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SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices by PHT

Assignment Cover Sheet

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Full Name

Student ID
Unit / Code SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety
Due Date Duration
Assignment Type
LIC Thisara Tharangasiri

I declare that this assessment is all my own work.

Student’s Signature: ……………………… Date: …………………..



Signature Marks Awarded

SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices by PHT

For this Assignment, you have been assigned to a group of 3 - 6 and submit a report on the below
mentioned points following guidelines listed in the box.

25 marks are allocated for this assignment

Your report MUST include these guidelines;

1. Group cover page
2. Executive summary
3. Table of contents
4. Body of the report (points mentioned below)
5. Breakdown of the all the point – Who did what
6. References

All students share the responsibility for upholding the academic standards and reputation of the
Institute. Academic honesty is a prerequisite condition in the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge.
Plagiarism links to academic dishonesty. Plagiarism is generally defined as “the practice of taking
someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.” (New Oxford Dictionary of English).

The Institute takes a serious view on plagiarism. Therefore, any student found to have committed or
aided and abetted the offence of plagiarism may be subject to punishment

It is a requirement of this Unit you complete Work Project as advised by your Trainer. You must
submit documentation, suitable evidence or other relevant proof of completion of the project to
your Trainer by the agreed date.

1.1 You are required to complete the following activities:

SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices by PHT

• Obtain an organizational WHS policy. If you are unable to obtain one from your workplace
then you may need to design one that would be relevant to the hospitality or tourism
industry. You may be able to find examples by doing a search on the internet.
• Describe in a step by step way how you would accurately and clearly explain this WHS
policy or procedure to staff in your answer make sure you cover the following points :
o How would you inform staff about information regarding WHS policies and
procedures and how they can access that information?
o How you would ensure updated WHS information is readily accessible to staff?
o Clearly and accurately describe relevant WHS legislation and any codes of practice
that apply to your department/venue
o Identify and explain existing workplace risks and risk control procedures.
Be sure to include a copy of the policy or procedure when you submit your answer.

2.1 You are required to complete the following activities:

• Implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures in three of the
following real or simulated situations:
o evacuation of staff and customers o security management of cash, documents,
equipment, keys or people o handling chemicals and hazardous substances o
hazard identification and reporting o incident and accident reporting o risk
assessment and reporting
• Coordinate consultative processes for managing the above workplace health, safety
and security issues
• Coordinate risk assessments, WHS training, and the maintenance of records relating to above
• Demonstrate management practices that must be implemented for compliance with state or
territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during above situations.

2.2 You are required to complete the following activities:

SITXWHS003 - Implement and monitor work health and safety practices by PHT

• For this component of the assessment you are asked to submit a copy of TWO workplace
WHS procedures and ONE example of WHS signage. They could be a procedure or signs
dealing with cash handling, cleaning with chemicals, emergency and fire or any other topics
that are relevant to this unit. Again, an internet search may be helpful if you do not have
ready access to them in your workplace. In detail describe how you would:
o Monitor staff to ensure they are following these organisational procedures and signage
o Monitor ongoing compliance with safe work practices
o Monitor the effectiveness of work practices in maintain the health, safety and security of
personnel through close contact with day-to-day operations
o Describe a workplace scenario where you may have observed a non-compliant WHS
situation. What would be the appropriate actions for you to take in order to address that
Remember to submit copies of your two procedures and one signage.

3.1 To fulfil the requirements of this assessment you must complete one of the following 2 options.
Option 1: Submit a video of yourself taking an active role in coordination of consultative
arrangements in relation to workplace WHS.
Option 2: If you are unable to submit a video, then revise the information in chapter 3 of the
workbook and write a detailed script of a simulated WHS meeting.
Whether you chose the video or written option you must demonstrate how you would perform
the following:
• Chair an WHS meeting
• Distribute WHS information to staff
• Provide feedback to staff on WHS issues
• Provide staff the opportunity to contribute to discussion and raise issues of concern
• Demonstrate your ability to take action on WHS issues or refer them for the attention
of the ‘appropriate person’ in the organisation. You should also submit a copy of the
minutes of the meeting.

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