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ROUND 2 MARKETING TECHNIQUE FOR BARBENHEIMER INC. Marketing Estimate No. Total Reason for using/not using the technique
Technique d cost ($ of Cost
per times
month/o used

1 0 0 Content marketing is not always the best fit for music labels due to intense
competition, the emotional nature of music, and the need for immediate
impact. Additionally, catering to diverse audiences, allocating resources,
Content adapting to changing platforms, and measuring content's impact pose
Marketing challenges. The risk of content overshadowing music and the difficulty of
proving return on investment further complicate matters. Despite this, a
carefully tailored content strategy can still offer benefits in brand building and
fan engagement within the music industry.

2 Search 2 18000 Unlike paid advertising, which stops driving traffic once you stop spending,
Engine SEO efforts can have lasting effects. Well-optimized content can continue to
Optimisation rank and attract visitors over time thereby ensuring that the traffic received is
(SEO) more likely to be interested in music and content.

3 Pay-per-Clic 2 8600 Results in direct sale, and you are paying only for the advertising when a
k advertising customer is converted, hence it is highly efficient and bang for your buck.

4 2 14000 Social media is a powerful tool to reach our target audience of college
students. We can tap into their preferred mode of communication and content
consumption. We can create visually engaging posts, short videos, and
Social Media interactive challenges etc. Social media also allows for real-time interaction,
Marketing enabling us to build a community around our music label and tunes. With
precise targeting options, we can ensure our content reaches those most likely
to be interested, optimizing our promotional efforts and establishing a strong
brand presence.

5 2 13600 Email allows you to communicate directly with your fans, artists, and
E-mail subscribers. You can share updates, new releases, event invitations, and other
Marketing relevant information in a personalized manner. Basically meaning, Low Cost
for High Returns.

6 Public 0 0 Public relations help create awareness and build a positive image, while
Relations sponsorship can enhance visibility. However, with a small budget, prioritizing
10,000 targeted online marketing, social media engagement, and grassroots efforts
might be more effective in reaching the intended audience and maximizing
Sponsorship resources.
7 0 0 Where authenticity and personal connections are often prioritized, affiliate
marketing might come across as commercial and impersonal, potentially
diminishing the trust we aim to establish. By fostering relationships with
Affiliate 15% per influencers and encouraging organic sharing, we ensure that our music is
Marketing sale endorsed within a context that feels authentic and relatable to college students.

8 Influencer 0 0 Influencer audiences can vary widely, and finding influencers who align
6,355 perfectly with the music genre, style, and target audience can be challenging.
If the match isn't strong, the impact of the campaign might be diluted.

9 Mass Media 0 0 One word. ROI Uncertainty. It's harder to track the effectiveness of mass
14,000 media campaigns, especially for a small label with limited resources for
detailed analytics and measurement.

10 0 0 College students often change residences frequently, making direct mail less
Direct Mail 5,500 reliable. Email campaigns and social media provide instant and more
adaptable ways to connect. They offer trackable engagement and interactive
content that can enhance your promotional efforts effectively.

11 0 0 When focus lies on copying what competitors are doing, the end result might
Competitor be with a "me too" approach that doesn't resonate with the unique audience.
Analysis Innovation and creativity are crucial in the music industry, and simply
mirroring competitors might not lead to standout results.

12 Regulatory 0 0 While adopting eco-friendly practices can improve the label's reputation, the
Environment 22,000 marketing benefits might not justify the immediate costs, especially if the
target audience is not particularly focused on environmental concerns from
Analysis emerging music labels.

13 1 5000 College students, as our primary audience, possess distinct characteristics such
as high digital engagement, trend-seeking behavior, and a preference for easily
accessible content. Their reliance on streaming platforms and social media for
Determining music discovery and sharing makes them an ideal demographic for our
Target 5,000 trending tunes. Their age, interests, and consumption habits guide our
marketing strategies. Tailoring our music releases and promotions to their
Market preferences ensures higher resonance and engagement. This targeted approach
maximizes the impact of our marketing efforts, creating a strong connection
with our audience and increasing the likelihood of our trending tunes
becoming a part of their music landscape.

14 0 0 Choosing to abstain from employing interactive materials for your music label
oriented towards college audiences could be justifiable. Although interactive
content offers captivating encounters such as quizzes, surveys, and interactive
Interactive videos, it might not correspond with your target demographic's inclinations or
Content your label's identity. The degree of college students' involvement with
interactive content can differ, and according priority to more direct
engagement methods might better strike a chord with them. Furthermore,
crafting interactive content can necessitate resources and time that you might
favor allocating to music production and live events. Striking a balance in
your content amalgamation, incorporating interactive components when they
harmonize with your strategy, could guarantee effective engagement while
adhering to your label's core competencies and audience predilections.

15 0 0 Designing and maintaining effective gamification elements can be complex and

Gamification 19,650 time-consuming. This could pose a challenge for a label working on strict
budget constraints.

16 0 0 Cause marketing often involves relating a brand with social or environmental

causes, which might not directly resonate with our audience's primary interest
in music trends. Our priority is to engage college students with music that
Cause reflects their current tastes and desires. Instead of cause marketing, we'll
11,000 channel our efforts into understanding their evolving preferences, staying
up-to-date with music trends, and delivering content that excites them. By
focusing on their musical interests and creating a strong online presence
through platforms they use, we can establish a direct and engaging connection
that resonates deeply with them.

17 2 15800 Integrating web push alerts into your music label focused on the college
demographic can be advantageous. These notifications offer immediate
engagement, promptly updating your fans about new releases, events, and
exclusive content. With their noticeable visibility and privacy-conscious
approach that doesn't rely on personal data, user confidentiality is heightened.
Web Push Web push notifications allow direct interaction with college students, who are
Notifications frequently online, boosting website traffic and audience retention. Their
concise format ensures swift communication, particularly for time-sensitive
promotions. However, cautious use is important to prevent overwhelming your
followers. In conclusion, web push notifications serve as a valuable tool to
maintain engagement and swiftly convey timely updates to your
college-oriented audience.

18 0 0 Not incorporating branded merchandise into your college-focused music

label's strategy can be justified due to budget constraints, a digital-centric
Branded focus, rapid trend shifts, sustainability concerns, prioritizing music production,
18,550 and the opportunity for creative branding through digital experiences. While
this approach preserves resources and addresses evolving preferences, a blend
of digital strategies with occasional limited-edition physical offerings could
strike a balance in engaging the college audience effectively.

19 0 0 Choosing not to establish a content distribution plan for your music label
centered on colleges could be reasoned out by concentrating on particular
platforms, resource allocation efficiency, a specialized approach, giving
Content precedence to direct engagement, preserving brand uniformity, and a history of
Distribution 12,000 effective audience involvement through current techniques. Although this
Strategy method is in harmony with immediate objectives, contemplating a
well-rounded strategy could enhance your label's outreach and rapport with
the college demographic.
20 6,400 0 0 Choosing not to utilize A/B testing for your music label targeting college
audiences can stem from factors like resource constraints, a well-defined grasp
of audience inclinations, and the dynamic pace of the music sector. The artistic
facet of music promotion might not seamlessly merge with data-fueled
A/B Testing experimentation. Moreover, an entrenched brand image and the wish to
sidestep decision overload might underpin the decision to not heavily lean on
A/B testing. Although this approach facilitates rapid adjustments, upholding
an equilibrium between tried-and-true tactics and periodic trial and error
remains pivotal for enduring efficacy.

TOT 11 75000

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