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Foreign languages teacher training faculty

Methodology of foreign language department

Competence-technological map of home reading (4th reading)

№ Books Brief review Communicative tasks Technologies Forms of Competences
1 To Sir, With Love by In the Discussion: Discussion Quiz Context-
by E.R.Braithwaite autobiographical 1. Based on the setting of London’s East Debates Discussion communicative
To Sir, With Love, End, which physical descriptions are Role play
Braithwaite strikingly uncomfortable for Round tables Reflective-
recounts his Braithwaite? 2. What uncommon Context analyses developing
devastation as he practices about the school does
realizes he will not Braithwaite learn from Miss Blanchard? Analytical-
be accepted into 3. Greenslade Secondary School is synthetical
his chosen known as a dumping ground for
profession of delinquent teenagers. What are some Linguistic
engineering. challenging home situations of the
Acting on the students? 4. How does Braithwaite’s
advice of a understanding of the concept of the
stranger, he is “British Way of Life” change once he
hired as a teacher comes to live in Britain as a private
at Greenslade citizen? 5. What are Braithwaite’s most
Secondary School, frustrating observations on his first day
one of the worst of teaching? 6. After an inappropriate act
schools in the East of his students, which causes Braithwaite
End of London. to lose his temper, what Deliberate plans
Braithwaite is does he enact to promote an atmosphere
appalled at the of mutual respect? 7. Why does the field
unruly, uncouth trip excursion to the museum change
behavior of his 15- many of the students’ attitudes towards
year-old pupils, school and Braithwaite? 8. How does
and he struggles Braithwaite’s direct conflict with
daily to discover Denham during P.T. (physical training)
ways of reaching change the dynamics in his classroom? 9.
them. How is Braithwaite challenged to grow
as a person and as a teacher through his
experiences with Pamela Dare, Patrick
Fernman, Buckley, Potter, Lawrence
Seales, and Miss Gillian Blanchard? 10.
What is the significance of the title, To
Sir, With Love?

Family plays more crucial role in a
child’s development than school

Analyze the context, meaning and

critical appreciations of the following
‘I am your teacher and I think it right and
proper that I should let you know
something of my plans for the class’.
Then to my surprise and I must confess
to my relief, she opened it quietly and
with a grace and dignity that would have
befitted a queen, she walked to her seat.
‘Potter, Sir’. The ‘Sir’ was somewhat
‘I am your teacher and I’m the one you
should criticize if I fail to maintain the
standards I demand of you.’

Describe briefly the scene between the

speaker and the listeners in the story ‘To
Sir, With Love’. How would you act in
this situation? Role play it basing on
your ideas.
‘You will be treated not as children, but
as young men and women, by me and by
each other. ‘Why does the speaker say
this? Who is being addressed? How
applicable is it to our modern school?
Character portrays
Denham asked children to write the
name of each teacher. The names were
called : Mr Weston, Mrs. Dale-Evans,
Miss Phillips
(ii) Complete the table highlighting the
various traits of the major characters in
the extract from (To Sir With Love).

Describe in brief the purpose of

organising the half-yearly report
programme of Students’ Council.
2 Dead poets society by Todd Anderson Answer the following questions: Discussion Quiz Context-
N.H. Kleinbaum and his friends at 1. What does “Carpe Diem” mean? Why Debates Discussion communicative
Welton Academy does Mr. Keating tell his students this? Role play
can hardly believe 2. According to John Keating (the Round tables Reflective-
how different life English teacher), why do we study Context analyses developing
is since their new poetry? 3. What is the Dead Poet’s
English professor, Society? Analytical-
the flamboyant 4. Where does the Dead Poet’s Society synthetical
John Keating, has meet?
challenged them to 5. What does Neal want to do that his Linguistic
"make your lives father will most likely disapprove of?
extraordinary! " 6. Which play is being performed at
Inspired by Henley Hall? Who wrote it?
Keating, the boys 7. Who is Knox infatuated with?
resurrect the Dead Who is she dating?
Poets Society--a 8. Mr. Keating says, “Just don’t let your
secret club where, poems be .”
free from the 9. Who is the poet Mr. Keating uses to
constraints and help Todd write his poem? (Hint: He’s
expectations of the sweaty-toothed mad-man in the
school and parents, picture)
they let their 10. What instrument does Charlie play at
passions run wild. one of the Dead Poet’s Society
As Keating turns meetings?
the boys on to the 11. What poem does Mr. Keating use to
great words of make his point about everyone being
Byron, Shelley, different (when they were walking in the
and Keats, they courtyard)? Who wrote the poem? 12.
discover not only What do Todd’s parents give him for his
the beauty of birthday (again)? What do he and Neal
language, but the do with it?
importance of 13. What is Charlie’s new name (instead
making each of Charles Dalton)?
moment count.But 14. What type of punishment does
the Dead Poets Charlie, or Nuwanda, get for putting the
pledges soon letter to the editor in the newspaper (as
realize that their well as his “It’s God calling” stunt)? 15.
newfound freedom What does Mr. Keating think the purpose
can have tragic of education is?
consequences. 16. “There is a time for daring, there is a
time for ____________________,” said
Mr. Keating.
17. Why does Neal go to Mr. Keating for
18. Do you think Mr. Keating is at fault
for the tragedy? Why or why not?
2 Answer the questions on this
worksheet thoroughly on a separate sheet
of paper.
1. Characters: Who is (are) the main
character(s)? Is he/she/they dynamic or
static? Round or flat? If dynamic, how
does he change? What do we learn from
this? If he is not dynamic, what do we
learn from his not changing? Is there a
protagonist? Who is(are) the
antagonist(s)? What do the protagonist
and antagonist represent?
2. Plot/Conflicts: What are some of the
conflict(s) in the movie?
(something/someone VS.
something/someone else). What events
or situations in the movie mark the plot
structure? (At what point do the
Exposition, Complication, Crisis,
Climax, and Resolution take place?)
3. Setting: Does setting reveal or affect
meaning in the movie? Examples?
4. Symbolism: What symbolism do you
notice in the movie? Examples?
5. Irony: Is there use of irony in the
movie? What kind of irony (cosmic,
situational, dramatic, verbal)? Examples?
6. Other elements: Are any other literary
elements discussed in class used?
7. Literary Eras: Give a brief definition
of "Romanticism" including its time
period and influence on literature. How
does this relate to the theme of the
movie? Does it relate to the people,
situations, events, or conflicts in the
8. Literary Theory: Can you apply one of
our Literary Theories discussed in the
text and in class to this movie? What is
the theme of the movie? Do you agree
with it or not? Can you relate it to your
life or contemporary society?
9. Theme: What is (are) the theme(s) of
the movie? Examine the conflict
discussed above to gain insight on the
10. By what quote, and/or scene, and/or
character were you most inspired? Why?
3 Dead Poets’ Society- Analysis
questions 1. Describe the setting (time
and place) in detail.
3. Discuss the meaning of how John
Keating introduces himself to the class.
1 A) What Latin phrase captures part of
the theme of this movie? B) How does
this phrase change each of the
2. What is the meaning of YAWP and
who is most affected by it?
3. Discuss the conflict between
conformity and individuality in the
movie especially the struggles the main
characters and John Keating undergo.
4. What is the Dead Poets’ Society what
does it represent?
5. Here are several key phrases from the
movie. Discuss their meaning a) “We are
food for worms.” b) “The powerful play
goes on and you may contribute a verse.”
c) “Only in their dreams can men be
truly free. T’was always thus and always
thus shall be.” d) “I want you to find
your own way to walk.” e) “Sucking the
marrow out of life does not mean
choking on the bone.” f) “Gather ye
rosebuds while ye may.” g) “Make your
lives extraordinary. “ h) “O Captain. My
Captain.” 8. This movie does not answer
any questions. It provides choices.
Comment on this.
3 The prime of Miss Miss Jean Brodie Discussion Quiz Context-
Jean Brodie by Muriel was an unusual Answer the following questions: Debates Discussion communicative
Spark teacher at the What feature? What happens in this Role play
Marcia Blaine Round tables Reflective-
School for girls, in opening? What did it highlight about the Context analyses developing
Edinburgh. Her experiences of the girls when they were
pupils were called young? Sandy and Jenny are discussing Analytical-
the Brodie set and important matters of life – what is their synthetical
were vastly focus? Why do they link this back to
informed on a lot Miss Brodie? In what ways does Sandy Linguistic
of subjects lead a “double life”? (p23) What does
irrelevant to the Miss Brodie’s reaction to Miss Lockhart
authorized show about her character? Structure
curriculum. This is feature p26-27 – Why was this included?
the story of one of Walk around Edinburgh – key incident.
her sets, tracing Girl guides – view? Old/new town –
their lives from age feelings? End of chapter – Sandy turned
12 to 18, & down offer to go to Miss Brodie’s for tea
indicating how and then regretted it – why?
their adult lives Setting – importance?Key incident (eg.
went. Walk in
Edinburgh)StructureBASICALLY –
Can you use your critical language to
explain what happens?
Now you know WHAT happens – let’s
think about our central character
As with John Proctor we learn a lot
about their personality through their
relationships AND their actions

2.Group work
Section1 : FOCUS – Miss Brodie’s view
of herself/her views of others in chapters
1 and 2You should aim to create basic
PEE chainsEg. POINT – Miss Brodie
believes that she is a devoted teacher
who has given her ‘all’ to her “vocation”
– it is not a job it is a way of
life.EVIDENCE – find a quote that
supports thisEXPLAIN – explain what
this quote shows about her – remember
don’t MICRO-ANALYSE!!Aim to
create at least 4 PEE chains from
chapters 1 and 2 – ONLY focusing on
3. Find appropriate evidence and create
basic PEE chains for how Brodie views:
Miss Mackay (best ones in Ch1 and
p38/39 of Ch2)Marcia Blane schoolHer
‘set’Art and Beauty/ the curriculum
4. Create at least 4 PEE chains for
chapters 1 and 2
Your content is going to be about how
others view Miss Brodie.What do they
think of her? How do you know this?
Think about ‘the set’, the headmistress,
other staff….?
5. Chapter 3 1. Focusing on p42-43 In
what ways is Miss Brodie a) similar
b) differentto other Edinburgh spinsters
of the time?2. What effect does the
change in timings have on the reader?
From chapter 1 -3 we have changed from
1936 to 1939 to 1931…Your answer
should include a note on the type of
narrator and the impact of the changing
times – don’t just tell me it is
complicated, try to explain the benefits
of this structural technique.
6. How does Miss Brodie feel about
Italy? As an extension
how does she appear to feel about the
Pope?4. On p44 – comment on the
details of dress Miss Brodiegives her
class…what does this suggest about
herpersonality?5. Focusing on p45/46
what does the reader learn about Miss
Brodie’s in terms ofa) Mussolini?b) The
way she treats the girls in her class (if
you can provide at least one piece of
evidence to support your point)
Read over p48 – 536. What do we know
of Teddy Lloyd and Gordon Lowther?
Who are they? What do they have in
common?7. Why did Sandy look at Miss
Brodie differently on p53?8. What
indication do we have that Miss Brodie
cared for Mr Lowther? p55
7. What contradiction in Miss Brodie’s
nature is clarified on
p60 when discussing her love life?10. In
the flash-forward on p60 Sandy’s
reaction to MissBrodie’s “whine”
clarifies Sandy’s changing feelings
towards her old ‘idol’. What does this
point show about Brodie’s
characterisation? What prompted this
change?11. p63 – When discussing
Sandy entering the convent in later years
Miss Brodie manages to link it back to
herself: “Do you think she has done this
to annoy me?”Is there any truth in this
statement? In what way? (You may wish
to consider Brodie’s feelings about
Catholicism and the influence she had
over Sandy)
8. Chapter 4 and 5 Working in small
Can you find any evidence (with page
references) that would contribute to our
focus of:Brodie’s
characterisationSandy’s relationship with
BrodieBetrayalThe divided
personalityGroup 1 and 2 (chapter 4 p75-
84) Group 3 and 4 (p85 – 98)Group 5
and 6 (chapter 5 p99 – 114)

4 Up the down staircase Sylvia Barrett Answer the following questions: Discussion Quiz Context-
by Bel Kaufman arrives at New 1. What is the name of the main Debates Discussion communicative
York City’s Calvin character?Hint Role play
Coolidge High Round tables Reflective-
fresh from earning Context analyses developing
Paul Barringer
literature degrees
at Hunter College Sylvia Barrett Analytical-
and eager to shape synthetical
Beatrice Schacter
young minds.
Instead she Sadie Finch Linguistic
encounters broken
windows, a lack of 2. Who is the first student to enter the
supplies, a stifling classroom?Hint
bureaucracy, and
students with no
Rachel Gordon
interest in Chaucer.
Her bumpy yet
Lou Martin
rewarding journey Elizabeth Ellis
is narrated through
Jose Rodriguez
an extraordinary
collection of
3. What student drops out in the first act?
sternly worded yet
administrative Carrie Blaine
memos, furtive
Helen Arbuzzi
notes of wisdom
from teacher to Janet Amdur
teacher, “polio
Edward Williams
consent slips,” and
student homework
4. Which student has a crush on
assignments that
unwittingly speak
from the heart. It
timelessly depicts a Linda Rosen
beleaguered public
Carole Blanca
school system
redeemed by Alice Blake
teachers who love
Vivian Paine
to teach and
students who long
5. Which student changes her name?Hint
to be recognized.

Alice Blake
Carole Blanca
Rachel Godon
Elizabeth Ellis
6. Which student doesn't have a home?

Harry A. Kagan
Jose Rodriguez
Lennie Newmark
Joe Ferone

7. What does Joe Ferone toss on Miss

Barrett's desk when he first appears?Hint

A late pass
A toothpick
A book report
A board eraser

8. Which student runs the newspaper?


Linda Rosen
Jill Norris
Lennie Newmark
Lou Martin

9. Which student is missing an imitation

red alligator makeup kit?Hint
Linda Rosen
Rachel Gordon
Elizabeth Ellis
Jill Norris

10. Which student informs Miss Barrett

about the horrible incident that has
happened outside?Hint


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