghleiunraFgleitsdy WasadcofaptheeAghlsiuarnecFgilatiehsndy dceofWoneaptoolnhmruiaesbpFcolnaitdeolyng evices odceofWtheptoBlnmuviarbeFctlsairhaodyncWdteohrianscFpotedirlng
U.S. Patent Jun . 22 , 2021 Sheet 12 of 12 US 11,044,704 B2

702 704 706 708 710 712 714

inorstocrWFtpBoeanifShctbgFsurvaCeniomds c
o y
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US 11,044,704 B2
1 2
METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR WIFI ACCESS FIG . 1C is a diagram of an exemplary full spectrum
POINT UTILIZING FULL SPECTRUM Access point and / or router that is operable to concurrently
CAPTURE (FSC ) handle WiFi signals from a plurality of WiFi frequency
bands, in accordance with an embodiment of the invention .
CROSS - REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 FIG . 1D is a high -level block diagram of an exemplary
APPLICATIONS / INCORPORATION BY FSC WiFi integrated circuit comprising FSC WiFi RF front
REFERENCE end transceiver circuitry and baseband processing circuitry ,
in accordance with an embodiment of the invention .
This patent application is a continuation of U.S. patent FIG . 1E is a high - level block diagram of an exemplary
application Ser. No. 14/ 839,201 , filed on Aug. 28 , 2015 , 10 baseband
FSC WiFi RF front end transceiver integrated circuit and a
processing integrated circuit packaged on a single
which is a continuation of U.S. patent application Ser. No.
integrated circuit package , in accordance with an embodi
13 / 862,345 , filed on Apr. 12 , 2013 , which claims benefit of ment
and priority to U.S. Provisional Patent Application Ser. No. of the invention.
61 / 623,248 , filed on Apr. 12 , 2012 . FIG . 1F is a high - level block diagram of an exemplary
This application also makes reference to : U.S. patent 15 FSC WiFiprocessingRF front end transceiver integrated circuit and a
application Ser. No. 13 / 485,003 , filed on May 31 , 2012 ; U.S. baseband integrated circuit packaged on separate
patent application Ser. No. 13 /336,451 , filed on Dec. 23 , ment of the invention . , in accordance with an embodi
integrated circuit packages
2011 ; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13 / 607,916 , filed on FIG . 2 is a block diagram of an exemplary diversity WiFi
Sep. 10 , 2012 ; U.S. patent application Ser. No. 13 / 857,776 ,
filed on Apr. 5 , 2013 ; U.S. patent application Ser . No. 20 receiver that utilizes full spectrum capture, in accordance
with an embodiment of the invention .
13 / 862,339 , filed on Apr. 12 , 2013 ; U.S. patent application FIG . 3 is a block diagram of an exemplary I/ Q RF receive
Ser. No. 13 / 862,336 , filed on Apr. 12 , 2013 ; U.S. patent processing chain module of a diversity WiFi receiver that
application Ser. No. 13 /356,265 , filed on Jan. 23 , 2012 ; and
U.S. patent application Ser. No. 12/ 247,908 ( now U.S. Pat . 25 utilizes full spectrum capture, in accordance with an
embodiment of the invention .
No. 8,010,070) , filed on Oct. 8 , 2008 . FIG . 4 is a block diagram of an exemplary baseband
Each of the above referenced documents is hereby incor processor , in accordance with an embodiment of the inven
porated herein by reference in its entirety. tion .
FIELD OF THE INVENTION FIG . 5 is a flow chart illustrating exemplary steps for
30 receiving and processing WiFi signals utilizing a full spec
Certain embodiments of the invention relate to wireless trum capture WiFi access point, in accordance with an
communication . More specifically, certain embodiments of embodiment of the invention .
the invention relate to a method and system for WiFi access FIG . 6 is a flow chart illustrating exemplary steps for
point utilizing full spectrum capture . receiving and processing WiFi signals utilizing a full spec
35 trum capture WiFi access point, in accordance with an
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION embodiment of the invention .
FIG . 7 is a flow chart illustrating exemplary steps for
WiFi Signals occupy bandwidth in two non -contiguous receiving and processing WiFi signals utilizing a full spec
spectral bands in the 2.4 and 5 GHz regions of the frequency trum capture WiFi access point/router, in accordance with an
spectrum . 40 embodiment of the invention .
Further limitations and disadvantages of conventional and DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
traditional approaches will become apparent to one of skill INVENTION
in the art, through comparison of such systems with some
aspects of the present invention as set forth in the remainder 45
of the present application with reference to the drawings. Certain embodiments of the invention may be found in a
method and system for WiFi access point utilizing full
BRIEF SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION spectrum capture (FSC ) . In various aspects of the invention,
a WiFi access point or router comprises a receive radio
A system and / or method is provided for WiFi access point frequency ( RF ) front end and a baseband processor. The
utilizing full spectrum capture , substantially as shown in 50 baseband processor is enabled to control operation of the
and / or described in connection with at least one of the receive RF front end. The RF front end is operable to capture
figures, as set forth more completely in the claims . signals over a wide spectrum that includes one or more WiFi
These and other advantages, aspects and novel features of frequency bands. The WiFi frequency bands may comprise,
the present invention, as well as details of an illustrated for example , a 2.4 GHz WiFi frequency band and a 5 GHz
embodiment thereof, will be more fully understood from the 55 of
WiFithefrequency band . The various aspects and embodiments
following description and drawings. invention are not limited to the 2.4 and 5 GHz
frequency bands and may be utilized with other frequency
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SEVERAL VIEWS OF bands without departing from the spirit and/ or scope of the
THE DRAWINGS invention . The RF front end is operable to channelize one or
60 more WiFi channels from the captured signals. The base
FIG . 1A is a block diagram of an exemplary system that band processor is operable to combine a plurality of blocks
comprises WiFi devices that communicate utilizing full of WiFi channels to create one or more aggregated WiFi
spectrum capture, in accordance with an embodiment of the channels. Aggregating also comprises capturing and aggre
invention . gating WiFi channels from a plurality of non - contiguous
FIG . 1B is a high - level block diagram of an exemplary 65 WiFi frequency bands and keeping the resulting aggregated
full spectrum capture transceiver device, in accordance with WiFi channels as separate logical channels. For example , the
an embodiment of the invention . single FSC WiFi receiver may be operable to capture a
US 11,044,704 B2
3 4
plurality of non - contiguous 100 MHz bands and aggregate faces and / or code that may be operable to communicate
them as separate logical WiFi channels . The blocks of WiFi utilizing WiFi. In this regard , each of the WiFi enabled
channels may comprise the extracted one or more WiFi communication devices 111 may comprise a single trans
channels and / or other WiFi channels . The receive RF front ceiver device that may be operable to capture signals over a
end may be integrated on a first integrated circuit and the 5 very wide spectrum from different WiFi spectral bands
baseband processor may be integrated on a second inte- utilizing full spectrum capture.
grated circuit . The first and second integrated circuits may The tablet 113a may comprise a WiFi hotspot 112. The
be integrated on a single package. The RF front end and the tablet 113a , the Smartphone 113b and the laptop 113c may
baseband processor may be integrated on a single integrated be communicatively coupled to the WiFi hotspot 112. The
circuit . The WiFi access point may comprise a routing 10 tablet 113a , the Smartphone 113b and the laptop 113c may
module that is communicatively coupled to the baseband be collectively referenced as WiFi enabled communication
processor. The baseband processor may be operable to devices 113. Each of the WiFi enabled communication
diversity process the channelized one or more WiFi channels devices 113 may comprise a suitable logic , circuitry inter
and duty cycle communication traffic across a plurality of faces and / or code that may be operable to communicate
the aggregated WiFi channels. The baseband processor may 15 utilizing WiFi. In this regard, each of the WiFi enabled
be operable to assign one of the aggregated WiFi channels communication devices 113 may comprise a single trans
as a dedicated channel for handling traffic for a WiFi enabled ceiver device that may be operable to capture signals over a
communication device . The baseband processor may be very wide spectrum from different WiFi spectral bands
operable to dynamically reassign the assigned one of the utilizing full spectrum capture . While tablet 113a is shown
aggregated WiFi channels as a dedicated channel for han- 20 as comprising the WiFi hotspot 112 , any one of the WiFi
dling traffic for another WiFi enabled communication enabled communication devices 113 ( or alternatively an
device . access point or a router ) may be used to establish a WiFi
The WiFi access point comprises a routing module that is hotspot 112 .
communicatively coupled to the baseband processor. The The tablet 115a may comprise a WiFi hotspot 114. The
baseband processor may diversity process the channelized 25 tablet 115a , the Smartphone 115b and the laptop 1150 may
one or more WiFi channels and duty cycle communication be communicatively coupled to the WiFi hotspot 114. The
traffic across a plurality of the aggregated WiFi channels. tablet 115a , the Smartphone 115b and the laptop 115c may
The baseband processor may assign one of the aggregated be collectively referenced as WiFi enabled communication
WiFi channels as a dedicated channel for handling traffic for devices 115. Each of the WiFi enabled communication
a WiFi enabled communication device. The baseband pro- 30 devices 115 may comprise a suitable logic , circuitry inter
cessor may dynamically reassign the assigned one of the faces and/ or code that may be operable to communicate
aggregated WiFi channels as a dedicated channel for han- utilizing WiFi. In this regard, each of the WiFi enabled
dling traffic for another WiFi enabled communication communication devices 115 may comprise a single trans
device . WiFi is short for wireless fidelity and refers to any ceiver device that may be operable to capture signals over a
wireless local area network device , which is based on the 35 very wide spectrum from different WiFi spectral bands
IEEE 802.11 standard . utilizing full spectrum capture. While tablet 115a is shown
FIG . 1A is a block diagram of an exemplary system that as comprising the WiFi hotspot 114 , any one of the WiFi
comprises WiFi devices that communicate utilizing full enabled communication devices 115 ( or alternatively an
spectrum capture , in accordance with an embodiment of the access point or a router ) may be used to establish the WiFi
invention . Referring to FIG . 1A , there is shown a wireless 40 hotspot 114 .
local area network ( WLAN ) 106 , an Internet service provide The WLAN 106 may comprise suitable devices and / or
( ISP ) network 108 , a wireless wide area network (WWAN ) interfaces that may be utilized by the plurality of WiFi
110 and the Internet 116. Also shown are WiFi hotspot enabled communication devices 107 to access the Internet
networks 112 and 114. FIG . 1A also illustrates a plurality of 116 via the ISP network 108. For example, the WLAN 106
WiFi enabled communication devices comprising tablets 45 may comprise the WiFi enabled broadband access point or
107a , 111a , 113a , 1150 , Smartphones 107b , 111 , 113b , router 106? that is operable to provide broadband connec
115b and laptops 107c , 111c , 113c , 115c . FIG . 1A also tivity to the ISP 108 and WLAN connectivity to each of the
illustrates a WiFi enabled communication device comprising WiFi enabled communication devices 107. The broadband
broadband router or access point 106a . connectivity may be provided by, at least in part, cable ,
The tablet 107a , the Smartphone 107b and the laptop 107c 50 satellite and digital subscriber line ( DSL ) services, for
may be communicatively coupled to the WLAN 106. The example. The WLAN 106 may also enable the WiFi enabled
tablet 107a , the Smartphone 107b and the laptop 107c may communication devices 107 to communicate with each
be collectively referenced as WiFi enabled communication other.
devices 107. Each of the WiFi enabled communication The WiFi enabled broadband access point or router 106a
devices 107 may comprise a suitable logic , circuitry inter- 55 may comprise suitable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or
faces and / or code that may be operable to communicate code that may be operable to provide broadband connectiv
utilizing WiFi. In this regard , each of the WiFi enabled ity to the ISP network 108 and WiFi connectivity to each of
communication devices 107 may comprise a single trans- the WiFi enabled communication devices 107. In this regard,
ceiver device that may be operable to capture signals over a the WiFi enabled broadband access point or router 106a
very wide spectrum from different WiFi spectral bands 60 enables each of the tablet 107a , the Smartphone 107b and
utilizing full spectrum capture. the laptop 107c to communicate utilizing WiFi to access the
The tablet 111a , the Smartphone 111b and the laptop 111c services and / or data on the Internet 116 via the ISP network
may be communicatively coupled to the WWAN 110. The 108 and the WLAN 106 .
tablet 111a , the Smartphone 111b and the laptop 111c may The ISP network 108 may comprise suitable devices
be collectively referenced as WiFi enabled communication 65 and /or interfaces that may be coupled to the Internet 116 and
devices 111. Each of the WiFi enabled communication provide access to the Internet 116 for various communica
devices 111 may comprise a suitable logic , circuitry inter- tion devices. The ISP network 108 may comprise , for
US 11,044,704 B2
5 6
example , a cable service provider network, a satellite service of wireless signals over a wide portion of the spectrum that
provider network and a DSL service provider network . In is allocated for WiFi. The resulting captured plurality of
this regard , the ISP network 108 provides access to the wireless signals are communicated via the antenna interface
Internet 116 for the WiFi enabled communication devices 146 to the full spectrum capture receiver and transmitter
107. For example , the ISP network 108 provides access to 5 front end 144 for processing . In accordance with an embodi
the services and /or data on the Internet 116 for each of the ment of the invention , the plurality of antennas 124a , .
tablet 107a , the Smartphone 107b and the laptop 107c via 124n may comprise a diversity antenna system , such as , for
the WLAN 106 . example, plurality of phased array antennas . U.S. applica
The wireless wide area network 110 may comprise suit tion Ser. No. 13 / 857,776 , which was filed on Apr. 5 , 2013 ,
able devices and / or interfaces that may be coupled to the
Internet 116 and provide access to the Internet 116 for
10 discloses a plurality of phased array antennas and is hereby
various communication devices. The wireless wide area incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
network 110 may comprise, for example, a cellular service The antenna interface 146 may comprise suitable logic ,
provider ( e.g. , LTE ) and / or a broadband service provider circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to
such as, for example, a WiMax (802.16) or WiFi service is control and/ or configure operation of the plurality of anten
provider. In this regard, the wireless wide area network 110 nas 124a , ... , 124n .
provides access to the Internet 116 for the WiFi enabled The full spectrum capture receiver front end 144a may
communication devices 111. For example, the wireless wide comprise suitable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that
area network 110 provides access to the services and / or data may be operable to receive and process WiFi signals utiliz
on the Internet 116 for each of the tablet 111a , the Smart- 20 ing full spectrum capture . In this regard , the full spectrum
phone 111b and the laptop 111c . capture receiver front end 144a may be operable to capture
The Internet 116 may comprise suitable devices and / or signals over a wide spectrum comprising a plurality of WiFi
interfaces that may comprise a plurality of servers , which frequency bands and extract WiFi signals for one or more
store and serve various data and hosts various Internet WiFi channels from the captured signals . The full spectrum
services. The ISP 108 may be utilized by the WiFi enabled 25 capture receiver front end 144a may be operable to capture
communication devices 107 to access the Internet services signals over the 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz WiFi frequency
and / or data via the WLAN 106. The WWAN 110 may be bands and extract one or more WiFi channels.
utilized by the WiFi enabled communication devices 111 to The transmitter front end 144b may comprise suitable
access the Internet services and / or data . The Internet 116 is logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable
also accessible to the WiFi enabled communication devices 30 to transmit WiFi signals in accordance with the one or more
113 via the WiFi hotspot 112 and the WWAN 110. Similarly, WLAN protocols . The transmitter front end 144b may be
Internet 116 is also accessible to the WiFi enabled commu- operable to synthesize signals over a wide spectrum com
nication devices 115 via the WiFi hotspot 114 and the prising one or more WiFi freq. bands.
WWAN 110 . The baseband processor 142 may comprise suitable logic,
In operation, each of the WiFi enabled communication 35 circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to
devices 107 , 111 , 113 and 115 and the WiFi enabled broad- provide baseband processing of the WiFi signals that are
band access point or router 106a are operable to utilize a demodulated by the full spectrum capture receiver front end
single WiFi radio to capture WiFi signals over a wide 144a . The baseband processor 142 may also be operable to
spectrum comprising a plurality of WiFi frequency bands. process information for transmission . The processed infor
Instead of having different radios to handle the different 40 mation may be communicated to the transmitter front end ,
WiFi frequency bands , each of the WiFi enabled communi- where it is modulated and transmitted via the one or more
cation devices 107 , 111 , 113 and 115 and WiFi enabled the plurality of antennas 124a , ... , 124n . The baseband
broadband router 106a are operable to utilize a single full processor 142 may also be operable to control operation of
spectrum capture receiver that is operable to capture a very the full spectrum capture transceiver device 140. In this
large bandwidth comprising the different WiFi frequency 45 regard the baseband processor 142 may be operable to
bands. In accordance with various embodiments of the control operation of the plurality of antennas 124a , . .
invention, the different WiFi frequency bands may be con- 124n , the antenna interface 146 , and the full spectrum
tiguous WiFi frequency bands or non -contiguous WiFi fre- capture receiver front end 144a and a transmitter front end
quency bands. For example, the WiFi signals may occupy a 144b , which includes the full spectrum capture receiver front
2.4 GHz band ranging from approximately 2.4-2.9 GHz and 50 end 144a and the transmitter front end 144b . The baseband
a 5 GHz band ranging from approximately 4.9-5.9 GHz . processor may be operable to process digitized data for each
Accordingly, although the WiFi frequency bands are non- of the N WiFi channels, which may be handled by the full
contiguous, the single WiFi receiver is utilized to capture the spectrum capture receiver and transmitter front end 144 .
WiFi signals from the corresponding WiFi frequency bands . In operation , the antenna interface 146 may be operable to
FIG . 1B is a high -level block diagram of an exemplary 55 control and / or configure operation of the plurality of anten
full spectrum capture transceiver device, in accordance with nas 124a , ... , 124n for capturing the signals over a wide
an embodiment of the invention. Referring to FIG . 1B , there spectrum comprising a plurality of WiFi frequency bands .
is shown a full spectrum capture transceiver device 140. The The full spectrum capture receiver front end 144a may
full spectrum capture transceiver device 140 comprises a comprise suitable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that
plurality of antennas 124a , ... , 124n , a baseband processor 60 may be operable to receive and process WiFi signals utiliz
142 , a full spectrum capture receiver and transmitter front ing full spectrum capture . In this regard, the full spectrum
end 144 and an antenna interface 146. The full spectrum capture receiver front end 144a may be operable to capture
capture receiver and transmitter front end 144 comprises a signals over a wide spectrum comprising a plurality of WiFi
full spectrum capture receiver front end 144a and a trans- frequency bands and extract WIFI signals for one or more
mitter front end 144b. 65 WiFi channels from the captured signals . The full spectrum
The plurality of antennas 124a , ... , 124n may comprise capture receiver front end 144a may be operable to concur
a plurality of antennas that are utilized to capture a plurality rently capture WiFi signals over the 2.4 GHz and the 5 GHz
US 11,044,704 B2
7 8
WiFi frequency bands and extract one or more WiFi chan- The full spectrum capture I/ Q RF receive (Rx ) chain
nels from the corresponding captured WiFi signals . module 156 is part of the full spectrum capture transceiver
The full spectrum capture transceiver device 140 may be module 154 and may comprise suitable logic , circuitry,
operable to aggregate or bond a plurality of WiFi channels interfaces and /or code that may be operable to capture
in order to produce a high data rate WiFi channel. In various 5 signals over a wide spectrum comprising a plurality of WiFi
embodiment of the invention, a single frequency may be frequency bands and demodulate them . In this regard, the
assigned or allocated to each WiFi enabled communication full spectrum capture I/ Q RF receive (Rx ) chain module 156
device . In this regard, a single FSC WiFi access point (AP ) may comprise a plurality of receive processing chains that
may appear as if it were multiple WiFi access points . The 10
may be operable to demodulate different portions of the
client device , namely, the WiFi enabled communication signals in the captured WiFi frequency bands. The captured
device, does not need to be modified to benefit from this spectrum may comprise WiFi signals and non - WiFi signals .
increased capacity . There may be instances when both the The full spectrum capture I/ Q RF receive (Rx) chain module
client device and the AP are FSC enabled and are operable 156 may be operable to discriminate between the WiFi
to bond a plurality of channels and transmit on the bonded 15 signals and non -WiFi signals and accordingly, filter out the
channels. In this regard, transmission may occur in a duty unwanted or undesirable non -WiFi signals. The resulting
cycle mode utilizing burst mode and sleep mode to optimize filtered signals may be digitized and channelized into a
power consumption. The FSC WiFi devices may transmit corresponding plurality of frequency bins .
bursts then go to sleep between bursts . The I/Q RF transmit (Tx ) chain module 157 may be part
In an exemplary embodiment, a WiFi enabled communi- 20 of the full spectrum capture transceiver module 154 and may
cation device that is a client device, needs to know the comprise suitable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that
transmit pattern / times of the WiFi AP. The client device is may be operable to handle modulation of signals that are to
operable to notify the AP that it has data to transmit. The be transmitted .
notification may occur in an acknowledgement (ACK) The channelizer module 158 is part of the full spectrum
packet. The AP and the client device may be operable to 25 capture transceiver module 154 and may comprise suitable
agree on a transmit schedule. In this regard, the AP and client logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable
device , namely the WiFi enabled communication device , to handle the channelization of signals for a plurality of each
may agree on when the beacon frames will occur since the of the processing chains in the full spectrum capture trans
beacon frames are utilized for timing. In addition (or alter- ceiver module 154. In this regard , during reception, the
natively ), the AP may transmit beacons at periodic times 30 channelizer module 158 may be operable to channelize
known to the client device , and the client device synchro- digitized data from each of the corresponding plurality of
nizes to receive each beacon frame or some subset of beacon full spectrum capture I /Q RF receive (Rx ) chains in the full
frames ( every other, every third, etc. ). Alternatively, a bea- spectrum capture I/ Q RF receive ( Rx ) chain module 156 into
conless embodiment may be employed. In any event, the AP a plurality of frequency bins . During transmission, the
and client device may operate in accordance with one or 35 channelizer module 158 may be operable to channelize
more essential or non - essential sections or aspects of the digital data for transmission into a plurality of frequency
IEEE 802.11 standard . bins for each of the corresponding I /Q RF transmit (Tx )
Aspects of full spectrum capture may be found in U.S. chains in the I/ Q RF transmit ( Tx) chain module 157 .
application Ser. No. 13 / 485,003 filed May 31 , 2012 , U.S. The baseband processor module 160 may comprise suit
application Ser. No. 13 / 336,451 filed on Dec. 23 , 2011 and 40 able logic , circuitry , interfaces and / or code that may be
U.S. application Ser. No. 13 / 607,916 filed Sep. 10 , 2012 . operable to process the demodulated baseband WiFi signals
Each of these applications is hereby incorporated herein by that generated from the full spectrum capture I/ Q RF receive
reference in its entirety. (Rx ) chain module 156. The baseband processor 160 may
U.S. application Ser. No. 13 /356,265 , which was filed on also be operable to process information for transmission . In
Jan. 23 , 2012 disclosures operation of an exemplary full 45 this regard , the processed information may be communi
spectrum receiver and is hereby incorporated herein by cated to the full spectrum capture I /Q RF receive (Rx ) chain
reference in its entirety . module 156 , where it is modulated and transmitted via one
FIG . 1C is a diagram of an exemplary full spectrum or more of the plurality of antennas 152a , ... , 152n . The
capture Access point and / or router that is operable to con- baseband processor 160 may also be operable to manage and
currently handle WiFi signals from a plurality of WiFi 50 control operation of the full spectrum capture Access point
frequency bands , in accordance with an embodiment of the and /or router 150. In this regard the baseband processor 160
invention . Referring to FIG . 1C , there is shown a full may be operable to manage and control operation of the
spectrum capture access point (AP ) or router 150. The full plurality of antennas 152a , ... , 152n , full spectrum capture
spectrum capture Access point and / or router 150 may com- transceiver module 154 including the full spectrum capture
prise a full spectrum capture transceiver module 154 , a 55 I/Q RF receive (Rx) chain module 156 , the I/Q RF transmit
baseband processor module 160 , a supervisor module 162 (Tx ) chain module 157 and the channelizer module 158 , the
and a routing module 170. The full spectrum capture trans- supervisor module 162 and the routing module 170. The
ceiver module 154 may comprise a full spectrum capture I /Q baseband processor 160 may be operable to handle the
RF receive (Rx) chain module 156 , an I /Q RF transmit (Tx ) processing of digitized data for each of the N WiFi channels
chain module 157 and a channelizer module 158. The 60 that may be handled by the full spectrum capture transceiver
baseband processor module 160 may comprise a plurality of module 154. The baseband processor 160 may be substan
baseband processors 160-1 , 2 160 -N . The supervisor tially similar to the baseband processor 142 as illustrated in
module 162 may comprise a per user spectral map module FIG . 1B .
164 , a QoS configuration per user module 166 , and a The supervisor module 162 may comprise suitable logic ,
processor synchronization module 168. The full spectrum 65 circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to
capture Access point and / or router also comprises a plurality manage the operation of the full spectrum capture Access
of antennas 152a , ... , 152n . point and / or router 150 on a per user basis . For example, the
US 11,044,704 B2
9 10
supervisor module 162 may be operable to handle the the WiFi enabled broadband router 106a may be operable to
routing and QoS for packets for particular users . proportionately allocate the bandwidth for the aggregated
The per user spectral map module 164 is part of the block of WiFi spectrum between the tablet 107a and the
supervisor module 162 and may comprise suitable logic , Smartphone 107b.
circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to 5 In accordance with an embodiment of the invention ,
create a spectral map comprising the quality of various WiFi based on the number of channels that are being utilized to
channels over the different WiFi frequency bands . capture and aggregate the blocks of spectrum in the WiFi
The quality of service ( QoS ) configuration per user mod frequency band, various components in the full spectrum
ule 166 is part of the supervisor module 162 and may capture Access point and / or router 150 may operate in a duty
comprise suitable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that 10
may be operable to control the quality of service that may be cycle ( Rx )
mode . For example, a portion of the I/ Q RF receive
chains in the full spectrum capture I/ Q RF receive (Rx)
provided to each user.
The processor synchronization module 168 is part of the nelizer module156158
chain module , corresponding channelizers in the chan
as well as corresponding baseband
supervisor module 162 and may comprise suitable logic ,
circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to 15 processors160160-1 , 160 -N in the baseband processor
handle synchronization of sample rate and symbol timing module may be power cycled on when they are needed
across various WiFi channels and / or WiFi frequency bands and power cycled off when they are not needed . The cycling
that are utilized for communicating information by one or of the power on and off to handle communication of data
more users or WiFi enabled user devices. Since a common whenever needed may be referred to as time division power
oscillator may be utilized to handle the different WiFi 20 management.
channels and the different WiFi frequency bands , this may In another embodiment of the invention , a portion of the
simplify the task of dealing with a plurality of different I/ Q RF receive (Rx) chains in the full spectrum capture I /Q
sample rates , frequency offsets and other timing informa- RF receive (Rx ) chain module 156 , corresponding channel
tion . The processor synchronization module 168 may be izers in the channelizer module 158 as well as corresponding
operable to store frequency and / or timing offset information 25 baseband processors 160-1 , 160 - N in the baseband
for a plurality of WiFi enabled user devices and utilize the processor module 160 may be designated as broadcast lanes
stored frequency and / or timing offset information to syn- to handle broadcast traffic . The remaining portion of the I /Q
chronize the WiFi enabled user devices. The processor RF receive (Rx ) chains in the full spectrum capture I/Q RF
synchronization module 168 may be operable to handle the receive (Rx ) chain module 156 , corresponding channelizers
timing for a plurality of WiFi channels that may be aggre- 30 in the channelizer module 158 as well as corresponding
gated to provide a desired bandwidth for communicating baseband processors 160-1 , . . . , 160 - N in the baseband
data . processor module 160 may be designated as common lanes .
The routing module 170 may comprise suitable logic , Based on the type of traffic, the lanes may be duty cycled on
circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to or off to handle the transfer of data .
handle the routing of ingress and egress packets that are 35 In accordance with an embodiment of the invention , the
handled by the full spectrum capture Access point and /or broadcast lanes may be utilized for burst communication of
router 150 . traffic . The full spectrum capture Access point and / or router
In operation , the full spectrum capture Access point 150 may be operable to wakeup from a sleep mode and burst
and / or router 150 may be operable to capture WiFi signals a large amount of data over one or more broadcast lanes . At
over a very large bandwidth and flexibly reconfigure the 40 the end of the data burst, the full spectrum capture Access
captured bandwidth in order to achieve a desired bandwidth . point and / or router 150 may be operable to enter a sleep
In this regard, the full spectrum capture Access point and / or mode. During sleep mode, the full spectrum capture Access
router 150 is operable to capture a plurality of WiFi channels point and / or router 150 may be operable to monitor one or
and flexibly aggregate the channel to provide a desired more common lanes . The common lanes may be utilized for
bandwidth . The spectrum resulting from the aggregated 45 management and control functions as well as communicat
channels may be referred to as a virtual spectrum . One or ing smaller amounts of data traffic . During sleep mode , the
more resulting aggregated WiFi channels may be referred to broadcast lanes may be shut down to save power.
as high bandwidth WiFi channels. The full spectrum capture FIG . 1D is a high - level block diagram of an exemplary
Access point and /or router 150 is operable to capture and FSC WiFi integrated circuit comprising FSC WiFi RF front
aggregate contiguous and non - contiguous blocks of spec- 50 end transceiver circuitry and baseband processing circuitry,
trum within a single WiFi frequency band and / or contiguous in accordance with an embodiment of the invention . Refer
and non - contiguous blocks of spectrum within a plurality of ring to FIG . 1D , there is shown an integrated circuit package
WiFi frequency bands. For example, the full spectrum 172 , a FSC WiFi integrated circuit 173 , baseband processor
capture Access point and / or router 150 may be operable to circuitry 174 and FSC WiFi RF front end transceiver (Tx/
capture and aggregate contiguous and non - contiguous 55 Rx ) circuitry 175. The arrangement of FIG . ID may be
blocks of spectrum within the 2.4 GHz band, contiguous and referred to as a single chip solution .
non- contiguous blocks of spectrum within the 5 GHz band The baseband processor circuitry 174 and the FSC WiFi
or contiguous and non -contiguous blocks of spectrum within RF front end transceiver circuitry 175 may be integrated on
the 2.4 GHz band and also within the 5 GHz band . The the single FSC WiFi integrated circuit 173. The single FSC
resulting aggregated spectrum may appear as if it were a 60 WiFi integrated circuit 173 may be packaged within the
contiguous block of spectrum . The aggregated spectrum integrated circuit package 172 .
may be assigned to one or more users or user devices . In an FIG . 1E is a high -level block diagram of an exemplary
exemplary embodiment of the invention , an aggregated FSC WiFi RF front end transceiver integrated circuit and a
block of WiFi spectrum may be shared among the mobile baseband processing integrated packaged on a single inte
communication devices 107. In instances where the tablet 65 grated circuit package , in accordance with an embodiment of
107a may require more bandwidth than the Smartphone the invention . Referring to FIG . 1E , there is shown an
107b and the laptop 107c may not require any bandwidth , integrated circuit package 176 , a baseband processor inte
US 11,044,704 B2
11 12
grated circuit 177 and a FSC WiFi RF front end transceiver the multiplexers 206? may be operable to select which of the
( Tx /Rx) integrated circuit 177 . plurality of n processing RF receive (RX ) chains within the
The baseband processor integrated circuit 177 and the I/ Q RF receive processing chain modules 208a are to be
FSC WiFi RF front end transceiver ( Tx /Rx ) integrated utilized for demodulation of the signal output from the
circuit 177 may be packaged within the single integrated 5 multiplexer 206a . Similarly, the multiplexers 206b may be
circuit package 176. The arrangement of FIG . 1E may be operable to select which of the plurality of n processing RF
referred to as a dual chip solution . receive (RX ) chains within the I /Q RF receive processing
FIG . 1F is a high - level block diagram of an exemplary chain modules 208b are to be utilized for demodulation of
FSC WiFi RF front end transceiver integrated circuit and a the signal output from the multiplexer 206b . The baseband
baseband processing integrated circuit packaged on separate 10 processor 214 may be operable to control which of the
integrated circuit packages , in accordance with an embodi- plurality of n processing RF receive (RX ) chains in the n I /Q
ment of the invention. Referring to FIG . 1F, there is shown RF receive processing chain modules 208a , 2086 may be
an integrated circuit package 179 , a baseband processor selected .
integrated circuit 180 , and integrated circuit package 181 The I/Q RF receive processing chain modules 208a , 2085
and a FSC WiFi RF front end transceiver ( Tx /Rx) integrated 15 may comprise suitable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or
circuit 181 . code that may be operable to demodulate the signals that are
The baseband processor integrated circuit 180 may be output from the multiplexer 206a , 206b , respectively . Each
packaged on the integrated circuit package 179. The FSC of the I/ Q RF receive processing chain modules 208a , 208b
WiFi RF front end transceiver ( Tx /Rx ) integrated circuit 182 may comprise a plurality of n I/ Q RF receive processing
may be packaged within the integrated circuit package 181. 20 chains. The baseband processor 214 may be operable to
The arrangement of FIG . 1F may be referred to as a dual select which of the I/ Q RF receive processing chain modules
chip solution or separate chips solution . 208a , 208b are to be utilized to demodulate the signals that
FIG . 2 is a block diagram of an exemplary diversity WiFi are output from the multiplexers 206a , 206b . For example,
receiver that utilizes full spectrum capture , in accordance the I /Q RF receive processing chain module 208a may be
with an embodiment of the invention . Referring to FIG . 2 , 25 utilized to demodulate the signals that are output from the
there is shown a diversity WiFi receiver 200. The diversity multiplexer 206a , while the I / Q RF receive processing chain
WiFireceiver 200 may comprise antennas 2022 , ... , 202n , module 2086 may be utilized to demodulate the signals that
antenna interface 204 , variable gain amplifiers 205a , 205b , are output from the multiplexer 206b.
multiplexers 206a , 2060 , I/Q RF receive processing chain The LOGEN 209 may comprise suitable logic , circuitry,
modules 208a , 208b , local oscillator generator (LOGEN) 30 interfaces and / or code that may be operable to drive one or
209 , channelizers 210a , 210b , maximum ratio combiner 212 more oscillators within the I/ Q RF receive processing chain
and a baseband processor 214. The variable gain amplifier modules 208a , 2086. The LO generator 209 may comprise,
205a , the multiplexer 206a , the I /Q RF receive processing for example, one or more crystals, one or more direct digital
chain module 208a , and the channelizer 210a may be synthesizers, and / or one or more phase - locked loops .
operable to handle the processing of signals received via the 35 The channelizers 210a , 210b may comprise suitable logic ,
antennas 202a , . 202n . The variable gain amplifier 2055 , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to
the multiplexer 206b , the I/ Q RF receive processing chain channelize the demodulated signals that are output from the
module 208b , and the channelizer 210b may be operable to n I /Q RF receive processing chain 208a , 208b , respectively .
handle the processing of signals received via the antenna The channelizers 210a , 210b may be operable to separate
202b . 40 each of the corresponding channels into a plurality of
The antennas 202a , 202n may comprise suitable frequency bins . The output of the channelizers 210a , 2106
logic , circuitry and / or interfaces that are operable to receive may be combined by a combiner. In accordance with an
WiFi signals. The characteristics of the antennas 202 ( e.g. , embodiment of the invention, the channelization may be
coil ) may be such that they may perform filtering functions achieved via one or more digital filtering algorithms and / or
and, in those instances, transmit and / or receive filters may 45 other digital signal processing algorithms. Each of the
not be needed . channelizers 210a , 210b may comprise a plurality of band
The antenna interface 204 may comprise suitable logic , selection filters that are operable to process the correspond
circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to ing output from the plurality of n processing RF receive
interface with the antennas 202a , 2 202n with the (RX ) chains in the n I /Q RF receive processing chain
corresponding processing paths in the diversity WiFi 50 modules 208a , 208b in order to recover a corresponding one
receiver 200 . of the a plurality of selected frequency bands or frequency
The variable gain amplifiers 205a , 205b may comprise bins . The granularity of the channelizers 210a , 210b may be
suitable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be programmable . In this regard, the channelizers 210a , 210b
operable to variably adjust a corresponding gain of the input may be programmed to handle channels of varying band
signal from antenna interface 204. For example, the variable 55 width . For example, the channelizers 210a , 210b may be
gain amplifiers 205a may be operable to amplify and /or programmed to handle 20 MHz and / or 40 MHz channels .
buffer the signal received via the antennas 2022 , ... , 202n The maximum ratio combiner 212 may comprise suitable
from the antenna interface 204. The variable gain amplifiers logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable
205a , 205b may operate in different modes that enable to combine the channels that are output from the channel
capturing of different size bandwidths. For example, the 60 izers 210a , 210b . For example , maximum ratio combiner
variable gain amplifiers 2050 , 205b may be configured to 212 may be operable to utilize , for example, a coarse FFT
capture narrowband signals or broadband signals . processing that employs a low complexity diversity using
The multiplexers 206 , 206b may comprise suitable logic , coarse FFT and subband -wise combining. The coarse FFT
circuitry , interfaces and / or code that may be operable to processing may optimally combine the signals from a plu
select from among a plurality of n processing RF receive 65 rality of frequency bins for multiple antennas and accord
(RX ) chains in the I/ Q RF receive processing chain modules ingly, generate an improved maximum ratio combined
208a , 208b , respectively, where n is an integer. For example, (MRC ) co -phased signals.
US 11,044,704 B2
13 14
U.S. Pat. No. 8,010,070 , ( application Ser. No. 12/247 , a mixer 308 , a filter 310 , and an analog to digital converter
908 ) , which issued on Aug. 30 , 2011 , discloses exemplary ( ADC ) 3127. The quadrature path of the I/ Q RF receive
Low - Complexity Diversity Using Coarse FFT and Coarse processing chains 306 , comprises a mixer 308 ,, a filter
Sub -band -wise Combining, and is hereby incorporated 5 3100, and an analog to digital converter ( ADC ) 3120
herein by reference in its entirety. Each of the mixers 3087, 308 , may comprise suitable
The maximum ratio combiner 212 may also be operable logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable
to utilize channel stacking and / or band stacking of the to mix the corresponding signal 302 , with a local oscillator
plurality of frequency bins . In this regard, in one embodi- signal (not shown) to generate the signal 309 , 309 , respec
ment of the invention , a plurality of WiFi frequency bands tively . The mixers 3087, 308 , are operable to mix the signal
or WiFi frequency sub -bands may be stacked utilizing band 10 302 , with a pair of in -phase ( I ) and quadrature ( Q ) local
stacking . In another embodiment of the invention , a plurality oscillator signals , respectively, to generate the correspond
of WiFi channels in one or more WiFi frequency bands may ing pair of in - phase and quadrature signals 309 , 309 ,
be stacked utilizing channel stacking . For example, a plu- In some embodiments of the invention , the mixers in each
rality of WiFi channels in the 2.4 GHz WiFi band and / or in of the I/ Q RF receive processing chains may be operable to
the 5 GHz WiFi frequency band may be stacked utilizing 15 function with similar characteristics, and, in other embodi
channel stacking . In other embodiments of the invention, a ments of the invention , the mixers in each of the I/ Q RF
hybrid or flexible stacking scheme may also be utilized . receive processing chains may be operable to function with
Additional details regarding stacking may be found in U.S. different characteristics. For example, the mixers 3087, 3089
application Ser. No. 13 /762,939 , filed on Feb. 8 , 2013 , which may be configured to operate with a higher bandwidth than
is hereby incorporated herein by reference in its entirety. 20 the mixers ( not shown ), which may be within the I /Q RF
The baseband processor 214 may comprise suitable logic , receive processing chain 306 ,. Similarly, the mixers ( not
circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to shown ), which may be within the I/ Q RF receive processing
provide baseband processing on the channels that are gen- chain 3062 may be configured to operate with a higher
erated from the maximum ratio combiner 212. The baseband bandwidth than the mixers (not shown) , which may be
processor 214 may also be operable to function as a con- 25 within the I/Q RF receive processing chain 306n , and the
troller for the diversity WiFi receiver 200. In this regard, the mixers 3087, 308 , which may be within the I/ Q RF receive
baseband processor 214 may be operable to control, con- processing chain 306n .
figure and / or manage operation of one or more of the The phase and / or frequency of the local oscillator signals
antenna interface 204 , the variable gain amplifiers 205a , ( not shown) , which are input to the mixers in each of the I /Q
205b , the multiplexers 206a , 206b , the I/ Q RF receive 30 RF receive processing chains 306 , 3062 , ... , 306n , may be
processing chain modules 208a , 2086 , the local oscillator controlled via one or more signals from the baseband
generator ( LOGEN) 209 , the channelizers 210a , 210b , and processor 214 , which is illustrated in FIG . 2. In accordance
the maximum ratio combiner 212. The baseband processor with various embodiments of the invention , the phase and / or
214 may be operable to control, configure and / or manage frequency of the local oscillator signals, which are input to
operation of one or more of the components in the I /Q RF 35 the mixers in each of the I /Q RF receive processing chains
receive processing chain modules 208a , 2086 such as mix 3061, 3062, ..., 306n , may be controlled by the baseband
ers , filters and / or analog to digital controllers ( ADCs). processor 214 based on which one or more WiFi channels
Although the maximum ratio combiner 212 and the and / or WiFi frequency bands are to be captured by the
baseband processor 214 are illustrated as separate entities , diversity WiFi receiver 200. The phase and / or frequency of
the maximum ratio combiner 212 may be integrated as part 40 the local oscillator signals, which are input to the mixers in
of the baseband processor 214 . each of the I /Q RF receive processing chains 3061 ,
Although only two antennas 202a , . 202n are shown 3062 , ... , 306 ,, may be generated from the LOGEN 209 ,
for diversity, the invention is not limited in this regard . which is illustrated in FIG . 2 .
Accordingly, more than two antennas may be utilized with- The filters in each of the I /Q RF receive processing chains
out departing from the spirit and scope of the invention . The 45 3061 , 3062 , ... , 306 , may comprise suitable logic , circuitry ,
addition of more than two antennas utilizes additional pro- interfaces and / or code that may be operable to filter out
cessing paths in the diversity WiFi receiver 200 . undesired frequencies/ channels from the corresponding sig
Although a diversity WiFi receiver is illustrated, the nals that are output from the oscillators in each of the I /Q RF
invention is not limited to the use of the diversity WiFi receive processing chains 3061 , 3062. , 306,1 For
receiver. Accordingly, various embodiments of the invention 50 example, each of the filters 310, 310 , in the I /Q RF receive
may utilize a non -diversity receiver without departing from processing chains 306 , may be operable to filter out unde
the spirit and scope of the various embodiments of the sired frequencies from the signals 309 , 309 , to generate the
invention . corresponding analog signals 311 , 311 ,
FIG . 3 is a block diagram of an exemplary I/ Q RF receive In some embodiments of the invention , the filters in each
processing chain module of a diversity WiFi receiver that 55 of the I /Q RF receive processing chains 3061 , 3062 , ·
utilizes full spectrum capture , in accordance with an 306 , may be operable to function with similar characteris
embodiment of the invention . Referring to FIG . 3 , there is tics , and, in other embodiments of the invention , the filters
shown an I/ Q RF receive processing chain module 300. The in each of the I /Q RF receive processing chains 3061 ,
I /Q RF receive processing chain module 300 comprises a 3062 , ... , 306 , may be operable to function with different
plurality of n 1/Q RF receive processing chains, where n is 60 characteristics. For example, the filters 3107, 310 , which
an integer. The plurality of n I/ Q RF receive processing are within the I/ Q RF receive processing chains 306 ,, may
chains are referenced as 3061 , 3062, ... , 3067. Each of the be configured to operate with a higher bandwidth than the
nl/ Q RF receive processing chains 306 , 3062 , ... , 306 , are filters (not shown) , which may be within the I /Q RF receive
substantially similar. processing chain 3062. Similarly, the filters (not shown ),
The I /Q RF receive processing chains 306 , comprises an 65 which may be within the I/ Q RF receive processing chain
in - phase ( I ) path and a quadrature ( Q ) path . The in -phase 306 , may be configured to operate with a higher bandwidth
path of the I /Q RF receive processing chains 306 , comprises than the mixers ( not shown ), which may be within the I /Q
US 11,044,704 B2
15 16
RF receive processing chain 306n , and the mixers 3101, For example, maximum ratio combiner 212 may be operable
3100 which may be within the I /Q RF receive processing
chain 3067.
to utilize , for example , a coarse FFT processing that employs
a low complexity diversity using coarse FFT and subband
The ADCs in each of the I /Q RF receive processing chains wise combining. The coarse FFT processing may optimally
3067 , 3062 , ... , 306 , may comprise suitable logic , circuitry, 5 combine the signals from a plurality of frequency bins for
interfaces and / or code that may be operable to convert the multiple antennas and accordingly, generate an improved
analog signals from the corresponding signals that are output maximum ratio combined (MRC ) co -phased signals. The
from the filters in each of the I/ Q RF receive processing maximum ratio combiner 402 may also be operable to utilize
chains 306 , 3062,... ,306m . For example, each of the ADC channel stacking and / or band stacking for the plurality of
3127, 312 , in the I/ Q RF receive processing chains 306 , may 10 frequency bins .
be operable to convert the analog signals 311, 311 , to the The beamforming module 406 may comprise suitable
corresponding digital signals 313 , 313Q . The ADCsmay be logic , circuitry , interfaces and / or code that may be operable
preceded by a frequency conversion step and filtering to to utilize one or more beamforming algorithms to process
shift a higher frequency band to a lower frequency or signals from the plurality of antennas 202a , ... , 202n .
baseband, where it is easier to design wideband data con- 15 The MIMO module 408 may comprise suitable logic ,
verters . circuitry , interfaces and / or code that may be operable to
In some embodiments of the invention, the ADCs in each utilize one or more MIMO algorithms ( e.g. , as defined or
of the I /Q RF receive processing chains 3061 , 3062 , · supported by 802.11n or 802.11ac ) to process signals from
306, may be operable to function with similar characteris- the beamforming module 406 for plurality of antennas
tics , and, in other embodiments of the invention, the ADCs 20 202a , . . . , 202n .
in each of the I/Q RF receive processing chains 306 ,, The demodulator module 410 may comprise suitable
3062 , ... , 306 , may be operable to function with different logic , circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable
characteristics. For example, the ADCs 312, 312 , which to demodulate the signals from the MIMO module 408 .
are within the I/ Q RF receive processing chains 306 ,, may The decoder 412 may comprise suitable logic , circuitry,
be configured to operate with a higher bandwidth than the 25 interfaces and / or code that may be operable to decode the
ADCs (not shown ), which may be within the I/ Q RF receive resulting demodulated signals from the demodulator module
processing chain 3062. Similarly , the ADCs (not shown ), 410 .
which may be within the I/ Q RF receive processing chain The encoder 422 may comprise suitable logic , circuitry,
306 , may be configured to operate with a higher bandwidth interfaces and / or code that may be operable to encode data
than the ADCs ( not shown ), which may be within the I/Q RF 30 to be transmitted utilizing one or more encoding algorithms.
receive processing chain 306n , and the ADC 310 , 310 Q The modulator module 420 may comprise suitable logic ,
which may be within the I/ Q RF receive processing chain circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to may
306In, operation, the diversity WiFi receiver 200 may be be utilized modulate the resulting encoded output from
the encoder 422 .
configured to capture a specified number of WiFi channels. 35 The MIMO module 418 may comprise suitable logic ,
In this regard, the baseband processor 214 may be operable circuitry , interfaces and / or code that may be operable to
to configure the multiplexer that feeds the I/ Q RF receive utilize one or more MIMO algorithms to process signals for
processing chains 3061 , 3062 , ... , 306 ,, to select and enable transmission via the plurality of antennas 2022 , ... , 202n .
a corresponding number of the I /Q RF receive processing The beamforming module 416 may comprise suitable
chains 3061 , 3062 , ... , 306n , which are to be utilized to 40 logic , circuitry, interfaces and /or code thatmay be operable
handle reception and demodulation of the specified number to utilize one or more beamforming algorithms to process
of WiFi channels. In some embodiments of the invention , signals from the MIMO module 418 for transmission via the
only those I/Q RF receive processing chains 3061 , plurality of antennas 202a , . . . , 202n .
3062 , 306 , which are selected by the processor are The processor 424 may comprise suitable logic , circuitry,
powered and any remaining ones of the I/ Q RF receive 45 interfaces and / or code that may be operable to control
processing chains 3061 , 3062 , ... , 306 , that are not selected operation of the FSC WiFi receiver 200. In this regard, the
are powered down. processor 424 may be operable to control the components
FIG . 4 is a block diagram of an exemplary baseband within the FSC receiver module and the baseband processor.
processor, in accordance with an embodiment of the inven- The memory 426 may comprise suitable logic , circuitry,
tion . Referring to FIG . 4 , there is shown a baseband pro- 50 interfaces and /or code that may be operable to store oper
cessor 400. The baseband processor 400 may comprise a ating code , operating data and configuration settings. The
MRC module 402 , a beamforming module 406 , a MIMO memory 426 may be operable to store information that may
module 408 , a demodulator module 410 , a decoder 412 , a be utilized to control operation of one or more of the
beamforming module 416 , a MIMO module 418 , a modu- components in the FSC receiver module and the baseband
lator module 420 , a encoder 422 , a processor 424 and 55 processor of the FSC WiFi receiver.
memory 426. The baseband processor 400 may be substan- In operation , the signals received by the full spectrum
tially similar to the baseband processor 200 , which is capture transceiver 140 are channelized and the MIMO
illustrated and described with respect to FIG . 2. The MRC module 408 is operable to synthesize MIMO channels from
module 402 , the beamforming module 406 , the MIMO all the captured WiFi channels. The architecture of the full
module 408 , the demodulator module 410 and the decoder 60 spectrum capture transceiver 140 enables, for example, one
412 may comprise a demodulation path 413. The beamform- of the WiFi channels to be pulled out and all of the
ing module 416 , the MIMO module 418 , the modulator bandwidth for those particular WiFi channels may be
module 420 , the encoder 422 may comprise a modulation assigned to a particular WiFi enabled communication
path 423 . device . In other words , in instances where there are a
The MRC module 402 may comprise suitable logic , 65 plurality of WiFi enabled communication devices , the full
circuitry, interfaces and / or code that may be operable to spectrum capture transceiver 140 may be operable to assign
channels that are output from the channelizers 210a , 210b . each of the plurality of WiFi enabled communication
US 11,044,704 B2
17 18
devices its own dedicated WiFi channel. In this regard, there round - robin time division manner across a plurality of WiFi
is no need for a plurality of WiFi enabled communication channels assigned by the full spectrum capture transceiver
devices to share a particular WiFi AP channel. The number 140. The full spectrum capture transceiver 140 may config
of WiFi enabled communication devices to which the chan- ure and assign multiple channels and the WiFi enabled
nels may be assigned may be dependent on or limited by the 5 communication devices may be operable to burst data across
number of demodulators that are available , for example, in the assigned WiFi channels in a synchronous manner . The
the full spectrum capture transceiver 140 . WiFi receivers may be shut down or enter a low power mode
In accordance with an embodiment of the invention , in instances when the WiFi transmitter is not bursting data
based on the architecture of the full spectrum capture or when the WiFi receivers may be consuming content that
transceiver 140 , in order to double the capacity, twice the 10 was previously received in a burst. In one example, a WiFi
number of channels may be channelized by the full spectrum enabled communication device's transceiver circuit may
capture transceiver 140 and assigned to the client WiFi enter a low power mode when it is not communicating video
enabled communication devices. Accordingly, there is no and the device's transceiver circuit may enter a sleep mode
need to modify the architecture of the client WiFi enabled when it is consuming received content. In another example,
communication devices. In other words, only the access 15 the WiFi enabled communication device may receive 2
point/ router needs to be modified . The full spectrum capture seconds worth of video and send acknowledgements and
transceiver 140 provides a flexible and scalable architecture then shut down the RF front - end circuits in the FSC WiFi
to increase capacity without having to modify the WiFi receiver when the FSC WiFi receiver is consuming the 2
enabled communication devices or having to add complexity seconds worth of video . The full spectrum capture WiFi AP
to the Access point and /or router. 20 and / or router may be operable to store timing offset infor
In accordance with various embodiments of the invention , mation for each of the WiFi enabled communication devices
certain traffic may be assigned to certain channels based on in order to provide multi - channel synchronicity, which
various criteria . For example, a user of a client WiFi enabled enables seamless switching between channels.
communication device that is surfing the Web may be FIG . 5 is a flow chart illustrating exemplary steps for
assigned to one channel, and another user of a client WiFi 25 receiving and processing WiFi signals utilizing a full spec
enabled communication device that may be a watching HD trum capture WiFi device (e.g. , access point ), in accordance
video content may be assigned to another channel, and so on . with an embodiment of the invention . Referring to FIG . 5 ,
Different bandwidth channels may be assigned to different there is shown exemplary steps 502 through 510. In step
client WiFi enabled communication devices based on band- 502 , an FSC WiFi access point is configured to capture
width requirements. In conventional WiFi APs , in order for 30 spectrum in one or more WiFi frequency bands. In step 504 ,
a user to get dedicated WiFi channels, that user would have the FSC WIFI access point captures the spectrum compris
to upgrade the AP to an 802.11ac compliant WiFi AP . ing a plurality of WiFi channels . In step 506 , the WiFi access
owev the full spectrum capture transceiver 140 is oper- point discriminates between the WiFi signals and non - WiFi
able to provide dedicated channel usage and channels may signals in the captured spectrum and discard non - WiFi
be assigned based on the type of traffic or class of traffic that 35 signals . In step 508 , the FSC WiFi access point is operable
is being handled . In effect, the full spectrum capture trans- to aggregate a plurality of the WiFi channels, which corre
ceiver 140 is operable to provide 802.11ac capabilities spond to the WiFi signals, and / or one or more other WiFi
without the need to actually utilize an 802.11ac communi- channels to generate an aggregated WiFi channel. In step
cation device . The full spectrum capture transceiver 140 510 , the FSC WiFi access point may be operable to assign
allows adaptive and dynamic sensing of the channels to 40 one or more users to at least a portion of the aggregated WiFi
determine which ones are being utilized or are unusable or channel.
impaired due to fading, interference or noise , and those FIG . 6 is a flow chart illustrating exemplary steps for
channels can be avoided or marked as bad . Those channels receiving and processing WiFi signals utilizing a full spec
that are usable or are not impaired and may therefore be trum capture WiFi device (e.g. , access point ), in accordance
selected and allocated for use . Accordingly, the full spec- 45 with an embodiment of the invention . Referring to FIG . 6 ,
trum capture transceiver 140 may be referred to as a WiFi there is shown exemplary steps 604 through 612. In step
Turbocharger. 604 , a FSC WIFI access point captures the spectrum com
One major advantage of utilizing full spectrum capture prising a plurality of WiFi channels. In step 606 , the WiFi
with WiFi is that only the APs need to be upgraded and not access point filters the captured spectrum and keeps the WiFi
the client WiFi enabled communication mobile devices . This 50 signals and discards the non - WiFi signals . In step 608 , the
is a win situation for consumers in that they do not need to FSC WiFi access point is operable to aggregate a plurality of
upgrade their WiFi enabled laptops or other client WiFi the WiFi channels corresponding to the WiFi signals to
enabled communication devices to take full advantage of the generate plurality of aggregated WiFi channels . In step 610 ,
various features and functions provided by FSC with WiFi. the FSC WiFi access point may be operable to assign each
Accordingly, network providers may upgrade the network 55 of the plurality of aggregated WiFi channels as a dedicated
infrastructure without having to worry about end -users WiFi channel to a corresponding one of a plurality of WiFi
upgrading their WiFi enabled communication devices . enabled communication devices . In step 612 , FSC WiFi
The use of multiple WiFi channels by the full spectrum access point may be operable to Burst data to each of the
capture transceiver 140 may provide power savings . Duty plurality of WiFi enabled communication devices over their
cycling across a plurality of WiFi channels may provide 60 corresponding dedicated WiFi channel.
power savings as opposed to sending a significant amount of While the discussion with respect to FIG . 5 and FIG . 6
data across a single WiFi channel. The full spectrum capture specifically reference an access point, the functionality
transceiver 140 may be operable to transmit data in a burst described can be employed by any WiFi enabled commu
mode , after which, the full spectrum capture transceiver 140 nication device ( such as , for example, a client device pro
goes to sleep . The sleep and wake modes may be dependent 65 viding WiFi connectivity to other client devices ) .
on , for example, WiFi beacon timing . The WiFi enabled FIG . 7 is a flow chart illustrating exemplary steps for
communication devices may burst data , for example, in a receiving and processing WiFi signals utilizing a full spec
US 11,044,704 B2
19 20
trum capture WiFi access point or router, in accordance with integrated on a single package 176. The RF front end 154
an embodiment of the invention . Referring to FIG . 7 , there and the baseband processor 160 may be integrated on a
is shown exemplary steps 702 through 714. In step 702 , the single integrated circuit. 173
baseband processor configures the FSC WiFi receiver to The WiFi access point comprises a routing module 170
capture spectrum in or more WiFi frequency bands . In step 5 that is communicatively coupled to the baseband processor
704 , the FSC WiFi receiver captures spectrum comprising a 160. The baseband processor 160 may diversity process the
plurality of WiFi channels. In step 706 , FSC WiFi receiver channelized one or more WiFi channels and duty cycle
filters captures spectrum and discards non -WiFi signals and communication traffic across a plurality of the aggregated
keeps WiFi signals. In step 708 , the baseband processor 10 WiFi channels . The baseband processor 160 may assign one
combines or bonds a plurality of the WiFi channels corre of the aggregated WiFi channels as a dedicated channel for
sponding to the WiFi signals to generate a plurality of handling traffic for a WiFi enabled communication device .
aggregated WiFi channels. In step 710 , the baseband pro The baseband processor 160 may dynamically reassign the
cessor assigns each of a plurality of WiFi enabled commu assigned one of the aggregated WiFi channels as a dedicated
channel for handling traffic for another WiFi enabled com
nication devices to dedicated ones of the plurality of aggre- 15 munication device. The WiFi access point comprises a
gated WiFi channels. In step 712 , each of the WiFi enabled transmit RF front end that is operable to transmit signals
communication devices is operable to communicate via its over a wide spectrum comprising said one or more WiFi
assigned dedicated aggregated WiFi channel. In step 714 , frequency bands.
the router module handles routing of traffic for the WiFi As utilized herein the terms " circuits ” and “ circuitry ”
enabled communication devices. 20 refer to physical electronic components (i.e. hardware ) and
In accordance with various embodiments of the invention , any software and /or firmware ( " code ” ) which may configure
a single FSC WiFi receiver 140 is operable to utilize full the hardware , be executed by the hardware , and or otherwise
spectrum capture to capture signals over a wide spectrum be associated with the hardware. As used herein , for
comprising a plurality of WiFi frequency bands, extract one example, a particular processor and memory may comprise
or more WiFi channels from said captured signals and 25 a first “ circuit” when executing a first one or more lines of
aggregate a plurality of blocks of said WiFi channels to code and may comprise a second “ circuit ” when executing
create one or more aggregated WiFi channels . The WiFi a second one or more lines of code . As utilized herein ,
frequency bands may comprise a 2.4 GHz WiFi frequency " and /or” means any one or more of the items in the list
band and a 5 GHz WiFi frequency band . The single FSC joined by “ and/ or ” . As an example, “ x and / or y” means any
WiFi receiver 140 is operable to aggregate a plurality of 30 element
example of
, " the
x, y three
, and -/ orelement set {(any
z" means x),(element
y), (x, y )of}. Astheanother
blocks of the WiFi channels from contiguous blocks of element set { (x) , (y) , (2) , ( x, y) , (X, Z) , (y, z) , ( x, y , z )} .As
spectrum and / or non -contiguous blocks of spectrum in one utilized herein , the term “ exemplary ” means serving as a
or more of the plurality of WiFi frequency bands, for non - limiting example , instance, or illustration . As utilized
example , 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz. The single FSC WiFi receiver 35
is operable to filter out one or more non - WiFi channels from
herein, the terms “ e.g.,” and “for example ” set off lists of one
the captured signals to leave only the WiFi channels. The or more non - limiting examples, instances, or illustrations.
As utilized herein , circuitry is “ operable ” to perform a
single FSC WiFi receiver is operable to assign one or more function whenever the circuitry comprises the necessary
aggregated WiFi channels to one or more WiFi enabled hardware and code ( if any is necessary ) to perform the
communication devices. At least a portion of the one or more 40 function , regardless of whether performance of the function
aggregated WiFi channels may be dynamically assigned to is disabled, or not enabled , by some user - configurable set
one or more other WiFi enabled communication devices. ting.
The single FSC WiFi receiver 140 is also operable to Other embodiments of the invention may provide a com
dynamically adjust a bandwidth of one or more processing puter readable device and /or a non -transitory computer
lanes in order to handle channels of varying bandwidth . The 45 readable medium , and / or a machine readable device and /or
single FSC WiFi receiver 140 may also duty cycle operation a non - transitory machine readable medium , having stored
of one or more processing lanes within the single receiver. thereon , a machine code and / or a computer program having
A plurality of processing lanes within the single receiver at least one code section executable by a machine and / or a
may be assigned as a broadcast lane for handling high computer, thereby causing the machine and / or computer to
bandwidth traffic . One or more processing lanes within the 50 perform the steps as described herein for WiFi access point
single FSC WiFi receiver 140 may be assigned as a common utilizing full spectrum capture.
lane for handling low bandwidth traffic and / or control traffic . Accordingly, the present invention may be realized in
In accordance with various embodiments of the invention , hardware, software, or a combination of hardware and
a WiFi access point or router 150 includes a receive radio software . The present invention may be realized in a cen
frequency ( RF ) front end 154 and a baseband processor 160 55 tralized fashion in at least one computer system , or in a
that controls operation of the receive RF front end 154. The distributed fashion where different elements are spread
RF front end 154 captures signals over a wide spectrum that across several interconnected computer systems. Any kind
includes a plurality of WiFi frequency bands ( 2.4 GHz and of computer system or other apparatus adapted for carrying
5 GHz ) and channelizes one or more WiFi channels from the out the methods described herein is suited . A typical com
captured signals . The baseband processor 160 combines a 60 bination of hardware and software may be a general -purpose
plurality of blocks of WiFi channels to create one or more computer system with a computer program that, when being
aggregated WiFi channels. The blocks of WiFi channels may loaded and executed , controls the computer system such that
comprise the extracted one or more WiFi channels and /or it carries out the methods described herein .
other WiFi channels. The receive RF front end 154 may be The present invention may also be embedded in a com
integrated on a first integrated circuit 178 and the baseband 65 puter program product, which comprises all the features
processor may be integrated on a second integrated circuit enabling the implementation of the methods described
177. The first and second integrated circuits 178 , 177 may be herein , and which when loaded in a computer system is able
US 11,044,704 B2
21 22
to carry out these methods. Computer program in the present 7. The system of claim 1 , wherein the full spectrum
context means any expression, in any language , code or capture receiver comprises a plurality of radio frequency
notation , of a set of instructions intended to cause a system receive processing chains and a plurality of channelizers.
having an information processing capability to perform a 8. The system of claim 7 , wherein the processor is
particular function either directly or after either or both of 5 operable to :
the following: a) conversion to another language, code or receive a first version of the first two or more discontigu
notation ; b ) reproduction in a different material form . ous channels from a first channelizer of the plurality of
While the present invention has been described with channelizers and a second version of the first two or
reference to certain embodiments, it will be understood by more discontiguous channels from a second channel
those skilled in the art that various changes may be made and 10 izer of the plurality of channelizers ; and
equivalents may be substituted without departing from the diversity combine the first version of the first two or more
scope of the present invention . In addition, many modifica discontiguous channels and the second version of the
tions may be made to adapt a particular situation or material first two or more discontiguous channels.
to the teachings of the present invention without departing 9. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is
from its scope . Therefore, it is intended that the present 15
invention not be limited to the particular embodiment dis operable to :
closed , but that the present invention will include all designate a first aggregate channel generated from two or
embodiments falling within the scope of the appended more channels in the range of frequencies as a broad
claims . cast lane; and
What is claimed is : 20 designate a second aggregate channel generated from two
1. A system comprising : or more channels in the range of frequencies as a
an integrated circuit (IC ) for use in a wireless access common lane.
point, the IC comprising: 10. The system of claim 1 , wherein the range of frequen
a full spectrum capture receiver operable to concur- cies is the 2.4 GHz industrial, scientific, and medical band .
rently capture and digitize range of frequencies 25 11. The system of claim 1 , wherein the range of frequen
encompassing a first two or more discontiguous cies is the 5.8 GHz industrial, scientific , and medical band .
channels assigned to a first user device and a second 12. A method comprising:
two or more discontiguous channels assigned to a concurrently capturing and digitizing , by a full spectrum
second user device , wherein the first user device is a capture receiver of an integrated circuitry for use in a
first WiFi client device and the second user device is 30 wireless access point, a range of frequencies encom
a second WiFi client device ; and passing a first two or more discontiguous channels
a processor operable to : assigned to a first user device and a second two or more
extract a first plurality of WiFi channels from the first discontiguous channels assigned to a second user
two or more discontiguous channels , device wherein the first user device is a first WiFi client
extract a second plurality of WiFi channels from the 35 device and the second user device is a second WiFi
second two or more discontiguous channels, client device ;
allocate the first plurality of WiFi channels as a first
aggregate channel, wherein the allocation is con- combining, by a processor of the integrated circuitry for
trolled according to current bandwidth needs of use in a wireless access point, the first two or more
the first WiFi client device , and 40 discontiguous channels to form a first aggregate chan
allocate the second plurality of WiFi channels as a nel wherein the combining is controlled according to
second aggregate channel, wherein the allocation current bandwidth needs of the first WiFi client device;
is controlled according to current bandwidth needs and
of the second WiFi client device. combining, by the processor, the second two or more
2. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is 45 discontiguous channels to form a second aggregate
operable to demodulate the first aggregate channel to channel, wherein the combining is controlled according
recover data from the first user device and demodulate the to current bandwidth needs of the second WiFi client
second aggregate channel to recover data from the second device.
user device. 13. The method of claim 12 , comprising:
3. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is 50 demodulating, by the processor, the first aggregate chan
operable to generate a per -user spectral map that indicates , nel to recover data from the first user device; and
for each of the first user device and the second user device , demodulating, by the processor, the second aggregate
the quality of each channel in the range of frequencies. channel to recover data from the second user device .
4. The system of claim 3 , wherein the processor is 14. The method of claim 12 , comprising generating, by
operable to : 55 the processor, a per -user spectral map that indicates, for each
detect one or more characteristics of the each channel in of the first user device and the second user device, the
the range of frequencies ; and quality of each channel in the range of frequencies .
generate the per - user spectral map based on the detected 15. The method of claim 12 , comprising:
one or more characteristics. detecting , by the processor, one or more characteristics of
5. The system according to claim 4 , wherein the deter- 60 the each channel in the range of frequencies; and
mined one or more characteristics comprise noise, interfer- generating, by the processor, the per -user spectral map
ence , fading and blocker information . based on the sensed one or more characteristics.
6. The system of claim 1 , wherein the processor is 16. The method according to claim 15 , wherein the
operable to use a per - user spectral map for assignment of the determined one or more characteristics comprise noise ,
first two or more discontiguous channels to the first user 65 interference , fading and blocker information .
device and assignment of the second two or more discon- 17. The method of claim 12 , comprising assigning , by the
tiguous channels to the second user device . processor, the first two or more discontiguous channels to
US 11,044,704 B2
23 24
the first user device and the second two or more discontigu
ous channels to the second user device based on a per-user
spectral map .
18. The method of claim 12 , comprising
receiving, by the processor, a first version of the first two 5
or more discontiguous channels from a first channelizer
and a second version of the first two or more discon
tiguous channels from a second channelizer; and
diversity combining, by the processor, the first version of
the first two or more discontiguous channels and the 10
second version of the first two or more discontiguous
19. The method of claim 12 , comprising:
designating, by the processor, a first aggregate channel
generated from two or more channels in the range of 15
frequencies as a broadcast lane; and
designating, by the processor, a second aggregate channel
generated from two or more channels in the range of
frequencies as a common lane .
20. The method of claim 12 , wherein the range of fre- 20
quencies is in an industrial, scientific and medical band .

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