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GRADE - 4-6 | WORKSHEET - Subtraction Master

MODULE - Introduction to Math and Basics of Speed Math

TOPIC : L-R subtraction and negative numbers


• Each question is marked with the Answer Type (Single Answer, Multiple Answer, etc.), answer accordingly.
• Use white space/back-side of the paper for rough work.
• Attend all the questions.

Question 1: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Subtract using L-R method:

1. -8
2. -7
3. -11
4. 9

Answer :

Question 2: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Subtract using L-R method:

1. -38
2. -36
3. -32
4. -37

Answer :

Question 3: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

A turtle laid 766 eggs. If 647 eggs hatched, how many eggs remain unhatched?

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GRADE - 4-6 | WORKSHEET - Subtraction Master

1. 119
2. 118
3. 113
4. 129

Answer :

Question 4: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Subtract using L-R method:

1. -21
2. -17
3. -15
4. -13

Answer :

Question 5: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

John had $189 in his bank account. He spent $126 on a video game. What is John’s bank
balance now?
1. $53
2. $63
3. $73
4. $93

Answer :

Question 6: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

What is the four- digit number that you would add to 1001 to get -1001?
1. -2001
2. -1000
3. -1001
4. -2002

Answer :

Question 7: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Subtract using L-R method:

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GRADE - 4-6 | WORKSHEET - Subtraction Master

1. -24
2. -23
3. -25
4. -21

Answer :

Question 8: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

What will you get on subtracting 311 from 245?
1. -84
2. -102
3. -27
4. -66

Answer :

Question 9: True & False

If you subtract 382 from 113, the result is 269.
1. True
2. False

Answer :

Question 10: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Subtract using L-R method:

1. -13
2. -15
3. -19
4. -14

Answer :

Question 11: True & False

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GRADE - 4-6 | WORKSHEET - Subtraction Master

If you subtract 561 from 172, the result is -362.

1. True
2. False

Answer :

Question 12: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Subtract using L-R method:
−109 − 234
1. -343
2. -321
3. -363
4. -382

Answer :

Question 13: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Subtract using L-R method:
−87 − 198
1. -261
2. -256
3. -263
4. -285

Answer :

Question 14: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Guna was driving a potato lorry with 589 potatoes. He put a brake, 293 potatoes fell down, how
many potatoes remain in the lorry?
1. 196
2. 299
3. 296
4. 266

Answer :

Question 15: Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

Complete Mira’s visualization bubble for -104 - 257.

1. 200
2. -100

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GRADE - 4-6 | WORKSHEET - Subtraction Master

3. -300
4. 100

Answer :


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