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1. Question 01 :
Create new in-game elements for Bubble Shooter Classic
1.1. Design and propose 2 new power-ups - explain their mechanics and why would
user pay for this
1.2. Design and Propose 2 new Blockers or in-game bubble types explain their
mechanics and why they would be different
1.3. How would you balance it when introducing into the game
Answer :
● Swirling Bubble
○ Mechanics
This power-up, when activated, creates a swirling vortex that randomly repositions
the bubbles.This will introduce the element of unpredictability, and potentially
create matches and strategic opportunities.
○ Incentive
The players will be using this power-up at higher levels which are in higher difficulty
as in times it happens that the levels are too challenging and the player is not able to
match the bubbles and thus this power-up will be a good option to shake up the level
while breaking the stagnant situations.
● Prediction Glasses
○ Mechanics
This power-up, when activated, allows the player to have the preview of 3 upcoming
bubbles so that the player is able to use that info to make sound decisions to their
○ Incentive
Based on the fact that there are times in a bubble shooter where the player is having
a match on the board but does not have the matching bubble to use, active creates
a drawback for the player. Thus this power which will give an additional chance for
the player in the higher level should be highly sought as that there will be a chance
to have the matching bubble.
● Frozen Bubble
○ Mechanics
This blocker is a type of bubble which has a protective barrier which will make them
immune and also does not show its color while being immune to matches but the
barrier can be broken by directly hitting the bubble 1 time. The color of the bubble
will be random which will only be known after breaking the barrier.
○ Incentive
So, the Frozen Bubble is the type of destroyable blocker, which adds the element of
unpredictability where the player is not aware of the type of bubble which will be
revealed after the barrier is broken thus creating unpredictability and reliability for
that specific level.
● Crystal Bubble
○ Mechanics
This blocker reflects the shot in the opposite direction,creating a mirrored effect.
○ Incentive
So, the Crystal bubble when upon hit will reflect the bubble in the opposite direction
and follow the mirrored path. This blocker will be effectively baked on the point it
adds a layer of complexity to the level where players will also be able use this
blocker to their advantage by making strategic decisions if not then will ensure
Balancing Considerations
● Introduction
To introduce these power-ups and blockers in the game, it will be feasible to introduce
it gradually over multiple levels so that the player is able to adapt to be the power-ups
and blockers.
● Progression & Difficulty Curve
Regarding the progression and difficulty curve, these elements will gradually increase
in frequency while slightly increasing the complexity of the levels.
● Feedback
While establishing the progression flow and difficulty flow, figuring out about visual and
auditory aspects of the elements are to be considered. Matching both the visual and
auditory feedback will be necessary while implementing the elements.
● Testing & Optimization
While implementing the elements in the matches, in-house testing of the levels have to
be done with multiple sets of data which can provide a roughly estimated scale of
Based on that, optimization of the level should be there to future polish the levels while
accurately balancing the difficulty curve.
● User Testing & Analytics
After the patch update in specific conditions, while monitoring the player engagement
and feedback while give a better outlook in the prospects if the within 72 hours the
player engagement drops by more than 5 % then reworking and optimization of the
implemented features/elements in done again if not then it can be expected to be good
to go.

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