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A Research Paper

Presented to STI College Santa Cruz

Santa Cruz, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment

for the Requirements in

Business Research







TITLE PAGE ..................... ..................................................................................i



Introduction ......................................................................................... 1

Background of the Study ................................................................... 1

Theoretical Framework...................................................................... 2

Conceptual Framework .................................................................... 3

Statement of the Problem ................................................................. 4

Hypothesis of the Study ................................................................... 5

Significance of the Study ................................................................... 5

Scope and Limitation ........................................................................ 5

Definition of Terms ............................................................................ 6

Chapter 1


This chapter introduced the idea or concept of the solar energy and its properties.

It contained the background of the study, statement of the problem, significance of the

study. Scope and limitations and the definition of terms.

Background of the Study

Many of the consumers ask today’s situations about the increasing of electricity

rate, due to these consumers limiting their usage of households’ appliances. Why the

electricity rates go upward. According to Jephraim Manansala, Chief Data Scientist at

the Institute for Climate and Sustainable Cities (ICSC), claimed that when we look at

our electricity bills, we can see that the Generation Charge makes up the majority of

our payments—roughly 55% of the total costs. We neglect to realize that the generating

charge, which is dependent on a number of variables, including the cost of fuel required

to run power plants, is also the most unpredictable price element. Since there aren't

many coal mines in the Philippines, we must import fossil fuels in order to have a

reliable supply of electricity. In fact, more than 76% of the coal we consume is

imported, therefore its price is influenced by the geopolitically sensitive and erratic

global markets. Therefore, whenever the price of coal rises on global markets, the price

of electricity in the Philippines will also rise.

This study focused on the awareness and effectiveness of using the solar energy.

One of the most significant renewable and green energy sources, solar energy is a

technology that is kind to the environment, a superb energy source. It contributes

significantly to finding energy solutions for sustainable development. As a result, the

enormous amount of solar energy that may be produced each day makes it a particularly

appealing resource for producing power.

Theoretical Framework

According to University Wafer. (2018, October 1). In 1961, William Shockley

and Hans-Joachim Queisser were the first scientists to calculate the maximum

theoretical solar cell efficiency using a primitive single-p-n junction. The theorectical

limit was calculated to be around 33%. That means on a sunny day, a silicon solar cell

with one p-n junction could collect up to 33% of the sun's rays. Of course, the

technology was not there to come close to 33%; it was more like 10% for many

reasons. Today, researchers are working hard to pass 20% efficiency on cost-effective

solar cells. Other materials and techniques are being researched to get us past 33%

affordably.The Shockley-Queisser limit, or detailed balance limit, refers to the

calculation of the maximum theoretical efficiency of a solar cell made from a single

pn junction. It was first calculated by William Shockley and Hans Queisser: "Detailed

Balance Limit of Efficiency of p-n Junction Solar Cells", Journal of Applied Physics,

Volume 32, pp. 510–519 (1961). The Shockley-Queisser limit is calculated by

examining the amount of electrical energy that is extracted per incident photon. The

Shockley-Queisser limit is one of the most fundamental theories of solar energy

production with photovoltaic cells. The theory is of practical use because it predicts

the fundamental limits of a solar cell and gives guidance on the phenomena that

contribute to losses and solar cell efficiency. There are methods for surpassing the

Shockley-Queisser limit, but they are not practical for solar cells. The calculation

places maximum solar conversion efficiency around 33.7%, assuming a single pn

junction with a band gap of 1.4 eV (using an AM 1.5 solar spectrum). Therefore, an

ideal solar cell with incident solar radiation will generate 337 Wm2. When the solar
radiation is modeled as 6000 K blackbody radiation, the maximum efficiency occurs

when the bandgap energy Eg = 1.4 eV.

In conclusion, a solar-related theory known as the Shockley-Queisser limit

describes the greatest possible efficiency of a solar cell produced from a single pn

junction. The theory establishes the top limit for a single-junction solar cell that

makes use of an absorber material with a certain band gap. It was initially estimated

by William Shockley and Hans Queisser in 1961. For a single-junction solar cell, the

highest Shockley-Queisser limit is 33.7%. Because it forecasts the fundamental

limitations of a solar cell and provides information on the events that affect losses and

solar cell efficiency, the theory is useful in reality.

Conceptual Framework

This study used the Input-Process-Output model to describe the conceptual

framework. The inputs are the demographic characteristics of the respondents (such as

age, sex) and the sources of information and awareness on solar energy are the data

and materials that come into the process from the outside. The process was the method

or technique that changes the inputs into outputs in which the Researchers used a survey

questionnaire to collect data from the respondents. Lastly, the outputs were data and

materials that result from the process and go out to the outside wherein The factors that

influence the awareness and effectiveness on solar energy.

In this study, the researcher aimed to present the level of awareness and

effectiveness of Solar Energy based on the collection of data through survey

questionnaire, and determine the significant difference among them.


Survey of
Level of Selected
Awareness a& Entrepreneurs in
Effectiveness of Santa Cruz
Solar Energy of Laguna to prove Proposed Action
Selected the connection of Plan
Entrepreneurs in their profile in
Santa Cruz, their level of
Laguna. Awareness and
the effectiveness
of Solar Energy.


Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the level of awareness and effectiveness on the use of

Solar Energy in Selected Barangays in Santa Cruz, Laguna, it will seek to determine

the causes of the problem:

1. What is the demographic profile of the Entrepreneurs-respondent in terms of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Business Income

2. What is the level of Entrepreneur’s awareness of utilizing on Solar Energy?

3. What is the level of effectiveness?

4. Is there a significant difference between the level of awareness and level of

effectives when grouped according to age, sex, and business income?

5. How did you create an improvement plan in order to increase the level of

awareness and level of the effectivity of the solar energy?

The Hypothesis of the Study

In Discussing this study, the researchers come up with the hypothesis:

Ho. There is no significant difference between the demographic profile of the

Entrepreneur and their Awareness and Effectiveness of utilizing on Solar Energy.

Scope and Limitations

The objective of this descriptive research was to evaluate the effectiveness of

solar energy utilization in a few chosen barangays in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. The selected

80 respondents (specifically) to the study are mostly entrepreneurs or business owners

in Sta. Cruz, Laguna. The researchers aimed to know how many businesses use solar

energy. This research aimed to determine the level of awareness and effectiveness of

the use of solar energy.

Significance of the Study

The goal of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and usage of solar

energy consumption in a few chosen barangays in Santa Cruz, Laguna. The following

individuals stand to gain the most from this:

Community. Solar energy offers significant advantages to customers,

municipalities, and cities, as well as in the fight against climate change. This cost-free,

long-term sustainable energy option helps you save money on your power bills.

Additionally, it fosters energy independence, helps local economies, and fortifies the

electrical system.

Student. Solar energy can provide a practical, hands-on lesson in sustainability

for students.Schools that integrate solar power into their curriculum, install solar panels

on their campuses, and organize field trips to renewable energy facilities can provide
students with a comprehensive understanding of solar power's potential.Student-led

solar energy projects are an excellent way to promote environmental responsibility,

reduce energy bills, and encourage community involvement.

Entrepreneurs. Solar energy usage might not need a lot of upkeep. That

implies that for entrepreneurs, there are frequently no ongoing repair and maintenance

expenses. Additionally, your organization will implement a green strategy and be

recognized for its environmental responsibility. Finally, promoting your company as

renewable is now advantageous, and that is significant in and of itself. On the other

side, the main motivation for most enterprises is energy conservation—to lower their

electricity costs.

Future Researchers. This study will be the source of information and

knowledge that is presented by the researchers on the effectiveness and benefits of using

solar energy. It can be used as a reference for future researchers whose research is

related to using solar energy.

Definition of terms:

The Researchers defined the terms utilized in this study for a better

understanding of the whole research.

Awareness. As used in the research it was state or level of being informed or

conscious about something, such as the benefits, costs, availability, and accessibility of

solar energy.

Effectiveness. .It is the degree or extent to which something produces a desired

result or outcome, such as the performance, reliability, and efficiency of solar energy

Barangay. As used in research, the smallest administrative division in the

Philippines, equivalent to a village or a neighborhood.

Solar energy. As used in research, the radiant energy emitted by the sun that can

be converted into other forms of energy, such as heat or electricity, using various


Solar energy system. A set of devices that capture, store, and convert solar

energy into usable forms of energy, such as solar panels, batteries, inverters, controllers,


Santa Cruz. A first-class municipality and the capital of the province of Laguna

in the Philippines.

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