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K-W-L Chart

Fill in the first two columns before you do your research. Fill in the last column after finishing your

Topic: Deductive and Inductive

What I know (K) What I want to Know (W) What I learned (L)
What I know about the What things I want to know Deductive is when the student
grammar about the grammar learn from the explanation with
formulas by the teacher.
The grammar is a topic that the I want to know how I can order Deductive the teacher explain
students need to know to speak with accuracy the adjectives, with rules the grammar.
a language with correct words adverbs in english language. I
in writing. With grammar you want to know how I can speak Inductive is when the student
can do a better speak of a more fluently the englisn learn by himself with a little
language because you can see language. guide by the teacher without
with visual help formulas.

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