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434606196 Definition OF Ter…

BUDGET CYCLE - It involves the followinf processes: (1) Preparatio.- by PNP offices; (2) Authorization- by
Congress; (3) Accountability- Control Measures conducted by auditing.

BUDGET GUIDANCE - A document issued by higher authorities stipulating the national objectives,
priorities and constraints including assessment of the peace and order situation.

BUDGETING - with all that goes of budgeting in the form of fiscal planning, accounting. and control.

BUDGET YEAR - Current year and one day.

BULLETIN BOARDS - onrganizational policies, rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out of
mimeorgraphed and the posted on the bulletin boards. If strategically located and well managed,
bulletin boards are an effective medium for transmitting newly issued policies, rules and regulations to
police officers.

BUREAU - Refers organic unit within large department.

BUREAU OF JAIL MANAGEMENT AND PENOLOGY - Referred to as the Jail Bureau, created initially
consisting of officers and uniformed members of the Jail Management and Penology Servise as
constituted under P.D. No. 765. It is vested with the authority to exercise supervision and control over all
district, city, and municipal jails. While the provincial, jail will be supervised and controlled by the
provincial government within its jurisdiction.

CARABINEROS DE SEGURIDAD PUBLICA - Carabineros de Seguridad Publica wag organized as a mounted

riflemen or cavalry whose duties expanded in 1781 from a special commission as government custodian
of the tobacco monopoly to a distinct group charged with the duties of a harbor, port, border and river

CHIEF OF JAIL BUREAU - refers to the head of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology with the rank
of director.

Chief PNP - The head of the Philippine National Police with a rank of Director General who shall have the
power to direct and control tactical as well as strategic movements, deployment, placement, utilization
of the PNP or any of its units and personnel, includings its equipment, facilities and other resources. The
Chief PNP has summary dismissal powers over all members of the police force.

CITY/MUNICIPAL JAIL WARDEN - Refers to the head of the city or municipal jail with the rank of senior

CIVIL RELATIONS UNIT -Headed by a Director with the rank of chief superintendent, the civil relations
unit shall implement plans and programs that will promote community and citizen's participation.

COMMAND COMMUNICATION - It is either oral or written orders of a superior officer to his

subordinates. It is directly made and compliance is immediately expected.

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