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How Technological Development Affect Gen Z

We all know that technology developed fast these days. It’s boring that people keep
saying how bad technology and globalization is without looking at its good side. We can’t deny
that technology is affect much on us, especially gen z. Technology also help us in many factor
like helping on doing research, online learning, provide better communication with our friends,
etc. Now, let’s talk about those good side more specifically

Since the covid-19 pandemic, we are familiar with online learning. Online learning is a
learning method where the teacher and student aren’t in the same room. They connected with
an applications like google meet, zoom, etc. Well, we can clearly see a good thing about online
learning like, we don’t need to go to school anymore so we can more focus on our learning and
no need to worry about being late at school. The best example is when we’re in an international
college, we can just stay at our own home while the teacher itself is in a different country.

Reading back at the last paragraph, we can see that technological development could
make us easier to communicate with our friends. We don’t need to send a letter everytime we
want to contact our friends anymore, just open our smartphone to do that. This could also
bring us to a higher level of “better communication” when we are a CEO of a company or some
office. When we want to do a collaboration with other company, it’s easier to communicate
with them.

From technology and globalization, we can also increase our creativity. As mentioned on
the 1 paragraph, technology could make us easier on doing research. Since we are helped
when doing research, of course it’s easier for us to make creative things right?. Let’s take a look
at the difference between then and today. In past time, it’s hard to find an information which is
very different from now on and of course it will be harder to create a new thing compared to

Technological development also create a whole new jobs for us to choose. We can be a
robot engineer, cyber security, online shop owner, online influencer like youtubers or tiktokers,
etc. Those new jobs could also… again, increase our creativity. Like how we should make a good
content as an influencer, a good item to sell to increase our selling, etc.

Yeah, I know that technological development still have bad sides no matter how much
its good side is. But when we use the tech correctly, we can avoid those bad sides. For example
addiction. We surely can avoid technology addiction (like gadget addiction) if we use the
technology correctly by not keep using it too much that makes us forget that we still alive and
not abuse the tech for something like cheating on your assignment, hacking and sharing
personal information of other people, scamming, etc. If we have the awareness to not do all of
above, surely we can have a peace when using the technology

So the conclusion is, technological development will give us a good thing if we do a good
thing when using those. Just be careful and aware when using the technology so we won’t get
the bad sides of it

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