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Inspiration Expanded

n the 5th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons, the

base Inspiration is often overlooked and
considered underwhelming and sometimes even
boring. Players and Dungeon Masters frequently
bypass its utilization, causing it to fall short of its
potential to enliven the narrative and enrich the
role-playing experience. In an effort to address
this issue, I would like to introduce my Inspiration
Expanded system, which aims to reward players for
their role-play and the triumphant accomplishment of
achievements, forging a stronger connection between
characters and the unfolding saga. The purpose of this
new system is also to enhance the flow of combat,
particularly for those classes that traditionally find
themselves with limited choices or actions during
combat encounters. This Inspiration Expanded can be
used as either an alternative to traditional Inspiration or
as an additional resource that complements and
elevates the already existing system.
As an alternative to core Inspiration
When used as an alternative to Inspiration, it’s
important to keep in mind that all the characters in the
party should have equal to opportunities to gain
Inspiration points, given their particularly powerful
effects. These points should primarily reward excellent
role-play, significant achievements, and other
noteworthy contributions to the game’s narrative.
Concurrently with core Inspiration
If used together with core Inspiration, these points
could gain a more epic role, becoming a pool of fate or
hero points, and adding a new layer of depth to the
game. For example, in my campaign set in an ancient
Greek-inspired setting, I’m using this rule to act as a
significant marker of the characters’ progression
towards their ultimate destinies. In this case,
InspirationPoints serve as an additional rewards,
highlighting the party’s journey and feats.
Inspiration Points and Gritty Realism
This rule is particularly well-suited for campaigns belonging
to the epic and high fantasy genres, where the heroes are
destined for greatness beyond the ordinary realms of
achievement. The application of Inspiration Points greatly
amplifies the characters’ abilities, empowering them to
perform feats that echo with the resounding brilliance of
legendary heroes. However, it’s essential to be careful while
considering to use this rule for other types of campaigns. In
settings that emphasize horror, gritty realism, or where
vulnerability and the precariousness of survival are thematic
pillars, the implementation of this rule may not be advisable.
The empowered nature of characters could diminish the
intended atmosphere of vulnerability and existential
precariousness, making it less resonant with the themes of
the campaign setting.
Inspiration Points Spending Inspiration Points: Inspiration Points can be
While using the Inspiration Expanded variant rule, each spent in a variety of ways, as detailed below. When you
character gains access to a resource called Inspiration use a specific effect that let you gain advantage on the
Points, empowering them to shape their paths towards roll or add a numeric value to it, you must declare so
triumph and extraordinary achievements. Here are the before the roll. Using Inspiration Points doesn’t require
key concepts of Inspiration Points: to expended any action or reaction (unless specified).
Limited Resource: Inspiration Points act as a finite 1 Inspiration Point
reservoir of potential, available individually to each Gain advantage on an attack roll, ability check or
character. The availability of Inspiration Points may saving throw.
vary, adjusting fluctuating depending on the unfolding Re-roll the damage of an attack, variable numeric
narrative and the Dungeon Master’s discretion. A effect of a spell or ability or other effect caused by
character can hold a maximum of 5 Inspiration Points you. You may choose which of the results to use.
at any given time, and any additional point gained
afterwards is lost.
Narrative Influence: Inspiration Points grant players the 2 Inspiration Points
ability to exert a major influence over the story. By Automatically stabilize or prevent Instant Death.
spending Inspiration Points, players can alter the Add your proficiency bonus to a roll it wouldn’t
outcome of an event by turning the tides of fate. A normally apply to (as long as the roll does not require
character may spend Inspiration Points to gain being proficient to attempt).
advantage on some rolls, add bonuses to their rolls, Regain 1 use of an ability that requires a short rest to
prevent Instant Death and more. This empowers
characters to accomplish remarkable feats that surpass regain.
the capabilities of mere mortals. When you miss a target with an attack roll, you can
Gaining Inspiration Points: Inspiration Points can be use your reaction to turn the miss into a hit.
acquired in a variety of ways, such as achieving
significant milestones, exceptional role-playing, and 3 Inspiration Points
fulfilling character-specific goals. Additionally, leveling
up presents another avenue for replenishing or Regain the uses of abilities as though you had taken
acquiring Inspiration Points, either restoring them fully a short rest. You don’t gain any other benefits of a
or adding a specific number based on progression. The short rest (e.g. expending hit dices).
amount of Inspiration Points awarded can heavily vary Regain 1 use of an ability that requires a long rest to
from table of table, as suitable to the specific needs. The regain.
table below detail a general idea about how many points Transform a critical hit against you into a normal hit.
can be awarded to each player throughout the campaign
without disrupting the game balance. 4 Inspiration Points
Character Level Total Inspiration Points Gained When you hit a target with an attack roll, you can use
1 1 your reaction to turn the hit into a critical hit.
2 2 Regain a number of spell slots equal to half the
maximum level of slots you can cast (rounded up).
5 5
6 7 5 Inspiration Points
7 9
Regain the uses of abilities as though you had taken
8 11
a long rest. You don’t gain any other benefits of a
9 13
long rest (e.g. regaining hit dices).
10 15
Before starting a turn, you can declare you will
11 18
perform an additional turn thereafter.
12 21
Automatically succeed on a failed saving throw or
ability check.
15 30
16 34 Regaining Abilities and Inspiration Points
17 38 When a player expends Inspiration Points to recover one or
18 42 more uses of an ability, this does not generally apply to spell
19 46 slots or spellcasting features, unless your DM doesn’t decide
20 50 otherwise.
1. Memorable Moments: For creating memorable
Inspiration Points and Personality traits moments that enhance the gaming experience, such as
The Dungeon Master can decide to make Inspiration Points dramatic speeches, clever plans, or humorous
more impactful when they are used in a manner that aligns occurrences.
1. Overcoming Personal Challenges: Successfully
closely with a character’s background, story, or personality.
This approach encourages players to engage more deeply
overcoming personal challenges or conflicts integral to
with their character’s unique traits and flaws, enriching the
overall storytelling. In practice, using Inspiration Points in the character’s development or the storyline.
alignment with a character’s essence can make them more 1. Enhancing the Group Enjoyment: Actions that
effective or efficient. For instance, if a character known for significantly enhance the enjoyment, engagement, and
their loyalty and self-sacrifice is fighting a challenging battle,
using Inspiration Points to aid their comrades by putting
entertainment of the gaming group.
their life in dangerous could be rewarded accordingly. The
Dungeon Master might allow the character to use their
Inspiration Points more effectively, possibly expending fewer
points to accomplish a significant action. This rule adds a
layer of strategy and immersion, while also rewarding players
for role-playing and making decisions in harmony with their
character’s background and personality traits.

Awarding Inspiration Points

Detailed below is a list of examples of feats that could
be deemed worth the awarding of Inspiration Points.
1. Character Development: When a character’s
backstory, personality traits, ideals, bonds, or flaws
meaningfully influence the game’s narrative or
character decisions.
1. Heroic Actions: Characters performing acts of
heroism that go beyond mere success in a task, such as
saving an NPC from a dire situation at great personal
1. Creative Problem-Solving: Reward players who come
up with creative or strategic solutions to challenges and
problems encountered during the adventure.
1. Outstanding Role-Play: Grant points for exceptional
role-play that enhances the group’s experience,
immersion, and the overall narrative.
1. Achievement of Personal Goals: When a character
accomplishes a personal goal or milestone that is
integral to their development or backstory.
1. Group Cohesion and Teamwork: Award points for
actions that significantly contribute to the group’s
cohesion, teamwork, and overall success in encounters
and challenges.
1. Contribution to the Story: Reward players who make
significant contributions to the progression of the story,
such as through decisive actions, meaningful
interactions, or uncovering key pieces of information.
1. Exceptional Bravery: Characters displaying
exceptional bravery in the face of daunting or terrifying
1. Fulfilling Quest Objectives: Successfully completing
major quest objectives or milestones in the campaign.
1. Level Advancement: Replenishing or awarding a
certain amount of Inspiration Points upon reaching a
new character level.
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards of
the Coast product names, and their respective logos are
trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the USA and
other countries.
This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of
the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used
with permission under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2023
by DMSlash and published under the Community
Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

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