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Name:Kevin Rojas Luján

Activity 1

1)difference between flu anda cold?

Influenza and the common cold are contagious respiratory
illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. Influenza is
caused only by influenza viruses, while the common cold can be
caused by several different viruses, including rhinoviruses,
parainfluenza viruses, and seasonal coronaviruses. Seasonal
coronaviruses should not be confused with SARS-COV-2, the virus
that causes COVID-19. Because influenza and the common cold
have similar symptoms, it can be difficult to tell the difference based
on symptoms alone.

Activity 2
1)Your patient si 65. They probably should get a flu shot?
True false
2)Your patient has fever. They probably have the flu?
True. False
3)washing our hands after a Subway (metro) trip is a good idea?
True. False
4)when someome cougs, they should check the color of their
True. False
5)Your patient sneezes they probably have the flu?
True. False

Activity 3

Eathing well in a varied and healthy way can help you raise the
natural defenses of your body and that of those you love most. This
fall, don't let yourself be and get to work: when shopping, don't
forget to buy foods to prevent flu and colds, such as oranges,
pumpkin or fish.Healthy and balanced eating is the basis for
keeping your body in shape, and we are not referring to having a
magazine cover body but rather a healthy and well-nourished body.
Yogurt, the power of probiotics Nowadays there is a lot of talk about
probiotics in advertising, but what are they? Yogurts have live
cultures that help the immune system prevent bad bacteria from
progressing within the body. As? Very easy: if the good bacteria are
more than the bad, the war for health is won.
Activity 4

Headac Sore Cold Fever Backac Cough

he throat he
Conver If You If You Dos not Has a Dos not Has a
sación have a have a present fever present cough
1 headac sore
he throat
Conver Does If You He is Does Does Does
satión 2 not have a cold not not not
present sore present present present
Conver If You Does He is Has a Does Has a
satión 3 have a not cold fever not cough
headac present present
Conver If You Does He is Has a Does Has
satión 4 have a not cold fever not cough
headac present present
Conver Does If You Does Has a Does Has a
satión 5 not have a not fever not cough
present sore present present

Activity 5

Headache: Foods that can be eaten: fresh beef, chicken, fish, lamb,
pork, turkey or veal. poppy seeds. Pumpkin seeds.
Back pain: Calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, milk, low-fat
yogurt, and low-fat cottage cheese. By including these vegetables,
fruits, and herbs, along with teas and proteins, you will experience
an immense reduction in inflammation in the cartilage of your spine.
Cold fever: Cooked or steamed vegetables such as carrots and
chayote, which facilitate digestion. Proteins from boiled eggs,
chicken, low-fat fish and skim dairy. Broths, soups, smoothies, teas
and yogurt that increase fluid consumption.
Sore throat: Eat soft and creamy foods, rich in calories and protein,
such as soups and creams, cheeses, yogurts, smoothies, custards,
ice cream or commercial liquid protein supplements. If you can only
eat small portions without feeling pain, eating foods that are high in
calories will give your body enough energy.
Cough: Citrus fruits: Fruits such as strawberries, currants, citrus
fruits, kiwi... and vegetables such as pepper, cabbage, turnip,
radish, broccoli, potatoes and raw parsley help the immune system
and protect the mucous membranes thanks to their antioxidant
properties and of collagen formation

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