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Vol. 6 1, No. 5, May 1989. Printed in U.S.A.

Effects of Low Concentrations of 4-Aminopyridine

on CA1 Pyramidal Cells of the Hippocampus


Montreal Neurological Institute, Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery,
McGill University, Montr&al, Quebec H3A 2B4, Canada

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS early IPSP or at the beginning of the rising phase of the LLD and
I. Intracellular and extracellular recording techniques were could not be abolished by hyperpolarizing the cell. Simultaneous
used to study the effects of bath application of 4-aminopyridine intracellular and extracellular recordings also indicated that these
(4.AP) on pyramidal cells of the CA1 subfield of rat hippocampal late action potentials were not synchronously generated by CA1
slices maintained in vitro. The concentration of 4-AP used in neurons. The amplitude of these late action potentials fell into
most experiments was 50 PM. However, similar results were ob- two distinct groups: small- (9-20 mV) and large-amplitude ones
tamed with a concentration ranging from 5 to 100 PM. (90-120 mV). The latter displayed a marked inflection on their
2. Following 4-AP application, cells impaled with K-acetate- rising phase similar to an initial segment-soma IS-SD fraction-
filled microelectrodes hyperpolarized by an average of 2.6 mV ation, whereas the small-amplitude ones were sometimes fused.
(from -68.7 to -71.3 mV, P \( 0.01). This change was accompa- These observations suggest that they were generated in an area
nied by the appearance of high-frequency spontaneous hyperpo- remote from the soma of pyramidal neurons (probably the axons)
larizations. Conversely, when KCl-filled microelectrodes were and that they had multiple sites of origin.
used, an average depolarization of 5.8 mV [from -73.1 to -67.3 6. Spontaneous potentials appeared within a few minutes of
mV, not significant (NS)] associated with the occurrence of repet- 4-AP application. With K-acetate-filled microelectrodes, they
itive depolarizing potentials was observed. In both cases, these consisted of high-frequency, spontaneous hyperpolarizations and
changes were concomitant with a small decrease in membrane low-frequency, depolarizing-hyperpolarizing sequences resem-
input resistance, which was statistically significant only for cells bling IPSPs or EPSP-IPSP sequences, respectively. In addition,
impaled with K-acetate-filled microelectrodes. When synaptic LLDs with a shape similar to those evoked by orthodromic stim-
transmission was blocked by tetrodotoxin (TTX), 4-AP induced uli also appeared spontaneously. They were usually preceded by
in cells studied with K-acetate microelectrodes an average depo- an initial EPSP-IPSP sequence and accompanied by late and vati-
larization of 2.4 mV (from -62.8 to -60.4 mV, P < 0.01) accom- able-amplitude action potentials and sometimes a delayed EPSP.
panied by a small increase in input resistance (from 32.0 to 35.8 The LLDs occurred at a quite regular frequency varying between
MQ, P < 0.05). High-frequency spontaneous potentials failed to 0.008 and 0.14 Hz. Both spontaneous and stimulus-induced
occur under these conditions. During 4-AP application, the LLDs were associated with a positive field potential in s. pyramid-
threshold and the latency of action potentials elicited by a depo- ale indicating that this activity was generated synchronously by
larizing current pulse increased in 36% of the neurons studied pyramidal cells.
(n = 14). 7. The LLD lasted 600- 1,500 ms and reached an amplitude of
3. The amplitude of the stratum (s.) radiatum-induced excit- 2- 15 mV (measured from base line). Its amplitude varied linearly
atory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) was augmented by 4-AP. with membrane potential (I&), suggesting it was a postsynaptic
Both the early and late inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) phenomenon. Its equilibrium potential was 5-20 mV positive to
evoked by orthodromic stimuli were also increased in amplitude rest(ll.0+4.9,n = 8). Even though in many cases this value was
and duration. In addition, a late (peak latency, 150-600 ms) and above firing threshold, the shunting effect of the LLD produced
long-lasting (duration, 600- 1,500 ms) depolarizing potential ap- by its large increase in conductance usually prevented cell firing.
peared between the early and the late IPSPs and progressively 8. Bath application of bicuculline methiodide (BMI, 5-20 PM)
increased until it partially masked these hyperpolarizations. This blocked spontaneous and stimulus-induced LLDs and disclosed
long-lasting depolarization (LLD) could also be induced by anti- an underlying hyperpolarization. Whenever present, the delayed
dromic stimulation, although in this case it was preceded by an EPSP (partly obscured by the LLD) increased in amplitude and
additional, fast-rising, brief depolarization. duration after BMI application. In all the neurons tested, the LLD
4. A similar brief depolarization preceded the orthodromically was consistently more sensitive to BMI than the early hyperpo-
induced LLD in 69% of the neurons bathed in the presence of larizing IPSP (n = 6).
4-AP. The average value of the peak latency of this potential was 9. Drop application of BMI (20 PM) onto the apical dendritic
62 k 27 (SD) ms for orthodromic and 110 t 70 ms for antidromic field of the CA1 area blocked the spontaneous and stimulus-in-
responses. This brief depolarization increased in amplitude when duced LLDs without affecting the antidromic IPSP. Furthermore,
the membrane was hyperpolarized and was associated with a field current-source density analysis performed by recording the field
potential, indicating that it was a delayed EPSP generated potential at regular intervals along an axis perpendicular to s.
synchronously by CA1 pyramidal neurons. Focal application of pyramidale, indicated the presence of a sink in the middle portion
TTX to the CA2-CA3 area abolished this delayed EPSP, suggest- of s. radiatum during this potential. These results suggest that
ing that it probably resulted from the activation of CA2-CA3 y-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors responsible for the LLD
neurons through collaterals of CA1 cells. are located on the dendrites.
5. In 67% of the neurons, one or two (sometimes up to five) 10. When 50-86s of the Cl- ions in the perfusing medium
late action potentials of variable amplitude (range, 9- 120 mV) were replaced with the nonpermeant anions methylsulfate or
occurred after orthodromic stimulations at a latency of 20- 140 isethionate, a marked increase in the amplitude of the LLD was
ms. These late action potentials arose either from the peak of the observed. Intracellular ionophoresis of Cl- ions also produced an
0022-3077/89 $1 SO Copyright 0 1989 The American Physiological Society 953

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increase of the amplitude of the LLD, suggesting that an out- observed when brain tissue was exposed to micromolar
wardly directed Cl- conductance was involved in this depolariza- concentrations of the drug.
tion. Many compounds employed to produce epileptiform ac-
II. This conclusion was also supported by the application of tivity in experimental models share the common property
the Cl- pump blocker furosemide (OS-2 mM), which simulta- of decreasing inhibitory GABAergic conductances (for re-
neously blocked the early IPSP and the LLD evoked by ortho-
dromic stimulation. The antidromic IPSP, the high-frequency view, see Refs. 1 and 8). 4-AP probably acts through differ-
spontaneous IPSPs, and the spontaneously occurring LLDs also ent mechanisms, because it appears to increase the efficacy
disappeared in the presence of furosemide. These effects were of both excitatory and inhibitory (i.e., GABAergic) synap-
associated with a shift of the reversal potential of the LLD and the tic potentials. These features make 4-AP an interesting
IPSP towards the resting vm of the cells. The increase in conduc- agent for analyzing alternative basic mechanisms of epi-
tance associated with the LLD was not affected by furosemide, leptiform activity. The present experiments were designed
indicating that only the electrochemical gradient of the response to study, in the CA1 subfield of the in vitro hippocampal
was changed. The only spontaneous potentials recorded in the slice, the changes induced by relatively low doses of 4-AP
presence of furosemide were long-lasting hyperpolarizations that on excitatory and inhibitory synaptic activity and some
inverted near the IS+ equilibrium potential (-92.5 t 5.5 mV, intrinsic properties of pyramidal cells. A preliminary ac-
n = 3)
12. ‘Our data show that the effects of low concentrations of count of these results has been published (9).
4-AP on CA1 hippocampal pyramidal cells maintained in vitro
are characterized by an increase in both excitatory and inhibitory METHODS
synaptic potentials. This potentiation of synaptic transmission
allows GABA to activate dendritic receptors that generate a late, Preparation and incubation of the slices
long-lasting depolarization. In addition, 4-AP discloses a delayed Male Sprague-Dawley rats ( 150-300 g) were decapitated under
EPSP that originates from the CA2-CA3 areas and late action ether anesthesia and their brains quickly removed from the skull.
potentials generated in an area remote from the recording site. Hippocampi were dissected free and cut transversely into 400- to
The significance of these observations is discussed with reference slices using a McIlwain tissue chopper. The slices
to the well-known convulsant properties of 4-AP. were then transferred into a tissue chamber where they laid at the
interface between oxygenated artificial cerebrospinal fluid
(ACSF) and humidified gas (95% 02, 5% CO*). The composition
of the ACSF was the following (in mM): 124 NaCl, 2 KCl, 1.25
INTRODUCTION KH2P04, 2 MgSO,, 2 CaC12, 26 NaHC03, and 10 glucose at pH
7.4. The temperature of the perfusing ACSF was maintained be-
In recent years 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) has attracted tween 33 and 36”C, and the perfusion rate varied from 0.3 to 1
much attention as a pharmacologic tool for analyzing re- ml/min.
polarizing K+ conductances and synaptic transmission (for 4-Aminopyridine was added to the ACSF to achieve a final
review, see Refs. 13, 24, and 75). In a variety of prepara- concentration of 5-100 PM, although most experiments were
tions, 4-AP acts as a relatively selective blocker of the early performed using a concentration of 50 PM. In some experiments,
transient K+ current or A current. This effect can be seen in bicuculline methiodide (BMI, 3-50 PM), tetrodotoxin (TTX, 1
PM), 3,3(2-carboxypiperazine-4-yl)propyl- 1-phosphonate (CPP,
most preparations with millimolar concentrations of the l-5 PM), or=2-amino-5-phosphonovalerate (APV, lo- 100 PM),
drug although in some structures, particularly in the hip- and nipecotic acid (1-2 mM), were also added to the ACSF. Furo-
pocampus, micromolar concentrations of 4-AP have been semide was dissolved in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and sepa-
shown to be effective (18,25,68,76,82). In addition, it has rated in aliquots that were kept frozen until the day of the experi-
been shown that 4-AP in the millimolar range can also ment. It was added to the ACSF to achieve a final concentration
block the delayed rectifying K+ channel in invertebrate (40, of 0.5-2.0 mM. The maximal concentration of DMSO in the
46,83) and vertebrate axons (11, 78). perfusing medium reached 0.5%. In two experiments, DMSO
Concentrations in the micromolar range can also induce alone failed to reproduce the effects observed during furosemide
a powerful and persistent enhancement of neurotransmit- application. In some experiments, BMI (20 PM) or TTX ( 10 PM)
ter release from synapses in the peripheral (41,42, 50) and were dissolved in the ACSF and delivered into discrete regions of
the hippocampal slice by using a small, glass micropipette (tip
central nervous system (15, 22, 3 1, 33,63). This effect has diameter, 5-10 pm) connected to a pressure generator. Low Cl-
been reported for both excitatory and inhibitory pathways solutions were prepared by replacing 62- 100 mM of -NaCl with
(15, 22, 38, 39, 63) The increase in neurotransmitter re- equimolar Na-isethionate or Na-methylsulphate. All the chemi-
lease appears to be related to an enhancement of Ca*+ cals were acquired from Sigma with the exception of Na-methyl-
influx during the depolarization of the nerve terminals sulfate and CPP, which were obtained from ICN and Tocris
(51), a phenomenon that might be due to either a direct Neuramine, respectively.
effect of 4-AP on voltage-dependent Ca*+ channels (42,6 1,
67) or to a prolongation of the action potential caused by a Recording and stimulation
decrease of repolarizing K+ conductances (11, 28, 37).
4-AP and related aminopyridine compounds are also Conventional intracellular recordings were made from CA1
pyramidal cells in the subregion b identified according to the
powerful convulsant drugs, as reported in humans during criteria of Masukawa et al. (45). For intracellular recordings, glass
therapeutic trials (7 1) or following accidental consumption microelectrodes were filled with 4 M K-acetate (resistance, 50-90
(69). The epileptogenic action of aminopyridines has also MS2) or 3 M KC1 (resistance, 60-80 Ma), whereas for extracellular
been documented by various investigators both in in vivo recordings, low-impedance microelectrodes (2- 10 MQ) were filled
(10,55,71,72) and in vitro experiments (22,32,63,79). In with 2 M NaCl. The intracellular signals were fed to a high-im-
the latter cases, synchronous epileptiform discharges were pedance-negative-capacitance direct current (DC) amplifier with

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bridge circuit, which allowed current to be passedthrough the changes observed differed depending on the type of micro-
intracellular microelectrode. The bridge balance was carefully electrode used to impale the cells (see Table 1). In 72% (n =
checked throughout the experiment and adjusted if necessary. 13) of the cells impaled with K-acetate-filled microelec-
The intracellular data wereobtained from neuronsthat displayed trodes, 4-AP application caused a hyperpolarization of the
resting membranepotential (I&) more negative than -55 mV I&. This was accompanied by a decrease in input resis-
[-65.0 -t 4.5 (SD) mV, y2= 331,apparent input resistanceof at
least20 MQ (35.2 t 4.1 MQ, n = 30), and action potential ampli- tance (up to 20%) and the appearance of repetitive sponta-
tude >85 mV (104.3 t 9.5 mV, y1= 38). Intracellular and extra- neous potentials, mainly IPSPs, which rendered the base-
cellular data were displayed on an oscilloscope and/or on a line recording much noisier (Fig. 1A). In three other
GOULD pen writer. In somecasesdata were recorded on FM neurons, 4-AP did not cause any change in & whereas in
tape for later analysis.Most recordingswere stablefor periodsof the remaining two cells it produced a slight depolarization.
l-5 h. Conversely, in six of eight neurons impaled with KCl-
Orthodromic and antidromic stimulation (lo-500 PA, 30-90 filled microelectrodes, the application of 4-AP caused a
ps) were delivered through sharpenedand insulated monopolar depolarization of the resting F/mof 2-15 mV accompanied
tungstenor bipolar stainlesssteelelectrodesplacedin s. radiatum by the appearance of high-frequency depolarizing poten-
and alveus,respectively.Antidromic stimulation wasdeliveredto tials (Fig. 1B). The L& of two other cells did not change.
the outer portion of the alveus, and we used minimal current
intensity to avoid current spreadinto s. oriens. In two experi- Although the average changes observed were larger and of
ments,the fibersin the s. orienswereseveredwith a microknife to opposite polarity compared with those observed with K-ac-
prevent such contamination. The effectsof various drugson the etate-filled microelectrodes, they were not statistically sig-
responseof the neuronswere monitored by stimulating the cells nificant. This is due probably to the small sample size
continuously at low frequency (0.05-o. 1 Hz). (Table 1). As in cells impaled with K-acetate-filled micro-
All quantitative results are expressedas the mean t SD. All electrodes, the input resistance of these cells decreased
measurements were made by hand, and the paired-sampleStu- slightly in the presence of 4-AP (up to 15%).
dent t test was usedto compare values of resting potential and In five neurons impaled with K-acetate-filled microelec-
input resistancein controls and in the presenceof 4-AP. Compar- trodes, we blocked synaptic transmission by applying TTX
isonsof input resistance,firing characteristics,and synaptic po- in the bath. In four of these cells, 4-AP induced a depolar-
tentialsbefore and after drug application were madeat the same
ization of up to 4 mV that was accompanied by an increase
& Whenever necessary,a steady direct current was passed
through the recording electrodeto bring the I&, to control levels in input resistance of up to 23% (Fig. 1C). Repetitive spon-
beforemeasurements were made. taneous potentials failed to occur in this case, indicating
that they must have been generated by neurotransmitter
Laminar current source-density analysis released from spontaneously firing interneurons and/or
presynaptic terminals. In the absence of TTX, the small
In someexperiments,we usedthe current source-density(CSD) decrease in input resistance observed in cells impaled with
analysisto estimatethe location and the amplitude of current both KC1 and K-acetate microelectrodes resulted probably
sinks and sourcesassociatedwith extracellular field potentials from the shunting effect induced by this tonic synaptic
recorded in CAl. These field potentials were recorded sequen- activity. This shunting effect could also explain why in 50%
tially at regularintervals of 50 pm along an axis perpendicularto
the s.pyramidale. Another fixed electrodewaslocatedin s. pyra- of the cells studied (n = 14), more current was necessary to
midale,and the signalrecordedthrough it wasusedasa trigger for evoke firing after 4iAP application (Fig. WI). Interest-
the recordingsobtained from the other positions.Three to five ingly, 4-AP decreased the latency %andthe threshold of ac-
sampleswererecordedat eachlocation, and the amplitude of the tion potentials elicited by depolarizing current pulse, as
extracellularpotential measuredat a fixed time wasaveragedfor one would expect from a blockage of the A current (cf. Ref.
each location. These values were used to calculate the unidi- 70), only in cells in which this background synaptic activity
mensionalCSD profile according to formula 3 of Mitzdorf and was not prominent (36%, n = 6). One such example is
Singer(49). shown in Fig. 102 Note also in Fig. 1DZ that 4-AP appli-
cation decreased the anomalous rectification (29) seen
RESULTS when hyperpolarizing current pulses were passed through
the recording electrode. Although we did not quantify this
Eflects of 4-AP on resting membrane potential and input effect, it was observed in >50% of the neurons (n = 21).
resistanceof pyramidal cells The effects induced by 4-AP on membrane properties were
4-Aminopyridine had relatively small effects on resting not significantly dikerent with concentrations of 4-AP
I& and input resistance of pyramidal cells. However, the ranging from 5 to 100 PM.

TABLE 1. Eflects of 4-AP (50 PM) on resting potential (Vm) and input resistance (RI)


K-Acetate KC1 IS-Acetate + TTX K-Acetate KC1 K-Acetate + TTX

Control -68.7 t 7.5 -73.1 t 3.8 -62.8 t 3.3 32.0 zk 1.9 40.0 t, 9.9 32.0 AZ5.6
w (8) (5) (21) (8) (5)
4-AP -71.3 k 7.6t -67.3 t 8.0 -60.4 I!I 3.7t 30.0 t 2.1 t 38.7 t 11.5 35.8 Z?L9.1”
Values are means k SD; values in parentheses are number of pyramidal cells. Paired-sample Student t test was performed to compare values recorded
in control to the values obtained in the presence of 4-AP. *P < 0.05; tP < 0.01.

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A K Acetate D Control 4AP

10 mV
1 nA
4 40ms

2 I

C K Acetate + TTX


c -I
2 min
540 ms
20 mV
1 nA

FIG. 1. Effects of 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) on resting membrane potential (I’,,,), input resistance, and repetitive firing of
pyramidal cells. A: chart records showing hyperpolarization induced by 4-AP on a cell impaled with a K-acetate-filled
microelectrode. Downwards deflections show membrane response to constant current hyperpolarizing pulse passed through
recording electrode to measure membrane input resistance before and during 4-AP application. The period of 4-AP
application is indicated by the bar below the record. B: chart records showing the depolarization induced by 4-AP in another
cell impaled with a KCl-filled microelectrode. C: chart records indicating the change induced by 4-AP in neuron impaled
with a K-acetate-filled microelectrode and bathed in the presence of tetrodotoxin [TTX (1 PM)]. D: oscilloscope records
showing the response of 2 different neurons impaled with K-acetate electrodes to hyperpolarizing and depolarizing current
pulses before and during 4-AP application. Repetitive spontaneous synaptic potentials appeared in the neuron shown in Dl,
but failed to occur in neuron shown in 02. DC current was passed in DI to maintain I’,,, at the original value. Calibration in
A and B as in C. Rest V,,, of the cell (in mV): in A, -11; B, -69; C, -51; Dl, -11; and 02, -16. The concentration of 4-AP
used in all neurons shown in this figure and all the following figures is 50 pm.

Efects of 4-AP on stimulus-inducedpostsynapticpotentials the soma (4, 7), was also enhanced in both amplitude and
duration by 4-AP (Fig. 2C). This suggested that inhibitory
As expected from previous data obtained in a number of potentials were also potentiated by 4-AP. Therefore, the
preparations, 4-AP application resulted in a potentiation of increase in the orthodromic, early IPSP was probably not
synaptic transmission. As shown in Fig. 2A, 4-AP increased solely due to a potentiation of the preceding EPSP. More-
the amplitude of the s. radiatum-induced EPSP and also over, an LLD similar to the one observed with orthodromic
that of the following IPSP, which was not visible in control stimulation could also be induced by antidromic activa-
following a lO-ps stimulus. The shorter duration of the tion. The LLD seen in these cases appeared after an initial
IPSP evoked by the 40-ps stimulus in the presence of 4-AP IPSP and was preceded by a fast-rising, depolarizing hump
was due to its faster repolarizing course. This was caused by that occurred after alatency of 80 ms (Fig. 2C). This fast-
the progressive appearance of a late and long-lasting depo- rising hump-LLD sequence was an all-or-nothing response;
larization (LLD) that partially overlapped with it. This is i.e., either the antidromic stimulation evoked a prolonged
shown more clearly in Fig. 2B, in which the effects of 4-AP hyperpolarizing IPSP (Fig. 2B) or an initial IPSP followed
on orthodromic responses of another neuron are shown at by this sequence of depolarizing potentials.
a slower time base. Ten minutes after the application of
4-AP, the hyperpolarization that followed the EPSP took a DelayedEPSP
clear biphasic appearance due to potentiation of both the
early and late IPSPs. Later, a small.depolarizing compo- In 69% of the neurons, orthodromic stimuli could also
ne’nt appeared between these two IPSPs (12’) and progres- evoke a delayed and short-lasting depolarizing potential
sively increased during the next few minutes to reach a that followed the EPSP with an average peak latency from
maximal steady state (I 6’). At this time, the amplitude of the stimulus of 62 + 27 ms (range, 25-120 ms). This po-
the LLD varied according to the intensity of the stimula- tential usually appeared as a little hump at the beginning of
tion.’ Weak stimulations evoked a simple EPSP-IPSP se- the LLD (Fig. 3A, ortho). The peak latency of a similar
quence, whereas higher intensity stimulations evoked an potential seen after antidromic activation was 110 f 70 ms
LLD of variable amplitude (not shown). The early and late and ranged from 40 to 300 ms (Fig. 3A, anti). This delayed
IPSPs appeared to be potentiated only transiently during depolarization was characterized by a relatively long refrac-
4-AP. application, because they were partly obscured by tory period; i.e., it did not occur when the stimuli were
the LLD. delivered at a frequency > 0.3 Hz. Furthermore, this po-
The recurrent IPSP evoked by alvear stimulation, which tential was more clearly observed in those neurons in
is due to a GABA-mediated increase in Cl- conductance at which the LLD had a slower rising phase and did not reach

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Control 4-AP, 30’
IO ps-i- 4

40 ms FIG. 2. Effects of 4-AP (50 PM) on stimulus-induced syn-

B Ortho. Anti
aptic potentials. A: orthodromic responses evoked by stimula-
tions at 2 different intensities. Both excitatory postsynaptic po-
tentials (EPSP) and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP)
Control -[ appeared to be potentiated in presence of 4-AP (right). B: ortho-
dromic responses in another neuron (lej?) are shown at a slower
time base to demonstrate clearly the progressive appearance of a
4-AP 10’JJ - long-lasting depolarization (LLD) in the presence of 4-AP. In
comparison, the IPSP evoked by an antidromic stimulation
(rrght) is slightly increased and markedly prolonged. C ef&ts
t of 4-AP on the antidromic responses of another neuron. Note
12.4 that in this case, the LLD evoked by the antidromic stimulation
was preceded by a fast-rising, depolarizing hump (arrow). Volt-
age calibration in C also applies to A and B. Action potentials
16 I are truncated in A (bottom right) and B (ortho). Rest I& of the
cell (in mV): in A, -75; B, -66; and C, -64.

200 ms
C Control 4-AP
Anti v

100 ms

_I 10mV
Ortho. 100 ms

1oqlv Alv. 0 --h--
100 ms
Anti 50 ms

- .. 110 mV
-I 10mv
50 ms

FIG. 3. Characteristics of the delayed EPSP evoked in presence of 4-AP. A: delayed EPSP evoked by orthodromic and
antidromic stimulations (arrows) appeared as a little hump at the beginning of the LLD. Bottom trace in each pair shows the
initial part of the response that was expanded for clarity. B: latency of occurrence of the second EPSP varied with the
intensity of stimulation. The 3 superimposed orthodromic responses show that stronger stimulations decreased its latency.
Numbers indicate the intensity of the stimulus in microamperes. C orthodromic stimulations evoked at different I&. Note
increase in amplitude of both the early and the delayed EPSPs at hyperpolarized levels. D: simultaneous intracellular (top)
and extracellular recordings obtained along an axis perpendicular to s. pyramidale showing the similarities of the extracel-
lular profile of both the early and the delayed EPSPs. Action potentials are truncated in Cand D. Rest l& of the cell (in mV):
in A, -71; B, -68; C, -67; and D, -70.

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a high amplitude, such as in the example shown in Fig. 3B. elicit a response in CAl. The results of one such experi-
In this example, we can also appreciate that the latency of ment are shown in Fig. 4B. In the control traces shown on
this depolarization shortened when the intensity of the the left, the cell was activated at various vm by orthodromic
stimulation was increased. Hyperpolarizing the &, pro- stimulations. Just the initial part of the response is shown
duced an increase in the amplitude of this potential and here, and therefore, only the rising phase of the LLD can be
failed to block it, indicating that it was generated by a seen. As shown in the traces on the right, TTX application
synaptic conductance; i.e., it was a delayed EPSP (Fig. 3C). selectively abolished the occurrence of the delayed EPSP.
The duration of this delayed EPSP was always much longer Similar potentials elicited by antidromic activation also
than the first EPSP, and it was associated with one or two disappeared after this procedure. These results were also
partial or full-blown action potentials in 20% of the cells in confirmed in three other experiments, in which we found
which we could see this response. In Fig. 30, field poten- that CA1 neurons in slices in which the connections be-
tials corresponding to this delayed EPSP were recorded tween the CA2-CA3 and CA1 subfield had been severed,
sequentially with an extracellular electrode moved along did not show delayed EPSPs. We also assessed the possibii-
the neuron’s axis From alveus to s. pyramidale, a small, ity that the generation of the delayed EPSPs involved N-
positive field potential corresponded with the delayed methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors. This appeared un-
EPSP recorded intracellularly (top), and this extracellular likely, however, because this potential was not affected by
potential inverted to negativity in s. radiatum These ob- the NMDA receptor antagonists APV ( 1O-100 PM, yt = 4)
servations indicate that the delayed EPSP was generated and CPP (l-10 PM, n = 2).
synchronously by CA1 neurons. The similarities of the ex-
tracellular profile of both early and delayed EPSPs also Late action potentials
suggested that the two potentials were generated at the
same or closely adjacent sites along the dendritic tree. Intracellular and extracellular recordings obtained in the
From the above results it appeared that as the initial CA1 area demonstrated that unlike pyramidal cells of the
EPSP, the delayed EPSP was generated by a synchronized CA3 area, CA1 neurons do not generate bursts in the pres-
tierent volley traveling along the Schaffer collaterals. This ence of 4-AP (55, 62). However, in >67% of the cells
suggests that this potential resulted from a’ delayed syn- bathed in 4=AP, orthodromic stimulations could evoke
chronous discharge of neurons located in the CA2-CA3 some additional late action potentials (n = 38). In those
region. To investigate this hypothesis, we blocked the activ- cells in which these action potentials could be recorded,
ity of the neurons in the CA2-CA3 region by applying TTX they occurred in 72 t 32% of all the orthodromic responses
(10 PM) focally onto this area (Fig. 4A). We used another evoked (range, 5-100%; n = 20). Typically, these late ac-
stimulating electrode located in the CA3 subfield to moni- tion potentials occurred with a variable amplitude and a
tor the effects induced by TTX (not shown). We considered variable latency, although they were usually clustered
that TTX had effectively blocked the generation of action within 20-140 ms after the stimulus (47 t 19 ms, n = 20).
potential in this area when supramaximal stimuli failed to In any given cell, their latency also varied between stimula-

FIG. 4. Effects of focal application of
tetrodotoxin (TTX) ( 10 PM) in the CA2-
CA3 area on the delayed EPSP. A: sche-
matic drawing of a hippocampal slice
showing experimental procedure (see
text). B: in the control traces (Zefi), ortho-
dromic stimulations were delivered at
various membrane potentials by simulta-
neously passing hyperpolarizing and de-
polarizing current pulses. Traces on the
right show the abolition of the delayed
IOmV EPSP after focal application’of TTX onto
B I J I nA CA2-CA3 area. Action potentials are
20 ms truncated and the LLD is now shown, be-
cause only the initial portion of the re-
sponses is represented. Rest l/m of the
Control V

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tions. In 75% of the neurons (n = 23) only one or two of amplitude ones ( lo-20 mV) and large-amplitude or full-
these late action potentials were recorded, but in seven cells blown ones (90-120 mV, see Fig. 5B). In Fig. 5Da, three
bursts of four to five full-blown or partial action potentials late action potentials of maximal amplitude (90 mV) that
appeared. The late action potentials were not a synchro- occurred at the beginning of an LLD are expanded in time.
nous phenomenon, as was shown by simultaneously re- As seen on the top trace, the rising phase of these late full
cording intracellular and extracellular signals from two blown action potentials displayed an inflection reminiscent
nearby sites in s. pyramidale. Thus, in the example shown of the initial segment-soma (IS-SD) fractionation seen on
in Fig. 5A, the three late action potentials recorded intra- motoneuron action potentials (16). This fractionation was
cellularly did not correspond to any negative-going popula- not observed on action potentials occurring on top of the
tion spike, as was the case for the initial action potential initial EPSP or on top of the LLD (not shown). The differ-
evoked by the EPSP. Depolarizing current pulses injected entiated recording in Fig. 5Da shows more clearly the pro-
between spontaneous potentials readily evoke firing of the gressive delay in the generation of the large component of
neurons but failed to generate this type of action potential. the action potential: this inflection is more pronounced on
As shown in Fig. 5B (top), the late action potentials the action potential that occurred later after the onset of the
usually arose abruptly from the hyperpolarized level of the spontaneous potential. This is emphasized in Fig. 5Db, in
IPSP. In 22% of the cases, however, they appeared on the which the three action potentials and their corresponding
late EPSP (n = 23). In either case, we could not block the differentiated traces are superimposed. The variable am-
occurrence of these action potentials by hyperpolarizing plitude of the late action potentials appeared, therefore, to
the I&. During this procedure they were merely replaced be related to the difficulty of the IS component to invade
by partial action potentials (Fig. 5B, -30 mV). In Fig. 5C, a the SD area during the IPSP. When it failed, only a partial
depolarizing current pulse was applied before the ortho- action potential appeared, and when it succeeded, a full-
dromic stimulation evoked at the resting and at a hyperpo- blown action potential was recorded. In some cells, one or
larized & At the resting &, (Fig. SC, top), the current two low-amplitude brief depolarizations appeared on the
pulse elicited two action potentials and the orthodromic IPSP (Figs. 2C and lOA). These potentials were reminis-
stimulus evoked one late partial action potential that arose cent of the M spike of motoneurons that represent the
from the IPSP. When the neuron’s membrane was held 20 somatic invasion of the axonal action potential (16). These
mV negative relative to rest by passing negative steady cur- observations suggest that the late action potentials have an
rent, the depolarizing current pulse failed to evoke action axonal origin and invade the soma antidromically.
potentials, but the orthodromic EPSP was still followed by The fact that in some cells the amplitude of the late
a late partial action potential. The insensitivity of these late action potentials could be either partial or full-blown even
action potentials to current injection suggested that they if they occurred at the same latency and at the same I&
originate in an area remote from the recording site (which raised the possibility that they might have multiple sites of
is presumably the soma). origin. This was further suggested by the occurrence in
The amplitudes of these late action potentials varied be- many cells of “fused” partial action potentials (Fig. 5E).
tween 9 and 120 mV (68 t 42 mV, n = 20), but interest- Assuming that these action potentials were followed by a
ingly, they appeared to fall into two distinct groups: small- refractory period, it appears then very likely that this fusion
FIG. 5. Characteristics of the late action potentials observed
in the presence of 4-AP. A: simultaneous intracellular and ex-
tracellular recordings obtained in s. pyramidale following an
orthodromic stimulus. Unlike the action potential occurring on
top of the EPSP, the late full-blown action potentials are not
reflected by population spikes. B: orthodromic stimuli deliv-
++ 15 mV
ered at various I& Only the initial part of the response is
;I shown, and therefore, only the rising phase of the LLD appears.
200 mV/ms Note the presence of partial and full-blown action potentials
40 mV
near the peak of the IPSP and at the beginning of the rising
IOms phase of the LLD (top). When the I& was hyperpolarized, these
late action potentials were replaced by partial ones. C: action
potentials elicited by the depolarizing current pulse are abol-
200 mV/ ns
ished when the cell is held at -20 mV, but the late action
100 mV potentials evoked by the orthodromic stimulus remain present.
Same cell as in B. Da: 3 late action potentials that occurred at
the onset of a spontaneous LLD are shown on a fast time base to
demonstrate the inflection on their rising phase. Their time
derivative shown in the lower trace demonstrates this inflection
more clearly. Db: 3 late action potentials shown in Da (bottom)
and their time derivative (top) are superimposed to show clearly
the 2 components reminiscent of initial segment-soma (IS-SD)
E fractionation. Note the greater delay between the IS and the SD

component on the 3rd action potential compared to 1st one. E:
fusion of 2 partial-amplitude, late action potentials (asterisk) in
the same neuron as shown in D. Arrow in inset points at portion
of recording displayed at faster time base in the trace below.
Calibrations in B apply to C. Full-blown action potentials in
---JkL- 300 ms40 mV A-C and inset in E are truncated. Rest V, (in mV): in A, -72; B
10ms and C, -66; D and E, -66.

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was due to action potentials traveling along different path- izations that could be clearly distinguished from high-fre-
ways and, therefore, originating from different areas. quency IPSPs because of their longer duration (Figs. 6C
and 12’). Later, these hyperpolarizations increased in am-
Spontaneouspotentials in the presence of 4-AP plitude and acquired a typical biphasic shape (Figs. 6C and
15’) when a depolarizing component appeared between the
In cells impaled with IS-acetate-filled microelectrodes, early and late phase of this hyperpolarization. This slow
the application of 4-AP induced the appearance of repeti- depolarization progressively increased and eventually
tive spontaneous potentials composed mainly of small hy- masked most of the hyperpolarization at the time it
perpolarizations, although some depolarizing potentials reached a steady state (Figs. 6C, 18’, and 20’). This sponta-
also occurred (Fig 6A). The occurrence of these potentials neous potential occurred at a quite regular frequency that
was not modified by varying the membrane potential, and varied among slices between 0.008 and 0.14 Hz and was
they could be blocked by the application of TTX, suggest- very similar to the response evoked by orthodromic stimu-
ing that these events resulted from an action potential-de- lation (Fig. 6C, bottom).
pendent release of neurotransmitters. Furthermore, as In 60% of the cells (n = 27) the spontaneously occurring
shown in Fig. 6B, when the GABA antagonist BMI was LLD was always preceded by an EPSP. As shown in the
added to the bathing medium, the occurrence of these hy- example of Fig. 6Da, the shape of this EPSP was often quite
perpolarizations was abolished. These potentials were, complex, not smooth as in an evoked EPSP, and usually
therefore, probably caused by the release of GABA from did not reach the threshold for action potential generation.
spontaneously active interneurons. In agreement with this Furthermore, these EPSPs were quite long lasting, the
conclusion, the spontaneously occurring depolarizing po- average duration being 40 t 35 ms (range, 20-l 15 ms, n =
tentials recorded with KCl-filled microelectrodes in the 6). In another 33% of the pyramidal cells (n = 9), the onset
presence of 4-AP (Fig. 1B) were also blocked by the appli- of spontaneous LLD appeared quite variable and was
cation of BMI or TTX (n = 2, not shown). sometimes preceded only by an IPSP (Fig. 6Db). This was
The LLD also occurred spontaneously after 15-30 min seen in 22 -t 19% of all the spontaneous LLD recorded in
of 4-AP perfusion (Fig. 6, A and B). This potential ap- these neurons (range, 2- lOO%, n = 9). In other cases the
peared at the same time and developed the same way as the onset of the spontaneous potentials appeared to be a com-
one evoked by orthodromic stimulations (Fig. 6C). At first, plex mixture of both EPSP and IPSP (Fig. 6Dc). These
we noted the appearance of spontaneous slow hyperpolar- observations suggest that the generation of spontaneous

A Control

FIG. 6. Spontaneous potentials in the presence of 4-AP. A:

effects of TTX on spontaneous potentials seen in the presence
of 4-AP. Control recording obtained in a neuron impaled with a
K-acetate-filled microelectrode showing the relative absence of
spontaneous activity in normal artificial cerebrospinal fluid
(ACSF). Traces in middle show the spontaneous activity in-
duced by 4-AP. Note the presence of numerous IPSPs and of an
IPSP-LLD sequence (top). TTX (1 PM) completely abolished
these spontaneous events (bottom). B: effects of bicuculline
methiodide [BMI (20 PM)] on spontaneous potentials seen in
presence of 4-AP. Traces in top show spontaneous potentials
4-AP + TTX recorded in a neuron impaled with a K-acetate-filled microelec-
trode and bathed with 4-AP. BMI abolished IPSPs and LLD
(middle). This effect was reversible (bottom). C: 4 upper traces
show the appearance and progressive increase of the amplitude
of the LLD on spontaneous potentials (20’). Note the similar-
d 10 mV fi 2.5 mV
ities between the evoked response (ortho) and the spontaneous
1s 1s activity. D: 3 examples of spontaneous potentials associated
with LLDs in 2 different neurons are shown (b and c are from


L the same neuron). In each example, inset shows the initial part
of the corresponding potential at faster time base. Note the
variability of the initial part of the potentials. Voltage calibra-
tion in C applies to D. Action potentials in C and DC are trun-
cated. Rest V, (in mV): in A, -56; B, -65; C, -72; Da, -75; Db
and DC, -72.

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LLDs does not necessarily require a preceding afferent ex- values were obtained for the spontaneously occurring and
citatory input. In agreement with this hypothesis, sponta- stimulus-induced LLDs. In both cases the LLD was asso-
neous LLDs could be recorded in the CA1 region even ciated with an extracellular field potential indicating that
when the connections between CA3 and CA1 were severed they were generated synchronously by the population of
(P. Perreault and M. Avoli, in preparation). pyramidal cells in CA1 subfield (see Fig 9). The frequency
Late- and variable-amplitude action potentials with of occurrence of the spontaneous LLDs did not vary during
characteristics similar to those described previously for the the imposed changes in &,, further supporting their syn-
evoked responses also occurred regularly with the sponta- aptic nature (not shown).
neous events in 85% of the cells (n = 16; Figs. 6C, 18’; Da The LLD was associated with an increase in membrane
and DC). In addition, a delayed EPSP occurring with a conductance that prevented depolarizing current pulses
latency similar to the one evoked by orthodromic stimula- from generating action potentials. In fact, action potentials
tion (40-l 20 ms) was associated with the spontaneous were rarely elicited during the LLD despite its clear depo-
LLD in 37% of the neurons. The spontaneously occurring larizing effect: they were noted in only 29% of the neurons
LLD could be observed even after prolonged exposure to analyzed (n = 27). Moreover, whenever action potentials
4-AP (up to 10 h). These spontaneous potentials disap- appeared, they were never generated synchronously as in-
peared after 30-60 min following 4-AP washout. Sponta- dicated by the absence of population spike in simultaneous
neous potentials also appeared in other areas of the hippo- extracellular recordings. The LLD appeared, therefore, to
campal slice exposed to 4-AP. These extracellular poten- be clearly different from the paroxysmal depolarization
tials occurred synchronously with the activity recorded in shifts evoked by other convulsants such as penicillin, bicu-
the CA1 subfield (not shown). culline, or picrotoxin (1, 59) both by its longer duration
and its inhibitory properties.
Characteristics of the long-lasting depolarization
Efects of bicuculline methiodide (BMI,) on spontaneous
The characteristics of the LLD have been described in a and evoked synaptic potentials
previous communication and will only be briefly men-
tioned here (9). The amplitude of the LLD, measured from Several features of the LLD observed in the presence of
the base line, varied between 2 and 15 mV (peak latency, 4-AP are similar to the depolarizing potentials observed
100-600 ms) with an average duration of 980 ms (range, during iontophoretic application of GABA onto the den-
450.1,500 ms). We have shown earlier that the amplitude drites of pyramidal neurons (5,6,74, 81) or when pyrami-
of the LLD varied linearly with l&, and the calculated dal cells are orthodromically activated in the presence of
reversal potential was 5-20 mV positive from the resting pentobarbital (4). To investigate the possibility that the
V,(11.0+4.9mV,n= 8), a value that should, however, be LLD that occurred in the presence of 4-AP was mediated
interpreted with caution because of the occurrence of hy- by GABAA receptors, we studied the effects of the antago-
perpolarizing IPSPs that overlapped with the LLD. Similar nist BMI on this response. As shown in Fig. 7A, bath appli-

A Ortho. Spontaneous


FIG. 7. Effects of BMI on spontaneous and evoked LLDs. A:

application of BMI (5 PM) blocked both spontaneous and
evoked LLDs. Note 2nd EPSP in evoked response that was
markedly potentiated during BMI application. Wash samples
were obtained 1 h after BMI washout. B: selective blockade of
Wash spontaneous LLD by 5 PM BMI applied in bath. C: BMI (5 PM)
application markedly depressed LLD that occurred following
orthodromic stimulation (a) or spontaneously (b), whereas anti-
dromic IPSP (c) was not changed. Rest V;n of the neuron (in
Control - p(IIxmf& zs mV): in A, -70; B, -65; and C, not available.

+I*’ v
+12’r b&- k
Wash 1”--; CB worn” . . . . . . . . . . . . ..*..................

1 s (a,W
1s 20 ms (c)

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cation of BMI (5 PM) reversibly blocked both the stimu- The dendritic location of the GABA receptors responsi-
lus-induced and the spontaneous LLD and gave rise to the ble for the LLD was further confirmed by the CSD analysis
appearance of bursts of action potentials followed by a of the spontaneous field potentials associated with the
long-lasting hyperpolarization. In addition, this procedure LLD. As shown in Fig. 9A, extracellular potentials were
caused an increase in the amplitude and duration of the recorded at a regular interval of 50 pm along an axis per-
delayed EPSP, which appeared only as a little depolarizing pendicular to s. pyramidale and their amplitude measured
hump in control and which could eventually trigger two or at the latency of 15 ms (arrow B), which corresponded to
more action potentials during BMI perfusion. These obser- the initial EPSP, and 500 ms (arrow C), which corre-
vations suggest that the delayed EPSP is normally shunted sponded roughly to the peak of the LLD. In Fig. 9B, the
by the LLD, a finding that further supports the inhibitory CSD profile corresponding to the initial EPSP (open cir-
role of this potential. The involvement of GABA in gener- cles) indicates the presence of a sink located in s. radiatum,
ating the LLD was also supported by experiments in which suggesting that the spontaneous potentials recorded in CA 1
nipecotic acid, a GABA uptake inhibitor, enhanced the were triggered by an input traveling along the Schaffer col-
amplitude and the duration of the LLD by 22.89% (n = 3). laterals. In Fig. SC, the unidimensional CSD profile corre-
The LLD had a greater sensitivity to BMI than the hy- sponding to the LLD (open circles) shows also the presence
perpolarizing IPSP. As shown in Fig. 7B, BMI could block of a current sink located in the middle portion of s. radia-
the spontaneously occurring LLD while uncovering a pre- turn (400-550 pm) flanked by two probably passive sources
viously masked, long-lasting hyperpolarizing IPSP. This on each sides. Similar results were obtained with stimulus
IPSP finally disappeared to be replaced by bursting activity induced potentials (not shown). These results therefore fur-
during prolonged application of BMI (not shown). Further- ther support the view that the receptors generating the LLD
more, during BMI washout the hyperpolarizing IPSP are located on the dendrites of CA1 pyramidal neurons.
always reappeared before the depolarizing component. The
greater sensitivity of the LLD to BMI was further demon- Ionic mechanism of the long-lasting depolarization
strated by studying the recurrent IPSP induced by alvear It has been previously suggested that the depolarizing
stimulation. During perfusion with low concentrations effect of GABA on pyramidal neurons is, at least in part,
of BMI, the antidromic IPSP remained present, whereas mediated by an increase in the permeability to Cl- ions (5,
the depolarizing component was markedly depressed 19). To investigate the role of a Cl- conductance in the
(Fig. 1OC). genesis of the 4-AP-induced LLD, we replaced 50-86% of
Previous studies have indicated that the depolarizing ef- Cl- ions in the ACSF with the imperrneant anions iseth-
fect of GABA is due to synaptically released GABA mole- ionate or methylsulfate (n = 6). As shown in Fig. lOA, this
cules acting on dendritic receptors (4). We investigated this procedure resulted in a clear and reversible increase of
possibility by applying BMI focally onto the dendritic field 350.550% in the amplitude of the spontaneous and stimu-
of pyramidal neurons. To make sure that BMI molecules lus-induced LLD. This substitution also induced a small
were not spreading towards the soma of the cells, we moni- shift in the depolarizing direction of the early IPSP.
tored the effect of dendritic application of BMI on the Similar changes were observed when we increased the
antidromic IPSPs, a potential that is known to be generated [Cl-], by impaling neurons with KCI-filled microelec-
at the soma and that is also BMI-sensitive (7, 53). The trodes. In the example shown in Fig. lOB, the slice was first
results of one such experiment are shown in Fig. 8. BMI exposed to 4-AP for 45 min, and the appearance of the
selectively depressed the LLD while uncovering a hyperpo- LLD was verified with extracellular recordings. A neuron
larization in both spontaneous and stimulus-induced re- was then impaled, and negative DC current (-0.8 nA)
sponses (Fig. 8, bottom). These effects were not accompa- passed to ionophorese Cl- ions while delivering an ortho-
nied by any change of the antidromic IPSP. dromic stimulus every 30 s. Although the whole response

Alveus , S. Radiatum Spontaneous

FIG. 8. Effects induced by focal appli-

cation of BMI onto dendritic area on
LLD. Top traces show response evoked in
the presence of 4-AP by antidromic
Control J il (alveus) and orthodromic (s. radiatum)
stimuli, as well as 1 example of a sponta-
-IF---- neously occurring LLD. Note the selective
depression of evoked and spontaneous
LLD, whereas the antidromic IPSP re-
mained present. Amplitude of the action
20 mV potentials is reduced by slow response
100 ms time of the pen recorder. Rest vm of
neuron, -76 mV.
BMI + dendrites

IT-- n

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A B Sink Source C Sink source

400 200 0 200 400 mV/mm2 100 50 0 50 100 mV/mm2
11 I I1 11 ‘1’ 11 1 I i 11 ‘1’
B c -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 12 3 4 mV -3.0

4 s
Alveus OA-------
S.oriens 100 -b--------

S.pyr. 200 h---c---

S.rad. in;

S.lac- mot 700 yl-

z-\Kirnv l Field ?otentlal
200ms . Field Potential oCSD

FIG. 9. Current source-density (CSD) analysis of spontaneously occurring LLDs observed with 4-AP. A: example of
some recordings obtained by moving the electrode sequentially along an axis perpendicular to s. pyramidale. B: field
potential amplitude (filled circles) measured at a latency of 15 ms (arrow B in A) and corresponding CSD (open circles)
calculated from the average value of 3 recordings obtained at each location. Note the presence of a pronounced sink in s.
radiatum with 2 sources on each side. C: as in B except that the data were obtained at the latency of 500 ms from the onset of
the spontaneous potential (arrow C in A). Note the presence of sink located in the middle portion of s. radiatum flanked by 2
sources on each side that further support the dendritic origin of the LLD.

of the cell appeared depolarizing even immediately follow- late part of this long depolarization differed: the initial part
ing impalement, the amplitude and the duration of this (which probably represents the inverted Cl--mediated hy-
depolarization progressively increased as Cl- ions diffused perpolarizing IPSP) did not change, whereas the late phase
into the cell. However, the changes of the initial and the of the depolarization (latency of 500 ms) slowly increased.


e FIG. 10. Effects of shifting Cl- gradient on LLD. A: Cl- ions

in the extracellular medium were decreased of 50% by replace-
ment with the impermeant anion methylsulfate. This resulted
in a marked increase of the LLD amplitude that appeared spon-
taneously or after an orthodromic stimulus. Bottom traces
(wash) show the recovery after reintroduction of Cl- ions. B:
superimposed orthodromic responses obtained in a neuron im-
paled with a WI-filled microelectrode, First response (labeled

1) was obtained after beginning of Cl- ionophorcsis by passing
negative DC current through’recording electrode (-0.8 nA) and
3 other traces are orthodromic responses obtained at 30-s inter-
Wash val after the first stimulus. Note the progressive increase in the
slow depolarization as Cl- was difising in cell. Early part of the
response corresponding presumably to the inverted IPSP re-
110mV mained stable during this time. Action potentials are truncated
ip A. Rest Vm, -67 mV.
200 ms

20 mV
200 ms

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This was probably due to the time needed for Cl- ions to the LLD evoked by orthodromic stimulation (Fig. 11Aa) as
reach the remote sites where the LLD is generated. well as the antidromic IPSP. In the presence of furosemide
These experiments demonstrate that changing the Cl- the EPSP, although slightly broader, was not affected (Fig.
gradient by either decreasing its concentration in the ACSF 1lAa, b), whereas the late orthodromic IPSP, which in
or by increasing its concentration inside the cell caused an control was partially obscured by the LLD, became very
increase in the amplitude of the LLD, suggesting that the prominent (Fig. 1 lAa, middle). Spontaneous LLDs and
permeability to Cl- ions is increased during this potential. IPSPs also disappeared when furosemide was added (Fig.
It is likely, however, that at least part of the increase seen 11B). Spontaneous events in this case consisted of single,
during those experiments was due to the ionic shift of the slow hyperpolarization with an amplitude of 6.5 t 2.1 mV
overlapping Cl--mediated hyperpolarizing IPSP. Further- (n = 4) and a duration of 780-1,000 ms, which were very
more, Cl- substitutes also have the disadvantage of induc- similar in shape and time course to the late IPSP evoked by
ing a decrease of other cations in the perfusing solution, orthodromic stimulation. The mean reversal potential of
which further complicates the interpretation of their ef- this spontaneous hyperpolarization calculated at a latency
fects (4 1). of 400 ms was -92.5 t 5.5 mV (n = 3), a value that is close
To further clarify the role of Cl- ions in this response we to the K+ equilibrium potential in these cells (Fig. 11, C
investigated in 10 neurons the effect induced by bath ap- and D). These results suggest that the slow hyperpolariza-
plication of the Cl- pump blocker furosemide (14, 17,48). tion recorded in the presence of furosemide could be due to
In all cases, furosemide (2 mM) blocked the early IPSP and the activation of GABAB receptors.

B 500 ms
FIG. 11. Effects of furosemide on spontaneous and
Control evoked responses seen in presence of 4-AP. A: furose-
mide application (2 mM) abolished early IPSP and LLD
induced by orthodromic stimulations (a) as well as the
antidromic IPSP (b). Note the occurrence of the late
IPSP evoked by orthodromic stimulation in the presence
of furosemide. Wash traces were taken 45 min after furo-
semide washout. B: control traces (top)show a sampling
of spontaneous potentials in the presence of 4-AP. Furo-
semide application abolished the high-frequency sponta-
neous IPSPs and the only spontaneous events recorded
Furosemide in this case consisted of slow hyperpolarizations very
similar to the late IPSP induced by orthodromic stimu-
lus (in the experiment shown in A). Traces in A and B are
from the same neuron. C spontaneous potentials occur-
ring at various V,s imposed by constant current injec-
tion. D: reversal potential of the late IPSP has been calm
10mV culated by plotting amplitude of the response shown in C
as a function of vm (dotted line in C). Rest & of the
IS neuron (in mV): in A and B, -6 1; and C, -66.

- 8

1 set -46

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Control Furosemide Wash

n&. 12. Effects of furosemide on the reversal potential and

conductance of the LLD. A: orthodromic responses evoked at
Response (mV) several I&s achieved by pa&g intracellular current pulses in
1Ar b 4APcontaining solution (lef2), after the addition of 1.8 mM
furosemide (middle), and after washout of tiosemide (r&q&).
Ba: amplitude of the LLD measured at a time latency of 420 ms
in the presence of 4AP (o), tier the addition of furosemide (0),
and after washout of furosemide ,(A) plotted against Vm (see
symbols in A). Bb: as in 9Q except the amplitude of the response
was calculated at a latency of 30 ms corresponding to the early
IPSP (see symbols in A). C: response to orthodromicstimula-
tion in the presence of 4-AP (top), after the addition of 1.8 mM
furosemide (middle), and after wa&out of furosemide (bottom).
Downward deflection rep&e& the responses to constant cur-
rent hyperpolarizing pulses injected to monitor membrane r+
sistance during the r&ponse. D: amplitude of the response to
the hyperpolarizing current pulses (shown in C) plotted in
function of time before and after the orthcxlromic stimulus
(atrow). Note the similarities of the response in pr&ence of
4AP (o), after the addition of Wosemide (o), and after washout
of furosemide (A). Same neuron in A and C. Rest V,, -66 mV.

. ... --. .
A 10mV
Time (ms)

The application of furosemide did not have a significant aromic and antidromic stimulations are also markedly po-
effect on the neuron’s resting vm and input resistance (data tentiated. A GABA-mediated LLD generated in the den-
not shown) but shifted the reversal potential of the IPSP drites also appears spontaneously or after stimulation. This
and the LLD towards the resting & A depolarizing shift LLD is often preceded by a delayed EPSP dependent on the
of the equilibrium potential of the early IPSP from -3.3 t activation of CA2-CA3 neurons and is usually associated
1.2 mV relative to rest in control to -0.2 t 0.3 mV after with late action potentials originating in an area remote
the addition of furosemide (n = 3) was noted, whereas for from the recording site (presumably the soma).
the LLD a hyperpolarizing shift from 10.0 t 8.7 mV rela-
tive to rest to -5.5 + 4.7 mV after the addition of furose- Effects of 4-AP on passive membrane properties -
mide was observed (Fig. 12, A and B). For the LLD the
value became more negative than resting vm due to the Our results have shown that 4-AP at concentrations
presence of the overlapping late IPSP. As shown in Fig. 12, varying from 5 to 100 PM has relatively small effects on
C and D, the depression of these responses was not accom- passive membrane properties. An average hyperpolariza-
panied by any significant effect on their associated mem- tion of 2.6 mV was observed in cells impaled with a K-ace-
brane conductance. The decrease in membrane resistance tate-filled microelectrode, whereas cells impaled with KC1
measured at the peak of the IPSP (latency, 30 ms) was electrodes depolarized by 5.8 mV. Buckle and Haas have
63.7 t 20.3% bef ore and 61.8 t 27.7% after furosemide, also reported a clear depolarizing effect of 4-AP on cells
whereas for the LLD (latency, 420 ms) the values were impaled with KCl-filled microelectrodes (15). These
49.5 t 23.8% bef ore and 47.5 t 28.8% after furosemide changes were correlated with the appearance of repetitive
(n = 3). These results indicated that the release of GABA, spontaneous potentials that were mainly hyperpolarizing
the binding to the receptors, and the opening of the chan- in cells impaled with K-acetate-filled recording microelec-
nels were not impaired by furosemide and that only the trodes and depolarizing with KCl-filled ones. The blocking
electrochemical gradient of these potentials was changed. effect of BMI indicates that these potentials are caused by
the activation of GABA* receptors in response to sponta-
DISCUSSION neously released GABA. The opening of Cl- channels by
the tonic release of GABA progressively shifted the-resting
The experiments reported in this paper were designed to vm toward the equilibrium potential of Cl- ions, which is at
examine the effects of low doses of 4-AP on CA1 hippo- a slightly more negative level compared to the resting value
campal pyramidal cells. Our results indicate that 4-AP in- in cells impaled with K-acetate-filled microelectrodes and
duces the appearance of high-frequency synaptic poten- at a depolarized level in cells impaled with KCl-filled mi-
tials, mainly IPSPs, which induce a slight hyperpolariza- croelectrodes. The possibility that these IPSPs were the re-
tion of the neuronal membrane and a small decrease in sult of an increased excitatory input of CA 1 pyramidal cells
input resistance. Synaptic potentials evoked by ortho- onto interneurons was ruled out, because none of the cells

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impaled in this study was spontaneously firing during this sensitive to 49AP, a finding that further supports the pre-
activity. The blockade of these IPSPs by TTX is indicative synaptic origin of the potentiation we observed.
of spontaneous activity of intemeurons, but whether it re-
sults from an increased firing of interneurons and/or a fa- Delayed EPSP
cilitated release process at their terminals would require 4-Aminopyridine application gave rise to the appearance
paired recordings of pyramidal neurons and interneurons of a delayed EPSP that was usually partly masked by the
to be answered. Note that spontaneous IPSPs are also pres- LLD and became very prominent when BMI was added to
ent in normal conditions, and 4-AP application merely the bathing medium or applied focally onto the dendrites.
results in a potentiation of this tonic inhibition (3). This delayed EPSP was most often recorded following or-
Previous work has shown that 4-AP has variable effects thodromic responses, although it was also observed follow-
on input resistance and V#,,of mammalian brain neurons. ing antidromic stimuli and with spontaneously occurring
Buckle and Haas (15), using the same preparation and potentials. Kita et al. (34) observed a similar phenomenon
concentrations of 4-AP similar to those used in the present in cells of the neostriatum exposed to 4-AP.
experiment, have reported variable effects on these two It has been shown previously that during pharmacologic
parameters, although membrane hyperpolarizations ac- blockade of GABAA-mediated inhibition, a single stimulus
companied by a conductance increase of up to 30% were to afferent fibers can produce a second EPSP and a burst in
seen in many cases when microelectrodes were filled with CA1 cells (23, 80). The delayed burst in these cases ap-
K-acetate. Some investigators have reported no significant peared to be caused by a ‘freactivation” of CA1 neurons by
changes in the olfactory cortex (22) or in the hippocampus a preceding burst in CA2-CA3. Several lines of evidence
(32, 63), whereas others have found a marked increase in suggest that a similar mechanism is operating with 4-AP as
input resistance accompanied by a depolarization, an effect well: I) the delayed EPSP appeared after orthodromic and
that was attributed to a blockage of K+ conductance (neo- antidromic stimulations as an all-or-nothing event with a
striatum, Ref. 34; hippocampus, Ref. 66). In our experi- variable and relatively long latency varying between 25 and
ments, it is likely that the changes observed in the presence 300 ms, 2) the extracellular profile of the initial and the
of 4-AP depended on the relative contribution of a block- delayed EPSP were very similar, and 3) focal application of
age of K” current(s) and the shunting effect induced by the TTX onto the CA2-CA3 areas selectively blocked its occur-
synaptic bombardment. This could explain why the firing rence, However, the delayed EPSP observed during 4-AP
induced by depolarizing current pulses was increased, as application was not associated with a burst of action po-
one would expect from a blockage of the A current (cf. Ref. tentials as described in the presence of penicillin or BMI.
70), only in those neurons in which this tonic synaptic As demonstrated in experiments in which BMI was used,
bombardment was not very prominent (36% of the cells, this difference is probably due to the shunting effect ex-
n = 6). This could also account for the fact that when erted on the delayed EPSP by the LLD (combined with the
synaptic transmission was blocked by TTX, 4-AP applica- underlying IPSPs), It is likely then that 4-AP application
tion led to a depolarization accompanied by a slight in- uncovers connections that are not usually functional under
crease in input resistance. The present data, unfortunately, normal conditions. This effect is reminiscent of what has
do not allow one to draw any firm conclusion regarding the recently been reported for picrotoxin, which can uncover
type(s) of K+ current involved. A blockage of the A current previously silent, recurrent, polysynaptic, excitatory inter-
is likely to contribute to these effects, because in the hippo- actions among CA3 pyramidal cells (47). It should be
campus this current can be blocked by concentrations sim- mentioned that the axonal ramifications from CA1 pyra-
ilar to those used in our study, and it is known to be par- midal cells have been shown to bifurcate in the alveus and
tially activated at resting level (30, 83). project toward the subiculum and also the fimbria (35).
During their course, these axonal branches in turn send
Effects of 4-AP on synaptic potentials many collaterals going down into s. oriens and pyramidale,
which could provide the neuroanatomic basis for our elec-
It is well known that 4-AP enhances synaptic transmis- trophysiological findings. The functional consequences of
sion in many areas of the central and peripheral nervous
this delayed EPSP in CA1 cells are not clear. However, this
system (see Ref. 75 for review). Our demonstration that potential is related to the relative strength of the overlap-
4-AP enhanced transmitter release at both excitatory and ping inhibition: in those cells in which the LLD was less
inhibitory synapses is in line tith these previous findings
pronounced, the second EPSP often could trigger action
and agrees with other results reported in the same prepara- potentials. Although we cannot exclude the possibility that
tion (15, 63). Interestingly, the late IPSP, which is due to it could be mediated by a different neurotransmitter or
the opening of a IS+ conductance linked to GABAB recep- receptor than the initial EPSP, this appears unlikely. Our
tors (2, 20, 52, 53), was also potentiated by 4-AP. In the results indicate that both the early and the late EPSPs are
olfactory cortex, similar doses of 4-AP appear to block the not mediated by NMDA receptors.
late IPSP (22), and in the hippocampus, Inoue et al. (32)
have reported that low concentration of 4-AP blocked the Long-lusting depolarization
K+ conductance activated by the GABAB agonist Baclofen.
However, in agreement with our results, others have re- An interesting finding of our experiments is the appear-
ported that 4-AP prolonged the late IPSP (2) or increased ance of a GABA-mediated LLD in 4-AP-treated slices. Re-
the synaptic current associated with it (63) In addition, cently, Kita et al. (34) also described in the neostriatum a
Dutar and Nicoll (20) have recently reported that the re- GABA-mediated depolarization evoked in the presence of
sponse of hippocampal pyramidal cells to Baclofen is not 4-AP. Focal application of BMI in the dendritic field and

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current source-density analysis of the spontaneous and Cl- permeability (14, 17, 48). Furosemide application
evoked LLD support the hypothesis that the receptors gen- (0.5-2.0 mM) resulted in a blockage of the early IPSP
erating this depolarization are located on the dendrites (5, evoked by orthodromic stimulation, the antidromic IPSP
6, 74). The ability of antidromic stimulation to elicit the and also the spontaneously occurring IPSPs. This blockage
LLD is not in disagreement with the hypothesis that it was due to a positive shift of the reversal potential of the
involves the participation of a subset of interneurons acti- IPSP toward the resting vm until both were finally equal. In
vated through a feedforward pathway (4), because in our addition, evoked and spontaneous LLDs also disappeared
experiments the antidromic stimulus appeared to trigger a in the presence of furosemide due to a negative shift of the
delayed EPSP originating from the CA2-CA3 areas, which equilibrium potential of the LLD toward resting & The
in turn provided the orthodromic input necessary to initi- fact that the membrane conductance accompanying these
ate the LLD. synaptic potentials was not significantly affected by furose-
Alger and Nicoll (5) have also obtained pharmacologic mide is a further indication that only the electrochemical
evidence that hyperpolarizing and depolarizing GABA re- gradient of these responses was changed and that the other
sponses reflect the activation of two different receptors, the steps involved (release of GABA, binding to receptors,
depolarizing responses being mediated by extrasynaptic opening of ionophores) remained unaffected.
sites. The present data do not allow us to make any firm The existence of a Cl--extruding mechanism that main-
conclusion on this issue. Based on that view, however, the tains low [Cl-]r and, therefore, accounts for hyperpolariz-
LLD seen in the presence of 4-AP would result from an ing IPSPs has been demonstrated in a variety of prepara-
increase in the amount of GABA released and thus avail- tions including spinal motoneurons (44), hippocampal
able to reach these extrasynaptic sites. This is different CA3 neurons (48), and cortical neurons (60,77). This out-
from the postsynaptic effects of pentobarbital, the only wardly directed Cl- pump appears to be sensitive to both
agent previously known to induce the appearance of the ammonium and furosemide (77). In addition, Misgeld et
depolarizing response following an “endogenous” release al. (48) demonstrated recently in CA3 pyramidal neurons
of GABA. The fact that 4-AP does not change the response that the depolarizing responses to GABA is also reduced in
of pyramidal neurons to GABA application further the presence of furosemide suggesting the presence of an
strengthens the hypothesis that it acts mainly via presynap- additional furosemide-sensitive inward Cl- pump. In
tic mechanism (P. Perreault and M. Avoli, in preparation). agreement with these results, our data indicate that the
Our results also demonstrate clearly the greater sensitivity hyperpolarizing and depolarizing effect of GABA on CA1
of the GABA-mediated depolarization to BMI. We could pyramidal neurons are due to the existence of two opposite
selectively depress this depolarization while minimally af- Cl- gradients: an inward Cl- gradient in the soma main-
fecting GABA-mediated hyperpolarization by using 5 PM tained by an outward Cl- pump, and an outward Cl- gra-
BMI, which is very similar to the sensitivity of the response dient in the dendrites that is maintained by an inward Cl-
elicited by iontophoretic application of GABA (5). Pump-
The determination of the apparent reversal potential of Although the LLD could sometimes elicit action poten-
the LLD was complicated by the presence of underlying tials, the large increase in membrane conductance asso-
IPSPs. Although its actual value must be interpreted with ciated with it usually prevented cell discharge. As shown by
caution, our results of approximately -55 mV, i.e., - 10 BMI experiments, this shunting effect also significantly re-
mV more positive than the resting &, are similar to pre- duced the excitatory influence of the delayed EPSP. An-
vious data obtained with pentobarbital(4) and with GABA dersen and his co-workers (6) suggested that the dendritic
iontophoresis (6, 74). The ionic mechanisms of the GABA-mediated depolarization could play a discrimina-
GABA-mediated depolarizing response have always been a tive inhibitory role by shunting neighboring synaptic
matter of debate, because its equilibrium potential does not inputs and thus facilitating more distant excitatory syn-
correspond to any known ion. Two major hypotheses have apses. This conclusion was obtained, however, by studying
been suggested. One proposes that hyperpolarizing and de- slow depolarizations induced by GABA ionophoresis that
polarizing responses are both mediated by Cl- ions, thus were very similar to the responses we have recorded with
requiring a reversed electrochemical gradient in the den- 4-AP. Unfortunately, this kind of response cannot be re-
drites. The other hypothesis that has received more support corded in pyramidal cells under normal conditions, i.e., in
in the case of the hippocampus, states that in addition to the absence of any pharmacologic manipulation. In fact,
Cl-, other ions like Na+ or Ca2+ are also involved in the we have reported recently that in the presence of a normal
depolarizing response (5, 19). In our study, and probably in medium, high-intensity afferent stimulations can activate
others as well, the investigation of the ionic basis of this the dendritic GABA receptors producing only a low-am-
depolarizing potential is complicated by the overlapping plitude late depolarizing potential (5 7).
IPSPs. Despite this limitation, the respective changes ob-
served on the orthodromic response following the replace- Lute action potentials
ment of [Cl-], by the impermeant anions isethionate or
methylsulfate and the effects induced by injecting Cl- ions In 67% of the neurons analyzed, late action potentials of
inside the cell suggest that the permeability to Cl- ions is variable amplitude were recorded in association with the
increased during the LLD (4, 6, 19). spontaneous or stimulus-induced LLD. Although only one
More direct evidence for the involvement and the rela- or two late action potentials were usually recorded, bursts
tive contribution of a Cl- conductance in the GABA-me- of four to five late action potentials could be seen in some
diated LLD was obtained by testing the effects of furose- cases. Interestingly, they were generated at a membrane
mide, which blocks Cl- transport without affecting passive level negative to resting level, usually near the peak of the

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early IPSP or during the initial part of the rising phase of varying from 7 s to 2 min, were very similar to the ortho-
the LLD. This observation, together with their apparent dromic response, and behaved in the same way during all
insensitivity to current injection, indicates that they were the experimental procedures. Voskuyl and Albus (79) also
generated in an area remote from the recording site. Sev- reported the occurrence of spontaneous field potentials in
eral observations suggest that these late action potentials the hippocampus in the presence of 4-AP. They distin-
have an axonal origin: I) they could be elicited by antidro- guished two types based on their rate of occurrence, speed
mic activation; 2) their clear segregation into high- (90- 120 of propagation, and sensitivity to blockers of synaptic
mV) and low-amplitude (lo-20 mV) action potentials, transmission. Both differed strikingly from the spontane-
which is reminiscent of IS and IS-SD action potentials of ous potentials described in this paper by their constant
motoneurons (16, 2 1); 3) the inflection seen on the rising association with multiple population spikes. Spontaneous
phase of the high-amplitude ones that is also reminiscent of epileptiform activity has also been reported in the CA3 area
an IS-SD fractionation; and 4) the presence of very small (32, 56, 63) and a type of seizure-like activity following
action potentials (2-3 mV) reminiscent of axonal or M prolonged exposure to 4-AP, has been described in the CA 1
action potentials. However, we cannot rule out the possi- subfield ( 15). Spontaneous or stimulus-induced seizure-
bility that a dendritic area functionally equivalent to the like discharges have also been described in the olfactory
initial segment (IS) might be induced by 4-AP and produce cortex (22). Recently, by applying 4-AP focally onto the
similar effects. The absence of any clear fast prepotential CA1 area, Segal(66) reported the occurrence of spontane-
preceding these action potentials would, however, not sup- ous inhibitory potentials that appeared to be mediated by
port a dendritic origin (27). A collision test, unfortunately the activation of GABAB receptors. These potentials were
very difficult to perform in this case, would provide a defi- very similar to the spontaneous slow hyperpolarizations
nite answer on that issue. that appeared early after 4-AP application, before the LLD
We can only speculate about the mechanisms by which became prominent. They also resembled the spontaneous
these late action potentials are triggered. One possibility is slow IPSPs seen when furosemide was added. The reason
that the A current and/or some other 4-AP-sensitive K+ for these discrepancies is not clear, but it might be related
current(s) are playing a critical role in controlling axon to certain technical aspects ([K+],, strain of rat, and mode
terminal excitability (36). For instance, it has been reported of drug application).
that in the presence of 4-AP, demyelinated (73) or myelin- The spontaneous LLDs were usually preceded by an
ated sciatic nerve (37) as well as dorsal root fibers ( 12) EPSP-IPSP sequence, which indicates that these events are
display broader action potentials and respond to stimula- triggered by an excitatory input coming from the CA3 re-
tion by generating a sustained depolarization and/or burst- gion. This was confirmed by the CSD analysis that indi-
ing activity. The marked increase in [K’]* that occurs dur- cated the presence of an important sink located in the s.
ing the evoked or spontaneous LLD in our experiments (P. radiatum. In certain cases, however, they were preceded by
Perreault, C. Drapeau, and M. Avoli, in preparation), a simple IPSP, suggesting that spontaneously active local
could further depolarize the terminals and bring them to interneurons are capable of generating this activity (66).
threshold for action potential or burst generation. How- This is further supported by the fact that CA1 neurons are
ever, the LLD is not involved in their generation, because capable of generating spontaneous LLDs while being dis-
its blockage by focal application of BMI did not prevent connected from CA2-CA3 areas (P. Perreault and M.
their occurrence. The delayed EPSP that has a similar time Avoli, in preparation).
latency is also unlikely to be involved, because the blockage An important question to be addressed is the significance
of this response by TTX application over the CA2-CA3 of our findings with reference to the well-known convul-
areas did not affect them either. sant effects of 4-AP and other aminopyridines (10, 55, 69,
Whatever the mechanism(s) involved, these late action 72, 73). A common finding in most models of focal epi-
potentials are not generated in a synchronized manner. lepsy is the presence of large, phasic depolarizations of the
The functional consequences of these late action potentials membrane associated with multiple spikes called the PDS
might be, assuming they also propagate orthodromically, (1, 59). However, the spontaneous and synchronous LLD
to amplify the release of neurotransmitters at the nerve disclosed by 4-AP differed markedly from well-known
terminals. Their occurrence at the onset of the LLD sug- PDSs by its morphology and inhibitory nature. One signifi-
gests that they could participate in the generation of this cant finding related to the epileptogenicity of 4-AP that we
potential. They could increase the excitatory drive onto recorded in the CA1 neurons was the appearance of addi-
interneurons or further facilitate the release of inhibitory tional late action potentials that sometimes occurred in
neurotransmitter if they occur in interneurons as well. Fur- bursts. The relevance of this observation stems from the
thermore, in a different cortical circuit, they might partici- fact that in acute (26, 27, 54, 62, 63, 65) and chronic (58)
pate in recruiting and synchronizing the cells to generate focal epileptogenesis, bursts of action potentials are known
paroxysmal depolarization shifts or PDS (56). to occur in axons or axon terminals projecting to the focus.
The modulatory role of the A current at this level might,
Spontaneous potentials and possible mechanisms of therefore, play a significant role in preventing axon termi-
epileptogenesis nal hyperexcitability.
Although 4-AP does not initiate the generation of typical
In the presence of 4=AP, spontaneous potentials con- epileptiform activity in the CA1 region, our results clearly
sisted of a tonic activity mainly composed of IPSPs, and show that unlike other convulsant drugs that act through
less frequent EPSP-IPSP sequences regularly associated disinhibitory mechanisms, 4-AP clearly increased inhibi-
with LLDs. These spontaneous LLDs occurred at intervals tory synaptic potentials. It is interesting to note that in

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