ExamResult 322

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Primary Years Programme

2019 - 2020


Grade : PYP 2 - A Roll No.: 19 Gr.No.: 627

“Learners need endless feedback more than they need endless teaching.”
- Grant Wiggins
Evaluation Scale

O OUTSTANDING Learned/is able to use the skills consistently / independently

P PROFICIENT Demonstrates progress in acquiring the skill

E EMERGENT Beginning to show an understanding

N NEEDS STRENGTHENING The skill has not been presented / the student is not ready

Term Total No of Days Days Present Days Absent

Term 1 64 47 17

* Please meet the teacher to clarify.

Transdisciplinary Unit of Inquiry 1 - Term 1
CENTRAL IDEA : Earth’s environment changes through our actions.
Criteria O P E N
Demonstration of Knowledge
- To know the environmental changes, meaning of pollution and its types
Conceptual understanding (Change, Causation, Responsibility)
- Understand and explain different causes of pollution
- Understand and analyze the impact of pollution on the environment
- Understand and suggest ways that contribute towards sustaining and
maintaining healthy environment

Teacher's Comments :
Udit is a cheerful and active child. He manages to express his thoughts clearly in
writing and verbally, both. As an independent learner he ensures to read a lot and
find the answers for his questions. His prolong absenteeism has affected his

Transdisciplinary Unit of Inquiry 2 - Term 1

CENTRAL IDEA : The choices that people make affect our health and well being.
Criteria O P E N
Demonstration of Knowledge
- To know all the aspects of healthy lifestyle
Conceptual understanding (Causation, Responsibility, Reflection)
- Understand and analyse the importance of balanced lifestyle
- Understand and reflect on the impact of each choice one makes
- Understand and evaluate the role of different sources of information that
influences our choice

Teacher's Comments :
Udit as an enthusiastic learner enjoyed the videos and reflected on the situations
given. He is committed to self-growth and makes resolutions to overcome his
flaws. He knows his responsibility towards his behaviour and is striving hard to be
a friendly person. As a lifelong learner he had shown a determination towards
personal fitness by regularly exercising and eating healthy food.
Language1 - English - Term 1
Criteria O P E N
Oral language (listening & speaking)
- Listen appreciatively and responsively
- Summarize, organize thoughts and feelings before speaking
Visual language (viewing & presenting)
- Ability to comprehend the given picture
- Ability to read fluently
- To modulate our voice while reading
- Ability to read simple text using correct pronunciation
- To be audible while reading
- Ability to spell words correctly
- Apply the knowledge of grammar concepts
- Read and comprehend the different text

Teacher's Comments :
Udit is very expressive and clearly audible while sharing his ideas and
understanding. He expresses himself verbally with ease. We must encourage him
to pen down his understanding in a creative form to enhance his writing skills. He
needs to be alert in order to avoid making grammatical or spelling errors. The
importance of neat, legible and organized text needs to be reinforced for him to
write in the same manner.
Math - Term 1
Criteria O P E N
- Represent, read, write, compare and order 3 or 4 digit numbers using the
Base 10 place value system in various forms
- Understand and apply the knowledge of operations
- Read, understand and apply the concept of fraction
- Decode the word problems based on real life situations
Data Handling
- Comprehending the pictographs and interpreting the data

Teacher's Comments :
Udit is a logic smart child. He calculates very fast. He has presented the
understanding of all the mathematical concepts in an exemplary manner. His
questions help to drive the inquiry in a positive manner. His frequent absenteeism
has affected his performance.

Language2 - Hindi - Term 1

Criteria O P E N
Oral (listening & speaking)
- Use oral language to communicate during classroom activities and
- Listen and comprehend
Visual (viewing & presenting)
- Connect visual information with their own experiences to construct their own
Reading & Written
- Read and understand the meaning of self-selected and teacher-selected
texts at an appropriate level
- Connect written codes with the sounds of spoken languages

Teacher's Comments :
]idt SaaMt tqaa p`ya%naSaIla Ca~ hO È EavaNa kaOSala AcCa hO È ]ccaarNa kaOSala ka AByaasa AavaSyak hO È ]sao svar tqaa vyaMjana
ko AByaasa kI AavaSyakta hO È [sako ilae hFto maoM dao baar saBaI svar tqaa vyaMjanaaoM ko saulaoKna tqaa vaacana ka AByaasa AavaSyak
hO È maa~aAaoM ko &ana maoM kuSalata panao ko ilae inayaimat AQyayana krnaa AavaSyak hO È
Visual Art - Term 1
Criteria O P E N
- Illustrate understanding of art process (layout/ proportion)
- Able to use appropriate colour scheme (colouring technique)
- Capable of using appropriate line, shape (basic skills)

Teacher's Comments :
Udit contributes actively in the class discussion as he always shares creative
ideas to his peers. He needs to consider and work on the feedback given to him.
He should be encouraged to work patiently in order to present a neat and
organized art work.

Information & Communication Technology - Term 1

Criteria O P E N
- Ability to investigate information
- Ability to apply knowledge and skills to organize and create suitable
- Ability to communicate using a range of formats for varied purposes
- Ability to be digitally responsible and practice integrity and honesty

Teacher's Comments :
Udit always clarifies his doubts and participates actively in the class discussions.
He applies his ICT skills to create and work on documents using word processor.
He is encouraged to enhance his creativity by generating new ideas and applying
them in his work.

Performing Arts (Music) - Term 1

Criteria O P E N
- Create a musical sequence using known musical elements (for example:
Beat, rhythm, melody)
- Ability to recognize high pitch and low pitch
- Ability to sing a song on the correct pitch and timing

Teacher's Comments :
Udit is a knowledgeable child and loves to inquire. He has demonstrated a very
good control over rhythmic patterns. He is able to perform a given rhythm with
good timing and confidence. He is also able to easily identify between high and
low notes.
Physical Education - Term 1
Criteria O P E N
- Ability to demonstrate understanding of rules of various games, sports &
- Ability to develop the gross motor skills
- Ability to show a positive attitude towards all physical activities

Teacher's Comments :
Udit as a risk taker, he never hesitates to explore new situations, challenges or
roles. He has performed Suryanamaskar as per the given instruction. He has
demonstrated good understanding of general and specific exercises. We need to
encourage him to be more open-minded while playing in group.

Performing Arts (Dance) - Term 1

Criteria O P E N
- Performs combinations of locomotor and non-locomotor movements
- Uses repetition and rehearsal to improve performance
- Demonstrates a variety of spatial relationships within a group

Teacher's Comments :
Udit is good student. He learns at a good space. He needs to be encouraged to
practice the steps again and again so that he remembers them for a longer period
of time. He can get better with his expressions.
THE AGS LEARNING PROFILE - IB Students at AGS strive to

Teacher's Comments :
Udit is a knowledgeable child as he shows keen interest to explore and
understand more by reading books. He understands the need to balance his
personal, physical and mental health by making correct choices. He is caring
towards his peers. Being reflective, he makes thoughtful decisions.

Date : 21st September, 2019

* It is an e-copy report. To validate the same signature from the Head Of Schools and school
stamp is needed.

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