Workbook B1+

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D 1.2 Communication | Wheewns enalishe GRAMMAR Subject and object questions A Correct the mistakes in each question, 11 What do you guys go out the other night? 2. Which do you want, an ice cream? eto do forhis birthday next week? 4. How much did she have te wait at the bank? 5 Who shoes are these? 6 How doesnt Laur 1B Rewrite these sentences as questions. The underlined ‘words are the answer to each question, 1 Kako speaks English with ast Who speaks English with « strong Japanese accent? 2. Danny learnt Spanish ata school ia Madd language lab is open fom 10am to'9 pm. 4 You your English by watching Enalish fms 5 Yes, we should ask the teacher what this ward means, 6 Shakesneaue is cons modern English, waiter of I'm studying modern American literature this tetm We speak Jamaican English at hom © Complete the conversation with one to four words in leach space. \ Charley: Sirvone, ‘how many languages are spoken in Simone: \el are 11 languages Charley: alti bit ofall of them, and Simone: \¢ Charley: language is anguage? speak Southem Sesotho, which is aso calle tho. This langui Engish speakers to learn? ‘Simone: Yes, its dificult to learn, unfoxtunsateh ferent from English Charley: Oh. different? Simone: Well there are 9 vowels ancl 3 of the consonants are lick (Charley: 0h, [ve heard about that that sour Slmone: You mate it by clicking your tongue aga mouth. Ittakes same practice to get but anyone can lear! Charley: Cool (lke to try that me how to do it sometime? Simone: OF course lil teach you! But in languages? Charley: | suppose because | enjoy commu different ways. 1.2 Communication | wheowne English VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION Languages Pronouncing questions ‘A. Mateh the words (1-7) with the definitions (2-9. @ 2 Usten to the speakers and underiine which question | 7 2 What do you learn in class? 2. bilingual to speak anly one language bb What did you lear in 3 fluent € (Gpeaking) correctly, without mab 2 a Whatd mistakes » 4 accent to speaktwo languages eats ib How did you like your lesson? 5 © any small group of words that forn as seaneuser mene: sepgemeaning bb How did you know Marcus? 8 Practise saying the questions in Exercise A s 7 idiom Ing) easily, without difficulty vinomes : @ ¢ Listen again and check yourpronunciaton, Np) © Complete the sentences with the wards from Exercise A. yy ichers want you to use tionary to meaning ofa word, they aften use the Look tus 2. His tongue wasn't literally tied: to have your tongue isain meanin wha eit when | hear it. peers are because fe a major need to learn another language © that she's from Argentina you dont spel the words youl lose mari . Canadians living in Quebec are often _ they can speak both French: D 2.1 Experiences ee Con aes PRONUNCIATION © Undertine the corect option to complete tne sentences 's and ‘ve 1 [still yethaven't visited Australia, but | will one day. 2. My friend has gone / went swimming with dolphins Woe > tien tant sentences complete te sentences tn cS a missing word or contraction. 3. Where isthe most memorable place youhave ever 1 planted a tee been ever went? 2 fishes FN 4 Ivestil/just soved a dificult problem we had at work 3 made a ist. 55 Philippe has been washere for three months so far 4 startedan online course. 6 lejust/ never wanted to do anything daring ike 5 saveda lot of money. climbing a mountain 6 cirmbed a mountain 7 Matta did /has done a parachute jump on her 7 started s new job 30" birthday. 8 made our decision 8 Ivebeen so busy that havertt answered that email ateady | yet B Practise saying the sentences in Exercise A. © Complete the blog so that itis true for you. GRAMMAR (liecyuce. ~— Present perfect simple and Have you ever past simple ent was youngertw of my reams were ‘Complete ne conversation with te presen perfect, oo ‘simple or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Unfortunately havent yet but have Alex $0 youever : (ot) a bucket st? : |aetived my eam fonen in Bex: Yes,| have. (write) one (where). 1 was with, about five years ago. But |* ‘(wiho) at time. | felt so. {emotion}. (not go) many ofthe things ye Alex: How many yeu (do) so far? Bex: Only one, actually! On my last birthday, . (do) aparachute jump. That! 3 erful. So, only 99 mare things to dat you? Alex: Oh, |” never — (mate) a bucket list. My broth always doing the things Bex: such a:? ‘Alex: Well for example are December, he! swimming with do unusual things he’s 2.1 Experiences VOCABULARY Collocations: making big decisions ‘A Complete the collocations with the verbs in the box. of lose make make put set stay take tum work B Complete the sentences with the collocations from Beercise A 1 Dont well gett 6 Ihave to make bor look for sornethang bet 7 king towar » VOCABULARY Dependent preposi adjective + for /of) |A Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-8) with the endings (ah) ns (verb / 1 This job would only 2 of Joe! to try to solve the be suitable problem on his own, 2 Themanagement dont fora animal charity asa seem to be aware volunteer, 3 Rewastypical © forsomeone who speaks lspanese 4 Nazhas askedfor 4 foryourfist job 5 Salyisvery proud ears Inmy frst worked fei © of berseforieaming 7 itcanbe dificult to howto sur pepe 1 permission to take the 8 Ase you looking ay of ‘of how big the problems, tn for anew jobnow? ‘Complete the sentences with the collocations from Exercise A, 11 Anyone who takes up mountaineering should be ‘the dangers invotved. 2- Sanda was going to take her kids to see a new farmasy film; lucklly her sister warmed her that wasn't children before she bought the: kets 3 Thedishesin the restaurant were very the region ~ al the food was delicious! 4. Thomas spent all moming his keys, bt he stil couldn't find them. ais abig tech company inCaliforia, She absolutely loves t there 6 Lara’ parents were so her when she graduated from university last year 7. The coupiein the café their bil 8 Claire has been marathon for the past sx months her first Problems and solutions © Complete the letter of advice with the correct form of the) verbs in the box agree analyse cause come deal sole sungest Dear Carlo, In your leter you told me that you don't now how to" ‘with a dificult situation at work Well first you need to think about what's 2 the problem, You say that whenever you" solutions for problems at work, yourboss is very negative and just rejects them a Have you tried * up witha variety of different solutions? Do you ty to look atall the different ways you can : work problem? Maybe your boss thinks that your ideas aren't flexible enough. ‘And finally, et together with your colleagues to . each issue asit occurs. Maybeit youwork togetherand? ona plen cof action, our boss willbe les likely to reject PRONUNCIATION Word stress: verbs with two syllables _~ Se S ‘A Putthe verbs in the box in the corect column. achieve focus manage regret study suggest eran’ pis eer) eis @ ® Listen tothe vers. Check your answers to Exerise A. Listen again. EXPERIENCES 93 3.1 On the move | Travetexperienc GRAMMAR \ Narrative tenses A. Circle the correct answer, a, bor. 1. |__down the street when a bus passed by and splashed water all over me! a was wakking b walked ¢ hadwatked 2. Itwas.a typical Monday moming commute:the trains \wererunning late and everyone sboutit. a complained was complaining «had complained 3. Elsa tookher seat on the plane, but after ten minutes, the fight attendant __adelay. a had announced Was announcing «© announced 4 She tured round to pay the taxi driver but he_ off and was nowhere to be seen. a already drove had aleady driven, © Was already dreving 5 Hamish saw a great travel deal online and it immediately 2 wasbooking b hadbooked ¢ booked 6 Because Hank a cheap ticket, he couldn't change it without paying 2 penalty 2 bought had bought © was buying 7 Although the weather was bad,it when the accident occurred, a wasraining b rained 8 She wanted tosstin the back by the window, but sorneone__ the seat already. 2 haditaken b took © wastaking Rewrite the verbs in bold in the story using the correct forms of the past simple, past continuous or past perfect simple. 18 ONTHE Move While Louis ‘drove ing__ to work ne day, he noticed a bike lane on his street. He-didn'tsee ___itefore, so he guessed that it was new, He mentioned itto his neighbours, but they said twas there for months. How did | not notice that?’ Louis wondered to himself Hethad decided _ togive the newbike lane a try. So, the next day, he got his bicycle out of the garage and ‘was leaving home half an hour early, to give himself more time to get to work. As he rode down the street, he shad suddenly found that he was looking at his neighbourhood in a completely new way. He ‘had seen the children ‘walking to school, the trees by the side of the road and his neighbours caling out greetings. He ‘was never noticing these things before because he usually took his car to work. Now commuting to work had become the best part of his warking day! VOCABULARY Collocations: travel information _ A Match the beginnings ofthe sentences (1-8) with the | 7g endings (a-n}. 1 Be careful driving hhete: the road 2 rain, so dive slowly on the way to Revs house. 2 If leave during b lightis ted and | have to wait rush forit to tum green to-go! 3 Isthere an «hour, the motorways will underground be packed. 4 Healy hate d buses because there's never overcrowded anywhere to sit 5 Were inaterible fe Yorks up ahead, so well ave traffic tago byadéferent route, 6 Steven, the traffic f sign says there are falling rocks, 7 The forecast isfor @ line that rns below this heay building? 8 There are toad bh jam —we haven't moved for 20 minutes! 3.1 On the move Nouns ending in -ion PRONUNCIATION B Rewrite the following werbs as a noun using Yon. Other Word stress in nouns ending in -ion i SBetING Eanes may De neCaaT. Q A Listen to two speakers saying the same sentence. Tick (#4) jeanne the speaker who pronounces the ion word cortecty 2 decide 1 informnati oS 3 polit sealers (Somers O Aat 2 reaction a react F 3 decision © Complete the blog post with the nouns from Exercise B. tect Cl sak C) feco 8 sl ee cotnparear 2 9 u Hello, clean air! 5. oO I've finally made the * to stop 6 sing my ear and start using public transport. speskere: §(C)—spenters Well, we all know that there is a direct cadanduir BB Practise saying the -ion words in Exercise A But what was my inspiration for making this. choice? The * in my home city Is particularly bad; the air quality is just terrible. One day, | noticed an ugly brown cloud hanging over the city and my . was one of disgust. And that was it - { parked my carin the garage ‘and that's where it's going to stay. Now I use buses and | often waik short distances. We simply can’t have the expectation. that our environment will improve if we ‘ourselves do not take * , 3.2 On the move | tavelsmare GRAMMAR . Articles and quantifiers Bicycles are better Everyone wants to live in * town or city ‘without pollution. And, naturally, we also want. 2 ‘town or city where we live to be people-friendly and easy to get around. But, like all * city-dwellers, we know there's . issue with transport. How do we get ‘around without causing pollution? The city of ‘i Helsinki is © European capital ‘which has always embraced bikes and cycling, ‘50 why not here in 7 UK, t00? Officials in British cities throughout the country need to Complete the sentences with one word in each space. ‘do more to encourage people to use * 1 There was aloceftaticinheay WSSy bieyeles by creating more bike lanes and safe centre today ‘spaces for cyclists. 2. We'd better buy some petrol as we havent got lef. 3. There arent seats for everybody to sitdown B Circle the correct option to complete the sentences. 4 There's ETERS 1 How few! much many luggage are we allowed to take fmectde onthe pie? 5 of pollution is created by privat 2. There aren't much / enough /plenty trains during rush 6 sadly few people in ey town use hour, so they're often very crowded, bicycles asa means of transport 3 Ivegat very enough / much tle money <0 can't afford to buy anew ca PRONUNCIATION 4 There's plenty of Iitle/too much time until the tain . a leaves -let’sgo and get some coffe. Sentence stress: quantifiers 5 Would you like veryfew/ quite a fot / alittle sugar in QA Listen and underline the quantifiers the speakers stress in yourtea? 32 eachsentence. © The Kutsuplus service haclenough (alot of/ too many ‘Alot of people were angry about the det. achantages. There wete afew trains operating on Sunday 7 Few Little /Afew people use the local bus service and it’sin danger of being cancelled 8 Icanit hear you~ there's plenty of /not enough /'foo much noise in this train carriage! 2 aM 4 There's toomuch traffic in the city centre. 5 6 there many people om the bus? Have you got enough money for the tickets? ‘There’ little chance of leaving eatly today. B Practise saying the sentences in Exercise A with the cortect intonation. 20. ON THE Move VOCABULARY Gradable and ungradable adjectives A Underline the correct answers to complete the letter to a newspaper. = Dear Sir/Madam, Yesterday's article on reducing traffic in towns and cities was ‘really / completely interesting ‘and | wanted to add my thoughts on the issue. ‘Many of my friends find it “absolutely / a bit astonishing that | have never learnt to drive. | point out to them that as | live in a big city, it is "completely / very easy to get around using public transport. Some of them are ‘very furious / furlous when Jobserve that driving cars is "extremely / a bit damaging to the environment and the number fone cause of air pollution in our cities. | find it “very funny / very hilarious how people react to unpleasant truths. Hook forward to more articles on this tapic. Yours, Femi Oke comm _i]j| 8 Which adjectives collocate with very? Put atick (¥) or across (x), 1 brian Oo 2 enormas =) 4 impossi sfithy oO excelent oO ( ty wee OQ C Complete the sentences using an adjective from Exercise A or Exercise 8. dl 1 Theexam Noone in the cone of the mast tion, ysicists af his gen 3 The skyscraper being builtin the city centre is going to 4 My with me when | sd some important files. tly 5. Simon's wan isabsolutely He really ONTHE MOVE 21 GRAMMAR © Choose the correct option (2, b orc) to complete the sentences. Future forms i aoe $B ) © complete the sentences with the correct future frm hacer 1D / © sing the prompts is teacher t class this term, a ty 1 1/meet/ Soran tomorow b ‘stying atépm € ‘sg0ing ta 2 We/have atest on Tues 2 0 the party with us or with Li 3. Petra says she /run her @ WilSareh come wn business 0 bb Sarah coming 4 ity hard to finish my © IsSarah going to come studies this year 3 We in the sea if it's freezing. We'll 5 I forgot to call Danny ~1/do he how cold it is when we get there. us a won't swim © what, you /do tomorrow i Sencemainn € aren't going to swim 7 going 4 think the steak and chips please 8 fyoudon'tlke the music, 1/tum a have itdown b mhaving B Complete the conversations with the correct future © Meena Ne form of the verbs in brackets, 5 Wiliam 2 candidat for the job Ben: So, have youmade any resolutions for this year? fomeroyl afte Tom: Just one. I re a Winter todtive b ‘sintenewing Ben: Final i off the roads then! Interviews Tom: Very funny. What about you? ¥« usaid you Ben: Yeah, but Tom: No pr fl Ben: Oh wow! next we Tom: es, but! my first lesson on Mond: home then Anna Claire: Yes,|am! We (@a)t0 Rome in the summer. ‘Anna: But you (notbe) able to leam talian in six months! Clare: No, |know. just want little ofthe language sal. Anna: Ch, |see.4 uplater anything tonight? yay, afew of us are rm Claire: No, free Anna: Great! CHANGE >: PRONUNCIATION Intonation for attitude and mood > steno eight sentences. cil te option that est describes each speaker's attitude or mood. ti ‘happy to help / notinterested 2. Areyou going estaurant again excited / bored 3. Ineed to make starting from determined / unsure 4 Peterscomingforkanch tomorrow. negative (positive 5 Really? surprised / sarcastic 6 OK.OK. un thoughtfut angry 7 What are you going to d nervous / curious 8 Thanks alot Ironic / excited Practise saying the sentences in Exercise A using the same intonation. O9< ster span to check your intonation VOCABULARY Collocations: goals and resolutions A. Complete the collocations with the verbs in the box. Use each verb once only break cut keep make quit reach 2 3 4 : 5 6 Match the collocations in Exercise A to the correct definition, 1 stor 2 not 3. set (ourself) ag 4 achieve som 5 doless of 6 sticktoa pla Complete the sentences with one word in each space. Use words from Exercise A and 8, chocolate 1) You should cut and sweets. 2. Linda has finally manag drinking ution ts 3 [mdetermined to yf English exam by working extra hard 4 Ifyour target isnot realistic, youll never 5 Ivemadea tostop py have finished my work ideo game uccess fyou don't try to be ready torun ‘original plan, \ er \ et GRAMMAR Making predictions A Citcle the correct option to complete the sentences 1 will /1s going to knock down that o 2 She may/ wal a any, bu 3. Iimdefintely / probably 4 Wewll/ might: per fer s need industry to ane ‘are going to /could try to poll 6 You will probably / are going to ed 2 They wont /might not de they are a 8 probably will / will probably f the ‘Complete the sentences with one word in each space. 25 0 er neighbo 3 ou lat see Correct the mistakes in each sentence Complete the predictions so that they are true for you 1th 2 Next moni D 4.2 Change PRONUNCIATION ‘Il: contraction of will QA Usten to five sentences and undertine which phrase cred 42 youhear ue 1a Wework b Well work » 2 a Imake imate da tte b itlhcost 4a Yougut » Youll quit 5 a Shelet b shellet Linking words: final consonant sound and first vowel sound 9 B Listen and complete the sentences with a missing phrase. aseihelp book. You won't find ‘ 2 : : Practise saying the sentences in Exercise B, Make the links between the final consonants and the first vowel sounds. Qo tite again ts ceca your prorincation: VOCABULARY _. Prefixes: dis-, mis-, over-, re-, under- ») JA Circle the correct answer, a, Bore 1 Oh, Ithought you s | understood you a over b dis © mis 2. wanted to move to the countryside, but ve had to think my plans. are b over « mis 3 Icantseemto ind my wallet! must have are b dis < mis 4 Hfocean levels keep rising, many low-yin appear, a over b dis cr 5 This town used to be a nice place to live but is become populated, @ under » over cr 6 Working asa teacher is quite difficult, and on top of that, you're generally pai. » over bd © under 7st better to fix up an old building or knock it down and —bulld #? ate b ds © over 8 if you —agree with your boss too often, you might find 2 mis > over « dis 28 CHANGE Complete the text with the correct form of the words given in capitals. oan areas all over the world are rethinking their city planning a5 2 reat of rising sea levels. Officials must consider whether they should housing to better withstand the changing environment fof erect high concrete walls, Of course, ‘wealthier ties can manage climate change ‘much better. Experts may * over the ‘best approach, but they are at least able to implement 2 solution when they come up with one. Bangladesh, for example, I ot sea level and is captal was ateady before thousands of ‘climate refugees began arrving, Many came to the capital because they were already ‘experiencing changes in the environment — leaving behind coastal towns that will probably have ina few years time, LUtimatly, it wll take a global effort to find 3 solution to climate change, particularly by policymakers who the problem and heavy polluters who dont even want to admit there is one, THINK BUILD AGREE

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