Ayesha Kamran

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Sap I’D:11500

What is the scope of Pakistan studies and why Pakistan
studies considered as important subject?

Pakistan's Study was introduced as a compulsory subject at the
secondary and higher secondary level at the beginning of 1980. The
main purpose of the subject was to promote about history, culture, and
geography of Pakistan and to inculcate patriotism in the hearts of
students so that they may become a good citizen.

There are also larger multinational and multicultural organizations that

provide pluralist platforms for the discussions and debates on Pakistan
Studies within the wider contexts of Asia.

It is also taught as a degree course at most of the Social Science

departments in many universities. There are also university
departments dedicated to the education and research in Pakistan
According to the historian Professor Mubarak Ali, textbook reform in
Pakistan began with the introduction of Pakistan Studies and Islamic
studies by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto in 1971 into the national curriculum as
compulsory subject. Former military dictator Gen Zia-ul-Haqq under a
general drive towards Islamization, started the process of historical
revisionism in earnest and exploited this initiative. 'The Pakistani
establishment taught their children right from the beginning that this
state was built based on religion – that's why they don't have tolerance
for other religions and want to wipe-out all of them.

Its introduction as a separate mandatory subject aimed to create

patriotism among the youth and awareness of Pakistan ideology.

In Pakistan Studies we study the struggle of Pakistan which is the

Pakistan Movement. It informs about the sacrifices that Indian Muslims
made and the challenges they faced in the struggle of Pakistan.
Moreover, it tells about the leadership of the Pakistan movement and
their struggle for Pakistan.

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