Dynamic Devulcanization and Dynamic Vulcanization For Re-Cycling of Crosslinked Rubber

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Crosslinked rubber  Recycle  Automo-

tive rubber waste  Devulcanization 
Dynamic Devulcanization and
Reclaimed rubber  Thermoplastic elas-
Dynamic Vulcanization for Re-
A new recycling technology for cross-
linked rubber was developed using con-
tinuous reactive processing methods. In cycling of Crosslinked Rubber1)
the process of producing reclaimed rub-
ber, a breakage of crosslinking points in
the rubber matrix occurs selectively un-
der optimized controls of shear stress,
reaction temperature and internal pres-
sure in a twin screw extruder corre- Recently recycling of waste materials is The sum of their weights is corresponding
sponding to the dynamic devulcanization growing importance for all the industries to about 3 % of the total weight of the ve-
process. The reclaimed rubbers show in the world. The automotive and transpor- hicle. Among rubbery polymers for these
excellent mechanical properties applic- tation industries are the biggest consumers automotive rubber products, the use of
able to new rubber compounds. of raw rubber. Rubber waste is usually gen- ethylene-propylene-diene rubber (EPDM)
Furthermore, an enhanced rubber recy- erated from manufacturing products during amounts to be about one half of them by
cling process including both the dynamic the process and by the post-consumer (re- weight as shown in Figure 1. In this study
devulcanization and dynamic vulcaniza- tired) products, mainly including scrap tires. a continuous rubber recycling technology
tion for producing thermoplastic elasto- In Japan about one million tons of scrap has been developed mainly for crosslinked
mer (TPE) based on rubber waste has tires are generated annually, to example. EPDM waste.
been established. The obtained TPE ex- From the point of energy balances a mate-
hibits a highly recoverable rubber elas- rial recycling of rubber waste is preferable Recycling process of producing
ticity and mechanical properties com- to any other recycling techniques [1]. How- reclaimed rubber
parable to commercial TPE. ever, the material recycling in form of
crumb rubber and reclaimed rubber results Principle of producing reclaimed rubber
in only about 11.5 % of the whole scrap tires Material recycling of crosslinked polymers
in 2004 [2]. The oldest and simplest reclaim- including rubber is generally thought of
Dynamische Devulkanisation ing method in the rubber recycling industry as being a difficult by using simple heating
und dynamische Vulkanisation is called ‘‘pan method”. The reclaimed rub- procedure, because of the three-dimen-
zur Wiederverwertung von ver- ber obtained by this method is much infer- sional network structure restricting the ma-
netzten Kautschuken ior in physical properties to the virgin (new) terial from melting. In the rubber recycling
rubber. Technological developments for the process using the conventional the pan
Vernetzter Kautschuk  Wiederverwer-
tires such as steel belted and radial ones method, finely ground rubber powder
tung  Automobilgummiabfälle  De-
cause some limitation to the amount of re- mixed with oils and reagents is heated
vulkanisation  regenerierter Kautschuk 
cycled rubber in higher quality rubber com- with steam in the pressure vessel at the
thermoplastische Elastomere
pounds for new tires [1]. Hence, new mate- temperature of  200 C for more than 5
Eine neue Recyclingtechnologie für ver- rial recycling technologies such as micro- hours. Moreover, this process usually has
netzten Kautschuk auf der Basis eines wave method [3] and ultrasonic method to be followed by several procedures (refin-
kontinuierlichen reaktiven Verfahrens im [4] have been developed for the aim of ing and straining) for obtaining the final re-
Zweischneckenextruder wurde entwick- shorter reaction times. However, the re-
elt. In dem Prozess wird Regenerat durch claimed rubbers obtained by these methods
die selektive Aufspaltung von Vernet- are not quite excellent in quality as to be Autoren
zungsstellen in der Kautschukmatrix in widely applicable in practical rubber pro-
K. Fukumori, M. Matsushita,
einem Scherfeld und unter Einwirkung ducts.
M. Mouri, H. Okamoto, N. Sato,
von Druck und Temperatur hergestellt. In this study a new continuous rubber recy- K. Takeuchi and Y. Suzuki,
Das Regenerat zeigt ausgezeichnete cling technology has been developed for Aichi (Japan)
mechanische Eigenschaften im Vergleich crosslinked rubber for the purpose of ob-
zu neuen Compounds. Weiterhin wurde taining recycled materials in high quality Corresponding author:
die dynamische Devulkanisation von as reclaimed raw rubber and thermoplastic Dr. Kenzo Fukumori
Altgummi zur Herstellung von TPV in elastomer (TPE) based on rubber waste. Toyota Central
R & D Labs. Inc
einem dynamischen Vulkanisationspro-
zess eingesetzt. Die erhaltenen TPV zei- Rubber recycling technology Aichi, 480-1192, Japan
gen eine hohe Elastizität und mechan- Tel. + 81/5 61 63-52 51
ische Eigenschaften die den kommerziell Automotive rubber waste Fax: + 81/5 61 63-64 98
erhältlichen TPV vergleichbar sind. For motor vehicles many crosslinked rubber E-mail: fukumori-k@mosk.tytlabs.co.jp
products are used as weather strips, hoses,
vibration insulators and miscellaneous 1
This paper was partly presented at IRC 2005
parts except tires as shown in Figure 1 [5]. YOKOHAMA, Oct. 24 – 25, 2005.

KGK  Juli/August 2006 405

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as the shear stress, the temperature and

1 &
1 Rubber products
the internal pressure. This dynamic devulca-
for motor vehicles
nization process for crosslinked rubber
waste is performed on a modular screw
type reactor (i.e., twin screw extruder) as
schematically shown in Figure 2. For this
equipment, the screw configuration with
the modular screw elements (right-handed
screw, kneading disk, etc.) is suitably de-
signed to be applicable to the dynamic de-
vulcanization process. The rubber waste
was roughly crashed into small pieces in
the size of about 5 mm for the following re-
cycling process. In the first pulverization
2 &
2 Schematic illus- zone of this process roughly crashed rubber
tration of the re- material becomes into fine particles by high
actor for the dy-
shearing, and heated to the devulcanization
namic devulcani-
zation reaction temperature quickly. The residence
time is assured to be enough to complete
the devulcanization reaction under a shear
flow in the next devulcanization zone. In
this reaction zone, fine particles of cross-
linked rubber become highly elongated by
filling and shearing with the kneading
disk elements, as well as being plasticized
A basic understanding for the cleavages of
3 &
3 Breakages of
crosslinking crosslinking bonds under high shear stress
points in high is suggested as following. As shown in Fig-
shear flow: (a) ure 3 there appears to be a small difference
model for the in the bonding energy between C-C bonds
network chain; and C-S or S-S bonds. Hence by simple heat-
(b) deformation
ing in the pressure vessel, the cleavages of
of the network
chain (particu- both the C-C and C-S or S-S bonds may occur
larly, S-S- bonds) unselectively. This causes the lowering of
by shearing the physical properties for reclaimed rubber
by the conventional method. On the other
hand, with regard to the elastic constant
4 &
4 Dynamic devulca- k for these bonds (approximately estimated
nization process on the basis of the values for crystals), the k-
for the product of value for the S-S bonds can be estimated to
reclaimed rubber be about 1/30th of the one for the C-C
bonds as shown in Figure 3a. Generally, it
is understood that mechanical behavior of
crosslinked rubber may be mainly con-
trolled by the entropic term in the strain en-
ergy. In the contrast with this entropic de-
formation behavior at extremely higher
shear stress induced by filling and kneading
in the reactor, most of the rubbery mole-
cules may become to be fully elongated
to their limited extensibility. Under these
conditions, the spring having a lower elastic
constant (the S-S bonds) may become more
extended as compared with the spring hav-
claimed rubber. The reclaimed rubber ob- In the newly developed continuous recy- ing a higher elastic constant (the C-C bonds)
tained by this method is much inferior in cling process [6], various chemical reactions in an elastic manner as shown in the Figur-
physical properties to a new rubber, due corresponding to the selective breakage, of e 3b. The elastic energy induced by high
to the occurrence of the breakages of crosslinking points (so-called, devulcaniza- shearing may be particularly concentrated
both the crosslinking points and main chain tion) can be efficiently controlled by opti- at the S-S bonds causing the breakages of
(C-C) bonds unselectively. mizing the parameters in the reactor such crosslinking points selectively.

406 KGK  Juli/August 2006

of the screw. As for the materials sampled
from various positions, the Mooney viscos-
ity, the fractions of the sol and gel compo-
nents, the molecular weight distribution for
the sol component and the effective net-
work chain density for the gel component
were evaluated. Furthermore in this study,
the change in the crosslink structure for
these materials were analyzed with the che-
micals such as thiol/amine reagents, which
are used to cleave sulfur bonds. A mixture
of propane-2-thiol and piperidine in hep-
tane is used to cleave polysulfide bonds,
and with hexane-1-thiol in piperidine, poly-
sulfide and disulfide bonds can be cleaved
[6]). According to this procedure a full char-
acterization of partially decrosslinked net-
work structure during the dynamic devulca-
5 Appearances and Mooney viscosity of rubbers sampled from the positions A – E nization processing can be investigated.
Under suitable process conditions (i.e.,
6 &
6 Spatial heteroge- screw configuration, reaction temperature,
neity in structure screw rotation speed, etc.) for EPDM, the re-
of reclaimed rub- claimed EPDM in good surface appearance
ber by devulcani- can be continuously obtained from the
head of the reactor as shown in Figure [4].
This behavior was closely connected with
the appropriate values of the Mooney visc-
osity for the reclaimed EPDM according to
the rubbery polymer. Figure 5 shows the
changes in the appearance and Mooney
viscosity of the EPDM sampled from the var-
ious positions along the axial length of the
screw in the reactor. In the first pulveriza-
tion zone, roughly crashed rubber material
is turned into fine particles by high shear-
ing. In the next devulcanization zone, the
fine particles of the crosslinked EPDM be-
7 &
7 Changes in the
average molecu- come to be plasticized. The Mooney viscos-
lar weight of sol ity of the EPDM samples decreases along
component in the axial length of the screw, corresponding
rubbers sampled to the progress of the devulcanization.
from positions The reclaimed EPDM obtained by devulcani-
zation is composed of the sol (the fraction
soluble in toluene) and gel (the insoluble
fraction) components. As for the reclaimed
EPDM under typical devulcanization condi-
tions, the fractions of the sol and gel com-
ponents were evaluated to be about 44 %
and 56 %, respectively. Furthermore, the ef-
fective network chain density for the gel
component was evaluated to be 1/20th
of the originally vulcanized rubber. Figure 6
shows schematically the spatial heteroge-
neity in the reclaimed rubber, for which
there appears to be mixtures of uncros-
slinked polymer chains assigned to the sol
component and loosely crosslinked ones as-
Change in the network structure during under a typical test condition were studied signed to the gel component. Figure 7
the dynamic devulcanization process by pulling out the screw quickly from the shows the changes in the average molecu-
The temporal changes in the rubber matrix barrel of the reactor on the way and sam- lar weight of the sol component during the
during the dynamic devulcanization process pling the materials along the axial length process. The average molecular weight of

KGK  Juli/August 2006 407


stage of the process, the numbers of the

8 &
8 Changes in net-
di- and polysulfidic bonds decrease, while
work structure
during the dy- the number of the monosulfidic bonds in-
namic devulcani- creases. At the late stage of the process
zation process: the number of the monosulfide bonds de-
the numbers of creases, and finaly becomes to be negligibly
mono-, di- and small. On the other hand, only by heating in
polysulfide bonds a pressure vessel with flowing nitrogen gas,
the number of the poly- and disulfidic
bonds decrease, but the number of the
monosulfidic bonds increases. During the
dynamic devulcanization process in the re-
actor, the di- and polysulfide bonds are
firstly converted into the form of the mono-
sulfidic bonds, and then the monosulfidic
bonds finally may come to be cleaved under
high shear stress and internal pressure.
Deodorization of reclaimed rubber
The characteristic odor from reclaimed rub-
ber may cause the limits to its practical ap-
plications. Hence, a deodorization proce-
dure for reclaimed rubber is also included
in the dynamic devulcanization process by
a newly developed method [7], in which
high-pressured water is injected into a bar-
The deodorization mechanism during the
dynamic devulcanization process is schema-
tically shown in Figure 9a: odorous compo-
nents in the rubber compound come to be
trapped into the high-pressured water va-
9 Deodorization during the dynamic devulcanization: (a) deodorization mechanism
(b) signals from odorous components in rubbers por and removed efficiently through vents
with vacuum pumps. The barrel tempera-
ture and screw elements around the posi-
10 &
10 Stress-strain
tions for the water injection are suitably ad-
curves of cross-
linked rubbers justed to avoid an inadequate progress of
the devulcanization caused by the de-
creased temperature through the diffusion
of water molecules. Figure 9b shows the
GC-peaks of the odorous components in re-
claimed rubbers (both untreated and trea-
ted) and new rubber compound. For the re-
claimed rubber, the odorous components in
the treated rubber are hardly detected simi-
lar to those in the new rubber compound
while there are many odorous components
detected in the untreated rubber.

Properties of reclaimed rubber and its

practical uses for automotive rubber
The reclaimed EPDM can be compounded
and crosslinked with accelerated sulfur vul-
the sol component in the reclaimed EPDM is Figure 8 shows the changes in the the canization system according to the conven-
nearly constant, comparable to the one in amounts of the mono-, di- and polysulfidic tional recipe. Figure 10 shows typical stress-
new EPDM, from the position B to the posi- bonds in the network structure during the strain curves of crosslinked rubbers for the
tion D. This result supports the occurrence process. Initially, for the crosslinked rubber, reclaimed EPDM by the developed method
of selective breakages of crosslinking points the fraction of mono-, di- and polysulfide and new rubber. The reclaimed EPDM exhi-
in the EPDM during the dynamic devulcani- bonds were evaluated to be about 20 %, bits excellent tensile stress-strain property
zation process. 20 % and 60 %, respectively. In the early almost comparable to the new one.

408 KGK  Juli/August 2006

cling technology in this study was also ap-
11 &
11 Applications of
plied to tire rubber waste, generated from
reclaimed rubber
for automotive both manufacturing products and scrap
products tires [7].
From the standpoint of the engineering
practice, test truck tires were prepared by
mixing the NR-based reclaimed rubber
(10wt%) from manufacturing products,
with the NR-based new rubber (90wt%)
for the tread rubber compound. Standard
truck tires with only the NR-based new rub-
ber were also prepared for the comparison.
Actual road tests were carried out in mile-
age up to 200 000 km. During the road tests
the changes in the tread depth for both the
test and standard tires were examined
against mileage, respectively. The changes
in the tread depth for the test and standard
truck tires are shown in Figure 12, including
12 &
12 Changes in tread equipped positions of those tires on the ve-
depth for stan- hicle. The tread depths were measured
dard and test against mileage for the tires on the rear po-
truck tires during sitions. The tread wear behavior of the test
actual road tests
truck tire was estimated to be almost simi-
lar to that of the standard one in mileage up
to 200 000 km. From these results it was
confirmed that the reclaimed tire rubber
obtained by the continuous recycling tech-
nology can be applied to new tire rubber
compounds with its appropriate content
in the engineering practice.

Recycling process of producing TPE


Principle of producing TPE

TPE provides highly recoverable properties
similar to conventional crosslinked rubber,
and can be processed with the moldability
and efficiency of thermoplastics. In addition
to the simpler processing, the principal ad-
vantages of TPE compared to crosslinked
rubber include an easier recycling of waste,
design flexibility, product quality and di-
mensional consistency. Hence, owing to
these excellent characteristics, TPE has
come to be widely used in a variety of ap-
13 Dynamic devulcanization and dynamic vulcanization processes for the product of TPE
based on EPDM waste plications including automotive products
as substitute materials for rubbers and
soft plastics. In this study, as the next
step for the development of rubber recy-
cling technology, a more enhanced recy-
In 1997 this technology was practically ap- Application of continuous recycling cling method of producing a dynamically
plied to the material recycling of EPDM technology to tire rubber waste vulcanized(crosslinked) TPE based on
waste generated in manufacturing pro- The consumed amount of tire rubbers such EPDM waste has been established [8].
cesses of automotive weather strips in a as natural rubber (NR), styrene-butadiene The enhanced recycling process of produ-
plant having the production capacity of rubber (SBR) and butyl rubber (IIR) for the cing TPE is composed of pulverization, de-
500 tons/year for reclaimed rubber [5]. production of new tires correspond to about vulcanization, blend and vulcanization. Fig-
The reclaimed EPDM has been currently uti- 70 % of the total weight of raw rubber ma- ure 13 shows a schematic illustration of the
lized for producing various automotive rub- terials annually consumed in Japan. This re- recycling of producing the TPE based on
ber products with its appropriate content as sults in one million tons of scrap tires gen- EPDM waste. In the first zone, the crashed
shown in Figure 11. erated. Hence, the continuous rubber recy- EPDM comes to be pulverized by shearing.

KGK  Juli/August 2006 409


mediate and late stages of the process un-

14 &
14 Temporal changes
der suitable reaction conditions, the phase
in the phase
structure of the inversion occurs and thus the desirable do-
EPDM/PP blends main structure for TPE, in which the vulca-
during the dy- nized(re-crosslinked) EPDM phase of less
namic devulcani- than 1 lm is finely dispersed in the contin-
zation and dy- uous PP phase, finally comes be formed.
namic vulcaniza-
Properties of TPE based on EPDM waste
and its applications for automotive
The obtained TPE pellets can be molded by
extrusion molding or injection molding like
conventional thermoplastics. The injection
molded TPE specimen shows good tensile
15 &
15 Elongation-retraction property of TPE properties and recovers its original length
Besed on EPDM waste after elongation in the elongation-retrac-
tion experiment as shown in Figure 15. In
the engineering practice the TPE based on
EPDM waste is comparable to commercial
TPE in various properties (tensile property,
processability, surface appearance, etc.).
The mass production of the TPE based on
foamed EPDM waste, which is generated
in the manufacturing process of automo-
tive weather strips, has been started in
July 2002 with a new plant having the pro-
duct capacity of 350 tons/year for TPE. The
development of automotive products made
with the TPE as shown in Figure 16 is pre-
sently working on to achieve its practical
uses [9].

In this study, a new recycling technology for
automotive rubber waste has been devel-
oped with twin screw extruder as a modular
screw type reactor. With optimized screw
geometry and configuration in the reactor,
the breakages of crosslinking points may
predominantly occur under suitable condi-
tions of temperature, shear stress and inter-
nal pressure.
Reclaimed rubber from EPDM waste gener-
16 Applications of TPE for automotive products
ated in the manufacturing process of
weather strips exhibits excellent good prop-
erties, which are almost equal to those of
In the following zones, the dynamic devul- tion conditions have to be suitably adjusted new rubber. The reclaimed rubber has
canization (selective breakages of crosslink- to form the desirable domain structure dur- been currently mass-produced and utilized
ing points in the EPDM), blend of the re- ing the continuous process. The aiming for manufacturing automotive rubber pro-
claimed EPDM (ca.80wt%) with polypropy- morphology of TPE corresponds to the for- ducts since 1997. It is also confirmed that
lene (PP, ca.20wt%), and dynamic vulcaniza- mation of the phase structure with chemi- this technology can be applied to the recy-
tion of the EPDM component in the blend cally crosslinked EPDM phase (major com- cling of tire rubber waste including scrap
proceed continuously and finally result in ponent) dispersed in PP matrix (minor com- tires. Furthermore, as a next phase of the
the formation of some desirable domain ponent). development an enhanced rubber recycling
structure. Figure 14 shows the morphology develop- method of producing TPE based on rubber
ment of the EPDM/PP blend during the con- waste has been established. The TPE shows
Changes in phase morphology tinuous process. At the early stage of the physical properties comparable to commer-
In order to obtain TPE showing preferable process the EPDM component forms the cial TPE. The mass production of the TPE
physical properties, the screw geometry continuous phase, depending on its volume based EPDM waste has been started in
and configuration for the reactor and reac- amount in the blend. At the following inter- July 2002.

410 KGK  Juli/August 2006

It is expected that the newly developed rub- References [6] K. Fukumori, M. Mouri, N. Sato, H. Okamoto, M.
ber recycling technology in this study would Matsushita, H. Honda, K. Nakashima, Y. Suzuki
[1] ‘‘Recycling of Rubber"", RAPRA Report 99 (1997) and M. Owaki, Gummi FASERN Kunststoe 54
contribute to both protecting the environ- 9. (2001) 48.
ment and saving resources with regard to [2] TIRE INDUSTRY OF JAPAN 2005, JATMA, 2005. [7] K. Fukumori, M. Matsushita, H. Okamoto, N.
rubber waste generated in the world. [3] Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Ltd., Plast. Rubb. Sato, Y. Suzuki and K. Takeuchi, JSAE Review
News, Sept. 9 (1979). 23 (2002) 259.
Acknowledgement [4] A.I. Isayev, J. Chen and A. Tukachinsky, Rubber [8] H. Okamoto, K. Fukumori, M. Matsushita, N.
This work was partly carried out by joint re- Chem. Technol. 68 (1995) 267. Sato, Y. Tanaka, T. Okita, K. Takeuchi, N. Suzu-
[5] S. Otsuka, M. Owaki, Y. Suzuki, H. Honda, K. Na- ki and Y. Suzuki, Prepr. of IUPAC-PC2002, Dec.2-
search and development with International
kashima, M. Mouri and N. Sato, SAE Paper 2001- 5, 2002, 638.
Center for Environmental Technology 01-0015 (1998) [9] Y. Tanaka, T. Watanabe, T. Okita, M. Matsushita,
Transfer in 1999-2001, commissioned by
H. Okamoto, K. Fukumori, N. Suzuki and Y. Su-
the Ministry of Economy Trade and Indus- zuki, SAE Paper 2003-01-0941 (2003).

KGK  Juli/August 2006 411

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