Doing Words PG No 36-37

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Doing Words .


,E =====================----.._____
g) Fill in the blanks with suitable words. Takewords fro~
box below:

1. Hens eggs.

2. Soldiers Jig ht for

their country.

3. Aeroplanes 7 ' --+-1"-l"4--l--

t he sky.

4. Farmers gtQ':Ur crops.

5. Birds l_Lve

6. Boats-""""..-~-- on water. ~ - '

'. ~ -

7. We Ll.t:f&.J::: woollen clothes

in winter.

grow wear sail live fight

llJ Circle the doing words in these sentences:
1. The sun@ in the east.
-~-. •,,~,\ I \ I /, ,-:_-• •
2. Flies~ many diseases. ~-
. 3. tt@ heavily in July and August . .
4 · The crow(§rr'iej)away the piece of bread.
5. A brick-layer~walls.
6. W e ~ a bad · - on mate yesterday.
7. Goats<§21 es and grass.
8. The sweeper9the floor.

(ii Underline the doing words in this passage:


Father goes to office ever · y. wear~ a mask all the time. He
wasbes his hands fre ently. He also ..keeps ,a distance from the other
workers. He his office regularly.· He bathes when he comes

back horn .

; -- ----- -----.--[JtiMlt•MA-~--.- ---- Teacher's("')

I :::3
Write these words on the board: ..,
· cook nurse teacher doctor postman · mechanic
pilot florist tailor plumber gardener . painter

You may modify the list according to your needs.

In the class, a child speaks the sentence: A nurse looks after the patients.
Another child identifies the doing word: looks.
The activity continues till every child has participated.
--- --- --- --- --- -- ---- - --


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