Bahasa Inggris Ujian

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Complet the following sentences with the correct form of be : am, is, or are

1. Where are you from,? I am semarang,

2. What is your name? I am seanu mahadewa
3. Ratu kadita am fifteen years old
4. Nunik and setiawan is from bandung
5. I have a daughter. Her name is pujaan
6. Djuharie and solehah is married. They have two sons and a daughter
7. Prabu is a manager in a big company. He is very loyal to his boss
8. My father Is a clerk,. His office is on 12 braga street
9. My mother types letters in her office, she is a types.
10. My name is setiawan. I am from kuningan. My village is cijoho my hobbies is
reading, writing, and hiking.
11. I am a student of a vocational high school majoring in business and management
12. You are strong enough to lift that table
13. The children is at their room
14. The books are on the sale
15. Who are that? it is mine
16. Short skirts are in fashion
17. Jhon is out in garden
18. The money are not yours, it is mine
19. Give me a pound, and the skirt is yours
20. There are the a bus stop down the road
21. There are six of us
22. There are some stamps in that drawer
23. For the time being, I am full
24. I am sorry for being late
25. God are the supreme being
26. Are you sister a secretary? Yes she is
27. What is your brother job? – he is a merchant
28. What is your is school? – it is vocational high school with business and management
29. Are you melayan? Yes we are
30. Joice comes from Australia. She is an Australian.
Grammar Riview


I 1 rb Singular subject Am Was
YOU 2 rd Singular subject Are Were
HE 3 rb Singular subject Is Was
SHE 4 rb Singular subject Is Was
IT 5 rb Singular subject Is Was
WE 1 sr Singular subject Are Were
YOU 2 nd Plural subject Are Were
THEY 3 nd Plural subject Are Were

Complete the following sentences with the correct form of be, war or were.

Example: The man was here a minute ago, he was very angry.

“where were you yesterday?’_’I was in bandung

1. I met the children this morning. They were cheerful.

2. Were you present yesterday?
3. Prabu and ratu was naugty when they were kids
4. I went home late last night, that’s why, my mother was worried about me
5. Seanu 13 years old now. It means that he was 12 years old last year
6. My father was the director of cijoho bank before it went bankrupt
7. I didn’t go anywhere, I was at home all day long.
8. My parents was not home last night and my brother and sister not either
9. The former president was very disciplined
10. I went to the gathering, everyone was there
Have Have as a main verb can imply the meaning of possession.

I have a new car.

She has a new car.


The car has an aerial


I don’t have a new car.

She has a new car


They car don’t have a new car.


Do I Have a new car?

Does she was a new car?


Does the car have an aerial

Complete the sentences below with have, has, or had bassed on the, given contexts.

1. I have a dougter. Her name is pujian.

2. Djuharie and solehah are merried. They have two sons and a daughter.
3. The learning process has various activities; that’s why the students are so
4. The president has a lot support for this actions.
5. Ratu has a new facebook follower from amrica.
6. Ebiet g. ade really has a good voice. No wonder he has so many fans
7. My hobby is collecting stamps. I have all kinds of stamps from all over the world.
8. Bandung has magnificent sceneries . in fact, it is one of the most visited tourism
spots in Indonesia
9. My younger brother and I have three pets. They are a cat, a dog, and a hamster.
10. Out favorite lessons are math and English . we have a great time and a lot of
fun when we do math and practice English.

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