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14 of Learnig Spanish

Day 1:

 Learn the Spanish alphabet and pronunciation.

 Learn the basic greetings and introductions.
 Learn how to ask and answer questions about personal information.

Day 2:

 Learn the numbers 1-100.

 Learn the days of the week and months of the year.
 Learn how to tell time.

Day 3:

 Learn the basic verbs to be, to have, and to go.

 Learn how to form simple sentences.
 Practice your pronunciation with a native speaker or language partner.

Day 4:

 Learn about Spanish culture and history.

 Watch a Spanish-language movie or TV show with subtitles.
 Listen to some Spanish music.

Day 5:

 Start learning about Spanish food and cuisine.

 Find a Spanish conversation group or join an online forum.
 Practice speaking Spanish with your language partner or conversation group.

Day 6:

 Start reading Spanish children's books or articles.

 Take an online Spanish course.
 Practice your Spanish grammar with a tutor or language partner.
Day 7:

 Start reading Spanish books and articles for adults.

 Watch a Spanish-language movie or TV show without subtitles.
 Listen to Spanish music without English translations.

Day 8:

 Immerse yourself in the Spanish language as much as possible.

 Watch Spanish-language movies and TV shows without subtitles.
 Listen to Spanish music.
 Read Spanish books and articles without translating them into English.

Day 9:

 Start translating simple sentences from English to Spanish.

 Write a short paragraph in Spanish.
 Practice speaking Spanish with your language partner or conversation group.

Day 10:

 Take a trip to a Spanish-speaking country.

 Practice speaking Spanish with native speakers.
 Enjoy your new language skills!

Day 11:

 Review the material you learned in the previous days. This will help you
solidify what you've learned and make sure you're not forgetting anything.
 Start learning about Spanish grammar in more depth. This could include
learning about verb conjugations, noun declensions, and sentence structure.
 Watch a Spanish-language movie or TV show without subtitles. This will help
you get used to listening to Spanish and understanding the meaning of what
you're hearing.

Day 12:

 Start practicing your Spanish speaking skills. This could involve talking to a
language partner, joining a Spanish conversation group, or simply speaking
Spanish to yourself.
 Start writing in Spanish. This could involve writing short paragraphs or even
just keeping a Spanish journal.
 Immerse yourself in the Spanish language as much as possible. This could
mean listening to Spanish music, watching Spanish-language movies and TV
shows, or reading Spanish books and articles.

Day 13:

 Take a trip to a Spanish-speaking country. This is the ultimate immersion

experience! You'll be surrounded by Spanish all day long, and you'll have
plenty of opportunities to practice speaking with native speakers.
 Take an online Spanish course. This is a great way to get additional
instruction and practice.
 Celebrate your progress! You've come a long way in just 14 days. Be proud of
yourself for all your hard work.

Day 14:

 Review all the material you learned in the previous 13 days. This will help you
solidify what you've learned and make sure you're not forgetting anything.
 Take a practice Spanish test. This will help you assess your progress and
identify areas where you need more practice.
 Set some goals for your future Spanish learning. What do you want to be able
to do in Spanish in 1 month? 6 months? 1 year?
 Celebrate your progress! You've come a long way in just 14 days. Be proud of
yourself for all your hard work.

Here are some resources that you can use to help you learn Spanish in 14

 Books:
o "Spanish for Dummies" by Marc Canter
o "Complete Spanish Step by Step" by George Yule
o "Fluent Spanish in 3 Months" by Benny Lewis
 Apps:
o Duolingo
o Babbel
o Memrise
 Websites:
o SpanishDict
o LanguagePod101
o FluentU
 Online courses:
o Alison
o Coursera
o Udemy

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