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Chapter 1: Introduction

Statement of the Problem: A Survey on student’s learning style at the secondary level.

Purpose of study: From a teacher's standpoint, the goal of this descriptive quantitative
research thesis is to completely study how secondary-level teachers perceive and respond to their
student’s learning style preferences while taking gender, school type, and residence into account.
The study intends to collect numerical data on teachers' opinions of learning modalities among
students based on these variables by employing a descriptive quantitative technique.

Gender Differences: To determine whether teachers notice differences in learning style

preferences between male and female students, as well as to discover any potential patterns or
trends that may influence instructional techniques.

Type of School: To investigate whether teachers perceive differences in learning style

preferences among students from various types of schools (e.g., public, private, vocational), and
how these discrepancies may affect teaching tactics.

Residence of Students: To evaluate if teachers perceive differences in learning style preferences

among students from various residential origins (hostilities and day scholars), and how these
differences may influence instructional strategies.

Null Hypothesis:

1. There is no significant difference between preferred learning styles with respect to boys
and girls of secondary school students.
2. There is no significant difference between preferred learning styles with respect to
government and private higher secondary school students.
3. There is no significant difference between preferred learning styles with respect to
hosteller and day scholar higher secondary school students.

Research Objectives:
1. To identify the importance of preferred learning styles of teachers with respect to the
gender of secondary school students.
2. To identify the importance of the learning styles of teachers with respect to the type of
3. To identify the importance of the learning styles of teachers with respect to the residence
of students (hostilities and day scholars).

Significance of the Study:

Personalized Learning:
In order to develop efficient and individualized educational procedures, it is essential to
understand students' learning preferences. Different students process and remember knowledge
in different ways. Teachers can modify their teaching strategies to better suit the preferences of
their students by looking at how learning styles differ based on gender, school type, and student
residence. Better learning outcomes and engagement may result from this research.
Gender Differences:
Gender disparities in learning styles are possible, according to research. For instance, some
research indicates that females may like collaborative and kinesthetic learning whereas males
may favor more aggressive or practical methods. By recognizing these patterns, teachers can
modify their instructional strategies to better meet the requirements of both male and female
School Type Impact:
Whether public or private, the two types of schools frequently have different teaching
philosophies, class sizes, and resources. Investigating how these schools' learning environments
differ from one another can reveal useful information about the efficacy of various educational
systems. This knowledge could aid in the improvement of teaching methods used in many kinds
of schools by policymakers and educators.
Student Residence Influence:
Whether students live in urban or rural locations, at home or in a hostel, their residency has an
impact on their learning surroundings. These elements may affect how you study, how you
access materials, and how you learn in general. Understanding the link between student
residency and learning preferences might help guide the development of solutions for closing
educational opportunity disparities.
Educational Equity:
Finding out how different learning styles are influenced by gender, the type of school, and
where the students live can help identify any inequities in educational equity. Teachers and
governments can attempt to create more inclusive and accessible learning settings if it turns out
that some student groups are less able to align with popular teaching methods.
Pedagogical Innovation:
The results of this study can serve as a basis for pedagogical innovation. Institutions could use
this information to design more diverse curricula to suit different learning styles. In addition,
technology-based learning platforms could be developed to meet different learning needs.
Curriculum Development:
The survey's findings may have an impact on how curricula are developed. If certain
demographics are shown to favour particular learning styles, educators can modify the
curriculum's content and delivery strategies to better accommodate those styles.

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