WFRP1 Gminterior

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Encumbrance: Carry S*100 each 50 above that reduce move by 1 & leaps by 1, Dwarf Sx200, horses/ponies etc Sx300, a

character’s Encumbrance=(S+T)*100

Underground Cautious or risk test -10 if running :Difficult – woods/dense foliage/steep or treacherous slopes/fords/
shallow streams/soft sands/ thick dust/ stairs/steps/laddres,debris/wreckage/loose rocks or boulders/ marsh bog, thick
mud sewage = ½ pace risk test (-10 if running) to avoid slips etc Obstacles: Ditches/narrow crevasse, mount/dismount/
open & move through door or window/ hedges walls etc <2m high

Jumping down: dist in yrd-D6 -2 if acrobatics skill = dam taken drop hand held things (50%)

Falling down:2x dist in yrd-D6 -2 if acrobatics skill = dam taken drop hand held things (50%)

Horizontal= 2xM-D6 +2 (if acrobatics) (min 2 yrd run up) else 2xM-2D6+2 if acrobatics

Climb –Risk test cautious rate (bonus for scale sheer surface skill), sheer surface require scale sheer surface skill.
Rope/non fixed ladders req 2 hands, fixed ladders only 1

Abseil 20yrd/rnd 1 risk per 10yrd travelled

Swim 2/3 cautious rate –req swim skill – hazardous conditions risk test +20% if armoured -10% per point of armour
down after rnds=T then 1W per rnd death at 0 W

Spot trap = I score –10 if std move -20 if running -20 if set by person with set trap + 10 spot trap-0 or -20 for
carelessness, booby taps can be disarmed by dex test

Search: Finds anything not deliberately hidden – hidden items on I test (with mod if particularly well hidden) 1min per 9
yrd or corridor or 9 square yard room

Pick pocket: Dex test=1D3 items (or specific item if known) fail by 20= noticed, fail by 40 caught & surprised, +10 if mark
being distracted

Pick lock-must have lock picks or similar. takes 1 rnd Dex-Lock Rating +10 per Pick Lock instance max 3 attempts-no pick
lock skill -30 mod only 1 attempt

Infected wounds: disease test -5 per W received, inflamed after D4 hrs – lose 3d10% from dex until recovered, heal at ½
rate failed T test lose 1W permamently

Listen: Soft 30% 4yrd cautious move, whispers, lock pick, key turn, Normal 60% 8yrds standard move/conversation,
doors opening/closing normally, Loud 100% 16 yrd Breaking down doors, running, charging, incanting, horses moving,
fast search, break glass, shouting/screaming listen through thin walls/doors -10, sleeping char woke if pass by 20

Hde:I+Cl-I of searcher + 10 appropriate silent move + 20/+5 for concealment (still /move) +/- local environment

Gamble: D100 + ½ Int if gamble skill + int if cheating, cheat= dex test if passed -10 to -30 to spot else +20 spot cheat =I
test + dex mod -10 or +20 depending on gamble skill

Fear – Cl fail=paralysed with fear & may parry but use skills or attack roll each Rnd

Terror –Cl fail= curl up in ball – drop everything count as prone +1IP

Disarm – instead of Damage 2nd WS test held weapon flies 2d^ yrd random direction

Bargain –Fel test – if passed test Wp get half disc – usual 10%

Cure disease – Int test to recognise unusual disease, Curing = Int + patient T test no further ill effects & recovery begins
immediately medial attention
Combat – Melee mod +10 Charge, +10 advantage of ground, +10 winning, -10 crossing obstacle, -10 wrong hand (unless
ambidexterous), -20 unarmed (unless street fighter)

Unarmed a -3D (-1D if street fighter) always to stun- metal armour x2 AP, Leather Armour +1AP

Grapples: -20% unless wrestling, hit= Dex test to avoid being immobilised Once held, both = prone & do nothing until
hold released . Both make S test.each round, both pass/fail hold maintained, just holder pass can do dam per normal
blow, just holder fail hold= broken

Prone & static = auto hit & 2x damage

Parry- WS test stops D6 dam for 1A, Shield parry +20% but lose all attacks, Specialist Parry= 1 free parry if carry LH

Flee = free hit (@ +10) can’t parry or have shield armour.

Stun -20WS unless Strike to Stun, additional dam=actual dam otherwise no actual Dam, Dam*5%+20 if strike to
stun=knockout for (10-T)D10 minutes

Targeted head/arms (specify which) -20, body legs -10

Mounted – vs mounted or vs >10’=50/50 hit mount or rider <10’ vs horse sized 1-40 rider 41+ mount. Mounts+10 to roll
Mount slain 1-70 dismount, 71-90 thrown random direction D4 yrd fall damage, 91+ trapped1D per S of mount, trapped
& prone S test to escape.

MissileMod: Small (<1’) -10,large >8’ +10,From moving -10, @running -10, evading -20, LR -10, improvised -10, soft
cover -10, hard cover -20 extreme range -20 – group/melee +5 per additional target

Extreme range= 1 round longer (unless indiscriminate at large group)

Heal Wounds: Int test in field 1 min 1D3 wounds restored for Lightly wounded, Hvy Wounded 1 W & now lightly, sv
stops further affects but still needs surgery to fix. ½ hr attendance/day – Int+20% = Regain W=T if failed =T/2

Healing: Light .>2W left 1W/day of rest, rest for week recover addition T points, Hvy <=2W requires treatment then
classed as LW, severe need surgery before recovery which depends on surgery performed, See WH companion P32

Stupidity: Int test then if failed each rnd: 01-20% Do Nothing: if damaged +20% to future rolls, 21-40 Confused: Can
move (½ rate) & parry, can’t use skills magic, nor attack.41-60% Disoriented: may parry & use skills to reduce damage.
No attack. Move at cautious/std rate, Spells cast ½ chance of working 61-80% Dull-witted: A = 1, 81-100% Confused but
resolute: attack nearest creature (be it friend or foe), bellowing loud war cries and shouting encouragement to their
fellows. Their attacks and skill use are as normal, but may be misdirected.

Instability: If uncontrolled Check every min, 1D6=6 roll again 1) permanent. 0 physical damage in combat. affected by
weapons and magic as normal. Still cause fear + psychological effects as normal. Now subject to stupidity. 2) permanent.
0 physical damage in combat, not affected by normal weapons. Still cause fear + psychological effects. Automatically
dispelled by magical attacks or hits from magical weapons. 3) confused and uncertain. May not move for D6 rounds. ½
dam done & 2x Dam taken 4) Drawn entirely back to own plane of existence. D6 disappear not to return. 5) invigorates
and strengthens them. D6 rounds have 2xA 6) Great power, D6 rnds, take 0 dam. all their hits cause +1 D or +1/+10
effect for creatures with non-striking attack modes.

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