EAS Andika Wahyu Kusuma 5008201133

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Data Bejana

E pengelasan = 0.8
C= 0.125
Pi = 85 psia
T= 300 degF
Vrk 20 %
Luas lingkaran silinder = 26.666667 ft^2
do = 2.9142013 ft
do = 34.970415 inch
do std (table 5.7) = 36 inch Liquid
Va =
Ma =
L= 41.985225 inch goal seak xa =
do = 36 inch rho a =
Vta = 3951.7632 inch^3 BM a =
Vtb = 3527.4452 inch^3
Vs = 42752.955 inch^3 V liq pada silinder =
V penjumlahan = 50232.164 inch^3 V liq pada tutup bawah =
V bejana total = 50232.164 inch^3 V liq total =
Selisih V penj dan V bejana = 0 inch^3 harus 0

f (App D) = 17900 Kesimpulan

ts = 0.2315905 inch L=
ts std (tabel 5.7) = 0.25 inch do =
r (tabel 5.7) = 36 inch ts =
tha =
tha = 0.2196127 inch thb =
tha std (tabel 5.7) = 0.25 inch ha =
hb =
thb = 0.2131791
thb std (tabel 5.7) = 0.25 inch
Sketsa Bejana
ha = 6.084 inch
hb = 10.392305 inch
Data fluida
Liquid Gas
(ft^3)/h Vb = 4000 (ft^3)/h
lb/h Mb = lb/h
xb =
lb/ft^3 rho b = lb/ft^3
BM b =
vs = 2.5 ft/min 150 ft/h
36658.29 inch^3
3527.445 inch^3
40185.73 inch^3

41.98523 inch 3.498768783649 ft
36 inch 3 ft
0.25 inch 0.020833333333 ft
0.25 inch 0.020833333333 ft
0.25 inch 0.020833333333 ft
6.084 inch 0.507 ft
10.3923 inch 0.866025403784 ft

Hot Fluid Steam Jenuh P = 77.68 psia

T1= (dari steam table) 310 °F
T2= (asumsi) 250 °F
Tavg= 280 °F
P allow= 1.3 psi
Rd= 0.003
Plant practice:
OD 0.75 inch
BWG 15
L 12 inch
[1] Heat Balance
Udara Kering Cp= (internet) 0.2412 Btu/lb.F
Q= m.Cp.ΔT= 543723.894 lb/hr
Steam jenuh Cp= fig 4 0.13 Btu/lb.F
W= Q/cp.ΔT= 69708.1915384615 Btu/hr

[2] LMTD
Hot Fluid Cold Fluid Diff.
310 High temp. 275 35
250 Low temp. 100 150

LMTD= (Δt2-Δt1)/(ln(Δt2/Δt1))
LMTD= 79.0222008572161 °F
R= (T1-T2)/(t2-t1) = 0.342857142857143
S= (t2-t1)/(T1-t1) = 0.833333333333333
From Fig. 18 Ft = 0.92 tipe 2-4
Δt = LMTD x Ft = 72.7004247886388

[3] Caloric Temperature

Δtc/Δth = 4.28571428571429

Tc = karena non HC 280 °F

tc = maka Tc =Tavg 187.5 °F

(a) From table 8, Ud range for water-medium is 5-50
Assume Ud = 20
A = Q/Ud.Δt = 47.9420799404704 ft2
From table 10, a" = 0.1963
Nt = 20.3523857787699 tubes
(b) Assume 2 passes
From table 9: 24 tubes, 4 passes, 3/4 in. OD on 1-in. triangular pitch
Nearest count 24 tubes
ID Shell = 8 inch
(c) Corrected coefficient, Ud
A = Nt x L x a" = 56.5344 ft2
Ud = 16.9603214823083 btu/hr.ft2.°F

Cold fluid: shell side, Udara Kering

[4'] Flow Area
as = ID x C'B/144Pt
as = 0.02222222222222 ft2

[5'] Mass Velocity (Gs)

Gs = W/as = 579663 lb/(hr)(ft2)

[6'] Re s
At Tc = 280 °F
From Fig. 14,
µ= 0.022 cp 0.05324
From Fig. 28, for triangular pitch = 1 in2, De =
Re s = De.Gs/µ
Re s = 662337.19947408

[7'] jH
From Fig. 28,
jH = 540

[8'] cp, k, and (cµ/k)^1/3

From Fig. 4, cp = 0.52 btu/lb.°F
From Fig. 1, k= 0.08 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(°F/ft)
(cµ/k)^1/3 = 0.70207547287459

[9'] ho
ho = jH.(k/Ds).(cµ/k)^1/3.ɸs
ho/ɸs = jH.(k/Ds).(cµ/k)^1/3
ho/ɸs = 498.56976046327
[10'] Tube-wall temperature
tw = tc + ((ho/ɸs)/(hio/ɸt)+(ho/ɸs)) . (Tc-tc)
tw = 236.30336363382 °F

[11'] ɸs
At tw = 280 °F
From Fig. 14,
µw = 0.022 cp 0.05324
ɸs = (µ/µw)^0,14
ɸs = 1

[12'] Corrected coefficient, ho

ho = (ho/ɸs)*ɸs
ho = 498.56976046327 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(°F)

[13'] Clean overall coefficient, Uc

Uc = (hio.ho)/(hio+ho)
Uc = 235.522394877158 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(°F)

[14] Design overall coefficient, Ud

From Table 10, surface per lin ft
a" = 0.1963 ft2/lin ft
Total surface, A = 56.5344 ft2
Ud = Q/A.Δt
Ud = 16.9603214823083 Btu/(hr)(ft2)(°F)

[15] Dirt factor, Rd

Rd = (Uc-Ud)/(Uc.Ud)
Rd = 0.05471526578431 > 0,004 (memenehui dirt factor)

Hot fluid: shell side, 42°API kerosene

[1'] f, s
For Re s = 662337.19947408
From Fig. 29 f= 0.002 ft2/in2
From Fig. 6 s= 0.78

[2'] No. of crosses, N+1 = 12L/B

N+1 = 90
Ds = 2/3 ft

[3'] ΔPs
ΔPs = 16.2789236616402 psi < P allowable 10 psi
Cold Fluid Udara Kering
t1= 100 °F t1=
t2= 275 °F m1= lb/hr
tavg= 187.5 °F

V= 3500 cuft/min
m= 214.69 lb/min
12881.4 lb/hr


Shell Side Tube Side

ID 8 inch Number (Nt)
Baffle space 1 3/5 inch Length
Passes 2 OD
ft2/lin ft (for OD 3/4 inch) Passes (n)

on 1-in. triangular pitch


Trial 1 for Ud = 20
dara Kering Hot fluid: tube side, Steam
[4] Flow Area
dimana C' = 0.25 From Table 10,
at' = 0.289
at = (Nt.at')/(144n)
at = 0.0120416667

[5] Mass Velocity (Gt)

Gt = W/at = 5788915.5603

[6] Re t
At tc = 187.5
From Fig. 14,
lb/ft.hr µ= 0.0125
0.73 inch 0.06083333 ft From Table 10,
Re t = Dt.Gt/µ
Re t = 9887403.9873

v= 25.728513601

Dari Figure 25 Didapatkan

hi koreksi
tu/(hr)(ft2)(°F/ft) faktor koreksi

[9] hi

hi= 540
[10] hio
hio= hi * ID/OD
From table 10 for 3/4 in OD, BWG 16,
OD 0.75
ID 0.62
hio = 446.4

lb/ft.hr [11] ɸt

ɸt = 1

[12] Corrected coefficient, hio

hio =
hio = 446.4

diantara range 5-50

Pressure Drop
API kerosene Cold fluid: tube side, W
[1] f, s
For Re t = 9887403.9873
From Fig. 26 f =
From Fig. 6 s =

[2] ΔPt
ΔPt = 166.99856982

[3] ΔPr
Gt = 5788915.5603
P allowable 10 psi From Fig. 27,
V^2/2g' = 0.014
ΔPr = (4n/s)(V^2/2g')
ΔPr = 0.224

[4] ΔPT
ΔPT = ΔPt + ΔPr
ΔPT = 167.22256982



Tube Side
0.75 inch
1 in2 (triangular pitch)

Hot fluid: tube side, Steam Jenuh





cp 0.03025 lb/ft.hr
Dt = ID = 0.62 inch 0.051667 ft

540 𝐵𝑡𝑢/
1 𝑗𝑎𝑚 〖𝑓𝑡〗 ^2.℉
3/4 in OD, BWG 16,
inch 0.0625 ft
inch 0.051667 ft
btu/hr.ft2.°F to achieve tw, input this

efficient, hio


Cold fluid: tube side, Water

0.00028 ft2/in2


psi < P allowable 10 psi

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