Tugas 1 Bahasa Dan Terminologi Hukum

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NIM : 044371607


Berikut adalah 10 kalimat dalam bahasa inggris yang menggunakan istilah hukum yang telah
disebutkan diatas.
 The principle of presumption of innocence is fundamental in criminal proceedings,
ensuring that a defendant is considered innocent until provent gulity in a court of law
 The justice collaborator, also known as a witness turned informant, plays a crucial role
in providing information to authirities in exchange for leniency in their own legal
 Engaging in contempt of court, such as disobeying court orders or disrupting
proceedings, can lead to penalties or even imprisonment.
 To file a lawsuit, one must establish legal standing, showing a direct connection to the
case and a genuine interest in the outcome
 In some cases, the shifting burden of proof requires the defendant to prove their
innocenc, shifting the traditional burden from the prosecution.
 Comparative seizure involves comparing assets seized from different parties to
determine their connection ti illegal activities and potential forfeiture.
 Forfeiture is the legal process through which property or aseets associated with criminal
activities are seized and permanently confiscated by the govornmen.
 A legal entity, such as a corporation or LLC, is considered a separate legal person with
rights and responsibilities distinct from its owners.
 Minutes/official record of court procedings are meticulously maintained to ensure
transparency and accuracy in the legal process.
 Pledge right, also known as a lien, grants party the legal right to retain possession of
property untul a debt or obligation is satisfied.

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