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[46] DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 1 ‘SOME DEFINITIONS . EQUATION An equation containing an independent tedden cere and ferential coe of dependent seep th ree! independent arial is called a diferent eit poristanc, 2 yan 8 Asfean? Gi) f (2) } a yore Wa} Gv) (+) dr -2ay dy=0 seecamples of differential equations, ORDEROF ADIFFERENTIAL EQUATION The order of a differential equation isthe order ofthe highest order derivative appearing in the uation. Forexample,in the differential equation asthe -d, ‘the order of highest order derivative is 2. Sn tisa differential equation of order 2. Tie euaton 4-644). ‘guaton 3 S{az| 4 onder ofhighest order derivative in itis 3. ‘NOTE The order of a differential equation is a positive integer. DEGREE OF A DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION The degree of a differen- fatition is the degree of the highest order derivative, when iferental coofcients are made free from radicals and fractions. Inother words, the degree of a differential equation is the Powerofthe highest order derivative occurring inadifferential ‘hation when it is written as a polynomial in differential ‘efficients, Corsder the differential equation By (44) ay = 4 3 of 4y=0. Sayan the power of highest order derivative is a 8 differential equation of degree 1. "consider the differential equation 0 is of order 3, because the fy) (du (HY ge A (2) +¥=0 In this equation, the order of the highest order derivative is 3 and its power is 2.0, itisa differential of 5 equation of order 3 and ‘The differential equation wt Vue heh expe a a polyoma desiatives becomes a(t} -anftoet-n =o In this equation, the power of highest order derivative is 2.So, its degieeis 2 TLLUSTRATION1 The degree ofthe differential equation sre Borg &) 2 (@) nome of these @1 Ans. (d) SOLUTION Since the equation is not a polynomial in all differential coefficients, So, its degree isnot defined. ILLUSTRATION2 The degree of the differential equation : (afoul (a) 1 2 ©@3 Ans. (d) SOLUTION Clearly, the given differential equation is not a polynomial in differential coefficients. So, its degree is not defined. ILLUSTRATION 3 The degree ofthe differential equation Ai] a afhestt 00 ©3 (@) none ofthese ae w2 (2.3. (A) nome ofthese (@)1 Ans (b) © scanned with OKEN Scanner 402 SOLUTION We have, a3 Puy ig 3 fU, 5a. (a) +4. Fae ae =? 5 = (£4) -(sfy_sau_ aj 8 Soe 4 Clearly, it is a differential equation of degree 2. ILLUSTRATION 4 The order and degree of the differential equation 7 Her ae ©) 2,3 p= @ 22 (21 @) none of these Ans. (a) SOLUTION The given equation when expressed as a polyno- rial in derivatives is 2 3 “-be Cleary its a second order differential equation of degree 2. TLUSTRATION 5 If pandg are the order and degre of the differential equation yee Loy = 008, then @ p|_—_ (A) oneof these Ans. (c) SOLUTION The given differential equation is of order 2 and degree 1. p=2andq=1>p>q ILLUSTRATION 6 Order and degree ofthe differential equation 4 : £1-((9)} x (a) 4and2 = (b) 1and2 ‘Ans. (d) SOLUTION The given differential equation can be written as "i eu) _ |, (ae) ae) ~ Ula Clearly, its order and degree are 2 and 4 respectively. ILLUSTRATION 7 The order of the differential equation ‘eyP (a? (4) -(-4) @) 3 () land4 —(d) 2and4 (© 1/2 (d) 6 (2 Ans. (a) SOLUTION The given differential equation can be written as os OBJECTIVE MATHEy 6 (dy) dy fy) a 10 Clearly, its order is 2 and degree is 6. ILLUSTRATION 8 If mand n are the order and degree oy differential equation al a) @é (iy Py. 21th (Gy-“g 8 221, then de (a) m=3,n=3 (b) m= 3,0 yn=5 @) m=3,n Om Ans. (b) SOLUTION The given differential equation can be written és By) (#u) , 4{#u) - jr 4a} Clearly, its order is 3 and degree is 2. m=3andn=2 LINEAR AND NON-LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS A dif ential equation is a linear differential equation if itis expresibiein the form yp Oo py Hep ya Poth +P; +P, + cat Py Ge Pay = ont Ph Gant Pe gad 1 et Pay =Q where Poy Py, Pays Py-yPq and Q are either constants or ‘functions of independent variable x . ‘Thus, if differential equation when expressed in the form of polynomial involves the derivatives and dependent variable in the first power and there are no product of these, and also the coefficient of the various terms are either constants or functions of the independent variable, theniitissaid tobelinest differential equation. Otherwise, it is a non linear differential equation. Itfollows from the above definition that a differential equation will be non-linear differential equation, if () its degree is more than one. (ii) any of the differential coefficient has exponent morethan one (ii) exponent of the dependent variable is more than one. (iv) products containing dependent variable and its differe™ fial coefficients are present. For example, the differential equation 3 2 fy) _ (eu 6/24] -4y=0, ae} lat) is a non-linear differcntial equation, because its degree is more than one. ‘The differential equation 2 442M v99-, © scanned with OKEN Scanner 5 enti has exponent 2. differential equation of d coh eral enon. legree more than 1isa som" on The solution of differential equation isa relation bes mbes incolved which satisfies thea etn ‘and the derivatives obtained 1 eget equation. ration nial equati odin the diferental equation, makes let hand, and right ha Seiler “ve fx ample y= is solution of the difeental equa. anew sderthe differential equation a, =0. afi) piewsider y= Acosx+Bsinx afi) here Aand Bare arbitrary constants, ierentiting i), wt x, we get Mt . - Asinx+Becosx. & Differentiating this wart. x, we get fy ¢ éy e-Aaws-Bsins =» Moyo AY yyco we Acie? Tadeo ‘This shows that y= A cos x+B sin x satisfies the differential ‘equation ) and hence it is a solution of (). ean be easily verified that y=3 cos x+2sin x, y=A cos x, y=Bsinzetc, arealso solutions of (i). We find that the solution y=3casx +2 sin x does not contain any arbitrary constant whereas solutions y = A cos x, y=B sin x contain only one aditrary constant. The solution y = A cos x + B sin x contains ‘woatbitrary constants, so it is Known as the general solution of) whereas all other solutions are particular solutions. GEIERALSOLUTION The solution iwhich contains as many ar- binary constants as the order ofthe differential equation is called the ‘2a solution of the differential equation. Foreample, y= A cos x + B sin x is the general solution of the Mental equation + y=0, But, y= A oes 36 not the ‘mera solution as it contains one arbitrary constant. PATCULAR SOLUTION Solution obtained by giving particular teste arbitrary constants inthe genera olution ofa aiferet- pitted a particular solution. dame y=3cos x+2 sin x isa particular solution of the "ential equation (i). MWWUstRATION A solution of the differential equation 2 ayy __, is *) -x4byy=0,i8 o year (@) y=20-4 yea {117 1999) (© y=2e-4 BS awd ct aarageea noses ‘use differential Ans (c) SOLUTION If, y=2x-4, then ce Clearly, these values satisfy the differential equation. NAUSTRATION2 The solution ofthe diferent equation O42) Mee? oe (2) tan“! tan“ly = tant () tan y tants = tanto (© tan yttan-tx = tanc (@) tant ys+tan-t x = tanctc Ans (4) (CEE (Dethi) 1996), SOLUTION Iftan”!y tan“ x = tan”*C, then a = a cw +E (arty 20 = peas =0> +2) 4,1 9 i ‘Hence, tan~! x + tan“! y = tan™! Cis thesolution of the given differential. ILLUSTRATION 3 If f(@) and g(x) are two solutions of the 2 differential equation a Setdey = E thenf (a) —¢ Gs the solution of 2 @ ett teys & © offend @ahhryne affer@ey=0 Ans (4) SOLUTION. Itis given that f(x) and g (2) are solutions of the differential equation oerbeyed oF yoo vessey = 4 ana went geeiese ¢ zs oS oo-s e+? Li ey-9ca]+fe)-g@] = 0 = f(e)=g 2) isa solution ofthe differential equation a «Bie Bay =o © scanned with OKEN Scanner 484 ILLUSTRATION 4 y = ae"™+be™ satisfies which of the {following differentia equations ? @ Ht -my =0 ) M+my =0 © Sen'y=0 @ Sony =0 Ans (d) SOLUTION Wehave, y = ae™+ben™ = Be mae —mbe™ = 8 =m (ae sbe™) &y = Remy my =0 Hence, option (d) is correct. 2. FORMATION OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS ‘Consider a family of exponential curves y =A ¢*, where A is an arbitrary constant. For different values of A, we get different ‘members of the family. Differentiating the relation y=A e* want, weget a. ria Eliminating the arbitrary constant between y= Ae and ‘Thus, by eliminating onearbitrary constant,a differential equa- tion of first order is obtained. ‘Now consider the family of curves given by y= Acos2x + Bsin2x where A and B are arbitrary constants. Differentiating () w.rt. x, we get ay _ a = ~2Asin 2x + 2B cos 2x nfl) Differentiating (ii) w.rt. x, we get BY 4A cos2x—aBsin 2 i Eliminating A and B from equations (i), (ji) and (ii), we get dy ey =-4 = gay 3 He ay no. Here we note that by eliminating two arbitrary constants, a differential equation of second order is obtained. Similarly one can see that by eliminating three arbitrary con- stants a differential equation of third order is obtained. Thus, from the examples cited above it can be concluded that if an equation involves n arbitrary constants, a differential equation of nth order can be obtained by eliminating these n arbitrary constants. a OBJECTIVE MATHENATiog ting a differential equation from a given equa Kpresening a family of curves means finding a d <4 equation whose solution isthe given equation Ifan eaustet representing a family of curves, contains n arbitrary conan thon we differentiate the given equation n times to obtain ” more equations. Using all these equations, we eliminate jy ‘constants. The equation so obtained isthe differential of order n for the family of given curves. hatin Inorder to formulate a differential equation, we may use thy following algorithm ALGORITHM ; STEPI Write the given equation involving independent varity (ay), dependent variable y (say) and the arbitrary coy, stants, STEP. Obtain the number of arbitrary constants in StepL Let thee ben arbitrary constants. TEP Differentiate the relation in step Im times with respect to, STEPIV Eliminate urbitrary constants with the help of n equation, involving differential coefficients obtained in step [Mandan equation in Step I. ‘The equation so obtained is the desired differential equation. ‘The following illustrations will illustrate the above procedure. ILLUSTRATION 1 The differential equation that represents all parabolas having their axis of symmetry coincident with the axsof xis @ wity=0 ©) mt¥=0 © vitwn=0 @ meth =0 Ans (>) SOLUTION The equation that represents a family of parabols having their axis of symmetry coincident with the axis ofris P= da(e-H) 0) This equation contains two arbitrary constants, so we shall differentiate it twice to obtain a second order differential equation. Differentiating (i) w.r.t. x, we get ay ae fi ay At = da = yt = 20 a) © scanned with OKEN Scanner rial EQUATIONS ng (i) wath x We get pie ag 20> Mat y2=0, gis he required differential equation, ion 2. The differential equation g mgmey parle oi forded 1 Pabola whose ae os @1 ) ; ass 0) ee gener equation ofall parsbolas whose axis of z= ay? tby +c, where a, b, care arbitrary constants, patere are three arbitrary constants, ga te required differential equation is of order3, c10N 3 The diferential equation of all parabotas whose (€) none of these wap ogmmatry i along x-axis sof order @2 3 @1 (@) none of these ns (@) The general equation of the said parabolas is -0+b,wherea, barearbitrary constants. So, the differential equations of order 2. UUSTRATION 4 The diferental equation ofall non-vetiel lines ‘ina plane, is 80 ow Gir0 oto @ Ans (2) SOLUTION The general equation of all non-vertical lines in a planes ax + by = 1, where b #0. ‘Now, axtby=1 2 oso =0 [Differentiating w-r tox] iE of =0 [Differentiating wx. to2] - 4. [-be0} a? a Hence, the differential equation is oo 0 WustRATION 5 The differential equation of all ‘non-horizontal lites ina plane, is wo &y dug @) B=0 os wan? © 7 Oy Ans (b) SOLUTION The general equation of all non-horizontal lines in ‘*Hlaneisar + by =1, where a+ 0- Now, 465 etlyat gerne (Dit. ws.toyh i Aan ra [Dift.w.t-t0y1 = #25 feaeoy Hence, the required: erential equations 5 «0 ILLUSTRATION 6 Thedifferental equation representing} ofeures = 2e(¢+ ME) wheeciespotiocnamnde bof (a) order 1 and degree 3 (@) onder 2 and degree3 (©) order 1 degree 2 (@) nome of these Ans (a) — SOLUTION Wehave, ¥ = 2e@e4e) 0 => yy = 2% = ynre Eliminating c from (}) and (ji), we get = yy (in) = y-2y= (au)"” = y-2ayF = )® Clearly, itis a differential equation of order one and degree 3. ILLUSTRATION 7 The differential equation ofall circles passing through the origin and having their centres on the x-axis, @ p= P+2yH @ #2 ?-29 © t= yw @ =P [ATEEE 2007] fi) Ans. (a) SOLUTION The equation of the family of circles passing through the origin and having their cenres on x-axis (ea? +y-OF = @ ot, P+ yP-2w = 0 Differentiating w-r. tox, we get 0} ar+tyf-m 04 oxy! Substituting the value of in (), we get 4 2 ay paint py ll = dons? = Bra ‘as the required differential equation. © scanned with OKEN Scanner q a OBJECTIVE MATHEMATiog | ILLUSTRATION 8 Family of curves y=Ax+A3 is represented SOLUTION Wehave, | by the differential equation of degree y = acosx+bsinx @3 &) 2 @1 (d) none of these dy eet Ad = Me -asine+beosx : | SOLUTION We have, é oye. ~bsinx = =-y = cos x . yada a Hea ae ae ‘On eliminating A, we get 3. DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER AND 5 FIRST DEGREE poe #-(2) Acer ‘equation of first order and first degree involves .Soitcan be put i 9f the following forms: Clearly, it is a differential equation of degree 3. x yand 7, -Soitcan be putin any one of id ILLUSTRATION 9 The differential equation of the family of paratolas having vertex at the origin and the y-axis as the azis of. symmetry, is ° ©) ayy @) 2% -, © m-¥=0~ @ my-& Ans.(0) SOLUTION The equation of the family of parabolas having vertex at the origin and the y-axis as the axis of symmetry is yea? => Hom ar dy ty 7 = = 2.4 =a = a=y/2] = m-=0 ‘This is the required differential equation. ILLUSTRATION 10 The differential equation ofthe family of lines through the origin, is B @ r#-y=0 +e a. wu otny @ Hes Ans. (a) ICEE (Delhi) 2002] SOLUTION The equation of the family of ines passing through the origin is b Ealkc li) = Hom : ig ii) From (i) and (ii), we get 4d y= x which is the required differential equation. ILLUSTRATION 11 The differential equation for which y=a.cosx+bsin x isa olution is @ Y+y=0 w fy ae ac (c) LY lastyy=0 @ EL@-ny=0 a? Ans. (a) Be fe,y) ot, send] = 0 or, f(xwdr+s (yey =0 where fz, y) and g(x, y) are obviously the function of x and y. ‘The general form of a first order and first degree differential equation is f (= 2) =e SO) We know that the tangent of the direction of a curve in Car- tesian rectangular coordinates at any point is given by 4! so the equation in (i) can be known as an equation which estab- lishes the relationship between the coordinates of a point and theslopeof thetangenti-, Att theintegral curveatthatpoint Solving the differential equation given by (i) means finding those curves for which the direction of tangent at each point coincides with the direction of the field. All the curves repre- sented by the general solution when taken together will give the locus of the differential equation. Since there is one arbitrary constant in the general solution of the equation of first order, the locus of the equation can be said to be made up of single infinity of curves. 4, METHODS OF SOLVING A FIRST ORDER FIRST DEGREE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 4.1 INSPECTION METHOD Sometimes just by inspection a first order first degree differen- tial equation can be written in the form df, W+d lg (x,y) = 0 or, dif(ay)) = 0, where d {f(x,y)} stands for the differential of f(x,y). Insuch cases the general solution of the differential equations given by FR y+EGy) =C or, fy) = C In order to solve a differential equation by inspection method the following results are very helpful : © scanned with OKEN Scanner 48.20 EXAMPLE 4 The diferental equation ofall ellipses with centres at the origin nd eae ce parame Ose (@) @-1yy’-ay =0 ©) GH Dy'txy = 0 © xy'+(2any =o (@) (2-Dy"4@e-Dy! =0 Ans. (a) SOLUTION Let the ends of other axis of symmetry be (0,2), ‘Then, the equation of the ellipse is Phere draped af) Differentiating x, we get a nitty Ml = 0 Pe HH Eliminating a? from (i) and (ii), we get ay pe 1M gt) Yony = may gt oda ODay =O EXAMPLE 5 Let Fhe the family of ellipses whose centre is the origin ‘and major axis is the y-axis. Then the differential equation of family Fis a dy @ Sead = © wit Ele ° Py dy a © Wie de Ans. (a) SOLUTION Let the equation of the family F of rquired ellipses be Av By Itisa two parameter family of curves. Differentiating () with respect to x, we get Are Byyy = 0 Differentiating (i) with respect to x, we get ofl) i) A+By,2+ Byyy = 0 (iit) Multiplying (ii) by x and subtracting from (i), we get B (yy -2y2- ayy = ynty(mny)=0 => wy Sty de (a4) ‘This is the required differential equation, EXAMPLE 6 The differential equation of the family of parabola with focus atthe origin and the x-axis as axis, is 2 a a @) o2) tara gy (2) =mily , , © (2) ty=my @ 2) sayHley <0 (EAMCET 2003] Ans. (b) OBJECTIVE MATHEMATg SOLUTION. The equation ofthe family of parabola with foc, at the origin and the x-axis as axisis = 4a (x0), where isa parameter. _ Differentiating with respect to x, we get a yy wits aah ‘Substituting the value of ain (i), we get és fom t8) és a ye vt (vf) = (Gh -e iter ‘This is the required differential equation. EXAMPLE? The differential equation of all conics whose centre leg the origin is of order @2 @) 3 oO4 (A) none ofthese Ans (b) SOLUTION The general equation of all conics whose centre ie atthe origin is a? + Dh xy + by? = 1. Clearly, it has three arbitrary constants. So, the differentia equation will be of order 3. EXAMPLE 8 The differential equation of all comics whose axes coincide with the axes of coordinates is of order (a) 2 ©) 3 4 @ Ans (a) SOLUTION The general equation of all conics whose axes coin: cide with the axes of coordinates is ax?+by = 1 Clearly, thas two arbitrary constants. So, the differential isof order 2. EXAMPLES The degree ofthe differential equation satisfying Viq¥ 4Vi-P =0e-yis @1 @) 2 © 3 (@) mone ofthese Ans (a) SOLUTION We have, a@-y = Vi-P sine Putting x=sin A, y=sin B, we get cos A+cos B = a (sin A ~sin B) Differentiating x, we get ee 1 iy Wer wpa 2 ee Clearly, itis differential equation of first order and first degree © scanned with OKEN Scanner wo The equation those general oe Maenty y= (Cr* CDN +6) Cpe, i c w4 @2 3 sO enave, BP (Cyt caysin (4) Ce y= Cosine C9)~ Cae where CoC} + Cy ye gain +C9)= Cre where Cy e= Cy theaboverelation contains three arbitrary constants, ee er ofthe differential equation satisfying it is 3, ‘sal uen Thedegree and order of the differential equation ofa ‘ohose axis is x-axis are Har 42 (© 32 (A) none of these ICEE (Dethi) 2009] bss © Monon The equation of all parabolas whose axis is x-axis ingivenby 7? =42 —h) Diferentiating w-1. tox, we get ayy = ty = ‘hisisa differential equation of order 2 and degree 1. panrte 12 The differential equation of all parabolas whose axes sep iothe axis of, is 3 8 offer ® oye © 4 = 0 @) none of these ‘ns.(0) SOLUTION The equation of the parabola having their axes parlel to y-axis is given by ye a2+bese a ey &y = 4. : gamed > Lam Th =0 ‘hiss the required differential equation. “AMPLE 13. The differential equation of all circles which pass "rough the origin and tohose centre lies on y-axis, is ORM oye 0 oy av Grrw=0 tt sy @ oye =0 : [CEE (Delhi) 2000, ATEBE 2004] Ans.(ay ts it trmtON The equation of the family of circles passing 'hthe origin and having centres on y-axis 18 Fey aP oa = atep-2ay 20 “@ 4621 Differentiating wr. x, we get dy dea ny Magy ~~ Ya Gy Oa ailey dx Substituting the value of ain (), we obtain, Petey) ° PoP nytt 0 = ty) May 00 EXAMPLE 14 The diferential family ial equation for the 27 -y}— ay =0, where a isan arbitrary constant, oe 4 () (ayy = Bey 202+ ary a Oe-Ahery — wre-yHey {ATEEE 20081 Ans. (c) SOLUTION Wehave, Payday 0, Differentiating w.z. tox, we get fe rey’ WY ot = 9 > a= * ar+2y tm = 0 =F & Substituting this value of ain (i), we get 41 ay(cry!t) = 000 @-¥) # = wn) # afer doe way) = oy ‘This is the required differential equation. EXAMPLE 15 The equation ofthe curve in which the portion of the tangent included between the coordinate axes is bisected a the point of contact, is (a) aparabola (b) anellipse (@ akypertola Ans.) SOLUTION y-y= #a-» (© acircle ‘The equation of the tangent at any point P(s,y)is | and ; de This cuts the coordinate axes at A[x-y5y Blo.y-x 4). in sgiven that P (4,9) is the mid-point of AB. xy Be trandy-aft = 2y i. sty = omdysx@ = 0 we x dytydr = Oandydx+xdy = 0 = d(xy) = 0 xy =C Clearly, it represents a rectangular hyperbola. © scanned with OKEN Scanner in sean equation (ii) S a ase equation representing the orthogonal a a parte oF ax aye 3 The orthogonal trajectories of the circles Ay Pa pany [ae ” ae | 0 Bay = 0 This io the ditt (W-Thedifferearent@! eQuation ofthe family of circles given in tories ign eduatlonrepresenting the orthogonal tajec- oy ‘= 0, where a isa parameter), is hay 0) 2+y = ce wepee @ 249 = cerry i we) i 1 Wehave, = Weeds 2 Pepa =O “© ontntegatn ses 4 coy On‘integrating, we get _ enna 00 x eT TEC = Pa? = Cx ax REMARK Ifthe orthogonal trajectories of a SF clndote (eats ® i inex nt fat er le SECTION -I SOLVED MCQs ‘Ths setion contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) for its answer, out of which only one is correct. AMPLE 1 The degree ofthe differential equation 3 fi x 1d Bi (2) + @3 o) 1 (9 matdefined (@ none of these 0) SOLUTION We have, 4 r= loge = as (Claty itis differential equation of degree one. BAMPLE 2 The order and degree the differential equation of all longen lines tothe parabola x2 = 4y, is O12 2,2 31 An) ©) ; ‘OLUTION. The equation of any tangent to = 4y is @) 4,1 ibs myst, where mis an arbitrary constant. Diteentati Steniatng this warto x, we get Putting the value of min x=my +, we get 2 ‘ayy _ dy. ~(th atts which is a differential equation of order 1 and degree 2. EXAMPLE 3 The differential equation of rectangular hyperbolas whose axes are asymptotes of the hyperbola x°— y= 02, is wo xt=-y 4 ay * dx de 4 @ yee © rey (@ xdy+ydx = C Ans. (b) SOLUTION The equation of the rectangular hyperbola whose axes are asymptotes of the hyperbola x* ~ y=: wis xy = 2, wheree = 02/2 ‘This isa one parameter family of curves. Differentiating with respect to x, we get Wye ay xGlry 200% © scanned with OKEN Scanner OBJECTIVE Mati, “te wit @ yee | (a) log x = logy (© xtyee de dy lution ofthe differential equation $F +7 = 0,15 Answers fa) 7 (@) 43. (c) 44. (a) 48. (@) 46. (2) 47.) 48. (0) 4, r@ 20 30 fOr os Bint) 50.) BL () 52. @) 89. (@) Bh ©) 55. 6) 56 : = 8 16, (a) 17. (€) 18. (b) 19. (2) 20. () 2b (©) 57. (b) 58. (0) 59. &) 60. (©) OL (A) 62 (0) 63, @) 2. (0) 23. (&) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (a) 64. (c) 65. (b) 66. (d) 67. (d) 68. (c) 69. (b) 79, @ 29. (b) 30. () 31. (a) 82. (C) 33. (©) 34 (0) 35. (@) 71. (a) 72. (A) ‘ 36. (c) 37. (a) 38 (b) 39. (a) 40. (c) 41. (c) 42, (a) CHAPTER TEST Each ofthe following questions has four choices (a) (b), (c) and (d) out of ohich only one is correc 8, Theslope ofthe tangentat (x,y) oa curve passing toys spire ns EE aaideenton tice satisfying y @ig)=¢ is given by 2 @ Be & Be © be (a) 202-y) = 3x &) 202-9 = 6y 2 The differential equation of the family of curves (© x07-y) =6 @) x@?+¥) =10 : 9. The solution of the differential equation : Mark the correct choice, ay 2 _2Y | y(a) = 1, then one of the values of 2 Luge wae) 0 (@ en : é ‘di dy =. os =4los i) » a(@) eve-#-0 yo is (a) (+a) + ay) (©) (+0) (1-ay) = cy © 9H = 4a (@ fifty =0 © waa (@) none of these 3. y=ae™+be"™ satisfies which of the following differen- 10. Thesolution of the differential equation (x+2y°) fy. tial equation? eau! a @ x= ¥4C Oy=2ec @ 2smy =0 ) my =0 a ae © x=¥¥+Q @) y=x2+Q © a my =0 @ Shem y=0 11. The general solution of the differential equation s Ms sin AU gin 2M ig 4, The solution of the differential equation dx 2 2 Beat sa-ris @ logtn(§) = C=2ain @ Yate () Ya eFC y inl? 5. The differential equation of the family or curves yn y = 7 (acosx+bsin x) where, a and bare arbitrary con- © logtan' > + p Coren stants, is given by @) ~4y, +8y = 0 ©) 2y-y +8 =0 @ logtn (+f) = c-2sin$ © pt4y ~5y (@) yy~2y,+5y = 0 ‘on of ah 12. Thesotution of $y =1, y (0)=11is given by y (x)= 6. The differential equation obtained on eliminating Aand B from y =A cos wt +B sin wt, is (@) ~exp@) (b) -exp(-x) (©) -1 (@) exp@)-! +1 @) y"t¥ =0 ©) y'tu?y =0 13. The number of solutions of y’ = y(1)=2is oy @y'ty=0 (=) none) A 1/3 one (©) two (a) infinite 7. Thesolution of - A is Tm pn ite differential equation =lext Pen = wo rapeie waaynnc y tay O08 ( ~8-P8=Cc @ Y8-r8 2c &) y= 1+ce(e* al © scanned with OKEN Scanner yAL EQUATIONS. yrmnctst) @ vo ta(ed as ion ofthe differential equati 2 @ & ee ‘thesolution ial equation Teg 21H? xdy-ydx=VxP +y? dx, i a sy sia © Gee @ xelere ) eee Dayesvydc = 0) Ha bo gat @) yrVery = 24. The al i . isfying &¢ = St oF eee of ydx—xdy-332 7 dx =0, is ag Integral curve satSAVINB Gay = 2 +¥ (1) = 1 has the @fe24c cjope atthe point (1, 0) ofthe curve, equal to y Leese @ -53 ©) -1 1 @ 5/3 © xy =e 4c @ yaeec sp tederential equation which represents the fay of curves y= exp (c) is pyeo (b) xy’—logy = 0 (0 slogy = 9 aie sa p continuously diferentiable function 9 (2) € (0/2) satsfyingy’ = 1+y,y 0) =0is fe) tanx (0) ¥(¢—9)(6) (=A) L~e%) (2) not possible 1p, Thesoltion ofthe differential equation * aes oye to Le*sertd lemreted 2 a sneoerttediferentatequtin®£= Vis 4) vis (d) 4 @ femrera @2 1 ©.3 ‘21 Thesolution of the differential equation Wade sn @ ey/ = &) xou/0 =k © o/a = (@) you/s =k 2, Thesolution of log 2) ax+by,is 25. The solution of the differential equation dy __tlog+x_ dx ~ siny+ycosy’ ® (@) ysiny = Plogx+C —— () ysiny = 2+C (© ysiny =x +logx+C (a) ysiny = xlogx+C 26. The solution ofthe differential equation We ytanx=secxis (@) ysecx=tanx+C () ytanx=secx+C (© tanx=ytanx+C (@ xseex = ytany+C 27. The general solution of & cos y dx —€ sin y dy = 0, is (@) &(siny+c0s y) = C (b) Fsiny =C (0) & = Coosy (@) Feosy =C 28, The solution of the differential equation Qy-1) dr @x+3)dy = Os 243 2e-1 _ 2y+3 =c @) 29. Thesolution of +y = &% yO) = 08 @ y=" @yeerDe* @ yse*e-D (© yaxertl eres: 2 ° Gee 430. The solution of the differential equation Sf = 5% isfying the condition y (1) = 1,5 Sac (d) none of these Oyere? sane = Cisthe generalsolution ofthe differen (y= inxte @ yarns Answer 160 2H BOO 25, (a) 26. (@) 27. (2) 28 ©) 1H 20) 30 40 =@ 6O % 2 Ee (19: H 2 @ 3 @) 4 Od f@) 9, (b) 10. () 11. &) 12 | @ 2. @ 38. (€) 16. (©) 17. (@) 18 @) 19 ©) 20. Solutions of Exercises and Chaptert 4s are available in @ separate book on "Solutions of Obj est jective Mathematics”. © scanned with OKEN Scanner EQUATIONS ti different se lon contains (x dy yds) as q 1 Oye © apres tee ia fo} (9 Mibegiven differential equation contains (x dy+ yds).asa oe SSE afew) then ts multiplication by @ — Igives:d Gy) vera i. dy + ydx _d (xy) @ ome ie yt ay 2 log Gy) 1 wzdytyde _ dtc gives: = ge ey" oy =1 2a{——1_} nad fears} . the given differential equation contains (x dx +y dy) as a tem, then its multiplication by 0 Feives:a(P+y) @ Pip tte I ED stoge9 fi) 2 7 _ Beds + 2y dx Fe eae =i@+¥) ata 1 err one "” TWUSTRATION 1 The general solution of the differential equation xdy+ydx+2x0 dx = 0, is ®atec (&) xytZet=€ Oxyd. Satys5 at 0 @ w-ftec Ans, () SOUMON Wehave, *Wy+ydr423 de = 0 _ Meparax = 0 = diay+z de" eon we get 1 19+5 x = C, which is the required solution of the SWven differential equation. 487 MLUSTRATION 2. The solution of diferental equation det ydy = a(e+y)dy, is @) 24Y ace +f =ces (0) Pay? = Aay ate (4) none of these SOLUTION Wehave, adxtydy = a( +P) dy Bade+2ydy a ” Pay = tadys SEHD anty On integrating, we obtain log (27+ 7) = day -+log.c = 24P=CP¥is the required solution. ILLUSTRATION 3 The solution of the differential equation (tay) rdy+(1-xp ydr = 0,8 if a i @ wree(!] c ® ~artea(t}=¢ 1 © ~ytta(t]=c @ ~yrea(i)-c Ans. (©) SOLUTION. The given equation can be written as Gedy -+y dx) +2xy (x dy-y dx) = 0 = 4 ey) +3y (edy-yds) = 0 ow dew) , xdv—vde _ 9 wy = dow ,dy deg Gy y x = Sorta oes) -4 log x) = 0 = {Gp td 069-069 = se On integrating, we get aL 4) 2 cas ion. ~prea(2) Cas the required solution. ILLUSTRATION 4 Solution ofthe differential equation 34 -(e ® wwi(8)- “4c ant(f)=z0e © wifi) = a=x4C @ tavt(g) vec Ans. (a) © scanned with OKEN Scanner 46.8 SOLUTION. The-given differential equation can be written as sta forfh—e ‘On integrating, we obtain tan”? () = ~x+C, which i the required solution. ILLUSTRATION 5 Solution of the differential equation ye dr = (xe/¥ +7 sin y) dy, is (@) &Y = cosy+C ) oY = -siny+C © &/* = -cosy+C (©) eff = -cosy+C Ans. (4) SOLUTION We have, ye dx = (eel + yf siny) dy = Yae-xdyeY =P sinydy = ey pass = siny dy = eval Fr = -d(cosy) On integrating, we obtain &/¥ = ~cosy+C, as the required solution. ILLUSTRATION 6 The solution ofthe diferental equation Ho E8L 8 cisging yeti (@) ahyperbola () acircle © #=x0+x)-10 @) @=22+y-37 = 5 Ans.(a) SOLUTION Wehave, dy tors ar ay = dydy = +yt1ydr = 2aydy ~ yds = (atyde = ad )-yYadx = (241) dx = = On integrating, we get Leslic #Tty is Pa Pascro? alrogf aE Clearly, it represents a hyperbola. OBJECTIVE MATHEMATIOg ILLUSTATION 7 The solution of the diferential equation, ML sa? tany = € secy satiting yl) =0,i¢ (®) siny = A (x-1) x4 (d) siny = F@-1)x9 (@) tany = (x-2)elogx (© tany = -Dex? Ans.(b) SOLUTION Wehave, PMs aPtany = csecy = Peosy He ssiny = 4 = rtcos ydy +40 sin y dx = xe" dx = d(tsiny) = xe dx (On integrating, we get wAsiny = @-)E+C any Itis given thaty =0 wherex=1, Putting x=1 and y=0in (i), wegetC = 0 Putting C= in (i), we get asiny = (x-1)e = siny = &(e-1) x4 ILLUSTRATION 8 Solution of the differential equation Me dx+ Vyas oo FESR NE sient 2 won 4 eee 2 rea(}+ log ee wo pen Mace + tan’ xte oO (4) none ofthese Ans. (d) SOLUTION Wehave, Me dx + Vy fee AP) +d) _ p2 © ae ay) Sa dite 2 whereu=xand vay? = Mdutvde | vdu-udo Bat Pak seed ~2aue(8) ee s =) © scanned with OKEN Scanner MUSTRATION 8 The solution ofthe diferent equation dy- raeyat ag TO yr : peeeyea{em 3 =0 Onintegrating, we obtain «' ec Lee Pyetn tt =f 2 aE th y= tm( OSH) ISTRATION 10° The general solution of the differential equation yoryte) dre dy = 0,i5 (@) Py-3e = Cy (&) Py+3e=3Cy Ovr-38 = Ce @ Pxt3ed = Ce ‘Ans. (0) SOLUTION Wehave, VOry+e) dx-e dy = 0 = PPdxeyede-e dy = 0 = Paryiede~edy gy #ara(2|~0 Onintegrating, we get Ze 3ty = Cm Py te =3Cy remnants IN VARIABLE SEPARABLE FORM {lifferential equation can be put in the form 014 =a) dy, we say thatthe variables are separable and hequations can be solved by integrating on both sides. The ‘lutions given by Jpeyax = J spay+e, N¢Cisanabiary constant towing ihustrations wil lustrate the procedure: TLLUSTRATION 1. The solution of the differential equation 4 yi Bet ViTG = 0,18 (@) tan! x+eot"lx = C (b) sin” 'x4sin“ty = (0) sec txt cosets = C (4) none of these [CEE (Delhi) 1999] Ans.(b) SOLUTION Wehave, ay ie? - 1 1 a re 9? pe ee On integration, we have sin y+sin"'x = +C HLUSTRATION 2 Solution of the differenti x dy~y dx =O represents (@) a rectangular hyperbola (©) a straight tine passing through the origin (©) parabola whose vertex i atthe origin (@) circle whose centre is atthe origin equation [CEE (Delhi) 2000] Ans. (b) SOLUTION Wehave, xdy-ydx = 0 we T > tn zaen0 = logy-log x = log [Onintegrating] ue . = tecay=& Clearly, itrepresents a straight line passing through the origin, ILLUSTRATION 3. The solution ofthe differential equation cos xsiny dx +sin x cosy dy = 0,i8 (©) cosxteosy = C @ sinxsiny = C (© sinx+siny = C Ans. (@) SOLUTION Wehave, cos x siny dx-+ sin x cos y dy = 0 = sinyd(sinx) +sinxd(iny) = 0 = d(inxsiny) = 0 On integrating, we getsin xsiny = C. ILLUSTRATION 4 The solution of the differential equation wy ue, dx ee @ y= tax () dy-x = C+3y) (© x= taly (@) tan (xy) = C Ans.) © scanned with OKEN Scanner a A550. OBJECTIVE MATHE Man SOLUTION Wehave, ‘Ans. (a) = w. lav ye SOLUTION Wehave, cos (x+y)dy = dx ae ay nae Puttingr+y=0 and 1+4=42- weget Cute tanly = tan”? x+tan“!C = tan ty-tan" ty = tant = ws) tan 1C ly oe ley ILLUSTRATION 5 Solution of the differential equation dx dy =C a y-=CQty) =0is Ea ® pyre () log xlogy = C © w=Cc @ xty=C Ans.(0) SOLUTION Wehave, det pata =0 ‘On integrating, we get logx+logy = logC = xy = C ILLUSTRATION 6 The differential equation yilex-c represents (@) a family of hyperbolas ; (©) family of circles whase centres are on y-axis (©) a family of parabolas (@) a family of circles whose centres are on x-axis. Ans. (d) SOLUTION We have, v3 ay hex=C = yay+te~ Odx = 0 £00 «Go u-of4y = 20, Cleary, itrepresents a family of circles having their centres on axis. 4.3, EQUATIONS REDUCIBLE TO VARIABLE SEPARABLE FORM = Differential equations of the form {t= (ax + by +c) canbe reduced to variable separable form by making the substitution ax + by+c=0 as discussed in the following examples. ILLUSTRATION 1. The solution of cos (x+y) dy = dr, is @y= wn 34}+ ®) y= ow (i) © yoaee(f re (@) none of these ICEE (Delhi) 1999] (do of dy _ 1+cosv dk ~ cosy C05 O ty 2 dx T+eos0 = (erbalene * J(-pecg)eo- Je = vetanZ = xt = ortyctan aytjexc a y= tentttec ILLUSTRATION2 The solution of the differential equation Wi recttY,is dx (b) @+C)et¥ =0 @ @-Cyete1= {CEE (Delhi) 1998) Ans.(d) * SOLUTION We have, Herpeet! Berea (@) @+yety=0 © @-C)ery=1 ys . Then, 1+ 3 = Letx+y= 2 Beer & en? "do = dx feta = fae Parte = EOD a HC FOAM AO ILLUSTRATION 3. The equation of a curve passing trough origin and satisfying the ferential equation SL. = (x— yh () A -x+y) = 1ltx-y ©) 2 d4x-y) = 1-xty © A d-x+y+d4z-y) @) AQ txty =1-xty ‘Ans. (a) 4 aug © scanned with OKEN Scanner aaa A = C(x-ytl) = A y-x41) taking C= 1, we find that option (a) is correct. USTRATION 4 The equation of the curve passing through the crign and satisfying the differential equation 2 (dy. yw? B) = @-¥? A d-x4y) =14x-y (bl) H(i tx-y) = 1-3ty @Ad-x+y =14x4+y (@) A exty) = 1-sty [EAMCET 2000] ns.) soumow Wehave, 4 = + (xy) ds SEI When T= (xy) Inihiscase, wehave a= wherex—y a &tl-0 1 Tyla de ~bg (1-0) = x-+logc Gnu ce =» 1 y PSs throu ‘ ce neh the origin, Nene 1 nfl) ‘Taye =cé 4 ASE When ~@-yay-n In this case, we have du det leu, whereu=y-x du 2 yeite = log (u~1) = x4 loge SUL Ce oe y-z-12ce Tt passes through the origin. o'Cwat 4 Hence,y~x-1 = -€ or, x-y+1 =e fii) From (i) and (i), we obtain Tg - A 3 yy -a-sene ILLUSTRATION 5 Solution of the diferential equation xtyn1)dy _(xtye1 xvy-2]dx ~ (rey42 fe=a=3| =20+y) given that y =1 wher x= 1, is (@) log we ©) log fe=ghsa| =2@-y) (0 og |2¥*2| = 20-y (d) none of these Ans. (d) ay _ a SOLUTION Letz+y=u. Then, 1+4% = & So, the given differential equation becomes fu=1)(du_,) uel u-2}\ dx “wt? du, (ust 3 ae” (wt? 2 dy Wau yy Fie” Pend du | 2uhmd ~ ix yPtun2 aun? ayo ode Me? # = ay (eas 2dx ‘On integrating, we get weblog | -2 | = 2x4C © scanned with OKEN Scanner 4612 = (ety) t}log | GetyP-2| = 2e+C => 2y-a)+log | (x+yP-2| = 2C fi) When x =1, weave y=1 log2 = 2C Substituting the value of C in (i), we get 2-2) + log |(x+y?-2| = log2 xsuta} . = 2y-x+log 444 HOMOGENEOUS DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS Ifa first-order first degree differential equation is expressible in the form Wy, few de g(x,y) where/(xy) and g(x,y) are homogeneous functions of thesame degree, then itis called a homogeneous differential equation. ‘Such type of equations can be reduced to variable separable form by the substitution y = vx as explained below : ‘The given differential equation can be written as. = Xf) _ fl) _ a” Pgy/x) sui ~ FUMEY do : aye Ify = ox, then Zt = vex Substituting these x values in 44 = Fly/z),we get vtx = Fe) do _ dr Fo On integration, we have Saprew =) Fre Where Cis an arbitrary constant of integration. After integration, v is replaced by y/x to get the complete solution. ILLUSTRATION 1 Which of the follow tier eee HGH of the following i a homagencous @ w-wh ak ) xy = 8 (©) (e+y-Ddy-(e-ystydx <0 van Ans. (4) OBJECTIVE | SOLUTION The differential equation in option (a) cane tenas mt ty Mo fee, te gag IEP Clearly, f 0.x, 2y) #f 9) 0, itis not a homogeneous differential equation. Similarly, differential equations in options b) and (0) ae ny homogeneous, However the differential equationinoptong is homogeneous as it can be written as oe y ysin{#)—x a. or, Hoey de xsin é and, @Ax,Ay) = Oy) ILLUSTRATION 2. The differential equation ofall circles whichpa, through the origin and whose centre is on y-axis, is (a) a homogeneous differential equation () a differential equation of order 1 and degree 2 (©) a differential equation in variable separable form (@) adifferential equation reducible to variable separable form Ans. (a) SOLUTION The differential equation representing the given family of circle is (tf) Ho ay [See example 13 on page 4621} Clearly, itis a homogeneous differential equation. ILLUSTRATION 3 By substituting y = vx, the solution of the differential equation dy _ sy. Peay ina: @) 2¥ = logx+C (b) Fx gzec (9 3 = ogs+c @ & = ogr+c Ans. (b) SOLUTION. Substituting y= 0x and $Y =y +x 22 in the gv differential equation, we get at 1B ° a On integrating, we get f etogsec > 3 logx+C ar tele do Dien ore 12 odo = © scanned with OKEN Scanner EQUATIONS Solution of the differen equation ©) NTF «gp @) yA Vee 2 oe “ a uoenSubstttingy = vrand GY=0+ +82, we get ninegratng, we get reg 0+ #1) = logx+logC ag BFA = Ce ya Ney = co? .TION 5 Which ofthe following statements on ordi al uation ifr rue? etiiaretd ‘The rumber of arbitrary constants is same as the degree © eafeentl eption oer (@ A linear differential equation can contain products ofthe dependent variable and its derivatives. (GA particular integral connot contain arbitrary constants. @) Byputting o = any homogeneous first order diferentiat equation transforms to variable separable form, 9 @and (only (©) (ii) and (i only (0 (iid only (@) (and (iv) only ‘ns. (9) SOWTION Thenumber of arbitrary constants in the solution a differential equation is same as its order. So, statement (i) ‘snot true. Statement (ii) is not true. However, statement (ii) ‘sue. Some homogeneous differential equations reduce to "rable separable form by putting v=“. MWSTRATION 6 On putting td the differential equation 4 dy? , yap 8 Minsformed to 8) xQo-1)ér = 30 (@=1) de ) 100-140 = 30(1—)de © x0-2) do = (P= 20) de 0-20) a0 = (P-2yax Ans, 4) a . ao Putting y= orand t= +242, given differetia tion reduces to => 30 (1-0) dx = x@20-1)4d0 ses TAUSTRATION 7 The diferent! equation 8+ % = hs the solution eee Wt = ytogs+0) ao © 9+ O)logs @ y= (@+Ology Ans. (a) SOLUTION. We tee oy fehave, 4G =f Pattingy = ox and St = ox, weget vt wom Mando Leela On integrating, we get Ja topes = x= y(ogr+O) ILLUSTRATION 8 The general solution of Parcs (Pry +) dy = 0,58 (@ tar? J logy +c = 0 ) Bian" tloge+C = 0 © log (y+ W797) + logy +c = 0 @) logy = tan Lc [EAMCET 2003] Ans.(€) SOLUTION Wehave, Parr@-wey=00 He -z4o Pattingy=or and = v+x22-we get BY ax dx On integrating, we get togo—tan!9 = -logs+C eu vea($)-m 2 alos +C = logy = tant Lc x © scanned with OKEN Scanner 444 OBJECTIVE MATHEMATICN LUSTRA ifferential equati PARTICULAR CASE Ifa; by 03 by =0, then the denominator in ETA eS es a the expressions for values of and k given in (iv) vanishes and oft 0 this method fails as the values of and kare indeterminate x Wad, rie We have, ” ® 3) =k © et)-¥ Ans. (a), SOLUTION Subaitutingy = vrand 4 = v+x42, we get do 4,90 VO gy 1 vere ety oe ere On integrating, we get log (2) = logx+logk = 9 (0) = kx = o(- ke 4.8 EQUATIONS REDUCIBLE TO HOMOGENEOUS FORM Ifa first order, first degree differential equation is ofthe form dy _atehy te, i dr ~ ax byte, % ‘Then it can be reduced to homogeneous form by certain sub- stitutions, as explained below: Put x=X+h, y=Y+k ‘where h and k are constants, which are to be determined. ‘ ay _ dy dY aX | av * de" dY aX" de ~ aX Substituting these values in (i), we have ay _ G1 X+b YN tayh+b eee, : a ” @Xth, rahe kre ti) Now h,k willbe chosen such that aha dyke, ena (9 ie 4 k 1 hanbe ” aa-aa ” a By For these values ofh and k the equation (ii) reduces to a¥ _ 4X+hy aX 2) X+b,Y which is a homogeneous differential equation and can be solved by the substitution Y=oX, Replacing X and Y in the solution so obtained by x—h and -y~ krespectively, we can obtain the required solution in terms of rand y. 0, by ay by=0 = Safes (ay) = a= ky, by = kb. ‘The given equation (i) can be written as axthyytey dx ~ Rayer yt a Now substituting 2, x+b, +b we set 1 (de vty do vtg a(e-4) “weg 7 de * Al Rose, [Now variables can be separated to solve this equation. ILLUSTRATION 1 The differential equation dy | 7x~3y-7 dr ~ 23e47y43 reduces to homogeneous form by making the substitution @)x=X+Ly=¥+0 — b) x= X+Ly = Yt1 ©x=X-Ly=Y4r @) x= X+0y=Y¥+1 Ans. (a) SOLUTION. Let x=X+h, becomes AY _ _OX-3Y) + (7h ~ 3k aX ~ ©3X#7Y)+(-3h+7k+3) This will reduce to a homogeneous differential equation, if Th-3k-7 = 0 and >3h+7k+3 =0 > h=1,k=0 = +k, Then, the given equation Hence, x=X+1,y=Y+0 reduces the given equation to ‘homogeneous form. ILLUSTRATION 2. The differential equation a = irate to variable separable form by making the substitution @ xty=0 Wax-ysu y= rey Ans. (a) Fe = ay LUTON Letx +y=v-Then, 148% = #2, Substituting these values in the given differential equation, we eet p=1 dv _ dw _ 41 vel > dx o+1 > 2p Clearly, itis in variable separable form. do = dx © scanned with OKEN Scanner the (b) (tanv) dp = 2 x (@) cot ody = x sobsttutingy= mand a0 + x2, wt af evetanv = (cotv)do = i dy 4g UNEARDIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS paetit qution is Linear if the dependent variable (y) and its re pest only in first degree. The general form ofa linear see lematon of first order is Baty =Q fi) shee Pand Qare functions of x (or constants) Head, xHyry=2, Ba ryasinx ec alinear differential equations. ‘his type of differential equations are solved when they are tiie by a factor, which is called integrating factor, be- cst by multiplication of this factor the left hand side of the difirentil equation (i) becomes exact differential of some ‘cian Maliplying both sides of () by of Pax we get (aon) od at fps Ps rf Ee “|= 0¢ Onintegrating both sides w.x.t. x, we get Pie Ps “2 =f od +C Which is the required solution, where C is the com: Pd te egrating factor. The sotution (i) in short integrating factor. My asobe written ag” yk) = J Q- GR) drt Toso} wea sine differential equation, we may Us* ACORTHM enflt) stant of the follow- wy dy , py = Qand OS Write the differential equation in the form ge * PY obtain Pand Q, en Fy . ed SU Find integrating factor (LE. given by LF. J 465 au ‘Multiply both sides of equation in Step Iby LF. SEPIV Ieee bo ede of heequation obtained instep Mer. WULF) = J QaRyae+c ‘This gives the required solution. 47 LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF THE FORM $ +Reeg Sometimes a linear differential equation can be put in the form Gfeke=s where R and $ are functions of yor constants. Following algorithm is used to solve these types of equations. ALGORITHM STEP Write the diferent equation i the form + R= Sod obtain Rand S. STEPI Find LF. by using LF.= 0 B4¥ STEPI Multiply both sides of the differential equation in Step I by mera STEPIV Integrate both sides ofthe equation obtained is Step ITw..t. yo obtain the solution given by x(LF) = J S(LF)dy+C ‘where C is the constant of integration. ILLUSTRATION 1. The integrating factor ofthe differential equation. a -) any = Lis @-« om © WF @ Froga-7) Ans. () SOLUTION Wehave, a-af-we1s (aay 2 Iisa linear differential equation with LF. given by faye Bega-2) oleae bog) oe TLLUSTRATION 2. The solution of Repay = Ois free ae wyece Oe hate oe lP# (@ x=Ce Ans. (b) SOLUTION Wehave, . Mepayy = ods Poryaend = 7 © scanned with OKEN Scanner 4aie On integrating, we get logy = | -P(x)dx-+logC = y Sees ILLUSTRATION 3 The integrating factor of the differential equation (logs) SH +y = 2og:xis given by Pas (@) log (log.x). (b) e* © logx x {CEE (Delhi) 1994, 95, 991 Ans.(¢) SOLUTION Wehave, a, 1 2 dx * xlogx¥ “x eae Lp = oS riege e000). tog x ILLUSTRATION 4 Integrating factor of the diferental equation coor M+ysinx = 1,1 b) secx —(e) tnx (A) cose {CEE (Delhi) 1994] (a) sinx Ans. () SOLUTION We have, Be cansyy = secx In = ghana: BT sec x ILLUSTRATION 5. Which of the following transformations reduce the diferential equation Bs 2oge=3 (logs? into the form Be rausQe) (@) w= loge Mune (©) « = (logzy"? (d) u = (logz)? Ans. (¢) SOLUTION Wehave, 1d a ot 2 (log2)? 4° “Toga” 7 or, + Pay u=Q(), where Pay=-2 and aw =-3 TLLUSTRATION 6 The diferentil equation x42 y =22, has the general solution (@), y- 2 = 2Cx (©) 2-2 = Cr (2) 2y+x? = 2Cx (@) y+x? =2Cx [CEE (Dethi) 1997) OBJECTIVE MATHENATICg Anns. (b) SOLUTION. Wehave, a, ¢- } ye? Itisa linear differential equation with integrating factor ined eee ae Multiplying () by and integrating, we get mes ea ILLUSTRATION 7 If integrating factor of x (1-22) dy +(e y-y=ax) dx = Ois Jee then P is equal to +C ot, 2y-#? = 2Cr 22- ax? - 2-1 22-1 @ a-e) @ 2-1 AS ire Ans. (d) SOLUTION We have, ee eo Ue s This isa linear differential equation ofthe form 4+ Py = Q, ea x(L-2) ILLUSTRATION 8 Integrating factor ofthe differential equation # ty = tihhis where we ws Ore we Ans.(b) SOLUTION Wehave, # ( “Hy = S(i-2er In=e ¢4} a etirele ILLUSTRATION 9. Integrating factor ofthe differential equation dy 8 2 ern g-y= (x4 lf, is 1 () -@#1) () log (e+) () et? @ aT Ans. (d) SOLUTION Wehave, we 1 ae ae EHD © scanned with OKEN Scanner EQUATIONS: Tron 10 The diferential equation 4817 ose We xsindy= 2 cosy acest frm bce, : wart © ated ober? @ #222 ee ‘Wehave, Mexsindy = Peosty z edyfl+@tany)x =? {WUSTRATION 11 An integrating factor of the differential gation dx : vlog y ig, +*~logy = Onis 1 1 tog) © gy Oey © gg cogH Ans.(b) ode 1 SOLUTION We have, wy ylogy*~y ea tne dF ay = 265% = logy 48 equamons REDUCIBLE TO LINEAR FORM (Bemoull’s differential equation) ‘Thedifferential equation of the type : : Bt Py=oy" ft ‘ete Pand Q are constants or functions of n alone and x is @ Constant other than zero of unity, can be reduced to the linear antl gp, a8 ex pa Sang with y’ and then putting y°"*! =, 95 e Dwiding both sides of i) by y", we get pe dy pe yr hepy=Q ting y77 -n dy dv Ping y* ey and ene ny Mate de, west 1 w Tani Et PO=O > & &*(0-nPo=0-mQ Which "Nch ia linear differential equation- REMARK If = 1, then we find that the oariables in equation (are cage ge ely integrated by the method discussed in TMUSTRATION 1 The solution of the differential equation shtye dys = SPscay ©) 27 = 5P+c29 © 5 = ecg (@ 2 =5P sce Ans.(b) SOLUTION The given differential equation can be written as 4G) Log fe ¥ Let y°5=0.Then, -sy Ma ysl. ‘Substituting these valuesin the given differential equation, we —o ‘This is the standard form of the linear differential equation having integrating factor ‘Multiplying both sides of () by LF. and integrating wrt x, we get ode foster +c + C, whichis the required solution. ILLUSTRATION 2 The Bernoul’s equation 4Y yan x= ESO can be transformed to -ytans= ey @ Se yune = snzcots By sutanx = Ssincost (© G-setanx = 3sin x cos? (@) stuns = sinzeats Ans. (©) © scanned with OKEN Scanner | 46.18 SOLUTION We have, PA puanxesinzreasts i dy ide, Putting y=z and y*G¥=3 7 weget ld. = Bae zane = sin x cos?x oH tetme eens: uLusTRATION 8. The dferental equation SE + Py =Qy"n>2 amb reuced to linear frm by substituting @z-y" ) @zsy @z-y" [CEE (Delhi) 1996] ‘Ans. (d) soumion Wehave, 44 =o yas Itreduces to linear form by substituting = 6. ORTHOGONAL TRAJECTORIES OF CURVES ORTHOGONAL TRAJECTORY Any curve which cuts every member ofa given fanily of curves at right angles is called an orthogonal trajectory ofthe family of curves. For example, y= x is an orthogonal trajectory of the family of circles 22+ y? ‘To find the orthogonal trajectories of a given family of curves, we follow the following steps ALGORITHM STEPI Obtain the given family of curves, say f(x,y, ¢)=0 where isan arbitrary constant. ‘STEPII Formulate the diferential equation representing the family ‘ofcurves instep by eliminating the arbitrary constant (5) sumer Replace by =n the differential equation obtained in step Il to obtain the differential equation repreenting or- thogonal trajectories of the given family of curves. STEPIV Solve the differential equation obtained in step II to obtain the required orthogonal trajectories. Following illustrations wal illustrate the above algorithm. ILLUSTRATION 1 The orthogonal trajectories of the family of curves y = Cx?, (Cis an arbitrary constant), is (a) x2 +2y? = 2C () 27+y¥* = 2C (© #+y =2C (a) 2-27 = 2c Ans. (a) OBJECTIVE MATHEMATICS OLUTION The equation of the given family of curvesis rece “6 Differentiating () wt. x, we get aw, ere i) Fliminating C between () and (i), we obtain 1 4 : ieee ‘This is the differential equation of the family of curves given in). “The differential equation of the orthogonal trajectories of () is obtained by replacing by ~inequaton Gi, Replacing: Boy = in (it), we obtain ee ee On integrating, we obtain ye Esc mo x2 + 2y? = 2C Thisis the required family of orthogonal trajectories. ILLUSTRATION 2 The differential equation represenging all possible curves that cut each member of the family of circles 24 -2Cx =0(Cisa parameter) at right angle, is @ Hey w» ©. 2 ae” Pap a Py ott @ #82 dx Dy dx Dy Ans. (0) SOLUTION. Here we have to find the orthogonal trajectories of the family of circles 2 sta yt-2Cr Differentiating ()) w.rt.x, we get resylt-2c=0 = C= x+y i) ‘From (i) and (ii), we obtain ses-ar (vif) ° [By eliminating Cl = Po -2y ll = 0 9 poz? = ay ti) ‘This is the differential equation representing the given family ofeircles. | © scanned with OKEN Scanner vy aoe EQUATIONS ge ferential equation ofthe orthogonal tajctoric, ue a 12M a gy -# in equation (i, cay ll ry y se ae Pep allo fam a0 the different ting the orthogonal dt i mos a non 3 The orthogonal trajectories of the circtes ay = 0, (where a isa parameter, is eg © Pty = ce peer ee @ P+y¥ = cwesy) ws) umon Wehave, Pry -y = 0 fi) 2 xey = wrs7yt-afl = 090 = a dx sabsituting the value ofa in (i), we obtain This the differential equation of the family of circles given in {),ihedltferentia equation representing the orthogonal tajec- les is ~ 2-H -25y = 0 1 = id y Cae 2) On‘integrating, we get ypoetC = Pte? = Ce REMARK If the orthogonal trajectories ofa family of curves is same as the given family of curves, then the given femily of curves is called self-orthogonal. a SECTION -I SOLVED MCQs Tis section contains multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) for its answer, out of wich only oneis correct. BAMPLE 1 The degree ofthe differential equation a eg reed (2 + x(@] fowls de" 2ildx) *3i ax @3 1 (9 not defined (a) none of these Aas. () SOWMON Wehave, a dy xe « 9 logs = eal, itis differential equation of degree one. Psd 2 The order and degree the differential equation of all ‘ge lines tothe parabola x2 = Ay, is ©) 2,2 3,1 ag ) 2, © ‘SYTON The equation of any tangent 10x? =4y is (d) 4,1 say * 5 my +" where m is an arbitrary constant. Ui “tatlating this x, we get Vemf ma a ay dx ~ Putin the value of min = my+2>weget oft -(a) tere dx which is a differential equation of order 1 and degree 2. EXAMPLE 3 The differential equation of rectangular hyperbolas whose axes are asymptotes of the hyperbola x? — y* =<, is yex ) x= -y © xiey (a) xdy+ydx = C Ans. (b) SOLUTION The equation of the rectangular hyperbola whose ‘axes are asymptotes of the hyperbola x? — y? =; wis ay = 2, where = a?/2 ‘This is a one parameter family of curves. Differentiating with respect tox, we get Alay 00 rit © scanned with OKEN Scanner 292 Signe Let y = fx) =sin?} ‘Then, at x= 1, (a) 2y’+Vn?y=0 © eseyeo (solic +52 }} (b) v2y"4an2ys0 (@) y'+3ny=0 (Main 31* Jan 1" Shift 2023) ‘The differential equation of the family of circles passing through the points (0, 2) and (0, -2) is @ ry Zee -y+4)=0 @) dy Beet sy?—an0 © ry Beye sao @ ry Bee -y+4=0 (Main 28" July 2 Shift 2022) A. differential equation representing the family of parabolas with axis parallel to y-axis and whose ength of latus rectum is the distance of the point (2,3) from the line 3x + dy =5, is given by (Main 27 Aug 2" Shift 2021) ‘The differential equation satisfied by the system of parabolas y* = 4a(x + a) is (a) ie) 2% bas 0 @-aB pr @ (F(Z) (2) co {22:22 = If y=| (Ge 1) cosec x is the solution of the differential (Main an ‘March 1 Shift 2021) saat Le pays eames, 1x, tn function p(+) is equal to (a) cotx (b) cosecx (€) secx (d) tanx (Main 6" Sept 2™ shift 2020) webG JEE (Main & Advanced) Chapterwise Topicyig Previous Years' Questions te 10. i. 2 1B. 4, ‘The differential equation of the family ee menses oF cue (a) xf'=¥ (b) xy? td | (©) (fax 2yy" (d) xy) | (Main 8 Jan 2 Shi any) ‘he diferential equation representing the fang, ellipses having foc! ether on the a-axis or on the nd centre atthe origin and passing through the point ni ye (@) xtyy"=0 (©) syy’- +9. (2) y+ xP -yy"=0 @) ay +7 -9= ° (Main Ontine 015 ‘The differential equation which represents the faniy curves y= cj, where c, and c, are arbitrary constant, (b) yy” @ Y= (ALBEE 209 ‘The differential equation of the family of circles wi fixed radius 5 units and centre on the line y= 2is (@) (x-2) i 5 - (y- 2 ® gay ) @ G- Wyre (AIEEE 2008) ‘The differential equation of all circles passing through the origin and having their centres on the x-axis is @ ¥ Pav sry @ ) p=? -ty © Beptyh @ 2 sek (AIEEE 2007) ‘The differential equation whose solution is Ax? + BY = L, ‘where A and B are arbitrary constants is of (a) second order and second degree (b) first order and second degree (©) first order and first degree (d) second order and first degree (AIEEE 2006) ‘The differential equation representing the family of curves y° =2c(x+ Ve), where c> 0, sa parameter is af order and degree as follows (a) order 1, degree 1 (©) order 2, degree 2 (0) order 1, degree2 (d) order 1, degree 3 io (AIEEE 208) ‘The differential equation for the family of curves +." ~2ay = 0, where ais an arbitrary constantis () (P-Ayary (2+ y= (2) 20? ay (d) G+ yy =29 (AIEEE 2004) ‘The degree and order of the differential equation of the family of all parabolas whose exis is 25 respectively @) 12 (21 (AIEEE 32 (23 rege 2008) © scanned with OKEN Scanner F apo Eons ys order, and degree of the differential equation @y 4 (92) oP ire 2 = (b) 3,1 orp we O33 @1,2 (AIEEE 2002) ME now yen @ - + OP = OWeO1=0 Biyrssgieiso (IIT-EE 2000) in. The order of the differential equation whose general solution given by y = (cy + €4) cose + c3) - cye™*®, where Cy Co C3» Cy Cs are arbitrary constants, is @5 4 @3 @2 (IIT-JEE 1998) 18. Ify? = P(x), @ polynomial of degree 3, then {vB equals a” dx? (@) P(x) +P) (© Pa) Pa) (b) P“(x) P(x) (@) aconstant a (IT-JEE 1988) [lhe GF Mate Than One Option(s) Correct, 1B, Consider the family ofall circles whose centres lie on the straight line y = x. If this family of circles is represented by the differential equation Py” + Qy +1 = 0, where P 4 ly », Qare functions of x, y and y (here y’ = then which of the following statements is (are) true? @) Pay+x (b) P=y-x (©) P+Qzl-xtyty¥ +P (@) P-Qexty-¥-YP (Advanced 2015) 2. ‘Thedifferential equation representing the family of curves yf =2c(x+-Ve) , where cis a positive parameter, is of (@) order (b) order 2 (d) degree 4 (IT-JEE 1999) (x), x € (0, 69) pass through the points of1.3)ana ofa} the tangent at any point R(b, Alb) to the given curve cuts the y-axis at the point S(0, ) Such that be = 3, then (PQ)" is equal to. : (Main 6" April 2" Shift 2023) 2 the difference between degree and order of a differential ‘quation that resents the family of curves given by (Main 26" Feb 1" Shift 2021) << iain y \ Lety = (3) bea curve passing through (1,1) such thatthe iangle formed by the coordinate axes and the tangent a ‘ay point of the curve lies in the 1" quadrant and as ‘ea 2. Form the differential equations and determine Possible curves. (IIT-JEE 1995) 25. 27. 293 A normal is drawn at a point P(x, y) of a curve Ieets the x-axis at Q. If PQis of constant length Kithen show that the differential equation of the curve is eB ripest ay (HT-JEE 1994) Ifx = secO—cos@ and y = sec" O—cos" 0 , then show that (3? +92) — (UT-JEE 1989) If (a+ bx) 2” ‘A spherical rain drop evaporates at a rate proportional to its surface area at any instant t. The differential equation ‘giving the rate of change of the radius of the rain drop is (UT-JEE 1997) 28, 29. 30. 31. 32. If the solution curve fx, y) = 0 of the differential equation (1+ og, 9 slog. =e, x>0, passes through ly the points (1, 0) and (ct, 2), then oi" is equal to Oe we wee wa (Main 6” April 2" Shift 2023) ‘The slope of tangent at any point (x, y) on a curve aye y= yx) is = z 8) is (a) -2V3 (b) 23 +x>0.1f y(2) = 0, then a value of (© 43 (@) -N2 (Main 10" April 1* Shift 2023) Let f be a differentiable function such that 2 f(x)—x=4 ft flat, f)= ° (b) 210 . Then 18/(3) is equal to © 160 @) 150 (Main 10" April 1* Shift 2023) Let y = y(x) be a solution curve of the differential equation. (= ¢y)dx= ydx + xdy If the line x = 1 intersects the curve y = y(x) at ‘and the line x= 2 intersects the curve y = (2) at y= 0, then the value of cris (@) 180 Be? © erry “1432 a) @ me oy (Main 11% April 1* Shift 2023) Let y = (2) be the solution of the differential equation 5 ay? 3 dy 8 EN 0 ttt) =2, then x) de x(x? +1) = is equal to all © scanned with OKEN Scanner 33. 37. 38. 697 79 or o2 of © vs ad (Main 11! April 2™ Shift 2023) n curve of the pide. If (0) = 1 () of" =e3+2V2) () & 2075402) (Main 12 April 1" Shift 2023) Let y = yy(2) and y = y,(x) be the solution curves of the 7 © te = ye) a. solutio titel done thay =yte~ and y(2v2)=B, then 5+ V2) 7422) differential equation 2. 'y-+7 swith initial conditions ‘y(0) = 0 and y,(0) = 1 respectively. Then the curves y= ys(x) and y= ya(x) intersect at (a) infinite number of points : (©) nopoint (Main 13% April 1* Shift 2023) Letx= x{y) be the solution ofthe differentia equation. 2G + Dlog, (y + Dds + (x + 4-2 logy + 2)) dy = 0, y> -L with x (e*~ 2) = 1. Then x(@ - 2) is equal to 10 32 4 @ ry o> (3 @ 3 (Main 15 April 1" Shift 2023) Ify=y(x) isthe solution curve ofthe differential equation Bes ytanxe xsecx oss, y(0)=1, then A) is equal to xB 2 x5, 2 5 ue(3) 0) fs rs(S) 2B n_v3, (23 ) eae(*4) @ ig (28 (Main 1" Feb * Shift 2023) Let ax = exp(x? y¥) be the solution of the differential equation 2x°y dy ~ (1 - xy) dx = 0, (2) = 7 Tene Pe peqaas x) x>0,9(2)= Jlog,2. @o — @)-1 @ x oF 1 (@)3 (Main 1" Feb 2 Shift 2023) Let y = x(x) be the solution of the differential equation 1 dy + (ay -1) dx =0,x>0, 4f§)-3-e mens is equal to @2-. We ©1 ws (Main 24 Jan 1* Shift 2023) Let y= y(x) be the solution of the differential equation (2-397) d+ 3xy dy =0, (1) = 1, Then 6y*(e) isequal to @2 &2? wx wr (Main 24" Jan 2" shift 2023) " m tion curve of the differential OFF (1 + logan), x>0,y(1) =3, Let y = y(x) be the solu equation = ae wibG JEE (Main & Advanced) Chaptertise Toney. ‘then, 2&2) is equal to oy 2 © Sa erlog.**) x aia) 2 7 7-3x°(2+log, x") Borg aS (Main 25 jan Fag: Al. Lety = (0) bea solution of the differential egy 2) Be oye where, a> 0,B>0andys 4m, lim (0) $e () is-1 © iso (9 ist (€) does not exist (Main 254 Jan 2 Shtany Let y = f(x) be the solution of the differential yor Tae #4y=0,)(1)=e-Then lim fi see 1 ot @ + wt (0° @e ° (Main 29 Jan 1 Say Let y = (x) be the Solution of the differential eqn log, x4 y= 27 log, x,(x>0). Ify(2) = 2, then y(e) is equal to 2 2 Me gy Ste ugg Ate g Be 4 2 (Main 29 Jan 2° Sift 223) Letthe solution curve y= yx) ofthe differentia eqation dy 3x5 tan'(x*) a tant) dy 2 aa tan) oo exp) tan | ase ay pass through the origin. Then y(1) is equal to @ xpltt® lah | o of a2. 43. @ ‘al ©) ei n-dl @ eof ( (ain 30° Jan 182°) ‘The solution of the differential equation 2 43y? 3x? +»? @) log [x+y|- 45. , xt) =0 is az (x+y? () loge [a+ y|-—2 (ety) ©) log, |x + y[4+—2 20 (+ ay ayy. =0 (ety? (Main @) log, [x4 y|+- a nt i" 4 © scanned with OKEN Scanner Ee poole 4 et eierentable function fst Fit poor [Oar = VE+T, x23, Then 12 (8) is equal to. we O77 O11 @x (Main 31 Jan 1* Shift 2023) a mya ee ae etn ‘then [((2))? - 12y(2)] is equal to @ 6& =) 32) 32 @) 16D (Main 31* Jan 2 Shift 2023) ig Letf:[1,%) > R be a differentiable function such that = 3 sov=} and 3 [f(0de= f(s) Sxetheo. Lete denote the base of the natural logarithm. Then the value off) is e+ log 4+e Ges cet Co) 7 (@ 24 (aavanced 2025) 18. The slope of the tangent to a curve C: y = y(x) at any as gre point (x,y) on itis = If C passes through the points (o5+355] and (ue"), then e* is equal to 3. (3+V2 ) oy 2{ 2 OF ( 3-v2 +1 R= (Main 25" july 1" Shift 2022) 50. The general solution of the differential equation (ey) de + y(Sx + dy = 0is @) GF+x'=C|Q7 +297 0) (7 +2x)'=C]7 +21 © [g?+|=cey +9" ; (@ |rs2y]= Cty? +2)" (Main 25% uly 1° Shift 2022) 3. Leta smooth curve y = flx) be such that the slope of the ‘tangent at any point (x, y) on it is directly proportional to 2) Ifthe curve passes through the points (1,2) and (a) tea fs(2) is equal to ©) 210g.2 (b) 4 ol (@) 41og.2 (Main 25" July 2% Shift 2022) » Kana y(®)= ¥ Ss yancnsinn ocx Sands(5)=0 en the maximum value of y(x) is 53. 58. 56. 57. 295 1 3 1 @) = (b) = + 2 ae OF OF (Main 26" July 1" Shift 2022) Let the solution curve y = f(x) of the differential ay xttax Ft ar et ee y equatic + 00 ae 4 through the origin. Then } Sl) dx is equal to 8 Fact een oe 89 leihem os OAT Bases. (Main 26" july 2" Shift 2022) Let y = y,(x) and y = y,(x) be two distinct solutions of the differential equation Bass ywith (0) = 0 and y3(0) = 1 respectively. Then, the number of points of intersection of y= y\(x) and y = ya(x) is fa) 0 (b) 1 () 2 (@) 3 (Main 27" July 1* Shift 2022) Consider a curve y = y(x) in the first quadrant as shown in the figure. Let the area A, is twice the area A. Then the normal to the curve perpendicular to the line 2x = 12y-= 15 does not pass through the point. Y + zx (@) 621) (6) 9) (©) (10,-4) (@) (12-15) (Main 27" July 2° Shift 2022) Let the solution curve of the differential: equation axdy=(o2-+y? + y)ds, x > 0, imtersect the line x= 1 at y=Oand thelinex=2aty = a. Then the vale of is: @i m2 @-3 3 (Main 28% July 1 Shift 2022) Ify = pla). * € (0, 1/2) be the solution curve of the differential equation (sin? 2a) (sin? 2x 2sinds)y = de (2 sin 2x + cos 2x), with y(n/4) = €, then y(n/6) is equal to: 2 an 2 ax @ 5 io OLR io em? @ a 4 (Main 28 July 1% Shift 2022) © scanned with OKEN Scanner 296 58. Let y = y(x) be the solution curve of the differential dy a (Sea) oh pa e, through the point (2 &). ‘Then ¥7,(8) is equal to equation (a) 1146 1og3 (b) 19 (©) 12-21og.3 (€) 19-6 og. (Main 28" july 2 shift 2022) 59. Letthe solution curve y= y(x) ofthe differential equation are Ss y)=1 Pass through the point (0. 2) Then, lim e*y(x) is equal to ® jn x 3n @> oF oF oF (Main 29 july 1 Shift 2022) 60. If the solution curve of the differential equation dy _xty-2 asses through the points (2, 1) and ae xmy (+1,2), > 0,then (@) 2tan“! () = log, (K? +1) ) tan (2)-vs. (? 1) © atar( 1, )=tos (4 +2443) a(t Ret (a) 2am(Z)-16,(£2) (Main 29 July 2" shift 2022) Let y = y(x) be the solution curve of the differential by {at eniee3 ) (+3) dx (P4637 +11x46, xt” . ‘which passes through the point (0, 1). Then y(1) is equal to 1 3 5 (b) 2 () z 61. equation @ > 7 3 @> (Main 29" July 2" shift 2022) 62. If x £ x(y) is the solution of the differential equation yams yyaner, -x(1) =05 then x(¢) is equal to (@) &e@-y © ee +1) (b) ee -1) @ &@-1) (Main 24" June * Shift 2022) A particle is moving in the xy-plane along a curve C passing through the point (3, 3), "The tangent to the curve Cat the point P meets the x-axis at Q. Ifthe y-axis bisects the segment PQ, then Cis a parabola with (a) length of latus rectum 3 (b) length of latus rectum 6 63. | MibG-JEE Wah Atance) HEPES Tepe | 4 © focus(4, 0) 3 (a) focus (03) “The slope of normal at any point (x, tal = y(s) is given the curve y = y(x) is given by ye theca passes through the point (1,1), then e-y(e) Isequaltg 1-tan(l) (b © Tw (©) tan(1) ya @ tao 1-tan(1) (Main 24" June 2 ship 2022) Let g: (0,2) > R be a differentiable function sch (seem, sale Hw) cnt), e+l (+H) eae for all x> 0, where cis an arbitrary constant. Then (@) gis decreasing in (0.3) 1 (Main 24% i (Main Je 2 Si ayy | Mx>O7>9q, (b) gis increasing in (o 2) (0. g +4 isincreasing in (0 5) @ g-g isincreasing in (0. 2) (Main 25% June 1* Shift 2022) Let y = (x) be the solution of the differential equation (e+ Dy -y= e+ 12, with y0=3. ‘Then, the point 66. 4 2575 for the curve y= y(x) is (a) not a critical point (b) a point of local minima (©) apoint of local maxima (@) apoint of inflection (Main 25" June 1* Shift 2022) If the solution curve y = y(x) of the differential equation dx + (x? ~ xy + P)dy = 0, which passes through the Point (1, 1) and intersects the line y= 3x at the poiat (a, 3a), then value of log, (Vet) is equal to x n z x @ 2 ws 2 ws @F of OF @F (Main 25° june 1 Sift 2022) If y = y(z) Is the solution of the differential equation 28 Dry ssyta0 ‘such that ¥0=5> then y(1) is ‘equal to 1 (a), 3 o7. 2 3 b) ; > (a) 3 (tain 25° june 24 Sift 20) © scanned with OKEN Scanner equations yen the solution of the differential equation 6 hay exe =O then the local maximum value ie fasion 20) = ya) xe Ris 1 (b) 0 7 gre © OF @ se (Main 26" June 2" Shift 2022) o wibeslation of the differential equation © WP Dy = (x7 -2x)(x? ~2)e* satisfies soyeshen the vale of (2) is ¥ Tobia Ald OO @e (Main 26" June 2" shift 2022) where a, b, © are constants, represent @ circle passing through the Point (2, 5). Then theshortest distance of the point (11, 6) from this circle is: om bs ©7 @s (Main 27 June 1* Shift 2022) e707 = 1 Be eo y> ©, x(1) = 1, then (2) is equal to () 2+log33 (b) 24 logs2 (0) 2~-log;2 (d) 2-1og,3 (Main 27" June 1" Shift 2022) If the solution curve of the differential equation (tan! y ) ~ x) dy = (1 + y*) dx passes through the point (1,0), then the abscissa of the point on the curve whose ordinate is tan(1), is () 2 (b) 2e (© 2 @ we (Main 27" June 2" Shift 2022) 44 Letthe solution curve y = y(x) of the differential x x ratio vps |e 2 x wolfe} ss through the points (1, 0) and (20, , o> 0. Then & ‘equal to 0 oxen) @ 2en( E+ ) %, (Main 28" June 1" Shift 2022) * ety y(x) be the solution of the differential equation Are) 2.4 (oxy yas? e0.e> with y(2) = 2) is equal to 7 “AB. b) -12 o-6 @3 % (Main 28" June 1" Shift 2022) ‘etx x1) be the solution of the differential equation | ye a4 (2 — axe™!?” )dy=0 such that x1) = 0 (6) is equal to: 7 78. 79. al. | 83. 207 (@) dlog.(2) . (b) ~elog.(2 (©) elog.(2) (@) ~ Aog.(2) (Me Ju rare (Main 28 june 2"4 Shift 2022) lope of the t (, ») be given by 2tanx( eee yh through the point (5 i curve y = fix) at If the curve passes xa o} then the value off ydx is a equal to @ @-Va4% ane ered 2-5 © Ore (@ 24% a (Main 28* June 2° Shift 2022) Let the solution curve of the differential equation d xy VP #162 y(t) =3 be y= x). Then y(2) is equal to (a). 15 ou ©B @i7 (Main 29" June 1* Shift 2022) Ify = y(x) is the solution of the differential equation aren +2(14y?)e =0 and y(0) = 0, then y0)+(y(og, i istequal to @2 2 4 @a (Main 29" June 2" Shift 2022) Ify= (x) isthe solution curve ofthe differential equation Pay+(y-4) dea >0, and y(1) = 1, then (3) is equal to (@ 3+ () 3-e _ 7 1 © it @ 3p (Main 1* Sept 2" Shift 2021) ‘The function f(x), that satisfies the condition m2 Sl=xt J sinx-cosy flay is > (@ x+Fsine (b) x4 (842) sine (Q xt2(n-2)sinx (A) x4 (n-2) sin . (Main 1* Sept 2" Shift 2021) Lety= p(x) beasolution curve of the differential equation z ante de # tne dy + y do = 0, ve(0, 2) Oe tay then the value of a) so @ tn EL © f@- (Main 26" Aug 1* Shift 2021) solution ofthe diferential equation 237dy ety) be tea ea then) weal +(e = 2x) dx=0,. © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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