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EXERCISES E: Word Endings

EXERCISE E1: Noun (Thing) Endings

The following noun (thing) endings are very common in English. It is important for you to study
them and become familiar with them.
-ism Socialism -ment Government
-nce Excellence -ty Beauty
-ness Sadness -age Marriage
-ion Information -ship Friendship

Using one of the endings above, change each of the following words into a noun (thing)
1. member: membership 9. alcohol: alcoholism
2. kind: kindness 10. permanent:
3. real: reality/ realism 11. mile:
4. move: movement 12. confuse:
5. human: humanity/humanism 13. leader: leadership
6. elect: election 14. sudden:
7. break: breakage 15. improved: improvement
8. intelligent: intelligence 16. equal: equality

EXERCISE E2: Noun (Person) Endings

The following noun (person) endings are very common in English. It is important for you to
study them and become familiar with them.
-er Employer -ist Tourist
-or Actor -cian Musician

Using one of the endings above, change each of the following words into a noun (person):
1. teach: teacher 9. perfection: perfectionist
2. type: typist 10. program: programmer
3. beauty: beautician 11. electricity: electrician
4. ideal: idealist 12. invest: investor
5. invent: inventor 13. build: builder
6. clinic: clinician 14. natural: naturalist
7. special: specialist 15. advice: advisor
8. ranch: rancher 16. mathematics: mathematician

EXERCISE E3: Adjective Endings

The following adjective endings are very common in English. It is important for you to study
them and become familiar with them.
-ent Excellent -ive Expensive
-ant Important -ous Dangerous
-ful Careful -al Natural
-ic Economic -able Capable
-less careless -ible possible

Using one of the endings above, change each of the following words into an adjective:
1. heart: 9. courage: courageous
2. nature: 10. use: useful
3. athlete: 11. enthusiasm:
4. mystery: 12. motion:
5. help: 13. tradition: traditional
6. impress: 14. change:
7. intelligence: 15. permanence: permanent
8. comfort: 16. attract: attractive

EXERCISE E4: Verb Endings

The following verb endings are very common in English. It is important for you to study them
and become familiar with them
-en Soften -ize Memorize
-ate Populate -ify Notify
Using one of the endings above, change each of the following words into a verb:
1. dark: 9. different:
2. final: 10. identity: indentify
3. just: 11. light: lighten
4. separation: 12. glamour: glamourize
5. short: 13. person: personate
6. intense: 14. sweet: sweeten
7. investigation: 15. liberal: liberalize
8. industrial: 16. demonstration: demonstrate

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EXERCISE E5: Adverb Ending
The following adverb ending is very common in English. It is important for you to become
familiar with it.
-ly really
Using the ending above, change each of the following words into an adverb
1. final: 9. great:
2. careful: 10. complete:
3. obvious: 11. eager:
4. recent: 12. absolute:
5. strong: 13. correct:
6. perfect: 14. sudden:
7. fearful: 15. doubtful:
8. quick: 16. regular:

EXERCISE E6: All Endings Together

Identify each of the following words as a noun-thing (NT), a noun-person (NP), and adjective
(ADJ), and adverb (ADV), or a verb (V)
1. heighten 11. desertification 21. speechless
2. forgetful 12. submissive 22. tremendously adv
3. imperialism 13. nocturnal 23. liability adv
4. effusively 14. establishment 24. counsellor
5. cashier np 15. impertinent 25. civic
6. columnist np 16. impertinently adv 26. sensitize
7. aggravate v 17. togetherness 27. ambiance
8. glamorous adj 18. pharmacist 28. justification
9. vintage nt 19. craftsmanship nt 29. interpretive _
10. statistician np 20. manageable adj _ 30. personify

EXERCISE E7: All Endings Together

Circle the letter of the word that correctly completes each sentence.
1. The of the news could not be stressed enough.
(A) important (B) importance (C) importantly

2. The detective that the maid committed the robbery.

(A) theorized (B) theoretician (C) theoretic

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3. It is that they live so close to the school.
(A) convenience (B) convenient (C) conveniently

4. The patient responded to the medication.

(A) weaken (B) weakness (C) weakly

5. The psychologist explained his idea on interaction.

(A) social (B) society (C) socialize

6. Not everyone wants a job as a .

(A) mortal (B) mortally (C) mortician

7. You should not the problem.

(A) minimal (B) minimize (C) minimally

8. Because of a traffic , he had to appear in court.

(A) violate (B) violator (C) violation

9. The children ran toward the entrance of the park.

(A) excitedly (B) excited (C) excitement

10. The company was unable to enough profit to stay in business.

(A) generator (B) generate (C) generation

11. She picked up a piece of rock.

(A) volcano (B) vulcanize (C) volcanic

12. He responded to the rude question.

(A) explosively (B) explosion (C) explosive

13. Because of medical problem is serious, you need to see a .

(A) specialize (B) special (C) specialist

14. The coach was able to the athletes to perform better.

(A) motivate (B) motivator (C) motivation

15. He was not concerned about the of his actions.

(A) careless (B) carelessness (C) carelessly

16. This portion of the report should be completed of the other part.
(A) independence (B) independent (C) independently

17. The view of the mountains was .

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(A) magnify (B) magnificent (C) magnification

18. It was necessary for the speaker to her message.

(A) clarify (B) clarity (C) clarification

19. The of the village was the soldiers’ primary goal.

(A) liberate (B) liberation (C) liberal

20. He gave an incorrect answer to the question.

(A) obvious (B) obviously (C) obviate

EXERCISE E8: All Endings Together

The following sentences contain a number of underlined words. Each of the underlined words
may or may not be correct. Circle the underline
1. The police inspect organized an intensively search for the robber.
2. The newspaper reporter did not exact appreciate the negation comments about her article.
3. He became penniless and homeless when a seriousness ill made him unable to work.
4. On the old college campus, the ivy-covered walls of the colonial buildings create an aura
of gentility and tradition.
5. Maya Angelou is a poem, composition, and author of two autobiographically works, I
Know Why the Caged Bird Sings and My Name.
6. The process of Americanization encouragement immigrants to assimilation American
attitudes, cultural, and citizenship.
7. During the previously war, the national defense establish found itself in greatness need of
8. The escalate of hostilities between the two nations has proven far more seriousness than
analyze had previously expected.
9. Social is becoming increasingly dependence on complex computers for the arrange of its
10. If someone has an educator in the humanities, he or she is prepared to deal with
abstractions or complex and to feel comfortably with subtleties of thought.
11. It is possibly to demonstrate that the mathematical odds for success of the program
increase dramatically with the additional of increased financial backing.

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12. It would be fatally for the administration to underestimate the determine of the protesters
to have the new law overturned.

EXERCISES F: Irregular Verb Forms

DIRECTIONS: Fill in the boxes with the correct forms of the verb.
1. VERB PAST PARTICIPLE 36. grew grown
2. beat beaten 37. had had
3. become become 38. hear heard
4. began begun 39. hide hid
5. bet bet 40. hit hit
6. bite bit 41. hold held
7. blow blew 42. hurt hurt
8. break broken 43. keep kept
9. bring brought 44. knew known
10. built built 45. led led
11. buy bought 46. leave left
12. catch caught 47. lent lent
13. chose chosen 48. let let
14. come come 49. lost lost
15. cost cost 50. make made
16. cut cut 51. meant meant
17. dig dug 52. meet met
18. do did 53. pay paid
19. draw drew 54. prove proven
20. drank drunk 55. put put
21. drive drove 56. quit quit
22. eat eaten 57. read read
23. fall fell 58. ride rode
24. fed fed 59. ring rang
25. feel felt 60. rose risen
26. fought fought 61. run ran
27. find found 62. say said
28. fit fit 63. saw seen
29. fly flew 64. sold sold
30. forget forgotten 65. send sent
31. forgive forgave 66. shot shot
32. froze frozen 67. show shown
33. get gotten 68. shut shut
34. give gave 69. sang sung
35. go went 70. sink sunk

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71. tear
sit sat torn
72. slept
told slept
73. speak
think thought
74. spend threw thrown
75. understood
stood understood
76. wear stole stolen
77. swim swam
won won
78. write
take wrote taken
79. teach taught

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