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Ednalyn H.

Flores October 22, 2022

BTLEd- 2A Mrs. Digna De Guzman

“Ang Loob at Pakikipagkapwa sa Kagandahang-Loob: Pagsusuri sa Pagpapakahulugan at mga

Pagpapahalaga ng Kabataan” by Charmaine P. Galano

I. Introduction:

The article “Ang Loob at Pakikipagkapwa sa Kagandahang-Loob: Pagsusuri sa

Pagpapakahulugan at mga Pagpapahalaga ng Kabataan” by Charmaine P. Galano of UP
Diliman discusses what are the young peoples’ definition and perspective to in and
Companionship in courtesy and Inner Beauty. The author is interested in the youths’ viewpoints
and they base their arguments on their own understanding, concepts and analysis (on loob,
kapuwa at kagandahang-loob).

II. Summary:

The article gives definition to Kagandahang-loob as a trait, as values as well as youth’s

perspective on loob and kapuwa.
A. Kagandahang-Loob as a Trait.

The first person who gives his definition to kagandahang-loob as a trait was Resurreccion
(2007). Where in his study is unique because he collected empirical data to further examine the
meaning of kagandahang-loob (courtesy). He was able to trigger three domains that he
considered the foundation of courtesy these are, malasakit, pakikipagkapwa at malinis na
kalooban. A striking feature of his study is that he considers it as characteristic (trait) courtesy.
Therefore, kagandahang-loob (courtesy) is must be demonstrated in action and recognized by
other people. Another concept was according to Miranda (1992), where he stated that
practicing kindness (kagandahang-loob) is found in being understanding, with a heart for
others, and the characteristics of a tagasalo ("catcher”). Consciousness can refer to the
understanding used by the mind and to the understand with a heart. The third
characteristic, is a phenomenon often found among those Filipino family (Arellano-Carandang
1987). This is the role played by a member of the family, often the older son, where he
becomes lean on and run to in times of need. He is reliable and always ready give help to a
family member. For Miranda, the central characteristic of a tagasalo is having a kagandahang-
B. Kagandahang-loob as Values (Pagpapahalaga)

The first concept that the author discuss is the Kagandahang-loob (shared humanity) is a value
that links the self to the society or “linking socio-personal value”, identified by Virgilio Enriquez.
According to him, it has two features: having a loob-labas (inner-outer) aspect and relationship
with the fellow other. It is also considered a moral and ethical value that functions as a guide in
evaluating what is right or wrong and what is an appropriate or inappropriate behavior. Second
is, according to Zeus Salazar (1982), the fundamental to the understanding of Filipino
personality is the relationship between loob and labas (inside and outside). Although there is
often appreciation of what is within, it is said that comfort can only be achieved and the
wholeness of being when there is a proper meeting of what is in outside and inside. Salazar
associated the interior with the concept of "budhi" and "konsensya." These two are considered
the moral aspect of being. The conscience is the decision of actions comes from, therefore, "A
person with a conscience is recognizes error” (Salazar 1982, 90). It can be said that a person has
a conscience is also the person who has a "good" and "good" heart or will.
C. Loob and Kapuwa

In the analysis done by Rogelia Pe-Pua (2012) on the concept of loob, he determined it’s 19
forms which include courtesy (kagandahang-loob). He said, like kapuwa, the loob can also be
considered a summary concept in Filipino Psychology. The loob has breadth and depth. It can
also refer to thoughts, trances, memories, decision, and feeling. Like Enriquez, Pe-Pua describes
a person good-willed as good and kind. It contains a pure heart and have good intentions for
others. In listing the different forms of loob (inside), Pe-Pua has shown that kindness is related
to others internal characteristics.

III. Reaction:
A. Connection to Ethics of Kagandahang-Loob

Of all the definitions, perspective and analysis given to kagandahang-loob that was discussed in
the article, still it has connections to ethics. The concept of kagandahang loob is central to
Philippine ethical discourse. It is widely regarded as a fundamental component of morally
acceptable behavior. Kagandahang-loob is also a necessary component of being a good person -
an ethical person - because it is a selfless act performed to improve the lives of others. Kindness
motivates and defines compassionate people. People with magandang loob are concerned
about the feelings and well-being of others.
B. The Importance of these as a Filipino Youth

I think the importance of these studies as a Youth is it has been asserted that studying values is
a very efficient technique to examine how culture affects a person's behavior, thought, and
emotions. And also, to understand more the real meaning or concept of kagandahang loob. In
which I will agree to the definition given of Mr. Miranda that kagandahang loob is “kusang
tumutulong”. The conditions for an act to convey the trait of "kagandahang loob" are what I
find to be both most important and fascinating in the article. Usually, some people expect to
benefit every time they show a "kagandahang loob." I may not be referring to all, but nowadays
people are having a mindset of reciprocity. They anticipate being helped in return for the
assistance they provide to another person. But in reality, the true kagandahang loob is one who
freely gives without expecting anything in return.

IV. CONCLUSION: (Focus on Applicability of the Lesson)

To sum up, kagandahang-loob is an important Filipino concept with the goal of valuing others.
The concept of kagandahang-loob is broad but its most concept revolves only around the
neighbor or fellowship. It has a dimension of loob (inside) and labas (outside) which indicates
that a person who values kindness has a recognition of what is right or wrong. Kagandahang-
loob also has a strong relationship as character (traits) or the behavior of the person as to how
it acts and courtesiness as value (value) or the criteria for judging right and wrong. We can say
that kindness is not only contained in one (attribute or value), it is equally manifested in both,
because attribute and value are not separate. A person's character reflects the person's value,
and the value reflects the person's character. There is also an undeniable relationship between
kindness or kindness to others, because others are one of the important explanations of
kindness, it is difficult to see it without others to focus on. It is also related to ethics, because
ethics is our own morality regarding what is right or wrong. The concept of kindness is also
important to all of us, especially to our youth, because it is what guides us to change and do
good to our neighbors. As a Christian we have a sworn duty and this is to do or follow the will of
the one above.

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