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Animals Are Moral Creatures,

Scientist Argues
1. Who was the speaker/author? What is their background?
• Tia Ghose - Tia is the managing editor and was previously a senior writer for Live
2. What are the important points mentioned by the speaker or author?
• The author elaborated that “Animals are owed a certain kind of respect that they
wouldn't be owed if they couldn't act morally,” which only implies that like human
beings, animals also have morals.
3. What are the ideas introduced? How did the speaker/author develop the ideas mentioned?
• The ideas mentioned on the article is that animals have a moral compass, and also feel
emotions such as love, grief, outrage and empathy.
4. What are the progressions of the speech or article? Was the intent or objective clear?
• The article started with the smooth and catchy introduction then began to state the
author’s opinion and stand on the mentioned issue. With that, the intent, objective,
and the message of the author and her article was clearly conveyed.
5. Do you agree with the ideas and points mentioned by the speaker/author? Do you have any
• Yes, I totally agree on the ideas and points mentioned by the author. I am also an animal
lover and I firmly believe that they also have morals like humans.
6. Were you able to relate the discussions in the video/article with your personal experience?
• I honestly do not have personal experiences regarding the issue mentioned on the
article. But as a Christians, it is important for me to value lives, such as living creatures
like the animals.

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