Morphing & Importance in Our Daily Lives.... Syed Fasih - Institue of Space & Technology

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Name : Syed Fasih Abbas

Reg.number : 220701054
Subject : Engineering Chemistry
Submitted to : Dr.Saima Shabbir
Due date : 25/11/2022
Q1: Describe how the application requirements of morphing wings are met by metals and
alloys properties. Review the literature (supported with references) to establish a structure
property correlation of metals and alloys properties with morphing wings application.
[CLO-1/PLO-1/C-1] [15 Marks]

The word morphing derives from the word “metamorphose” meaning a
transformation or a change in the form or nature of something.
Morphing is used in Aircrafts; an airplane with a morphing wing can
change the geometric shape of its wing during flight and optimize its
performance based on mission requirements.

Morphing apparatus consist of small, light weighted

components & these components are congregated by
technique and adaptation in order to alter or modify
geometry of aircraft. Morphed wings are multifunctional and
can perform task according to the requirement.

Main goal of morphing technique is to boost up efficiency &

functions to be performed. High morphing in wings means to
make aircraft more coherent.

Requirements for morphing material


An acceptable skin for morphing must fulfill the following requirements:

 Must have Elasticity & Flexibility

 High recovery rate
 Resistant to different weather conditions, abrasions and chemicals.
 High hardness no. enough to handle the aerodynamic loads
 As metals are ductile & malleable they can be transformed into precise geometry so it acts as a
basic factor in morphing a wing to get specific structure with little alteration, this is due to
sliding of metallic ions in presence of specific pressure. Moreover metals are resistant to
corrosion so enamel or epoxy can be applied to surface & color does not fade. Metals are tightly
held together so it is impossible to deteriorate or ameliorate therefore they are reliable.

References: Materials for morphing Wings by

Michael Thomas Kikuta, 2003
Q2: Apply the knowledge of specific metals and alloys thus proposing the exact types of
metals and alloys suitable for morphing wing applications.
[CLO-3/PLO-1/C-3] [25 Marks]

We can indicate the materials or metals & their alloys can be used in morphing of wings by considering
the properties.

NICKEL, ALUMINUM, and alloy of BRASS and COPPER can be used.


 Main factor for nickel selection in morphing wings is due to its ability to resist corrosion even at
high temperature.
 It has high strength and toughness and superior elevated temperature properties & also show
 It is highly-polished so the factor in planes that the drag must be reduced in order to attain good
speed and lift-coefficient and the resistance offered by air particles will not get involved more
and will automatically not damage the plane.
 It is hard, malleable and ductile that makes it perfect for this purpose to serve.
 It reacts slowly with oxygen so the property we need that the metal should be resistant is
fulfilled that it will not react with oxygen easily and it becomes corrosion resistant.
 Also, not very reactive that makes it quite good in this application.


 Aluminum is versatile metal. It is both lightweight and flexible, which makes it to be transform
into variety of shapes and then subsequently fabricated to suit a whole variety of uses.
 It is the second most malleable and sixth most ductile. Alloys with copper, manganese,
magnesium and silicon are lightweight but strong. So being hard but also showing good
elongation makes it a good choice to be used in morphing technique.
 Aluminum is corrosion resistant so it will be proved efficient to aircraft’s wings.
 It has great affinity towards oxygen which forms protective layer of oxide on surface when
exposed to air.
 To make our plane lighter we need low dense metal & Aluminum is low dense aircraft.


Copper has low friction and shows resistivity towards corrosion, this will help to reduce drag Due to its
low friction property we can use it in the hinges or pivots used in wings of aircraft which are there to
make wing surfaces move.
Copper is very malleable and ductile which is being used in variety of applications but it is soft so, in
order to use it in morphing wings we have to make its alloy like brass.

Brass is an alloy of zinc and copper which is more strong or hard from copper but it also remains ductile
and malleable.

It then shows good mechanical properties which makes it great for this purpose.

Obviously we want strength but that should be elastic and flexible so that it could be reformed into
shapes. The materials given above are flexible, durable, elastic, and have high recovery percentage.

Q3: Explain the production technologies of morphing wing parts using the metal and alloy
materials. [CLO-2/PLO-1/C-2] [10 Marks]

Fast production of the front and back wing parts was achieved using fused deposition manufacturing
resulting in rigid, lightweight sections which allows part of aircraft’s wings to adjust easily. Progress in
aerodynamic performance of the morphed wing is achieved, by preparing the wings with strategies that
suits the condition perfectly, demonstrating the viability of the proposed concept.

 The morphing part of the wing is constructed as a hollow section while the top skin is made of
an ultra-thin elastic and flexible sheet which allows morphing change without sagging.

We can use 3-D printing technique to prepare morphing wing surface. We can use nickel, aluminum for
the purpose to prepare sheets which can be placed on the internal structure or frame. We can place it in
the 3-D printing machine and then the layer of the proposed elements could be applied on them and a
more layer on it to make it a bit stronger yet flexible to achieve the aerodynamic properties. We can also
use (AM)

Additive Manufacturing (AM) usually works by depositing layer upon layer of construction material to
create 3D, physical object. In a nutshell, each layer of
material is laid upon the previous partially melted or
melted layer of material, fusing them together. The
object is first created using CAD, which creates the
object in 3D, slicing it into ultra-thin layers. A nozzle or
‘print head’ deposits the layers of material, guided by
the precise data given by the CAD. As the layers cool or
cured, the material fuses together, forming the end
object. By this technique we can even prepare a full one-
piece object, a full surface which could be used in the
wings, which enhances its properties.

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