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Welcome to Stanley College

Faith Jelagat Kipchumba

Discover, Learn and Enjoy!

Congratulations and thank you for choosing to study at Stanley College.

This Offer Letter and Written Agreement contains the documents required
to finalise your enrolment for a Bachelor of Community Services.

Offer Letter ................................................................................................................................ 2

Payment Agreement ................................................................................................................. 4
Payment Options ....................................................................................................................... 6
Written Agreement ................................................................................................................... 7
Refund and Cancellation Policy .............................................................................................. 15

Stanley International College Pty Ltd RTO Code: 51973 171 James Street T: +61 8 6371 9999
CRICOS Code: 03047E ABN: 16 130 977 221 Perth Western Australia 6003 TEQS Provider No. PRV14050
Offer Letter
20 November 2023

Ms. Faith Jelagat Kipchumba

c/o Study Info Centre

Dear Ms. Faith Jelagat Kipchumba,

Thank you for your application to study at Stanley College, Perth, Western Australia. We are pleased to extend
you the following offer:

Your Details
Given Name: Faith Jelagat Family Name: Kipchumba
Date of Birth: 22/07/1996 Age: 27
Nationality: Kenya Passport: AK1439077

Your Course Offer Details

Student Number 12039878
Course Title Bachelor of Community Services
CRICOS Course 112414B Course Duration 104 weeks
Commencement 9 March 2026 Completion Date 3 March 2028
Credit Points To graduate with a Bachelor of Community Services at Stanley College you need 240
credit points (10 credit points per unit x 24 units)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): 80 credit points
Conditions of • Students may be required to attend COMPULSORY academic and/or English support
Offer sessions.
• Meeting Academics requirements- reassessment of application to be conducted by
Stanley College, 4 weeks before course commencement (Failure in assessments results
in cancellation of enrolment).
• Paying full semester week in advance 4 weeks before commencement date (Failure
to pay full semester fees in advance results in cancellation of enrolment).
• Providing original or certified copies of evidencing successful completion of the
Diploma of Community Services from Stanley College.
• Attending mandatory Orientation Program (Failure / No Show to Orientation
Program results in cancellation of enrolment).
• Maintaining participation of 80 % and above, before census end date.
• Subject to meeting obligations of VET course such as cancellation of VET enrolment
will lead automatically to cancellation of HE enrolment.
Campus Location Perth, WA
*Your course will be delivered at this location

Course Entry Requirements

Course Level English Language Proficiency: Academic prerequisite:
Bachelor degree Upper Intermediate Level of English Australian Year 12 or equivalent
or equivalent
*For detailed list of ‘equivalent’ Course Entry requirements please refer to our website, or Course Admissions
Information Set

Please ensure you read all details in this Offer Letter carefully and advise us of anything that may be incorrect.
Should you have any queries with regards to this Offer Letter please contact our Admissions Department at or (+618) 6371 9999.

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To accept this offer of admission, you are required to:

1. Read and understand the pre-enrolment information on higher education. We encourage you to explore
the Stanley College website at to discover more about
studying and living in Australia, campus location and public transport, information on living expenses,
accommodation options, student support services and some profiles of our staff members. If you require
any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Admissions Officer via
2. Make payment of the first instalment specified in Tuition Fees Schedule below.
3. Read, complete and sign the attached Written Agreement.
4. Return the Written Agreement together with proof of payment of fees as outlined in the Payment
Agreement (below).

Note that we cannot issue a Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) before we have received all requested
documents. You will be unable to advance the processing of your student visa without a Confirmation of
Enrolment (eCoE).

This offer expires within 30 days of the date shown on this Letter of Offer Letter. Please note, once the offer
letter has expired, tuition fees may be subject to change.

We look forward to having you study with Stanley College and once again offer our congratulations on your
successful application.

Yours sincerely,
Admissions Officer
Stanley College
69 Outram Street, West Perth WA 6005 AUSTRALIA

CRICOS Provider Code: 03047E

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Payment Agreement
Prepared on the: 20 November 2023
1. Payment Agreement
Given Name: Faith Jelagat Family Name: Kipchumba
Student Number: 12039878
Course: Bachelor of Community Services
Start Date 9/03/2026 End Date 3/03/2028 Course Length (weeks) 104

Total Fees Payable (this is the amount you will be invoiced)

Bachelor of Community Services, Starts 09 Mar 2026 - Ends 03 Mar 2028, Length 104 weeks $35,600.00

TOTAL: $35,600.00

Instalment Schedule
Instalment Details of Study Period Amount
Due Date
For CoE Tuition-S1_2026 $1,000.00
Application Fee
9/02/2026 Tuition-S1_2026 $7,900.00
20/07/2026 Tuition-S2_2026 $8,900.00
1/02/2027 Tuition-S1_2027 $8,900.00
19/07/2027 Tuition-S2_2027 $8,900.00

Application Fee: This Application Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE; however it will be credited towards the tuition fees
upon successful commencement of the course.


● Tuition fees and payments are due as 4 weeks prior to commencement of each semester; easier payment
plans are available, on application, if you face financial hardship.
● Stanley College does NOT require students to pay more than 50 per cent of the total tuition fees for the
course as part of the enrolment process. However, students may pay more than 50 per cent of their total
tuition fees before their course commences, if they so choose.
● A Semester at Stanley College is 15 weeks, and consists of: 12 teaching weeks + 1 study week + 1
examination week + 1 mid-semester break (Total = 15 weeks). Holidays are as scheduled by Stanley College.
● Students will undertake 4 units per semester, semester fees will not be adjusted where a reduced study
load is agreed.
● Where re-enrolment in unit/s is required, this will be invoiced at $2062.50 per unit
● Tuition fee instalments are usually due prior to commencement of each Semester. Please note that the
Refund Policy notification periods are based on a Semester (as defined above).
● Please pay on time and ensure that you include your name and student number as a reference for any
payments you make. It is your responsibility to keep copies of payment receipts.
● A Notice of our Intention to Cancel will be emailed to your Stanley College email address if any payment
becomes OVERDUE. Stanley College may contact you to remind you of OVERDUE fees, however this is a
courtesy, NOT a requirement.
● Stanley College reserves the right to charge to add a late fee charge for on all overdue fees. Late fees are
charged at $50 per month.
● Should you default on your tuition fees, Stanley College reserves the right to forward your default details to
our Debt Collection Agency. The costs incurred by Stanley College to recuperate unpaid fees will be added

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to the amount owed to Stanley College and be recovered as a debt by action in a court of competent
jurisdiction in Western Australia.
● You acknowledge that you have read and understood the Refund Policy available within this document and
on our website (
● Stanley College will not release any Testamurs, Academic Transcripts or Awards to students until all
outstanding tuition fees have been paid.
● Any pre-paid tuition fees will be held in the College’s designated trust account, until commencement of
each semester, as required under the ESOS Act.

I have read and understood the above Conditions of the Payment Agreement Conditions

Name and Date


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Payment Options
Payments can be made by:

Option 1: Bank Transfer

Account Name: Stanley International College Pty Ltd

Bank: Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA)
BSB: 066 001
Account Number: 1096 1450
Payment Reference: 12039878

Please include your name and STUDENT NUMBER as a payment reference, and forward a copy of the receipt

Option 2: In Person – EFTPOS (Debit or Credit Card only)

Only available at:

i. West Perth Campus, 69 Outram Street, West Perth, WA 6005
ii. Adelaide City Campus, Level 1 East, Zurich House, 50 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, SA 5000

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Written Agreement
This Written Agreement is made and entered into this day Monday, 20 November 2023 between:

Stanley International College Pty. Ltd., trading as Stanley College, hereinafter referred to as Stanley
College, 69 Outram Street, West Perth WA 6005, Australia

Given Name Faith Jelagat Family Name Kipchumba

Student postal address:

Date of birth: 22/07/1996 Student Number: 12039878

Country of birth: Kenya Passport Number: AK1439077

Student email address:

Education Agent: Study Info Centre

hereinafter referred to as Student or ‘you’

whereby Stanley College issues a Confirmation of Enrolment for the course(s) stated in the Offer Letter / Written
Agreement, based on the information provided by you on the Application Form.

Stanley College - is an Institute of Higher Education (IHE) providing educational courses for domestic and
international students.

Student Prospectus for Higher Education – is a booklet available from an education agent or from the Stanley
College website at, containing important information relating to
Stanley College, your rights and obligations under the Student Visa Regulations and as a Student at Stanley
College. The Student Prospectus forms part of the International Student Agreement. To ensure Stanley College’s
compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021, ESOS legislative
framework and National Code 2018, this Student Prospectus includes information about our obligations under
the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) Act 2011 and/or the Education Services for
Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000.

For further information on the regulatory authority and relevant legislation and codes of practice, please see:
● ESOS Framework
● National Code 2018
● Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA)

Throughout this agreement, certain acronyms will be used to describe Government Agencies and / or Standards
and Regulations. The following list explains some of the acronyms:
▪ AQF – Australian Qualifications Framework
▪ ABN – Australian Business Number
▪ CRICOS – Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
▪ DHA – Department of Home Affairs
▪ DET – Department of Education and Training
▪ ESOS Act – Education Services for Overseas Students Act
▪ eCoE – Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment
▪ IHE – Institute of Higher Education
▪ LMS – Learning Management System
▪ OSHC – Overseas Student Health Cover

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▪ PRISMS – Provider Registration and International Student Management System
▪ TEQSA – Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency

Terms and Conditions

This Agreement covers the learning delivered between the commencement date and the completion date of the
selected course(s) as detailed in the Offer Letter / Written Agreement and as indicated in Stanley College’s
prospectus available from Stanley College has obtained the
required registrations for all courses promoted to international students, as listed at
(search for Stanley College and/or the relevant course of study).

The location of your course, is as selected as part of your Enrolment, and confirmed in the Offer Letter:

West Perth Campus (WPC) Adelaide City Campus (ACC)

Level 2 Level 1, East
69 Outram Street Zurich House
WEST PERTH, WA 6005 50 Grenfell Street,
P: (618) 6371 9999 P: (618) 8120 4186
E: E:

The Orientation Week is an integral part of the transition process for all commencing students and provides
opportunities for students to become familiar with Stanley College services and facilities, to attend
introductory sessions to their course of study, to participate in skill development and information programs,
and to interact socially and academically with other students and Stanley College staff.

The Orientation Week is designed to reach all commencing students and is a compulsory component of their
course. All commencing students are required to participate in the orientation program.

Orientation Program for Higher Education Courses

Bachelor of Community Services
WEDNESDAY 9.00am – 3.00pm (same day / time for Adelaide)
69 Outram Street, West Perth

You are scheduled to attend the Orientation Program prior to the course commencement date.

You must bring the following to the Orientation Program:

● Passport
● eCoE (Confirmation of Enrolment)
● E-visa (where applicable)

Student Obligations

International students are required to undertake full time studies, at Stanley College this requires you to be
enrolled in four (4) units per semester (10 credit points per unit). Under exceptional circumstances (on
compassionate or compelling grounds), you may be granted a reduced study load with a minimum of three
(3) units per semester.

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In accordance with the Stanley College Student Progress Policy, international students’ enrolment will be
monitored by Stanley College to ensure that the student is in a position to complete the course within the
expected duration, as specified in this Offer Letter / Written Agreement and detailed on the eCoE.

Student participation and engagement is an important aspect of each student’s education. Stanley College offers
interactive workshops that rely upon each student’s attendance and participation. Although students are not
graded on attendance, there is a strong correlation between attendance, participation and the achievement of
learning outcomes.

In cases where Stanley College intends to cancel a student’s enrolment because of a breach of the Enrolment
Conditions, students will be issued a “Notice of Intention to Cancel”. This notice will be sent to the student via
their Stanley College email account.

Learning Delivery
Stanley College is an Australian Government Registered Institute of Higher Education (IHE). It must deliver
learning according to the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021
( and the Australian
Qualifications Framework (AQF) (available at The requirements of all units for the course are
available via LMS Canvas. Students are briefed about the requirements of each unit at the beginning of each

Higher education learning comprises theory and practical learning delivery components including: Workshop
discussions, Presentations, Case Studies, Group Assignments, Report Writing, and Examinations. All units of
study under this agreement are delivered entirely face-to-face.

Study Modes
The Stanley College Bachelor of Business involves the following study modes:
● Face-to-face / classroom-based (24 units of study over 6 semesters/3 years)
● Work integrated learning (see below).

Work Integrated Learning

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) is an umbrella term used for a range of approaches and strategies that integrate
theory with the practice of work within a purposefully designed curriculum. WIL activities may include work
placements, fieldwork, industry-based projects, case studies, simulations, virtual simulations, reflective journals,
problem-based learning, mentoring from industry partners, work-related presentations and role plays. For more
information, refer to our Work Integrated Learning and Placements Policy and Procedure, and Work Integrated
Learning Guidelines.

The Business Practicum (BUS303) unit is the highlight of the WIL curriculum-based program. This will be
undertaken in the third year.

Students will need to work with the coordinator of the Business Practicum to express their preferences in respect
of the type of organisation or functional focus that they would prefer. Students will be selected by participating
organisations and are likely to have to interview for the placement.

Students will undertake approximately 100–120 hours’ work experience with the selected organisation. It is
expected that students will work on a defined project or set of activities in the organisation. They will provide a
report to the organisation and as part of their assessment, produce a reflective paper on their experience, and
write a final report on their project or activities.

In rare cases in which a significant placement is not available, students will work on a real project for an
organisation. The project will include some time initially with the client scoping the project and developing an
understanding of key internal and external considerations. They will then undertake research to develop a
proposal or plan for the organisation and will then present this to the organisation.

As a key component of the WIL program, the Business Practicum (BUS303) will provide students with:

a) Practical environments and contexts to apply their personal and academic skills;
b) Opportunities to apply theoretical concepts to workplace scenarios; and

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c) Relevant work experience to develop and refine the skills and knowledge attained in units and the course
as a whole.

Course Progress Policy and Procedure

As an International Student you are required to maintain satisfactory course progress as a condition of your
student visa. Stanley College must monitor, assess and record your course progress, and must intervene if you
are at risk of unsatisfactory course progress. This requirement is as per the National Code of Practice for
Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (Standard 8).
Course progress is assessed using the final results of all units studied in a given semester.
Satisfactory course progress is determined at the end of each semester. Satisfactory course progress is
achieved when a student:
a. Obtains a Pass grade or better for 50% or more of the units attempted during the semester; and
b. Does not fail the same unit for a second time.

Unsatisfactory course progress arises when a student at risk:

a. Does not obtain a Pass grade or fails 50% or more of the units attempted for two (2) consecutive
b. Fails the same unit for a second time

Where you are assessed as having unsatisfactory course progress, Stanley College must issue you with a Notice
of our Intention to Report – Unsatisfactory Course Progress, to the Department of Education and Training, via
PRISMS. The Department of Home Affairs is notified of a student whose course has been deferred, suspended
or cancelled through PRISMS, which may affect your student visa.

Please refer to the Student Progress Policy and Procedure for further details.

Stanley College is committed to supporting the rights of all people to pursue their studies. To successfully
complete your studies, you will need to be able to demonstrate that you meet the study requirements associated
with your course. For information that will help you to determine your capacity to meet the study requirements,
please read the relevant Unit Outlines that will be accessible on Canvas for your course. Where Stanley College
identifies that you are at-risk of having unsatisfactory course progress, we will implement our Intervention

Factors that could affect your course progress:

• Submitting plagiarised/copied work which has resulted in Fail result for the Unit.
• Not completing pre-requisite units required to progress to the next unit of study.
• Not submitting assignments by the due date.
• Absenteeism

Class attendance is compulsory for all students.
In accordance with the Student Progress Policy, Stanley College is not required to monitor attendance but does
so to:
a. Identify students at risk of unsatisfactory progress at an early stage. It is Stanley College’s policy that a
student should maintain a minimum of 80% attendance in order to maximise the outcome of achieving
satisfactory course progress. Students who continue to demonstrate poor attendance will be contacted to
attend an interview with the Student Engagement Coordinator to discuss the situation and, if required, an
intervention plan to address attendance issues will be established.
b. Increase attendance and implement follow up procedures associated with any critical incident or welfare
issues involving students in a class.

You will be provided with the class schedule at Orientation. The schedule outlines the days, times and venues
your classes will be conducted.

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Sick leave
Absence due to sickness must be evidenced with a valid medical certificate signed by a registered doctor in
Australia. The Attendance register may be adjusted upon presentation of the medical certificate to Stanley

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Students undertaking the Bachelor of Business course at Stanley College are required to bring their own device
to campus to be able to participate in the classes and complete assessments. Therefore, please ensure you bring
your own device to campus for each scheduled class. The minimum device requirements are as follows:
• Operating System: Windows 8 Home Edition or later
• Processor: Intel Core i3 / AMD 2.0 Ghz or better
• RAM: Minimum 4 GB, recommended 8GB
• Hard Drive: 128GB SSD (256GB SSD recommended if not using Cloud storage)
• Display: 13 inch full HD (1920 x 1080) with a built-in webcam
• WiFi: 802.1x compliant
• USB Headsets with microphone
• Device must be fully charged
• Microsoft Office 2010 or equivalent
• Adobe Flash player 10 or higher

All devices can be connected to the Stanley College student WiFi. However, please note all students are required
to have access to WIFI away from the college to complete any assignments, access learning materials, and

Additional Fees
The following list shows additional fees and charges you may incur at Stanley College.
(Fees may be subject to change. All figures quoted are in Australian Dollars):

Cancellation fee Refer to Refund and Cancellation
Fee Policy (included herein)
Late Payment Fee $50, charged per instalment per
Credit Card Surcharge 1%
Student ID Card Replacement Fee $15
Re-print of any testamur $50
Official Transcript replacement $50
Testamur replacement $50
Graduation Gown Hire $50 hire + $50 (refundable)
Photocopies black and white $0.20 per A4 page / single sided
$0.30 per A4 page / double sided
Photocopies colour $2 per A4 page / single sided
Paper (per 500 pages) $5 Or 10c per page
Re-enrolment Fee $2,062.50 per unit of study

Payment of Fees
International students must pay their fees by the due date for each semester, in accordance with the Tuition
Fees Schedule as stated in this Offer Letter (Payment Agreement). Failure to do so may lead to a cancellation of
enrolment for non-payment of fees and may have repercussion on your student visa. Stanley College does NOT
require students to pay more than 50 per cent of the total tuition fees for the course as part of the enrolment
process. However, students may pay more than 50 per cent of their total tuition fees before their course
commences, if they so choose.

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Students who experience difficulty paying their full semester tuition fees by the due date may be granted
permission to pay their fees by instalments – this is subject to written application and only granted in
circumstances that are accepted by Stanley College as compassionate and compelling. Additional fees and
conditions may be applied – students in this situation should speak to the Finance Officer for more information.

Education Agents
Stanley College will only accept enrolments via approved Education Agents for Higher Education that are vetted
by Stanley College. A list of our approved Agents is available from our Higher Education website, Agents are not allowed to charge fees for services
relating to Stanley College. Agents may charge fees for work related to visa applications and visa consultation.
Stanley College does pay our approved Agents a fee for referring students.

Issuance of Qualification
Only Students who successfully complete the course covered by this Agreement will be awarded a Degree under
the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF). Students who do not meet all the requirements for issuance of
a Qualification will be issued with an Academic Transcript which lists the units the student has achieved a pass

Note: Testamurs, transcripts and awards will NOT be issued if there are overdue fees.

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC)

If you are applying to study as a student visa holder, the Australian Department of Home Affairs (DHA) requires
that you have Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the entire duration of your student visa. This means
that the OSHC insurance must commence from the date you applied for your student visa and must be in effect
until you leave Australia or move to a non-student visa subclass. Stanley College’s preferred OSHC provider is
Medibank and AHM and you are provided with an Overseas Health Insurance Policy. Policy details can be found
at Medibank ( Alternatively, you may also choose
any OSHC provider of your own preference.

Please note: If you plan to arrive prior to the start of your OSHC cover, you must immediately contact the College
or your health insurance provider to request that the cover starts earlier. This may mean that there are
additional costs. If you intend to study on another temporary resident visa subclass (not student visa), please
ensure you have adequate health insurance that meets the conditions applicable to your visa.

Student Support Services

As a student at Stanley College, we offer a variety of support services to assist you to develop the personal skills
needed to achieve both your academic and personal goals. These services range from personal and careers
counselling, mentoring, cultural support and accessibility support services for those students with a disability or
medical condition. For more information, refer to our Student Support Policy and Procedure, and Student Support
Guide, in the Student Prospectus.

Email is the official means of communication within Stanley College. The College recommends that students
check their Stanley College Mail account at least once a week as certain communications may require a timely
response or action.

Our Policies and Procedures

As a Stanley College student, you must adhere to all policies, procedures and principles of the College. For
policies relating to higher education, please click on the ‘Policies and Procedures’ link within the Stanley College
website at

Complaint and Appeals Processes

Stanley College has a Student Grievance and Complaint Policy and Procedure that students can access for
complaints and appeals. Students can use the process to report any issues or concerns during their time at
Stanley College. The complaint and appeals processes commence within ten (10) working days of receipt of the
complaint and/or appeal. Responsibility for assessment of a formal complaint and appeal is as follows:

a. Academic complaints are assessed by the Academic Program Manager

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b. Non-academic complaints are assessed by the Associate Dean.

Stanley College aims to resolve complaints/appeals as quickly as possible, generally within 20 working days. If a
student is not satisfied with the final outcome of the internal appeal process, they are able to lodge a request to
have the matter dealt with externally. The Student Grievance and Complaint Policy and Procedure will be covered
during Orientation Week and is also available on the Stanley College website.

Please note: This written agreement, and the right to make complaints and seek appeals of decisions and action
under various processes, does not affect the right of the student to take action under the Australian Consumer
Law if the Australian Consumer Law applies.

Living in Australia
You will need to ensure that you have access to enough money, to pay for your course fee, travel and living costs
for you and your accompanying family members whilst you are in Australia. Detailed information is available on
our website

Where your school age dependants are planning to join you in Australia for more than 3 months, you are
required to ensure that they maintain adequate enrolment in a school. Additional fees are payable, school costs
are approximately $8,000 per year (source: Department of Home Affairs). For more information on schooling
options, please contact our Admissions Officer.

Change of Address and Contact Details

Upon arriving in Australia, you are required to advise Stanley College of your Australian residential address,
mobile number, email address and details who to contact in emergency situations, and their contact details
(Email, telephone, address). You must notify Stanley College of any change in your contact details for the
following within 7 days as per the National Code 2018 and Student Visa Condition 8533:
● Current residential address
● Mobile number
● Email address and
● Who to contact in emergency situation

Privacy and Confidentiality

● Personal information about students is confidential information and may be disclosed by Stanley College,
the Commonwealth including the TPS, or state or territory agencies, in accordance with the Privacy Act
● Students are made aware that Stanley College will not allow access to their personal information without
their written consent being obtained.
● Students may allow third party access to their personal file by providing written permission to the Associate
Dean outlining the nature of information that may be accessed.

Record Keeping
● Stanley College must retain records of the Offer Letter / Written Agreement as well as receipts of payments
made by students under the written agreement for at least 2 years after the person ceases to be an accepted

Concurrent Course Enrolment

Concurrent Course Enrolment means that you are enrolling simultaneously in more than one award course.
For International Students, concurrent enrolment may be permitted provided each program is CRICOS
Registered. Stanley College permits concurrent enrolments provided that:
• The student maintains satisfactory course progress, including attending all scheduled classes.
• Details of the concurrent enrolment are provided to our Student Services Team, including course
name, commencement/completion dates, and institution information. This information must be
submitted prior to commencement of the concurrent course.
• Completion of the Concurrent Course Enrolment Disclaimer

Living in Australia

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You will need to ensure that you have access to enough money, to pay for your course fee, travel and living costs
for you and your accompanying family members whilst you are in Australia. Detailed information is available on
our website

Where your school age dependants are planning to join you in Australia for more than 3 months, you are
required to ensure that they maintain adequate enrolment in a school. Additional fees are payable, school costs
are approximately $8,000 per year (source: Department of Home Affairs). For more information on schooling
options, please contact our Admissions Officer

Privacy and Confidentiality

● Personal information about students is confidential information and may be disclosed by Stanley College,
the Commonwealth including the TPS, or state or territory agencies, in accordance with the Privacy Act
● Students are made aware that Stanley College will not allow access to their personal information without
their written consent being obtained.
● Students may allow third party access to their personal file by providing written permission to the Associate
Dean outlining the nature of information that may be accessed.

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Refund and Cancellation Policy
This Refund and Cancellation Policy applies to Student Visa Holders only and includes the following sections:

Section Page No.

Refund and Cancellation Policy Overview ............................................................................................................ 15
Fees and Charges .................................................................................................................................................. 15
Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
General Information ............................................................................................................................................. 16
Table 1 -Refund and Cancellation ......................................................................................................................... 16
Student Default .................................................................................................................................................... 17
Refunds after Stanley College Default .................................................................................................................. 17

Refund and Cancellation Policy Overview

The Stanley College Refund and Cancellation Policy covers how REFUND and CANCELLATION Fees are calculated in the event
of Student Default or Stanley College Default. The calculations are in accordance with federal legislation and regulations
including the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code.
Refund for fees paid in advance
The calculation applied for fees paid in advance is listed in Table 1.
Cancellation fees
Where a course of study is cancelled before the agreed Completion Date, Stanley College will calculate the Cancellation Fee
in accordance with Table 1.

Fees and Charges

Fees payable may include the following:
• Application Fee: The Application Fee is the fee charged to all applicants to review their application and supporting
documentation to enrol in a course of study. The Application Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE.
• BBus Application Fee: This Application Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE; however, it will be credited towards the tuition fees
upon successful commencement of the course.
• Tuition Fees: Tuition Fees are the fees payable to Stanley College for undertaking a course. The Refund and Cancellation
Policy specifications detailed below cover TUITION FEES only.
• Materials Fee: The Materials Fee covers materials and resources used in the delivery of your course at Stanley College.
At Stanley College we are committed to ensure that we have a sustainable and ecofriendly training environment,
therefore, wherever possible we provide our Training Materials in an electronic format, rather than as a printed resource.
• The Materials Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE if you cancel less than 4 weeks before Course Commencement.
• Administration Fee: The fee charged to cover the administrative costs in reviewing and processing the necessary
documentation in order for a student to obtain the necessary visa to study in Australia. The Administration Fee is only
charged in the event the Student Visa Application is refused and is NON-REFUNDABLE.
• Accommodation Placement Fee (optional): This fee is only payable if a student requests Stanley College to arrange for
accommodation in Australia. The Accommodation Placement Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE, unless more than two (2)
weeks’ notice is provided to Stanley College.
• Accommodation Fee (optional): This fee is only payable if a student requests Stanley College to arrange Homestay
Accommodation, the fee is charged on a weekly basis. Please refer to our Homestay Fee for more information. The
Accommodation Fee is NON-REFUNDABLE, unless more than two (2) weeks’ notice is provided to Stanley College a $50
cancellation fee will apply.
• Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC): This insurance is compulsory and must be maintained throughout your
entire stay in Australia. Students can choose any approved Australian Overseas Student Health Cover provider.
These fees are only payable to Stanley College for Students who choose Stanley College’s recommended insurance
provider. Please read the OSHC brochure and terms and conditions on Stanley College’s website. Please note,
OSHC fee is calculated based on a ‘start date’ 7 days prior to course commencement, and a ‘end date’ one (01)
month (if the course duration is 10 months or less) or two (02) months (if the course duration is longer than 10
months) after course end date, unless otherwise requested. The OSHC Fee included in this Offer Letter is based on

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OSHC Provider’s scheduled fee, which are subject to change each Calendar Year. Any variances are payable by you
the Student, on receipt of an invoice from the OSHC Provider.
• Additional Fees and Charges: Any Additional fees are as specified on page (10) in your Written Agreement with Stanley
College. Fees may be subject to change and students will be notified about changes of Additional fees. Additional Fees
are not refundable.

• Course: Means the Course you are enrolled in as outlined in the signed Offer Letter and Written Agreement.
• Course Commencement Date: Means the agreed starting date of a course, as stipulated in the singed Offer Letter and
Written Agreement.
• Course Completion Date: Means the agreed completion date of a course, as stipulated in the singed Offer Letter and
Written Agreement.
• Study Period means your Study Period is as outlined in your Offer Letter with Stanley College.
One Term = 10 weeks study period + 3 weeks holidays = Total 13 weeks
One Semester = 20 weeks study period + plus 6 weeks holidays = Total 26 weeks
• Course Duration means the total duration of your course of study including holidays.

General Information
• All Refund Requests and Cancellation Notifications must be submitted using the Course Variation Form and the Refund
Application Form, both of which are available at the Reception Desk or via the Stanley College website VERBAL notifications to Stanley College staff or agents ARE NOT VALID.
• The date the written notice is received by Stanley College is the DEFAULT DATE, and is the date used for the calculation
of any refund and/or cancellation fee.
• In case of a cancellation by the student or Stanley College, any outstanding fees to Stanley College become due within 7
(seven) days.
• Stanley College calculates Refunds and Cancellation fees based on a SEMESTER Fee ( 15 weeks consisting of: 12
teaching weeks + 1 study week + 1 examination week + 1 mid-semester break).).
• Any costs incurred by Stanley College to recuperate outstanding fees will be charged to the student
• Unpaid fees will be recorded as a debt and recovered by action in a court of competent jurisdiction.
• Stanley College will not release any testamurs/awards to students until outstanding course fees have been paid in full.
• All amounts are in Australian Dollars (AUD).
• Where a refund is approved by the President, and is not due to the College defaulting, Stanley College will make payment
of refund within 28 days of receipt of the application. The refund will be deposited into the student’s bank account only,
as nominated on the Refund Application Form.
• All refunds will be paid in Australian Dollars, where this is not possible refunds will be paid in United States dollars.
• No refunds will be paid to a third party (a person other than the student), unless directed by the student on the Refund
Application Form.
• Refund and Cancellation applications WILL NOT be processed where the signature on the Course Variation and/or Refund
Application Form DOES NOT match the student’s signature as shown on other documents provided by the student for
admission to Stanley College.
• Students will receive a clear Statement of Refunds explaining how the refund was calculated, where a cancellation fee
has been applied, students will receive a Statement of Cancellation clearly outlined how our Cancellation Policy has been
• This Written Agreement, and the availability of the complaints and appeals processes, does not remove the right of the
student to take further action under Australia’s consumer protection laws.
• The Refund and Cancellation Fee Policy is subject to review from time to time.

Table 1 -Refund and Cancellation

Reason for Notification Period Refund Cancellation Fee


Application for visa is Before Semester/Course Commences Full refund less $250 cancellation
unsuccessful cancellation administration fee
administration fee of $250

Application for visa is After Semester/Course Commences Full refund less $250 cancellation
unsuccessful Cancellation Fee administration fee +

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Pro-rata of tuition fee
used calculated on a
weekly basis

Student Default More than 10 weeks before Full refund less 10% of a semester fee
semester/course commences cancellation fee
Student with a
student visa
withdraws More than 4 weeks and up to 10 70% of a semester fee 30% of a semester fee
weeks before semester/course
Or commences
Student is cancelled
for breach of College’s 4 weeks or less before 40% of a semester fee 60% of a semester fee
rules or breach of semester/course commences
student visa rules
After semester/course commences No Refund 100% of a semester fee

Note: A student who has paid fees for more than two semesters in advance and withdraws during a semester and more
than four weeks before the commencement of the following semester, would receive no refund of fees for the current
semester, at least 70% of the following semester’s fees and a full refund of fees paid for any subsequent semester; less
cancellation fees.

Student Default occurs when

• the course starts at the location on the agreed starting day, but the student does not start the course on that day
(and has not previously withdrawn); or
• the student withdraws from the course at the location (either before or after the agreed starting day); or
• the registered provider of the course refuses to provide, or continue providing, the course to the student at the
location because of one or more of the following events:
▪ the student failed to pay an amount he or she was liable to pay the provider, directly or indirectly, in order to
undertake the course;
▪ the student breached a condition of his or her student visa;
▪ breach of Stanley College Code of Conduct.

Refunds after Stanley College Default

In the unlikely event of Stanley College default, within 14 days of the default, Stanley College will:
Either offer you an alternative place at Stanley College’s expense, that is accepted by you in writing; or
Refund you the unused portion of the prepaid fees.

Tuition Protection Scheme (TPS)

If Stanley College is unable to provide a refund or place the student in an alternative course, then the student will be
referred to the Tuition Protection Service (TPS), which will place the student in a suitable alternative course. If a suitable
course cannot be found, Stanley College will pay a refund as calculated by the TPS Administrator.

For more information on the TPS, visit For additional assistance, please contact:
Within Australia phone: 1300 980 434
Outside Australia phone: +61 1300 980 434

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2. Acceptance of Written Agreement
I, (Student name) accept the offer outlined above and agree to the terms and
conditions stipulated in this Written Agreement. I understand that tuition fees may be subject to increase and
that Stanley College reserves the right to change the fees when necessary. I am aware that it is my responsibility
to ensure that my expected completion date is maintained and correct, and to ensure that I am enrolled in the
correct course at all times.
I am aware of the estimated cost of living in Australia, details available from the Department of Home Affairs
website at , and understand the financial capacities to meet such costs is my
I will arrive in Australia prior to my Orientation which will take place on the Friday before course commencement
at 10am.
I am aware that as a student of Stanley College; I can contact my Trainer or the Student Support Officer to assist
me with matters relating to my academic progress and welfare. I also understand that I can complain and appeal
if I am not satisfied with Stanley College or with a decision made by Stanley College staff.
I understand that I can access the Overseas Student Ombudsman (details available at reception) or via their
website, to assist me if I have a complaint or want to appeal a decision.
By signing this Written Agreement I confirm that:
▪ I have read and understand the Stanley College Refund Policy available with my application form and
contained within this Offer Letter.
▪ I have read and understand the Stanley College Privacy Notice available on my application form and
contained within this Written Agreement.
▪ You are advised that in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988, that the personal information you provide
to Stanley College may be disclosed to:
▪ Commonwealth including TPS and State/Territory government departments and agencies and
statutory bodies performing functions relating to Higher Education (HE) for:
▪ The purposes of administering and auditing institutes of higher education (IHEs) and
HE courses;
▪ Education related policy and research purposes; and
▪ To assist in determining eligibility for subsidies
▪ Tertiary Education Quality Standards Agency (TEQSA) to enable them to perform their HE
regulatory functions;
▪ researchers for education and research related purposes;
▪ any other person or agency that may be authorised or required by law to access the
information; and
▪ any entity contractually engaged by the Student Identifiers Registrar to assist in the
performance of his or her functions in the administration of the USI system.
▪ I have read and understand the information regarding entry requirements, fees, important dates and
information about Stanley College, the Stanley College Code of Conduct and studying in Australia from
the Student Handbook included with this offer letter and available on the Stanley College website
▪ I understand that I must attend all scheduled classes and complete all assessments as required
▪ I understand that I must commence classes on time
▪ I understand and agree that I must meet the following DHA Student Visa conditions:
▪ Maintain full time enrolment in my registered course.
▪ Maintain satisfactory participation (attendance) throughout my course.
▪ Maintain satisfactory course progress in all study periods.
▪ Pay course fees, as agreed in the Payment Agreement.
▪ Maintain adequate arrangements for health insurance (OSHC) during my stay in Australia.
▪ Upon arriving in Australia, you are required to notify Stanley College of your Australian
residential address, mobile number, email address and who to contact in emergency
situations. You must notify Stanley College of any change in your contact details for the
following within 7 days as per the National Code 2018 and Student Visa Condition 8533:
▪ Current residential address
▪ Mobile number
▪ Email address and
▪ Who to contact in emergency situation

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▪ Maintain adequate schooling arrangements for your school age dependents who joined you
in Australia for more than 3 months, as part of your student visa application. Additional fees
may be incurred. Please provide evidence of enrolment for school aged dependents, on arrival
in Australia to Stanley College.
▪ I understand that I can seek employment during my studies and can work no more than 40
hours per fortnight and that I must not schedule any work during class time.

▪ Stanley College may change my schedule at short notice if necessary and will inform me about the
changes as soon as possible.
▪ I will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) once my fees have been received by Stanley College.
▪ I understand that Stanley College will communicate with me via my Stanley College email account,
details of which will be provided to me at Orientation. Furthermore, I understand that I MUST log on
and check my emails AT LEAST WEEKLY, during my enrolment, including on scheduled Term Breaks.
▪ I understand that the Department of Home Affairs (DHA) will require the CoE when I apply for my
student visa.
▪ I understand that the tuition fees listed in this International Offer Letter, I must sign and return my
acceptance of the Written Agreement within 28 days of issue.
▪ I understand that additional fees and charges as outlined in the offer letter and the Student
Handbook, and that they may be subject to change. Where there are changes to these fees, I will
receive email notification of the change
▪ I understand that it is my responsibility to keep a copy of this Written Agreement as supplied by
Stanley College, including any receipts of any payments or tuition fees and/or additional fees (non-
▪ I confirm that I have received this Offer Letter and Written Agreement in its entirety.

3. Written Agreement: Signatories

Student Signature Date:
(if under 18 years
parent/guardian must sign)

Witness Details:
Full Name

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