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Unit VI Physical Activity &

Leadership Training
Learning Objectives

• Leadership Qualities & Role of a Leader

• Creating leaders through Physical Education
• Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports (Rock Climbing,
Tracking, River Rafting, Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding)
• Safety measures to prevent sports injuries
Leadership is set of skills with an aim to ‘lead’ or guide other
individuals, teams, or entire organisations. Leaders help themselves
and others to do the right things in order to achieve the set goal. They
set direction, build an inspiring vision and create something new.
Leadership is about mapping out where you need to go to “Win” as a
team or an organisation; and it is dynamic, exciting and inspiring.
Leaders use management skills to guide their people to the destination
of the organization, without any hitch. Progress of the society, group or
institution depends upon leadership. According to H.T. Hazumdar, “The
leader is one who has power in authority.” According to Dr. P.M.
Joseph, “Leadership is the quality which enables the person to take
initiative and guide others in performing a required task.” Definition of
leadership in a physical education context suggests, “Leadership is any
behaviour that influences the actions and attitudes of others to achieve
certain results.”
• Leadership involves: Establishing a clear vision. Sharing that vision
with others so that they can follow it willingly. Providing the
information, knowledge and methods to realise the vision; and
Coordinating and balancing the conflicting interests of all members. A
leader rises up to the times of crises and is able to think and act
creatively in difficult situations. Leadership involves personal
relationships, setting examples, motivation of the team and
encouragement of members.
Qualities Of A Good Leader
• The Trait theory suggests that leaders are born with their leadership
qualities. The Social learning theory states that leaders learn to use
their skills to meet the demands of the situation.
• The 2 main objectives of leadership first is to obtain the position of
leadership to which he aspires and secondly leader must be
concerned with the welfare of his followers. Leaders usually emerge
from within a group by their talent and qualities. Or they are selected
by the teachers/ coaches etc. The qualities usually present in a leader
include: Good communication skills, Enthusiasm, High motivation,
Vision of the task in hand, High ability, Confident, Hardworking,
willing to do everything, Alert, Farsightedness, logical, decision maker,
Moral and Ethical
• Honesty: One of the leadership qualities that define a good leader is
honesty. When you are responsible for a team of people, it is important to
be straightforward.
• Delegate:Regardless of the situation and position you are in, always
remember that you can’t do everything on your own. Good leaders
recognise that delegation does more than simply passing the task to
someone else. It is trusting and believing that your tem members are able
to handle the task given to them.
• Confidence:-To be an effective leader, you should be confident enough to
ensure that other follow your commands. If you are unsure about your
own decisions and qualities, then your subordinates will never follow you.
• Inspire Others:-Probably the most difficult job for a leader is to persuade
others to follow. It can only be possible if you inspire your followers by
setting a good example. When the going gets tough, they look up to you
and see how you react to the situation. If you handle it well, they will
follow you. As a leader, should think positive and this positive approach
should be visible through your actions. Stay calm under pressure and keep
the motivation level up
• Respect:Treating people with respect on a daily basis is one of the
most important things a leader can do. It will ease tensions and
conflict, create trust, and improve effectiveness. Respect is more than
the absence of disrespect, and it can be shown in many different
• Decision-Making Capabilities: Apart from having a futuristic vision, a
leader should have the ability to take the right decision at the right
time. Decisions taken by leaders have a profound impact on masses.
A leader should think long and hard before taking a decision but once
the decision is taken, stand by it.
• Empathy: Leaders should develop empathy with their followers.
Unfortunately, most leaders follow a dictatorial style and neglect
empathy altogether.
• Emotional Intelligence: Good leaders always have higher influence
but how do they increase their influence on the point where people
accept what they say. They do this by connecting with people
emotionally. That is where emotional intelligence comes into play.
i. Here are some of the reasons why a leader should be emotionally intelligent.
ii. Manage emotions effectively
iii. Better social awareness
iv. Seamless communications
v. Conflict Resolution
• Vision and Purpose: Good leaders always have a vision and purpose.
They not only visualize the future themselves but also share their
vision with their followers. When their followers were able to see the
big picture, they can see where they are heading.
• Good Communicator :Until you clearly communicate your vision to
your team and tell them the strategy to achieve the goal, it will be
very difficult for you to get the results you want. Simply put, if you are
unable to communicate your message effectively to your team, you
can never be a good leader. A good communicator can be a good
leader. Words have the power to motivate people and make them do
the unthinkable.
• Problem Solving:-“One leadership quality of a great leader is the
ability to solve problems. Leaders face challenges all of the time so
they must be able to assess the challenge, find possible solutions (and
consequences associated with those solutions), and select the best
possible solution.
• Acceptance of Failure and Success
Role of a Leader

Leadership is the action of leading people or team towards achieving

goals. There are five important roles that a leader must play:
1. Communication:- The most effective leaders use all levels of
communication to reach out to fellow students, staff, team mates,
junior, senior etc.. They should proactively encourage the exchange
of information within the organization. All communication weather
written or verbal. Leaders should also develop the skill to actively
listen to others, including those with opposing views. They should
carefully and thoughtfully make corrections as the need arises.
2. Thinker:-An effective leader should analyze and think wisely
i. Learn the strength and weakness of the team.
ii. Think how to motivate all to work as a team.
iii. Make understanding with the team to form the tactics and strategy
with the team members.
iv. Be aware of and respond to the behavior of current and potential
3. Decision Maker: Developing consistent approach to the information
is imperative to effective decision making. A leader must consider the
impact of choices before he makes important decisions and should
think prior to implementations of these decisions.
4. Team Builder:- Effective team building depends upon ensuring that
individuals and teams are kept informed, of plans developments and
issues that will effect them and the way they do their work as a leader.
Team – building helps its members to understand and meaningfully
contribution for the team . An effective team – builder encourages and
empowers team members to excel and provides the necessary support
and timely feedback.
5. Image Builder: A consistent integrity , professionalism builds the
kind of image that supports professional achievement and employee
support. They must also work with open minded , responsive and
supportive way , to the need of the individuals as well as the team .
Creating leaders through Physical Education
“Leadership is the behaviour that affects the behaviour of the people
more than their behaviour affects that of a leader.” —La-Pierre
Leadership quality is about leading people in a family, society, tribe,
group or country. Leadership is the basis of the assessment of an
individual. Everyone is a leader. They vary in responding to a situation
or crisis. Everyone rises to situation but in different ways. But if the
action is well thought out, the result is good. If one guides a group
selflessly and works for their betterment, he is eventually considered to
be a leader. Any country, society or tribe is in need of a leader who can
lead their people towards betterment. Field of physical education is no
exception. They also need leaders to achieve their goal. So a teacher
with good leadership quality is needed in every school for their physical
education curriculum to be carried on with success.
In the field of physical education, leadership is also required to ensure
continuous growth and vitality of the profession. It is a critical situation
that leaders emerge from among students now preparing for this
profession. If leaders emerge, the profession of physical will expand
and prosper. But if leaders do not emerge, the profession of physical
education will become worse. Indeed, leadership is the art of
influencing people to work together in the achievement of
professionals as well as personal goals.
Types of Leadership It is a well-known fact that all people are not alike.
Every two person differ from each other in several ways in their
qualities. Similarly, leaders differ from each other in several respects.
Their aims are different. Their methods and techniques are different.
For example, Mahatma Gandhi used the weapons of ‘non-violence’ and
‘satyagraha’ to get freedom from British slavery, while leaders like
Subhash Chandra Bose, Chander Shekhar Azad did not follow Mahatma
Gandhi’s path. Subhash Chander Bose organized ‘Azad Hind Fauz’ to
fight against the British Government and Chander Shekhar Azad
adopted the path of violence. Some leaders work for the social
upliftment and some work for the expansion of religion. But there are
some leaders who use the group for their own ends.
Meaning, objectives & types of Adventure Sports
(Rock Climbing, Tracking, River Rafting,
Mountaineering, Surfing and Para Gliding)
Meaning of Adventure Sports
• Adventure sports have been around for thousands of years, though they haven’t always
exactly been considered sports.
• The definition of adventure sports: They are thrilling, adventurous and death defying feats
accomplished with a sporting mind-set. Some require more athletic ability than others but
all adventure sports require a strong mental attitude. Adventure Sports is a popular term for
certain activities perceived as having a high level of inherent danger. These activities often
involve speed, height, a level of physical exertion and highly specialized gear. While use of
the term “Adventure Sports” has spread far and wide to describe a multitude of different
activities, exactly which sports are considered “Adventure Sports” is debatable. There are
however several characteristics common to most adventure sports.
• Activities categorized as Adventure Sports differ from traditional sports due to the higher
numbers of inherently uncontrollable variables. These variables are frequently weather and
terrain related, including wind, snow, water and mountains. Because these national
phenomena cannot be controlled, they inevitably affect the outcome of the given activity or
event. An adventure is an exciting or unusual experience. It may also be a bold, usually risk
undertaking with an uncertain outcome. Adventures may be activities with some potential
for physical danger such as sky diving, mountain climbing, river rafting or participating in
extreme sports. The term also broadly refers to any enterprise that is potentially fraught
with physical, financial or psychological risk, such as a business venture or other major life
The term also broadly refers to any enterprise that is potentially fraught with
physical, financial or psychological risk, such as a business venture or other
major life undertakings.
Adventurous experiences create psychological arousal which can be
interpreted as negative e.g. fear or positive e.g. flow and which can be
detrimental as stated by the Yerkes-Dodson-law. For some people, adventure
becomes a major pursuit, an end by itself. Outdoor adventurous activities are
typically undertaken for the purposes of recreation or excitement, e.g.
adventure racing and adventure tourism. Adventurous activities can also
lead to gains in knowledge, such as those undertaken by explorers and
pioneers. Adventure education intentionally uses challenging experiences for
learning. Adventure Sports are defined as activities where there is a high
degree of risk to the participant. These sports require more athletic ability
than others but it is a fact that all adventure sports need a strong mental
attitude. Adventure Sports have been best defined as outdoor sports or
activities in which the participant competes in a national environment, more
against them than against others.
Objectives of Adventure Sports
The main Objective of the Adventure Sports is to provide a carefully planned stimulating
environment which will provide each individual an excellent foundation for creative
learning and independence.
The different objectives of the Adventure Sports are given below:
Educate the Individuals for Outdoor Activities: One of the objectives of outdoor sports is
to expose the individuals to the outdoor and adventure sports, inculcate the spirit of
adventure and educate them of the evils of deforestation and quarrying, imbibe the
attitude of give and take and encourage learning through observation.
To Have Bonding with Nature: Adventure sports are outdoor activities which give
individuals a chance to experience Nature very closely. The individuals come closer to
Nature. They have bonding with Nature and surrounding environment which provides
exposure to natural environment.
To Encourage Creativity: Another objective of adventure sports is to encourage creativity
in individuals. Sports of this kind encourage creativity in the innovation of new maneuvers
and in the different ways of execution of existing techniques.
To Develop the Concentration: Another important objective of adventure sports is to
develop concentration in the participants. An individual gets a series of absorbing
experiences by participating in adventure sports.
To Improve Social Relationship: Another objective of adventure sports is to
improve social relations among the participants who take part in adventure
activities. These adventure sports like trekking, hiking, mountaineering and
camping etc. provide sufficient opportunities to improve social relations. The
participants develop the qualities of helpfulness, adjustment, unity, sincerity
and patience.
Moulding Children’s Character: Outdoor group activities and Nature
awareness have an inherent advantage in moulding a child’s character. A
good adventurer automatically becomes a good human being and a good
human being becomes a good citizen.
Arena for Assessing Individual’s Capabilities: Outdoor presents the best
arena for the individual to assess his own capabilities and limitations by
participating in the outdoor activities.
To Develop Mental and Physical Fitness: One of the important objectives of
adventure sports is to develop mental and physical fitness in the individual.
Sometimes in dangerous moments, the climber uses his mental sharpness to
avoid any problem and physical fitness helps in reaching the goal.
Types of Adventure Sports
Water–Based Adventure Sports Water enthusiasts can be found enjoying boating,
kayaking, swimming and other leisure pursuits along the country’s waterways. However,
those who are looking for adventure can be found actively seeking new and exciting ways
to enjoy this natural resource. Kayaking and white-water rafting are just two types of water
based adventure sports. For a true adventure, attempt stand-up paddling. Paddlers bring
the influence of surfing to paddling sports while trying to navigate the rapids and avoid
obstacles. Yacht racing and sailing adventures are options for those who prefer team based
Land based Adventure Sports The popularity of the X Games has introduced many sports
fans to the thrills and spills of adventure sports, particularly land based activities, such as
BMX, or bicycle motocross. In BMX, athletes take biking to a new level by attempting
extreme combinations of runs, jumps and tricks. Mountain sports, such as snowboarding,
have been taken to new extremes with the addition of downhill racing events. Events and
activities, such as climbing the Mt. Everest, are modelled around adventures that test your
will, endurance and stamina, while pushing you to the limits. Trail marathons, rock climbing
and base jumping are other options in the world of land-based adventure sports.
Other Adventure Sports Adventure isn’t limited to rushing water or grueling land pursuits.
Sky is the limit when it comes to tempting fate and seeking the rush and thrill of adventure
sports. For those seeking a thrill without the inspiration of athletic endeavors, bungee
jumping and skydiving can fit the bill. True adventure sports enthusiasts can also
participate in an adventure sports known as skydive skyjacking. Combination races, such as
the eco-challenge race, combine adventure sports such as rock climbing, white water
rafting and mountain biking are some other adventure sports.
Rock Climbing

Rock Climbing Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up and

down or across natural formations or artificial rock walls. The goal is to reach the
summit of a formation or the end point of a pre-defined route without failing. To
successfully complete a climb, one must return to the base of the route safely.
Owing to the length and extended endurance required, accidents are more likely to
happen on descent than ascent. Rock climbing competitions have the objective of
completing the route in the quickest possible time. Rock climbing is a physically
and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber’s strength,
endurance, agility and balance along with mental control. It can be a dangerous
sport and knowledge of proper climbing techniques and usage of specialised
climbing equipment is crucial for the safe completion of routes. Rock climbing is
not only an Olympic event. Rock climbing is recognised by the International
Olympic Committee as a sport.
Most of the climbing done in modern times is considered free climbing—climbing using one’s own
physical strength, with equipment used solely as protection and not as support as opposed to aid
climbing, the gear dependent form of climbing that was dominant in the sports earlier days.
The types of different climbing are:
Aid Climbing: This is the most popular method of climbing big walls. Aid climbers make progress up
a wall by repeatedly placing and weighing gear that is used directly to aid ascent and enhance
Free Climbing: This is most commonly used method to ascend climbs where the climber’s own
physical strength and skill are relied to accomplish the climb. Free climbing may rely on top rope
relay systems, or on lead climbing to establish protection and the belay stations. Anchors, ropes
and protections are used to back up the climbers.
Bouldering: Climbing on short, low routes without the use of the safety rope that is typical of most
other styles. Protection, if used at all, typically consists of a cushioned bouldering pad below the
route and a spotter, a person who watches from below and directs the fall of the climber away
from hazardous areas.
Free Soloing: Free soloing is a single person climbing without the use of any rope or protection
system whatsoever. If a fall occurs, the climber is likely to be killed or seriously injured. The term
“high ball” is used to refer to climbing on the boundary between free soloing and bouldering
where what is usually climbed as a boulder problem may be high enough for a fall to cause serious
injury and hence could also be considered to be a free solo.

A trek is a long, adventurous journey undertaken on foot in areas

where common means of transport are generally not available.
Trekking should not be confused with mountaineering. Trekking is
combination of hiking and walking activity in which, people take multi-
days trips in rural, underdevelopment area. In other words, trekking is
making a journe trip on foot, especially to hike through mountainous
areas often for multiple days and along lovely mountain villages and
enjoying Nature or close contact with people in Remote Mountain
villages where lifestyle sometimes is unchanged for many generations.
Trekking is also done in risky mountain areas or in remote area.
Type of Trek

• Easy: Trekkers without previous experience are offered a diverse range of

easy treks. The easy trek involves no difficult climbing or ascent to high
altitudes and is usually less than a week suitable for everyone.
• Moderate: Moderate treks are more challenging than easy ones and are
suitable for any trekker looking it’s a bit more energetic. These types of
treks are generally for 10 days walking up and down and climbing to higher
• Strenuous: Only Trekkers with some previous mountain walking experience
should undertake medium hard treks. These treks ascend to high altitudes
and involve some steep climbing.
• : Difficult or Hard treks are suitable only for real adventure seekers.
SDifficultome steep ascents to high altitudes with the possibility of rope
climbing are involved in these types of treks. Trekkers need endurance to
complete 20-40 days hard trek.
River Rafting
The term “white water” has a broader meaning applying to river or creek
itself that has a significant number of rapids.
River rafting is also one of the major activities of adventure sports. River
rafting became a popular adventure sport during the mid-1970s. It is a very
challenging sport. Thrilling sport bumping and swirling over the rushing
water spontaneously makes river rafting a thrilling sport.
There are many rafting competitions which are held around the world. River
rafting gives a complete detachment from the normal world.
Classification of White Water
The most widely used grading system is the International Scale of River
Difficulty. White water is classed in six categories from Class I, the easiest to
Class VI, the most difficult and most dangerous. The grade reflects both the
technical difficulty and the danger associated with a rapid. Grade I refers to
flat or slow moving water with few hazards and Grade VI refer to the hardest
rapids which are very difficult.

• Mountaineering or climbing mountains is simply one of the finest outdoor

opportunities available to the lovers of high places. Mountain climbing is all about
challenge and perseverance, about putting hands and feet onto rocks ice and
snow and finally reaching a summit. There, high above the world of cities and
civilization, the climber can pause and look across a natural world ruled by Nature
and at her raw beauty. There is no doubt that mountaineering is a difficult and
dangerous sports activity but even then it is also thought that it is a reward to
have beautiful natural views at the summit.
• Mountain climbing is like rock climbing, a risky activity and not to be taken lightly,
no matter how easy or hard your chosen peak might seem. Rockfalls and
avalanches sweep down mountain faces. Lightning streaks can strike out of a
clear sky. Thunderstorms quickly form and drench you with rain and sleet. It is
dangerous to climb a mountain and we should always be alert while climbing.

• The term surfing refers to the act of riding a wave regardless of whether
the wave is ridden with a board or without a board and regardless of the
stance. Surfing is a surface water sport in which the wave rider, referred to
as a surfer, rides on the forward or deep face of a moving wave, which is
usually carrying the surfer towards the shore. Waves suitable for surfing
are primarily found in the ocean, but can also be found in lakes or in rivers
in the form of a standing wave or tidal bore.
• Three major subdivisions within standing up surfing are long boarding and
short boarding and these two have several major differences, including the
board design and length, the riding style, and the kind of wave that is
ridden. In how surfing, a motorized water vehicle, such as a personal water
craft, tows the surfer into the wave front, helping the surfer match a large
wave’s speed, which is generally a higher speed than a self-propelled surfer
can produce.
The Geniuses Book of World Record
recognised a 78 feet (23.8m) Wave
ride by Grassett Mc Namara at
Para Gliding
• Para gliding is a recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying
paragliders; light weight, free flying, foot launched glider aircraft with
no rigid primary structure. The pilot sits in a harness suspended
below a fabric wing comprising a large number of interconnected
baffled cells. Wing shape is maintained by the suspension lines, the
pressure of air entering vents in the front of the wing, and the
aerodynamics forces of the air flowing over the outside.
• Despite not using an engine, paragliders flight can last many hours
and cover many hundreds of kilometres, although flights of one to
two hours and covering some tens of kilometres are more the norm.
By skilful exploitation of sources of lift, the pilot may gain height,
often climbing to attitudes of a few thousand meters.
Sports injuries are the jewel for sports persons/athletes, they cannot be eliminated
from players life. Any practice session individual can get injury may be internal or
external, which need to be managed and proper measure to be taken to avoid
1.Warming up: A pre exercise warm up can have many beneficial effects one of it is
safety from sports injuries. So, any exercise or practice session should start with
warm up.
2. Limbering down: Lowering down the intensity of the workout/training session/
competition by performing stretching exercise followed by deep breathing and will
help in preventing sports injuries.
3. Proper playing surface: Playing surface should be specific according to the game
and sport the individual is playing otherwise the sports injuries will increase.
4. Adherence to the rules: To prevent injury listening to referee, umpires is
important along with following the rules of the game/sport.
5. Protective Sports equipment: Very important to prevent sports injuries the
proper use of sports equipment's, sports kits and any specific protective gear like in
cycling, cricket, ice hockey, skating etc.
6. Physical condition/fitness: Fitness of an individual is very necessary to prevent
sports injuries as more the sports athlete fit or individual is fit less injury prone
he/she will be.
7. Correct techniques: Skill to be learnt and performed properly with proper
techniques to avoid any kind of sports injuries.
8. Environmental factors: Difficult environment such as rain, thunder, storm may
affect the playing conditions and make players more prone to sports injuries
9. Posture: Adequate posture for neuro muscular coordination so that no injuries
10. New or increased activity: If starting with new activity or increasing the load
of the sport player already playing he/she should be careful not to get too tired or
fatigued that they get injured.
11. Balanced diet: Eating Balanced and nutritional diet is necessary to avoid
sports injuries.
Thank You

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