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Assignment #04

Prepared By: Mohammad Fahad Malik

Reg NO: SP22-BCT-024

Submitted To : Mam Muneeba Rehman

Date: 01/01/2023
Cover Letter For A Company called Ebryx Solutions related to Cyber Security. The letter is for Mr.
Johnson, the companies recruitment head.

Dear Mr. Johnson:

I am currently researching positions in the field of Programming and System Design and my
professors suggested that you would be an excellent organization to provide my services. I would
like to earn a position in this field in your organization. I strongly believe that I can be a perfect fit in
this organization and put my skills to the best use.

As you will see from the enclosed resume, my education and work experience are in job field. I have
gained experience through an internship in Trillium Technologies and have learned how to work in a
team and learn from others and gain knowledge from their experiences. I have gained experience in
programming by working in different projects, from the frontend and the backend developing, I
have extensive knowledge on multiple programming languages. I am very passionate about
programming and system designing and am excited to start my career and with the right
organization it will be an amazing opportunity for me. I am very keen to work in Ebryx Solutions.

I have excellent references for this job and will highly appreciate you considering this letter. You can
contact me through my email ( or mt cell (03149562823). If there are
no open vacancies at the moment, I would appreciate you keeping my file for any future openings. I
appreciate your time in considering my request.
Mohammad Fahad Malik

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