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English-Language & Literature (184)
Class X | 2023–24
Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section A: READING SKILLS (20 marks)

Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages

1. Read the following text. 10m

(1) The invention of the safety bicycle in the late nineteenth century transformed the world
of cycling. While early versions of bicycles had been used in Europe since the
seventeenth century, it was the safety bicycle with its lightweight hollow steel frame and
equal-sized wheels that revolutionised the cycling experience.

(2) This resulted in enhanced mobility for both men and women, allowing them to explore
the countryside freely and travel between towns. Bicycles symbolised freedom,
particularly for women, granting them self-reliable transportation and the ability to
participate in recreational activities, like bicycle racing. The rise of bicycles also brought
a shift in fashion, with more functional and relaxed clothing tailored specifically for
(3) Bicyclists also became a political force. They played a significant role in the
development of road maps, guiding riders along the best routes. They campaigned for
better infrastructure to enhance their riding experiences.
(4) Today, advances in technology, wearables* and complex data analysis have transformed
sports science, particularly in endurance sports, like cycling. Cyclists can now gather
vast amounts of data simply by using mobile apps to track their activities. This data not
only encompasses exercise details, like its volume or intensity, but also external factors
like the impact of weather on the physiological response of the athlete. Furthermore,
technology has made it very easy to monitor performance-influencing data outside of

1 of 13
training, such as heart rate or sleep quality, through various wearables and cost-effective
mobile apps.
(5) However, just because we are able to monitor so much information does not mean that it
is useful for improving the sports performance of our athletes. In this sense, we believe
that we must be critical while adopting any new technologies or trends in training. The
first thing we should know is whether there is scientific support for the use of that new
gadget or wearable. For example, core temperature is of great importance in the
mechanisms that produce fatigue and exhaustion in endurance sports. A few years ago, a
device came on the market that estimated this measurement in a non-invasive way and
we saw many top cyclists and runners wearing it. However, a study later showed it is an
invalid device for measuring one's temperature.
(6) Innovation in cycling has evolved from the invention of safety bicycles to technological
advancements in sports science. Maximizing the potential benefits of these
developments requires critical thinking to enhance the training and performance of
modern cyclists.

*wearables - technological devices worn on the body for data collection

Sources (edited):
JSC Journal - 'https://www.jsc-,'

(404 words)
Answer the following questions based on the passage above.
i What is the passage mainly about? 1
A. How did the advancement of sports science impact the fashion
B. What were the primary societal changes brought about by the rise
of bicycles?
C. How did the invention of the safety bicycle contribute to the
development of wearable technology?
D. In what ways did early versions of bicycles differ from the safety
bicycle in the late nineteenth century?
ii In which sentence does the author express uncertainty about the use of new 1
technologies in training?
A. "...advances in technology have transformed sports science."
(paragraph 4)
B. "This data not only encompasses exercise details but also external
factors like weather." (paragraph 4)
C. "...just because we can monitor so much information does not mean
it is useful." (paragraph 5)

2 of 13
D. "Maximizing the potential benefits of these developments requires
critical thinking." (paragraph 6)
iii Complete the sentence appropriately by providing two distinct reasons in the 1
blank below.

It can be said the world of cycling has seen massive changes because
iv Which of these is opposite to 'invalid' as used in paragraph 5? 1
A. ethical
B. accurate
C. authentic
D. trustworthy
v Using information solely from the passage, provide two distinct reasons to 1
complete the sentence appropriately.
Bicycles can be seen as a symbol of empowerment because ____________.
vi Imagine you are a sports scientist tasked with developing a new technological 2
tool to aid cyclists in their training. Provide a brief description, within 40
words, of its specific features and why you chose to include them.
vii Select the option that shows the correct relationship between (1) and (2). 1

(1) Cyclists were able to improve the accuracy of maps.

(2) Cyclists became influential and campaigned for better infrastructure.

A. (2) is a contradiction of (1)

B. (2) is independent of (1)
C. (2) is an example of (1)
D. (2) is the cause of (1)
viii Below are statements from cyclists. Identify two statements that could be said 1
by a cyclist in the late nineteenth century.
1. "I like having a personal coach on my wrist. It just told me how
many calories I have burned so far!"
2. "It's quite a struggle riding up these steep hills on my heavy steel-
framed bicycle."
3. "I feel so liberated whenever I hop on my bicycle. I didn't have
freedom like this before!"
4. "Ugh, there is so much traffic ahead. And I feel so pressured to meet
my performance targets every time I hop on a bike."
2. Read the following text. 10m
(1) India is a country of many languages. The constitution recognises 22 languages
officially, but over 121 unique languages have been identified in the country.
(2) To preserve and encourage the literary function of language, the government introduced
'classical languages' in 2004. According to the Ministry of Culture, a classical language
is one that is at least 1,500 years old and has ancient, valuable literature recorded in it.
Further, such a language is original and not derived from another language. Based on
3 of 13
these guidelines, six languages have been classified as classical languages: Tamil,
Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and Odia.
(3) The following graph shows the percentage of Indian people whose mother tongue is a
classical language. This is as per data collected by the census of 2011. The census was
not conducted in 2021 due to the pandemic.

(4) According to the graph, around 6.7% of the Indian population are native speakers of
Telugu, whereas Sanskrit has been identified as a mother tongue by only 0.002% of the
population, which is around 24,821 people. Malayalam has the second lowest number of
native speakers, making up about 2.9% of Indians.

(5) The 2011 census data also noted that a majority of the native speakers reside in the area
that their mother tongue originated from. For example, 93% of Kannada speakers live in
Karnataka. Similarly, 93% of Malayalam speakers live in Kerala.
(6) Balancing preservation of culture and inclusivity is a delicate equation for a
heterogeneous country like India. With growing awareness, concepts like 'classical
languages' may help us achieve harmony.

census - a survey that is conducted every ten years to collect information about the
population of the country

Source (Edited):

4 of 13
'Explainer: What are classical languages of India?' -

(258 words)
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above
i Which of these pieces of information can be confirmed by reading the 1

(I) the number of people in India who speak Tamil

(II) where the majority of native Sanskrit speakers live
(III) the reason Malayalam is considered a classical language
(IV) when the idea of classical languages was introduced in India

A. Only (I)
B. Only (IV)
C. Only (I) and (II)
D. Only (III) and (IV)
ii Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets. 1

Based on the passage, the __________ (functional/historical) value of a

language is of utmost importance while (preserving/categorising) it as a
classical language.
iii Imagine that a committee was formed to ensure that classical languages have 2
more native speakers by the time the next census is conducted. In 40 words,
answer the following questions to help the committee achieve its objective.

(1) Which classical language needs its attention most urgently and why?
(2) Which classical language would be THIRD on its priority?
iv State an example from the passage that shows that India is a 'heterogeneous 1
country'. Answer in one sentence.
v Why has the writer stated the following line in the passage? Give a reason. 1

The census was not conducted in 2021 due to the pandemic.

vi Complete the sentence based on information from the passage. 1

If Tamil originated from Tamil Nadu, we can infer that __________ of the
native Tamil speakers would be living in Tamil Nadu.
vii Which of these hypothetical situations would help India achieve harmony? 1
Justify your answer in about 40 words.
(a) if the majority of Indians who speak a classical language are settled
(b) if more languages from remote and tribal areas of India are identified as
classical languages

5 of 13
(c) if the percentage of Indians who are native Telugu speakers increases to
more than 10 percent
viii Which of these sentences uses 'delicate' in the same way as paragraph (6) 1

A. She looked beautiful in the dress with the delicate floral pattern.
B. He was frequently admitted to the hospital due to his delicate
C. This discussion will require careful consideration as it is a delicate
D. Please handle these delicate items carefully during transportation
as they break easily.
3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 1 x 10
i Two friends, Aarav and Ananya, are discussing their upcoming trip. How 1
would Aarav report Ananya's dialogue?

Aarav: "I have already booked the hotel for our trip tomorrow."
Ananya: "Are you sure? Don't forget to confirm the reservation."

Anaya asked me __________

ii Fill in the blanks with the correct option. 1

The coach shouted, "_____________ the ball!" Later, he __________ onto

the ball in order to dictate the game's pace.

A. Pass; commanded them to hold

B. Passed; command them to held
C. Passes; commands them to hold
D. Passing; commanded them to held
iii Read the given dialogue carefully. Identify the error and supply the correction 1
in the sentence.

Sanya exclaims, "Look! My keys are in the refrigerator. I will have absent-
mindedly put them here while putting away the groceries."
iv Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket. 1

In the depths of the enchanted forest, where time __________ (stand) still
and mythical creatures roamed freely, a young adventurer embarked on a
v Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence 1

6 of 13
Shazia stared at the mountain range before her. From a distance, __________
(this/that/these/those) towering peaks seemed to touch the sky, creating a
breathtaking sight.
vi Report Sana's instructions to Manisha. 1

Sana said, "First, you heat the sugar and water in a saucepan."
Manisha: Sana said that __________ and water in a saucepan.

A. we first heat the sugar

B. Manisha, heat the sugar
C. first, you heat the sugar
D. I should first heat the sugar
vii Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the 1
given line, from a survey.
Everyone are expected to submit their feedback to our customer service
representative at the event.
Option no. Error Correction
A. are is
B. their your
C. feedback feedbacks
D. the a
viii Fill in the blank with the correct option. 1

When one gazes at the sky, the glimmer of stars ___________ the vastness

A. fill
B. fills
C. to fill
D. is filling
ix Identify the error and supply the correction for the following statement. 1

The national team could adhere to a strict code of conduct, refraining from
cheating and unethical behaviour, or else they will be disqualified.
x Fill in the blank with the correct option. 1

Dad: "Ramya, I heard your school made some changes recently. What is
going on?"

Ramya: "Yes, dad. The school administration __________ a revised

attendance policy to ensure academic success."

7 of 13
A. will implement
B. is implementing
C. has implemented
D. was implementing
xi Complete Nelson Mandela's quote by filling in the blank with the correct 1

"The greatest glory in living __________ not in never falling, but in rising
every time we fall." - Nelson Mandela

A. lie
B. lies
C. lays
D. laying
xii Identify the error and supply the correction for the given historical fact. 1

Chess is believed to have originated in ancient India during the Gupta

Empire, around the 6th century, evolving intricately from a captivated game
known as "Chaturanga".
Note: All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment
4. You are Nehal Kumar, Head of the Computer Club in Sunshine School, 5
A Noida. Digital literacy refers to someone's ability to use digital technology to
find, evaluate, create and communicate information. You believe that digital
literacy and navigating the digital world responsibly is crucial in today's
technology-dependent age.

Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, in about 120 words, stressing
the need for promoting digital literacy among individuals of all age groups.
Discuss the benefits and challenges of digital technology, and propose
initiatives to empower people with digital skills.
4.B You are Ishaaq Shah, of Starlight Apartments, Trivandrum. You recently read 5
an article that stated that an average Indian wastes approximately fifty
kilograms of food per year.
Write a letter to the Editor of a national daily, in about 120 words, expressing
your concerns about the alarming amount of food waste in the country. Share
practical ideas and suggestions for reducing food waste at home and
encourage readers to distribute surplus food to those in need.
5. Read an excerpt from an article below: 5

8 of 13
Speeding towards the Unknown

Self-driving cars are designed for travel without a human operator. Instead of
a driver, the car will use a combination of sensors, cameras, radar, and
artificial intelligence to travel between destinations. They are going to
revolutionise the transport industry by enhancing the efficiency and
accessibility of vehicles. However, this change is happening too rapidly, and
self-driving cars pose more problems than solutions. There are several
concerns with regard to the safety of such vehicles, as well as their potential
impact on employment.

Write a paragraph in about 120 words analysing the argument surrounding

self-driving cars. You can think about what alternative explanations might
weaken the given conclusion and include rationale/evidence that would
strengthen/counter the given argument.

You may begin like this:

I believe self-driving cars offer more solutions than problems/I believe self-
driving cars offer more problems than solutions.

You may end like this:

For these reasons, I believe that self-driving cars are more helpful than
problematic/I believe that self-driving cars are more problematic than helpful.
5.B Students at Rainbow School are divided into two houses — Blue or Red. The 5
data in the table below shows the performance of these houses in different
categories (out of a total score of 100).

Blue House Red House

Academics 91 79
Sports 75 90
Arts 82 85
Others - organised a successful inter- - organised a successful
school sports tournament school-wide recycling
- organised a donation campaign
campaign to encourage - organised a successful inter-
school school cultural festival
students to donate toys to the
local orphanage

The school's Principal has decided that Blue House should win the Best
House Trophy at the end of the year. As school captain, the Principal has
asked for your input on this decision.

9 of 13
Analyse this data to either support or oppose the Principal's decision. Write
this analytical paragraph in about 120 words with supporting details to justify
your opinion.

You may begin like this:

A thorough analysis of the data provided indicates that Blue House should
win the Best House Trophy/Red House should win the Best House Trophy.

You may end like this:

Therefore, the Best House Trophy must go to Blue House/Red House.
TEXT (40 marks)
6. Read the two given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the 5
Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not
only because I’ve never written anything before, but also because it seems to
me that later on neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of
a thirteen-year-old schoolgirl. Oh well, it doesn’t matter. I feel like writing,
and I have an even greater need to get all kinds of things off my chest.
‘Paper has more patience than people.’ I thought of this saying on one of
those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at home with
my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or go
out. I finally stayed where I was, brooding: Yes, paper does have more
patience, and since I’m not planning to let anyone else read this stiff-backed
notebook grandly referred to as a ‘diary’, unless I should ever find a real
friend, it probably won’t make a bit of difference.
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)
i In her description of her notebook, why does Anne use quotes around the 1
word 'diary'?
ii Based on the extract, describe why writing is an effective way to express 2
emotions. Answer in 40 words.
iii Provide a line/phrase from the extract that justifies why the following 1
statement is FALSE.

Anne was able to confide in a lot of people.

iv Mention one word that can correctly replace 'musings' in the below sentence 1
from the extract.

...neither I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen-

year-old schoolgirl.
B. Ausable did not fit any description of a secret agent Fowler had ever read.
Following him down the musty corridor of the gloomy French hotel where
Ausable had a room, Fowler felt let down. It was a small room, on the sixth

10 of 13
and top floor, and scarcely a setting for a romantic adventure.
Ausable was, for one thing, fat. Very fat. And then there was his accent.
Though he spoke French and German passably, he had never altogether lost
the American accent he had brought to Paris from Boston twenty years ago.
“You are disappointed,” Ausable said wheezily over his shoulder. “You were
told that I was a secret agent, a spy, dealing in espionage and danger. You
wished to meet me because you are a writer, young and romantic. You
envisioned mysterious figures in the night, the crack of pistols, drugs in the

(The Midnight Visitor)

i Which of these describes how Fowler felt at the beginning of the extract? 1
A. His heart sank.
B. He was shaken up.
C. His stomach was in knots.
D. He was at the end of his rope.
ii State one observation about Ausable based on the way he handled Fowler's 1
disappointment with him.
iii How did the atmosphere of the French hotel influence Fowler's mood? 2
Answer in 40 words.
iv Which of these means the same as 'romantic' in the line below? 1

It was a small room, on the sixth and top floor, and scarcely a setting for
a romantic adventure.

A. great
B. exciting
C. idealistic
D. passionate
7. Read the two given extracts and answer the questions for ANY ONE of the
A. He should be snarling around houses
At the jungle’s edge,
Baring his white fangs, his claws,
Terrorising the village!

But he’s locked in a concrete cell,

His strength behind bars,
Stalking the length of his cage,
Ignoring visitors.

(A Tiger in the Zoo)

i Fill in the blank with one word. 1

11 of 13
The speaker describes the tiger as 'stalking' up and down his cage to show
how __________ the tiger felt.
ii What could be a reason the speaker mentions the behaviour of the tiger at the 2
jungle's 'edge' and not at its centre? Answer in about 40 words.
iii Which of these explains the meaning of the phrase 'His strength behind bars'? 1

A. The tiger's strength is in its ability to break free from the cage it is
B. The tiger's strength is shown when he pushes against the bars of
the cage.
C. The tiger's strength is in his resilience and ability to adapt to a new
D. The tiger's strength is confined within the bars of the cage and this
makes him less threatening.
iv Why does the tiger ignore the visitors? Answer in one sentence. 1
B Merrily over — there it is in the water!
No use to say ‘O there are other balls’:
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions. People will take
Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.

(The Ball Poem)

i Complete the conversation with what the boy would most likely say. Answer 1
in one sentence.

John: Oh don't worry, there are plenty of other balls to play with.
Boy: __________
ii Which line first indicates that the ball is a metaphor for something else? 1

A. Merrily over — there it is in the water!

B. An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
C. All his young days into the harbour where
D. I would not intrude on him;
iii Which literary device does the speaker use to describe the boy's sorrow? Why 1
does the speaker use this device? Answer in one sentence.
iv Based on the extract, what makes a possession valuable? Answer in about 40 2
8 Answer ANY FOUR of the following five questions in about 40–50 words. 4 x 3=12

12 of 13
i How does the repeated use of the name 'Amanda' influence the overall tone of 3
the poem? (Amanda!)
ii How did the Buddha respond to Kisa Gotami's request? What can be inferred 3
about his method of teaching from the same? (The Sermon at Benares)
iii What effect does the short structure of the poem Fog have on its meaning? 3
iv State two ways in which the oppressor and the oppressed are similar, 3
according to Mandela. (Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
v Explain how hunger is nature's strongest motivator in the story His First 3
9 Answer ANY TWO of the following three questions, in about 40–50 words. 2x3=6
i A satire is when a person, idea, or institution is criticised by highlighting their 3
faults and weaknesses using humour. Describe how The Book That Saved the
Earth can be considered a satire with supporting examples from the text.
ii How does The Necklace teach a moral lesson on the importance of 3
iii How important is curiosity to scientific exploration and discovery? Justify 3
your answer with examples from the text The Making of a Scientist
10 Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions in about 100–120 words. 1x6=6
(A) You have been asked to give a speech on the topic 'The journey is more 6
important than the destination'. Prepare a draft for the speech, in not more
than 120 words, with reference to the texts Madam Rides the Bus and The
Black Aeroplane.
You may begin this way:
Good morning, everyone. Today, I would like to talk to you about how the journeys that we experience in life are
often more important than their destinations.

You may end this way:

To conclude, I would like to say that...
Thank you.
(B) Imagine Robert Frost from A Dust of Snow met with Lencho from A Letter to 6
God and discussed the various ways nature can influence a person's mood.
Create this conversation in not more than 120 words.

You may begin this way:

Lencho: As a farmer, my livelihood depends on nature and sometimes nature can be cruel.
11. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions, in about 100–120 words. 1x6=6
(A) Did Griffin from Footprints without Feet follow the saying 'with great power 6
comes great responsibility' ? Justify your answer in 120 words.
(B) Imagine that Mrs Pumphrey from A Triumph of Surgery, reflects upon her 6
behaviour, learns from her mistakes, and writes a diary entry about the
consequences of overindulgence. Write this diary entry as Mrs Pumphrey in
about 120 words.

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English-Language & Literature (184)
Class X | 2023–24
Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 80
1 Discursive passage 1 x 10=10m
i B. What were the primary societal changes brought about by the 1
rise of bicycles? - no partial credit
[The option aligns with the main idea of the passage. The passage
primarily discusses the societal changes brought about by the rise
of bicycles, such as enhanced mobility, greater freedom for
women, and a shift in fashion for more functional clothing tailored
for cycling.]
ii C. "...just because we can monitor so much information does not 1
mean it is useful." (paragraph 5) - no partial credit
[In this option, the author expresses uncertainty about the
usefulness of the vast amount of data that can be monitored through
new technologies. The phrase "does not mean it is useful" shows
the author's hesitation and doubt regarding the practical benefits of
collecting such extensive data.]
iii it transitioned from primarily using steel cycles to safety bicycles 1
and saw technological advancements, like wearables in sports -1 for complete
science. explanation
(addressing any
two changes
brought about
by the cycles)
-Partial credit ½
for any one
iv B. accurate 1
[In paragraph 5, the author discusses a device that was deemed - no partial credit
'invalid' for measuring core temperature. Here, 'invalid' means the
device is not accurate in providing the intended measurement.
Therefore, the antonym for 'invalid' would be 'accurate', which
means to correctly provide information.]

Page 1 of 16
v they facilitated women's freedom to commute freely and easily 1
between places and participate in recreational activities like bicycle -1 for mentioning
racing. 2 reasons
-Partial credit ½
for addressing
either of the two
vi The tool would offer customized training recommendations and 2
plans, integrated GPS for improved navigation, analysis and -2 for mentioning
feedback capabilities, and social features for connecting with appropriate
fellow cyclists. This comprehensive approach would enhance features and
cyclists' performance by providing tailored training opportunities the rationale
and fostering a supportive community.
behind them
-Partial credit 1
for just an
mention of either
-No ½ credit
vii D. (2) is the cause of (1) 1
[(2) indicates that the popularity of cycling provided cyclists with - no partial credit
enhanced political influence, which they used to advocate for better
infrastructure. With this influence, they were able to improve the
accuracy of maps. Therefore, (2) is the cause of (1).]
viii 2,3 2
-2 for correctly
both options
-Partial credit 1
for identification
of any one correct
2. Case-based factual passage 10 m
i D. Only (III) and (IV) 1
[The passage mentions the basis on which a language can be - no partial credit
categorised into a classical language, and it also mentions that the
concept was introduced in 2004. Therefore, both these pieces of
information can be confirmed by reading the passage.]
ii historical; categorising 1
- no partial credit
[The passage states that a classical language is one which is at least - both need to be
1,500 years old and original. Therefore, this historical value is answered correctly
important. The passage does not talk about how these languages are as they are
preserved; it only mentions how these languages are categorised.]

Page 2 of 16
rationally linked
iii (1) Sanskrit, as it has the lowest percentage of people who identify 2
it as their mother tongue - 1 mark for each
(2) Odia question
(with justification
for (1))
- therefore,
2 marks for 2
correct answers
- no partial mark if
the justification or
identification is
missing for (1)
iv India is considered a heterogeneous country because: (any one) 1
- No partial credit
♦ a country of many languages - Full credit to be
♦ over 121 unique languages identified in the country given for
♦ a variety of mother tongues that are different from each other rationalised
response other
than that
v Possible inferences (any one): 1
- no partial credit
♦ to justify why data from a census as old as 2011 has been used
♦ to state that newer data is not available
♦ because readers would expect the next census to have been
conducted in 2021 (10 years after the 2011 census) for more recent
♦ to give a disclaimer to readers in case they find updated
information in recent times that contradicts the stated data
vi ♦ most 1
♦ a majority - no partial credit
♦ any percentage that shows majority: 80% or above - 1 mark for the
correct answer
[Paragraph 5 of the passage states that a majority of the native
speakers were found to be living in the place that their mother
tongue originated from. Therefore, most native Tamil speakers
would have been living in Tamil Nadu.]
vii (b) if more languages from remote and tribal areas of India are 2
identified as classical languages - 1 mark for

Page 3 of 16
identifying the
Justification (any one): correct situation
- 1 mark for
♦ The passage mentions that preservation and inclusivity are giving a relevant
important. Therefore, including languages that are native to people justification
who live in lesser-known areas of India would lead to more
♦ The recognition of lesser-known languages as 'classical
languages' would make certain cultures and languages more
nationally acceptable for citizens of the country.
♦ It would increase our awareness about our own country, which
would lead us to understand unique cultures and languages with
more curiosity than judgement.
viii C. This discussion will require careful consideration as it is a 1
delicate matter. - no partial credit
[In the passage, 'delicate' implies that the equation would require a
lot of consideration since India is such a heterogeneous country.
The given sentence correctly captures this meaning of 'delicate'.]
3 SECTION B : GRAMMAR (10 marks)
Full credit 1, for correct answers. No partial credit of ½, for any question in this section
i if I was sure I had booked the hotel for our trip the next day and reminded me not to
forget to confirm the reservation
ii A. Pass; commanded them to hold
iii will- must/might/could
iv stood
v those
vi D. I should first heat the sugar
vii B. Error: are; Correction: is
viii B. fills
ix could-must/should
x C. has implemented
xi B. lies
xii Error: captivated; Correction: captivating
Note: All details presented in the questions are imaginary and created for assessment
[Content, in suggested responses, may be above the recommended limit, as it aims to share
content points that can be of use]
4.A Suggested Response: Total – 5

Sunshine School

Page 4 of 16
Format – 1
31 September 2024 [full credit
if all aspects
The Editor included.
The Times Partial credit
New Delhi (½ mark)
if one-two
Subject: Digital Literacy is the Need of the Hour aspects are
Dear Ma'am No credit if
more than two
I am writing to highlight the crucial importance of digital literacy aspects are
in today's technology-dependent age. As the Head of the Computer missing]
Club at my school, I firmly believe that digital literacy is a skill Content -2
that can help every individual navigate a rapidly changing world. [ ½ mark for
each content
Technology and the internet have made the world smaller than point area
ever. Digital literacy is essential to enhancing communication, addressed
creating access to resources, and equipping everyone to participate - suggestion,
in a digital society. importance,
However, I am also aware of the challenges that come with recommendation]
technology. Issues such as cybersecurity, misinformation, and Organisation
online privacy present dangers. Digital literacy programs can help of ideas -1
people navigate the digital world safely and responsibly. [effective style,
orderly sequence,
To promote digital literacy, initiatives such as community paragraph
workshops for a variety of age groups, and collaborations between structure
educational institutions and technology companies can be and formal tone
established. and vocabulary]
Accuracy 1
By focusing on digital literacy, we can empower individuals to [Spelling,
harness the full potential of technology. punctuation
and grammar]
Nehal Kumar
[151 words]
4B. Suggested Response: Format,
Starlight Apartments & Accuracy-
Trivandrum same as 4A
Content -2
30 September 2024 [ ½ mark for
each content

Page 5 of 16
The Editor point area
The Times addressed
Trivandrum - concern,
Subject: Concern about Food Wastage

Recently, I came across an article that highlighted the

shocking fact that an average Indian wastes around fifty kilograms
of food annually. Considering that there are millions of people who
struggle to get a single square meal each day, this amount of food
waste is a grave concern that requires immediate attention.

Every citizen can contribute towards reducing wastage. Simple

practices at home such as planning meals wisely, storing food
properly, and being mindful of expiry dates can be helpful.
Additionally, any surplus food can be donated in a local
community to those in need. This will help reduce hunger as well
as food wastage.
Together, by taking conscious steps, we can create a more mindful
and compassionate society that values food and does not waste it.

Yours sincerely,
Ishaaq Shah

[126 words]
5A Suggested Response: (For 5 A & B)
Supporting self-driving cars paragraph
writing should
I believe self-driving cars offer more solutions than NOT be confused
problems. Since these cars would be using the latest technology with Descriptive
and advanced sensors and radars, they would be able to greatly
reduce road accidents caused due to human error. Additionally,
since people would not be actively engaged in driving, they could
use their commute time for other activities. Currently, only those
who have the experience and skill of driving a car can do so. But,
with a self-driving car, anyone can have access to a vehicle Content -2
irrespective of their skill. However, technology does also [four points
malfunction at times, which is why clear safety protocols and included &
guidelines would need to be put in place before these cars can be well-developed
on the roads. Thus, with proper regulations and planning, I believe with sustained
self-driving cars can be more helpful than problematic. clarity

Page 6 of 16
Opposing self-driving cars. Organisation
I believe self-driving cars offer more problems than of ideas -2
solutions. While there are potential benefits associated with self- [effective style,
driving vehicles such as reduced road accidents, there are more orderly sequence,
significant concerns. One of the main worries is the safety of self- single paragraph
driving cars, as they heavily rely on complex sensors that may fail structure,
in certain scenarios. Another aspect of this safety is that like any formal tone
electronic device, a car could then be hacked into and tampered
and functional
with, leading to accidents. Additionally, the widespread adoption of
self-driving cars may lead to job loss for millions of professional vocabulary]
drivers, causing economic and social challenges. Moreover, the
infrastructure required to support self-driving cars, such as Accuracy 1
advanced road systems may not be readily available in many [Spelling,
regions. Therefore, I believe self-driving cars are more problematic punctuation
than helpful. and grammar]

[Both responses, apart from prompts indicated in the Q, are around

120 words]
5B. Suggested Response: (Same as 5A)

Supporting the Principal's decision

A thorough analysis of the data provided indicates that Blue House

should win the Best House Trophy. Looking at the academic
performance, Blue House scored significantly higher with a score
of 91 compared to Red House's score of 79. This demonstrates their
dedication and commitment to their studies. In terms of sports,
although Red House scored higher with a score of 90 compared to
Blue House's score of 75, Blue House showcased their versatility
by excelling in other areas. They organised a successful inter-
school sports tournament, showcasing their leadership skills.
Additionally, Blue House demonstrated their involvement in the
community by organising a toy donation campaign. While Red
House excelled in arts and organised a successful inter-school
cultural festival, the overall performance of Blue House across
various categories outweighs these achievements. Therefore, the
Best House Trophy must go to Blue House.

Opposing the Principal's decision

A thorough analysis of the data provided indicates that Red House

should win the Best House Trophy. Although Blue House
performed exceptionally well in academics with a score of 91
compared to Red House's score of 79, Red House did better in

Page 7 of 16
other areas. In sports, Red House scored significantly higher with a
score of 90 compared to Blue House's score of 75, demonstrating
their athletic skills and teamwork. Red House scored slightly
higher than Blue House in the category of Arts. Based on the
average scores across the categories, Red House (84.6) scored
higher than Blue House (82.6). Moreover, Red House organised a
successful inter-school cultural festival, showcasing their creativity
and leadership skills. Therefore, considering their overall
performance and accomplishments, the Best House Trophy must go
to Red House.

[Both responses, apart from prompts indicated in the Q, are around

110 words]
TEXT (40 marks)
IV Reference to Context 5 + 5 = 10
6A Prose
i (Any one) 1
Anne uses quotes around the word 'diary' because
♦ she was being sarcastic
♦ she did not think of her notebook as a grand diary

Accept any other valid response.

ii Anne mentions that 'Paper has more patience than people', which
implies that it is easier to express emotions by writing them down 2
as compared to expressing them to another person. Writing thus
serves as an effective, patient, and non-judgmental outlet for
thoughts and feelings.

[The question requires inference and understanding of Anne's

emotional state and its connection to her writing.]

Accept any other valid response.

iii A line from the extract is (any one): 1

♦...unless I should ever find a real friend...
♦ Paper has more patience than people.

Accept any other valid response.

iv thoughts/reflections 1

Accept any other valid response.

6B Prose

Page 8 of 16
i A. his heart sank 1
[The extract mentions that Fowler felt 'let down'. Option A is
correct as 'his heart sank' implies that Fowler was 'disappointed' or
'let down'.]
ii (Any one) 1
We can infer that:
♦ Ausable was perceptive and observant as he noticed Fowler's
disappointment as well as the cause of it.
♦ Ausable was confident. He didn't feel the need to apologise for
disappointing Fowler. He accepted his disappointment without
♦ He was experienced enough in his field to understand that the
reality of being a spy differs from perceptions of it.
♦ He was smart and quick-witted in the way he responded to
Fowler's disappointment.

Accept any other valid response.

iii The French hotel is described as 'gloomy', 'musty' and 'small'. This 2
sombre atmosphere of the hotel added to Fowler's feeling of
disappointment. He expected a grand atmosphere of mystery and
danger, and was disappointed by the reality of the situation.

Accept any other valid response.

iv B. exciting 1
[The word 'romantic' in the context given means 'mysterious and
exciting'. Thus 'exciting' can replace 'romantic' in the given
7A Poetry
i restless/trapped/confined 1

Accept any other valid response.

ii The author has described the tiger at the 'edge' of the jungle to 2
show how a tiger would react and respond to the people
encroaching his territory. He would scare them. This is done to
contrast how the tiger behaves towards people when caged.

[The poet juxtaposes the tiger's response towards humans while it

is in its natural habitat as opposed to when it is confined. The 'edge'
of a jungle is described as that is most likely where the tiger would
be able to see people.]

Accept any other valid response.

Page 9 of 16
iii D. The tiger's strength is confined within the bars of the cage and 1
this makes him less threatening.
[The line 'His strength behind bars' is used to indicate how all the
power and ferociousness that a tiger possesses is contained in a
concrete cage. This thus makes a fearsome creature less
iv (Any one) 1
The tiger ignores the visitors because:
♦ he is disinterested in his confined environment and feels
indifferent towards the visitors
♦ he is protecting himself from the constant intrusion and
confinement of zoo life
♦ he feels sad as the visitors looking at him remind him of his
♦ his freedom is more important to him than entertaining visitors

Accept any other valid response.

7B Poetry
i No, there is none like that ball/the other balls are not the same/that 1
ball was special to me
[The author says there is 'no use’ saying 'there are other balls',
because the boy would not be interested in any other ball. The boy
had an emotional attachment to that particular ball.]

Accept any other valid response.

ii C. All his young days into the harbour where 1
[This is the first line where the reader sees that the ball is not just a
ball, but in fact a symbol of 'all his young days' or the boy's
iii The speaker uses visual imagery to describe the boy's sorrow 1
because it creates a clear picture of the depth of the boy's grief.
[The lines 'An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down' paints a visual picture
of the boy's grief and sorrow]

Accept any other valid response.

iv The line 'And no one buys a ball back. Money is external' indicates 2
that the value of a possession is not determined by its cost or
monetary value. Instead, the value of a possession is determined by
the emotional attachment towards it, as seen in the way the boy
values his ball.

Accept any other valid response.

Page 10 of 16
8 FOUR of five Short Answer Questions – First Flight 4x3=12
Content-1; Organization -1 ; ½ mark to be deducted for Accuracy from the overall credit of a
response, if error density is high -more than a total of 2 spellings and/or grammatical errors.
The given detailed reference points can be drawn upon to structure the desired response:
i ♦ The repeated use of the name 'Amanda' throughout the poem creates a sense of
authority and control.
♦ As the name 'Amanda' is repeated throughout the poem, it conveys a commanding
tone, as if someone in a position of authority, such as a parent, is speaking directly to
♦ Since the name 'Amanda' is repeated numerous times, followed by instructions or
directions, it also creates a tone of frustration or annoyance.
♦ The repetition of the name also adds a sense of familiarity and intimacy to the tone. It
suggests a close relationship between the speaker and Amanda, indicating that the
instructions and restrictions come from a place of care and concern.

Accept any other valid response.

ii ♦ When Kisa Gotami requested the Buddha to cure her son, he did not give her a lecture
or tell her that what she was doing was wrong.
♦ He instead asked her to collect mustard seeds from a house that had not experienced
death. He presented her with a task that required her to reflect and learn about the
universal nature of suffering.
♦ Buddha's method of teaching can be understood as one where he engages his student
in a journey of self-discovery, rather than directly providing them with an answer to a

Accept any other valid response.

iii The poem Fog is short and concise which helps contribute to the overall meaning of the

♦ The short and precise nature of the poem creates a clear and focused message. It
conveys the simplicity of the fog's presence.
♦ The short lines and quick pacing create a sense of swiftness and movement, mirroring
the nature of the fog itself. This also mirrors the agile nature of a cat as mentioned in the
♦ The concise structure allows for vivid and impactful visual imagery. Each line presents
a distinct image, such as the fog sitting "looking over harbour and city" or "on silent
haunches." Each visual image depicted contributes to the overall mood and atmosphere
of the poem.

Accept any other valid response.

iv ♦ According to Mandela, both the oppressor and the oppressed require liberation.
♦ Both the oppressor and the oppressed are robbed of their humanity. According to
Mandela, if one person takes away another person's freedom, they themselves become a
prisoner of prejudice. They become shackled and restricted by their own biases and

Page 11 of 16
♦ While the oppressed are dehumanised because that is how the oppressors treat them,
the oppressors too are dehumanised as a consequence of their own actions.
♦ The oppressed may be seen as actual prisoners, but the oppressors too are prisoners of
their own hate.

Accept any other valid response.

v In the story, His First Flight, the seagull was afraid to fly until his intense hunger made
him forget his fear.
♦ The young seagull was desperate for food as he had not eaten since the previous night.
♦ He observes his family members flying and catching fish and enjoying their food. The
sight of his siblings and parents successfully feeding themselves intensifies his hunger.
♦ As his hunger deepens, his fear of flying becomes secondary to his overpowering
desire to find food. This is why when his mother offers him a piece of fish he musters
the courage to jump off the cliff and dive at the food, and thus take his first flight.

Accept any other valid response.

9 TWO of three Short Answer Questions – Footprints without Feet (2x3=6)
Content-1; Organization -1 ; ½ mark to be deducted for Accuracy from the overall credit of a
response, if error density is high -more than a total of 2 spellings and/or grammatical errors.
The given detailed reference points can be drawn upon to structure the desired response:
i The Book That Saved the Earth can be considered as satire because it uses humour and
exaggeration to criticise and mock the Martians' intelligence.

♦ The Martians misinterpret Earth's books, especially the nursery rhymes. This creates a
satirical commentary on cultural misunderstandings and the dangers of jumping to
♦ In the end, it was a simple book of nursery rhymes that became the key to saving the
Earth from the invasion by an alien military force, creating an ironic and satirical twist
to the story.
♦ Think-Tank's intelligence is described in exaggerated terms as the 'most powerful and
intelligent creature in the whole universe'. He is even described as having a large
'balloon brain'. This is an example of satire and mockery as Think-Tank is shown to be
more pompous than intelligent.

Accept any other valid response.

ii The Necklace teaches a powerful moral lesson on the importance of finding contentment
in what one already has.

♦ Matilda's desire for social status and material possessions led to her own downfall and

Page 12 of 16
a decade of hardship.
♦ Had Matilda simply been grateful and content with all that she had, she could have
avoided a lot of pain.
♦ The twist at the end of the story, which revealed the true value of the necklace,
emphasises the emptiness that lies in the pursuit of material wealth.

Accept any other valid response.

iii Curiosity is extremely important to scientific exploration and discovery. It is curiosity

that leads a person to question things around them, which in turn could help them
stumble onto new discoveries.

♦ It was Ebright's curiosity that led him to collect items such as butterflies, fossils and
coins. His desire to explore and constantly learn served as the foundation for his future
scientific pursuits.
♦ It was curiosity that led Ebright to investigate different aspects of butterflies for his
school projects. Since he was curious to understand the cause of the viral disease that
killed monarch butterflies, that was what he studied.
♦ While in high school, Ebright was curious about the purpose of the twelve gold spots
found on a monarch pupa. This drove him to conduct more research on the topic, which
indirectly led to his new theory on the life of cells.
10 ONE of two, Long Answer Questions – First Flight 6
Points from the given detailed suggested response can be drawn upon to structure the desired
final response.
i [A detailed insight has been presented below to allow for usage of Content - 3
content points as per individual choice. However, the final answer Expression - 2
crafted by the learner, is to be written in first person, as indicated Accuracy - 1
from the question cues. It has to be a cohesive whole, structured in
paragraphs and devoid of headings, in about 120 words.]

Good morning, everyone. Today, I would like to talk to you about

how the journeys that we experience in life are often more
important than their destinations.

(Theme 1: Literal Journey is More Important Than the


In Madam Rides the Bus, we see Valli who yearned to travel by

bus. She worked hard and saved up her money such that she could
finally travel on the bus. During this journey, she was firmly
present in the moment and absorbed all the sights and sounds that
she experienced. She was delighted by watching a young cow
running on the road and was fascinated by all the colourful shops
and large crowds that she could see. Once she reached the city, she
did not get off the bus to explore her destination. She stayed on the
Page 13 of 16
bus so that she could experience the journey back home. Even
though it was the same route, she was still thoroughly excited by
everything. It was only when she saw the young cow dead on the
road did her spirits dampen. For Valli, it did not truly matter what
her destination was, what did matter were the experiences and
learnings she gained throughout her journey.

Unlike Valli, for the pilot In The Black Aeroplane, his destination
was important to him. He was flying back home and was looking
forward to reuniting with his family. But an unexpected storm
turned what he thought would be an easy, insignificant journey into
a significant one. The pilot saw another plane through the storm
which guided him to safety. It was only when he safely landed and
spoke to a lady at the control tower did he learn that there were no
other planes in the sky! Thus, a journey he initially saw as
unimportant turned into a great mystery that would always be on
his mind.

(Theme 2: Metaphorical Journey is More Important Than the


Valli's bus journey to the city is a journey of exploration and

discovery, as she learns about the world outside of her village. The
pilot's journey through the storm is a journey of courage, as he
faces the unknown. Both of these journeys are important because
they teach the characters about themselves and about the world
around them. Both of the characters experienced journeys that
impacted them, changed them and would stay with them forever.

To conclude, I would like to say that by seeing how their journeys
impacted them, we can learn a lot from Valli and the pilot. In our
own lives, we often focus on the destination, whether it is a test
result or a new toy. But the journey to achieving these destinations
is more important. The journey is where we learn and grow, where
we experience new things and challenge ourselves.
Thank you.

Accept any other valid response.

ii [A detailed conversation has been presented to allow for usage of Content 3
content points as per individual choice. However, the final answer Expression 2
has to be a cohesive whole, structured as a conversation, in about Accuracy 1
120 words.]

Lencho: As a farmer, my livelihood depends on nature and

sometimes nature can be cruel. Once, I was looking forward to the

Page 14 of 16
rain. In fact, I was hoping for it for my crops, and when it did start
to rain, I was so satisfied! I even went outside in the rain to feel the
rain on my skin and breathe in the sweet air. But the weather very
quickly changed and the rain turned into a hailstorm and all of my
crops were destroyed.

Robert Frost: I'm so sorry that happened to you. Nature can

definitely be cruel, but I've noticed that it can also be full of hope. I
was once having a bad day when a single flake of snow fell on me.
It was so small and beautiful that it completely lifted my mood. I
think the way nature influences our mood depends on a variety of
factors. I felt hope because I saw the beauty in a single snowflake.
But had I seen a hailstorm that destroyed a farm, I'm sure I would
have been hopeless too.

Lencho: It's interesting you say that you found hope in nature. For
me, I found hope and faith in God. And you're right, there are
definitely a lot of factors that contribute to how nature can
influence our mood.
Once the hailstorm was over my entire field was covered in a sheet
of white. Anyone else seeing that may have felt it was beautiful and
the view may have lifted their spirits. But since that sheet of white
meant that all my hard work had gone to waste and my family
would go hungry, to me, it only represented sorrow.

Robert Frost: Yes, we may not know in whether nature can

influence someone's mood in a good way or a bad way, but what
we do know is that nature is powerful and capable of affecting our
moods and feelings.

Accept any other valid response.

11. ONE of two, Long Answer Question – Footprints Without Feet 6
Points from the given detailed suggested response can be drawn upon to structure the desired
final response.
i No, Griffin did not follow the saying 'with great power comes great Content 3
responsibility'. The saying means that if one has the ability to do Expression 2
something, one should make sure to do it for the good of others. Accuracy 1
Since Griffin did not think of anyone else except himself, this
saying is not what he followed.

After he managed to make himself invisible, he did not use his

powers of invisibility for doing good. Instead, one of the first
things he did was to set fire to his landlord's house in an act of
revenge. He did not think of helping anyone with his newfound
powers, instead, he harmed other people for his own gain.

Page 15 of 16
He stole clothes and food for himself without feeling any remorse.
He even attacked and robbed a shopkeeper. When his money ran
low once more, he again resorted to stealing and robbed a
clergyman. When Mrs Hall entered his room, he attacked her with
her own chair. Finally, when the police were about to catch him,
instead of going quietly and accepting his arrest, he fought back
and escaped the police. At no time did Griffin take any
responsibility for his actions.

Accept any other valid response.

ii Today, I had a dreadful realisation. I love my dear Tricki, but I fear Content 3
that that love has caused me to excessively indulge and pamper my Expression 2
dear pet. The sight of him, bloated and unhealthy, broke my heart. I Accuracy 1
believed that showering him with treats and rich delicacies was a
sign of care and would make him feel better. But instead, I was
causing him more harm than good.

Thank goodness for Mr Herriot. He aptly deduced that the reason

for Tricki's decline in health was my lack of strict boundaries with
Tricki. He advised me to cut down Tricki's food, make him
exercise, and provide a strict diet. When he noticed that I was not
following his advice, he took Tricki away from me to take care of

During Tricki's absence, I began to reflect upon my actions. I was

still deeply worried about Tricki though, so I sent indulgent gifts to
Mr Herriot.

Old habits die hard, but I will try my best to be a better caretaker
for Tricki now that he is back home. It brought me great joy to see
Tricki transform into a healthy and happy dog after his stay with
Mr Herriot.

Accept any other valid response.

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