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My invertebrate book

1. What I have to do?

I have to do a work about invertebrates doing a text where you answer the questions
below but without writing the question, just the answer. It is going to be a group work
so we have to decide together the animals to do and then distribute them among us.
(Tengo que hacer un trabajo sobre los invertebrados hacienda un texto donde aparezca
la información de las preguntas que aparecen más abajo. Es un trabajo en grupo por lo
que entre todos decidiremos los animales que vamos a realizar y después los
repartiremos para que cada uno haga uno.)
The work is going to be done in a colour paper (A4). We have to add a picture or
drawing of the animal. Then we will put all my group animals together, do a cover all
together and make the book. (El trabajo se realizará en una hoja de color tamaño A4.
Debemos añadir una imagen o dibujo del animal. Después, pondremos todas las hojas
juntas, haremos una portada entre todos y haremos el libro.)

2. What could I need?

• Natural Science book, • Colour Papers • Computer
other books… • Scissors • Printer
• Pens, Colours, markers…

3. Which are the questions to answer?

a) Which is the animal?
b) Which is its group (molluscs or insects)?
c) If it is a molluscs, which is its group? (Bivalves, gastropods or cephalopods)
d) How is its body?
e) What does it usually eat?
f) How does it breathe?
g) How does it reproduce?
h) Where does it usually live?
i) Fun fact.

4. When is the deadline?

You have to deliver the work the 13th of November 2023

5. What I am going to be evaluated of?

Unit 2 project portfolio Excellent Good Ok Improve

a) It is presented on time.
b) It has got all the parts: cover, pictures…
c) You have answer all the questions.
d) The information is correct and enough.

e) The presentation is beautiful, in order and clean.

f) I present it correctly, without reading and saying
only the important information.


The mussels are molluscs and bivalves because they

have two shells.
They have a soft orange body with two black shell to
protect it.
They eat plankton and they are omnivores.
They breathe through gills.
They are oviparous, they lay eggs.
They live in the ocean or sea.
They are very important in the sea because they filter
the water cleaning it. They can filter 20 litres per day.

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