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Sample Player Characters RUTGER WEISS, BOUNTY HUNTER “You don’t want to hear mi life story. I certainly don’t want ito hear yours. Now lare you going after this job, or note” Rutger is tall, lean land rangy, with a Inarrow, hawk-like face, shaved head, long moustaches and piercing green eyes. He speaks little and quietly, and is quiet, unobtrusive and secretive by nature, Born 22 years ago into the very lowest level lof society in Nuin, and quickly decided that the road was preferable to the gutter. Early in his travels, he met up with Gudrun Armbrust, a Bounty Hunter who adopted the young Rutger as a kind of mascot, Rutger grew up cleaning her weaponry and armour] looking after her horse, and gradually learning her work. As he grew older and| more skilled, the two becme a team, and Rutger began to buy armour and equipment with his share of their earnings. He even| managed to save some money with Bernhard| Scruger, a pawnbroker in Altdorf. A few weeks ago, a job in Wissenburg went} ly wrong, Gudrun was killed, and| Rutger barely escaped with his life. He put as much space as possible between himself and Wissenburg, crossing the mountains by a remote and little-used series of passes, In an attempt to disguise himself, he has shaved his head and grown long moustaches ~ with his| narrow face and piercing eyes, this gives him an intimidating, almost Ungol appearance. Fate Points: 2 Alignment: Neutral Religion: Taal (not devout) “Look. I’ve got the skills, I've got the lexperience,.the only thing I haven't got is la_ certificate. And lwhat good’s a piece of paper when you've got la hole that wants patching? I mean, the University of Nuln lhas one of the best medical schools in The Empire, and I went to all the courses — damn Inearly finished most of ‘em, too. You say what you like - one day you'll be glad I'm around.” Johannes is tall, slim and possessed of boyish good looks which make him look much younger than his twenty-five years. He ‘DOKTOR’ JOHANNES favours Joose-Alting, bage; slothes: and al jong scarf, which make him look even| Bey STNG younger. His hair and eyes are both dark rown. He is very curious, and likes the idea of adventure, but he is very prone to catching| cold, and is almost always sniffling. Johannes was born to a middle-class| provincial family in Naffdorf. A quick learner| at school, he was awarded a Von Liebewita| Medical Scholarship to the University at| Nuln. Things took a rapid downturn when| some shady acquaintances tried to sell him| the body of his own pathology Professor, who had been in robust good health only| hours before. Complication piled upon| complication leading to the abrupt cessation of Johannes’ medical studies and a swift exit on his part. Fate Points: 2 Alignment: Neutral Religion: Shallya (not devout) ‘This page should be removed or yoo may photocopy it br your personal use. oT Return of the Lichemaster [Starter Profile Notes MWS BS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WPFel 5 33.303 5* 6311 31 32 37 38 30 33 8% Advance Scheme MWSBS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WPFel +10t+1041 —-+2+10t }+ Advance taken. |Current Profile MWS BS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WPFel 5 43.3035 6 411 31 32 37 38 30 33 Skills Follow Trail; Marksmanship - bow; Silent Move Rural; Silent Move Urban; Sixth Sense; Specialist Weay Lasso; Specialist Weapon — Net; Strike Mighty Very i” Possessions [Mail shirt and shield (2 AP body, 1 AP elsewhere); sword; dagger; normal bow, 10 arrows; pure with 15 3C; pawnbroker’s ticket from Scruger’s in Altdorf, aniesoe [Starter profile Notes MWSBS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 4 31 32:3 4 547°1 38 2% 37 2 35 34 Advance scheme MWSBS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel +1te10t #10410 }+ Advance taken. |Current profile MWSBS S T W I A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 4 31 32 3 4 6571 38 24 37 B35 34 Skills |Cure Disease; Flee!; Lightning Reflexes*; Luck; Manufacture Drugs; Read/Write; Scroll Lore; Secret [Language - Classical. Possessions Staff; dagger; large bag with medical instruments and jar of leeches; coat; large scarf; small lantern; 10 assorted 5; purse with 10 GC, 18/-. 92 “Tie page should be removed or you may photometer your penal exe Sample Player Charactere CLAUDIA SCHON, BAWD “My story's nothing special. grew up in ithe ange at Quenelles; I'didn't much like it, so I lousted out and I've lbeen getting by the lbest I'can ever since. Lately I decided I ldidn’t much like Quenelles, so I’m out looking for some- where with a better class of people.” laudia Schon is of medium height and build, with black hair, an olive complexion and brown-green eyes. She is very easy to underestimate physically, and ery slow to forgive those whe do so. She has a fiery temper, and doesn’t suffer fools gladly and kindly nature, particularly where| orphans and other disadvantaged people are concerned. She rails endlessly against people in general and men in articular, but deep down she is looking for friends she can trust. The large onphanage ofthe Sisters of Shallya at Quenelles was never going to hol Tough-and-tumble tomboy like Claudia, She hit the streets at an early age, and quickly learned what she needed to survive. She’s certainly able to look after herself, and can deal with an opponent several times her own size~as, at times, she’s had to. Unfortunately, some people have other ways of hitting back| — methods against which she is helpless. She| had to leave Quenelles in a hurry after straightening out a misunderstanding with a minor noble in her usual abrupt manner. Fate Points: 3 Alignment: Neutral Religion: Shallya (not devout) “You could say I'm broadening my edu- Ication — University of Life, as T think you Humans sometimes lsay. Travelling her land there and meeting interesting people. Plus there's the challenge of scraping by - it suits me very lwell for the time being. Ah - excuse me \for a moment, won't L lyou? The gentleman in the corner seems to object to the shape of my ears. I'll buy us all a drink when I get back.” Fiarel is tall, and well-built for an Elf, with white hair and blue-green eyes. He is softly spoken, with a lighthearted and pleasant nature which seems somewhat at odds with Ihis profession. When he fights, however, he {fights to win — there is no blow too foul, no at all ly male fools. And she has a devastating right knee. When she can rein in fher impatience, however, she has a generous FIAREL LEAFMANTLE, tactic too low, provided it works. PROTAGONIST Now in middle adolescence for an Elf, Fiarel| decided to leave his native Loren forest and see the world outside. He had no clear idea of| how he was going to get by, until someone in a tavern made a derogatory comment about Elves. After a brief But lively discussion| outside, Fiarel found that unconscious| Humans can be a reasonable source of| income. He briefly considered a life as a| Footpad, but the Protagonist career appeals to his sense of natural justice - if he waits for| a racist comment and then deals with the person who made it, then honour is satisfied as well as material need. Besides, being| insulted by Humans is so amusing — rather| like watching a blind man trying to hit a target with a longbow. Fate Points: 2 Alignment: Good (neutral tendencies) Religion: Liadriel (not devout) ‘This pegs should be removed or you ray photscopy fr your peronal uae 93 Return of the Lichemaster Starter profile Notes MWSBSSTWI Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 529397445 ~ 37 23 32 28 28 39 Advance scheme MWSBS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WPFel +10H10 = -+24+10 + Advance taken. Current profile MWSBS S T W I A DexLd Int Cl WPFel 5 39:37 4 4 6 31 37 2 32 2B 28 39 Skills Blather; Bribery; Dodge Blow; Secret Language - ‘Thieves’ Tongue; Street Fighting. Possessions Leather jack (0/1 AP, body /arms; sword; dagger; sling and bag of 20 bullets; backpack; blanket; pot, kettle and ‘cutlery; pack of cards; tinderbox; 12 candles; lantern; ‘money belt with 20 GC (worn inside clothing). Starter profile Notes MWSBS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 4 39 34 5° 4 6 591 42 36 48 51 38 46 Advance scheme MWSBS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel +10t +1 #2410+1t +20 |+ Advance taken. |Current profile MWSBS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 6592 42 3 48 51 38 46 Skills Disarm; Dodge Blow; Excellent Vision; Read/Write - ieee ead Oia Wark Bide ae, Sings Spock ‘Additional Language - Old Worlder; Street Fighting; Strike Mighty Blow; Strike to injure; Strike to Stun; Very Strong® Possessions Helmet, sleeved mail shirt and shield (2 AP Ihead/body /arms, 1 AP legs); sword; elf bow; |quiver of 10 arrows; hooded cloal gs with ankard, cutlery, tinderbox and blanket; riding horse with saddle and bridle; pruse with 14 GC. 94 ‘This page should be removed cr you may photocopy it for your porsonal use. Sample Player Characters SERGE ROCARDIN, BODYGUARD “T come from a little Iplace just outside Couronne. But you won't ever have heard lof it. Had a farm there. Look, don’t take loffence, but I'd really Iprefer not to talk jabout it. How about lyourself?” Serge is of medium height and medium to stocky build, with prey eves and black air speckled with y. He has a strong rural Bretonnian accent. erge appears friendly, outgoing and interested in other people - this is because jhe’d rather listen to other people’s stories than have to remember his own. He can be moody, and is prone to long silent periods, but most of the time he can suppress his painful memories. Serge is a clear thinker and a plain speaker, and is very good at providing answers to problems ~ in a way he welcomes problems, because they give him something to concentrate on. Born of peasant stock in the village of| Marguilles near Couronne, Serge spent his early life on the family farm. At the age of| seventeen he married Anne-Marie Doreaux, a local lovely, and their first son was born the| following year. Serge found extra work as a bodyguard for travellers passing through the| area, but then disaster struck. He came back| from escorting a group of pilgrims to the temple of Shallya, to find that his farm and family had been wiped out by a group of| bandits. He has nothing left but revenge, and nothing to lose. Fate Points: 4 Alignment: Neutral Religion: Old Faith SIKARIEL GOLDWOOD, WIZARD’S APPRENTICE “They said travel would broaden my mind, but I'm not so lsure. The more I see of ithe rest of the world, the more I think it would be good to get safely back to Loren. Still, I'm learning things all right - I’ve seen some things I just wouldn't have believed before I left home!” ‘Sikariel is of medium height and slim build, with lght-gold hair land violet eyes. She is very fond of silver wwellery, and has a tendency to act the great lady among Humans - she comes from an Elven family of moderately high standing in the Loren forest, and this works together with her natural Elven sense of superiority. Most lof the time, Sikariel is a nervous, self- conscious adolescent, but she is an acute| observer and can evaluate suggestions and plans very quickly. Sikariel showed an aptitude for magic at an early age, and was apprenticed to an Elven Wizard in the Loren forest. It was he who} suggested that she should explore the outside world a little, gaining experience and insight before returning to complete her training. She| has a quick and penetrating mind, and is eager to learn; her lack of experience shows sometimes, but she seldom if ever repeats a| mistake. She is careful of her own safety, but| experience is are slowly making her bolder and more adventurous. Fate Points: 2 Alignment: Good Religion: Liadriel ‘This page thoold be removed or you may photocopy it for your pereonal use, 95 Return of the Lichemaster Starter profile Notes MWS BS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 4 35-33 4° 3 6 311 32 39 40 36 31 29 Advance scheme MWS BS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 42000 +1 +2H10H It It Advance taken. Current profile MWS BS S T W 1 A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 4 35 33.4 3 6 412 32 39 40 % 31 29 Skills Acute Hearing; Disarm; Dodge Blow; Drive Cart; Excellent Vision: Scale Sheer Surface; Specialist Weapon |- Fist Weapon; Street Fighting; Strike Mighty Blow; Strike to Stan, Very Strong. ‘Possessions Leather jack, mail coif and shield (2 AP head/ [body /arms, 1 AP legs); sword; dagger; knuckledusters; : ‘backpack with 2 blankets, 2-pint leather canteen, billy cans and cutlery; 4 GC 15/- wrapped in handkerchief inside shirt. [Starter profile Possessions MWS BS S T WI A DexLd Int CI WPFel Dagger; left-hand dagger; sling and 20 stones; sling bag| 5 31 34 2 4 6 581 50 40 56 48 45 40 with spell components (6 castings of each spell); saddlebags with blanket, billy cans, cutlery and writing| Advance scheme equipment; purse with 25 GC; pony. MWS BS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel +t +10 +10+10F +10 Notes ++ Advance taken. Current profile MWS BS S T WI A Dex Ld Int Cl WP Fel 5 31342 4 7.581 50 50 66 48 45 40 Skills /Arcane Language ~ Magick; Ambidextrous; Cast Spells Petty Magic; Dance; Excellent Vision; Read/ Wire — [Classical, Eltharin, Old Worlder; Ride Horse; Scroll Lore; Secret Language ~ Classical; Speak Additional [Language - Old Worlder. Spells 7 Magic Points Petty Magic Sleep, Zone of Silence 96 ‘This page should be removed or you may photocopy it for your personal use.

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