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TTA KrrrrrTrrrVrVv7VvCcve tT Gy Yadvendva St CHAPTER - Tv ~ F400 16F ERE (Noes) ~ Faeosoledt ELECTROMAGNETIC; INDUCTION, ¥ Flechomagnetic Snduction —+ Eleclernagnelic Indah 14 the prerems of production led’. current ov (err) a cif Y when He mingnehi ae Linked with the colf f4 Chovged ¥ Magnetic f bine s—> The mic gnede ux Linked) with a ‘arface , Uther frolld @~ magnetic peld te dq ned as the number “4 magnetic field Lines K a cre sng he Seirface and meaaured as the product ad compe! Reagan fiedd nevmaf to 4a. 2 and aerface areg fs denoted “ $. _-Burface wee Consider tiat the 8 = mageh'c fic Lfres ~ pili oh Heo clicd—~ Rs Besse surfa ascea mekin gy = > angle with “Ihe surface asca, hen the — nermal component “ magnelic fi fold B _. - reognelie fix Brey the surface Ac 1 given d a 4 - Base 48 = Bas cos —® hut 6: Bo = Bas cos$e | os ®: \- { 7 “as fe very areal Hen rregnedre flue AK ust surface fs elec smal), cf | ap <8] Case Jie whee the magrette field 1 B1 to the surface area evil © = 4" by aguahin@) $ = BAS Cosgo' ‘nas a]- aS Case Tt then the mayne field Me to the surface axreq 84 thon @= 0 So 44 4a” @ f= BAS Ces oT alot sie uate. fee 7 __ ST unit 4 mmametic flux fa weber (We) _ “4 Wh = 1 Lestam™ . ' dW = ttre A meocuset (Mx) ~maiam@eaaeeaQMananaar&haaena CGs _antt J gous cm? = LGenm Wh = 10% mozwell Dinmenion — (e] = fLmtrte} ee faradarys dace “4 expestrrent t— Aecovching te faraday'A eMporiment 4 electremagmelic reAluction , fe ent Y vesull ace amed —_ | when ever maegrehe fi Uaked whe @ circuit chongeg induced we 14 produced. fi). The tnderce emf fas 4 dog ag He chonge Pr the rman elte ft x Comntnug, Db: the VM megnitude of Frdaced Fe elfvecthe proprio to the te chinge of Hu wRagnedic ux er cotth Hey cv 3 d J Ft 1 fy Pty be te value of magnetic fun Linked “il Hae coil th Hme 1) Hen vate of Chonge fn flux - 4, - (je 4 e fs 4tnoluced ers} fa coll, thon eu tote t e - -k (4-43) t whee k fs Contont and -ve sign Mncticates that +e induced emf get ebpotes te the chonge In magnehi flaw th to ok =4 How 7 d co (2 dnduced emg clue to gmall change” in flue Po smaui dime ~ di? thaw e = ~4f a. pe , ~ re or eee ene cme Hebe col thee tof Preluced Pr coil — = dt This equation 4s alte know ap faraday'g Lenz Law. Sl ontl of emf Fe ved. (Vv). ¥ Motierzal €lectyo motive pecs ‘i Censidey Hac tee sbraight cemducter PR ved fs free to move fn He “untlorm meagnabte ped B Jewitt the _Cerutant veloefly vp Ytouande He Le. Arsume that Paks VT forms __q closed clycd Pn uniform magnelic — — * bohm he rnegrabe Fa metallic comduchey changeit , Induced earvrent ave tet ep tr the conductor Ie tre, fem closed loeb, uot Siakad oth which fs called aaa Conner ave algo known at Focal” curmenks 3 e Uses = - eg - © Vead beat Galvanometey —@ Eiechic brake F © Sncucl on motors © _Llechemagrsting dHing. e “sy. _£. * Sel} indudio 3—> ae phenerrencn , acceveling to which an cppeates frctuced rae, ts produced Pe Cid af a vesuld d change nt q current oF re Plu LPak fd wi Hee coll, 4 called B r Hone ee a St _oppe poses the Peet ech qi current Py H cork, #0 fs abso a ‘) back emf > ae veel 4 fel) induction induclon s—> 1 — i As ue know mang ngneHic x Aink with Coif ak any Patent oe hirec bie faspertionad do the current peti oS gh 21) eS ¢ a © we 2117 _ — y eo eo ce 7 Wworkdern stared af the peterticl. 9g fn fin duchy = . —— =f Dr® oS i H Sel) tnduclonee of 0 fy to lenortd 1 Tee Considen a fog Aclenoid Aonatt L, cross-section A and _ y unt length Hbhen, Suppese that a currebit I tg passed thro! the Xolenoid”, then magnetic field Pncide i Aolencil — a a en = Monl The magnetic jim posing Heragh =e feng selene cf — ne, rn 4, “= By area c each farm = BA q with the Aolenoid — Se, fofaf magnetic flax Links P= Bazan 1 - - aan fy, = My nlA-nf : — — = Op s mordare O. 4 L_fa Pnduclonce ai; Aolenoicl , Hon “4 nae ©. So" — te My he a nergy stove Ta eueas = Energy Conia. ding —aalence o. wo favie cross-sechom A VY and the no, Heir nbd Longth. be _n_, teen af Pnductmee 7 golenoid- Lo= Men Al on . = “are toad I current ihre _tolenstd magnehe fi feet Toate folenoid — Be Ayn rs 28 io a7 — ‘o" Lela ma ai thsi sh id ida all fe. Energy dlored Poa fang aolenoid | gen oe ape = i e Oey br sd rt) (Be) S 2 ee = [ose oe hud Value solenoid 4 = AL So . “tH ed fn olenaid pe unit valume 4 Bo * Matual Induchon:— i ie henomenon according to Which an Dh cahng, 2m. educed fa colf ata op change a current ey magnehe (Rune a) wit Ya nei Phowr Fuge coll Vin calle of metial Prebuchier. stp thet the wo coll P £s oe which enrenk 7 possin Horaug h_ the coil Pat o Srashomt » Dual to Cathie qo sauegn etic flux Bike coittes tre Goi) § usthich tg : p< t a faMf Ot Ms Coe Yefent 4 ruuteal Trduchim or mudtuo}~ | Pnduckabke , " T= 4unth Hon ae a 1 So, the amount a mracgnehic x _ Qing “le cof) due fo tho afi unit _ current pasi te eth). ralgehouring eof fs Caled nutu df Iraduclarce | 4 thece “ten0 coolly — So fncturced emf in Wa oll 1g ges pat ony tt Prashant _ ee — al” —- e= db = ab _ : at Senta Qe).

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